Majority of debtors to US hospitals now people with health insurance

If I'm going to pay for insurance it MAKES PERFECT sense that I don't pay thousands for routine care. That's why people pay for it. It makes zero sense to pay for insurance and never get care covered. Let insurance pay for my colonoscopy. It IS their duty.
But if someone wants to write a policy that doesn't cover colonoscopies, and someone else wants to buy into that policy, they should be allowed to do that, right? Or are you saying there should be laws that force them to cover everything for everyone?
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Are you a professional fact-checker for CNN?

Cuz that's the stupid ass shit they do...add some bullshit that NO ONE said so they can call something fake news.

The thread is about medical bills and bankruptcy...not a single syllable of "individual" was mentioned by anyone.

Now feel free to fuck straight the fuck off , lying hag.
No, asshole but I am a professional insurance person and know 100% more than you will ever know and the only plans that have a $10,000.00 deductibles are not ACA aka obamacare or following the ACA laws. Why all of a sudden are you maga's wanting free shit. Pay you're fucking share and maybe the insurance premium's would come down.

Caveat: I suppose employer self funded plans could have a $10,000 deductible.
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But if someone wants to write a policy that doesn't cover colonoscopies, and someone else wants to buy into that policy, they should be allowed to do that, right? Or are you saying there should be laws that force them to cover everything for everyone?
He don't know what he wants.
Reading this thread leads me to believe many may have signed up themselves on the marketplace and didn't under a thing they were doing or your employer's screwed you (if that is the way you look at it) and want's you to pay out of pocket for little things.

Or could be you want something for free when it suits your needs.

Truly dystopian. It must be terrifying to live under this threat even when you pay a lot for insurance.
Meanwhile the number of people in the uk with medical debt is steady at 0.
Thoughts and prayers.
If I understand you correctly, you're saying that Obamacare sucks.
We need Medicare for ALL.
You'll love it, da gub'mit gives you this card , walk into any pharmacy , and they'll give you any amount of snake oil to shut you're old a** up....
You are a cynical man Sparky.
I earned it Tommy
Treatment is a drag on profits
more the other way round here...


You'll love it, da gub'mit gives you this card , walk into any pharmacy , and they'll give you any amount of snake oil to shut you're old a** up....

I earned it Tommy

more the other way round here...

View attachment 886987

There is so much truth in that, a picture is worth a thousand words.

You go for a routine check up. Next thing you know, the doc said there is something wrong with you despite you are feeling fine. Doc prescribes you sone meds. You pay for meds. You return to see doc a month later and doc said you continue with meds and another additional med needed. You stress out thinking something is wrong with you. You spend and spend on meds and procedures. Next thing you know, you owe $10,000 in medical bills. Your stress level is escalating. This time with financial stress added.

I've seen this shit happening all the time.

It's a shame. Democrats used to admonish pharmaceuticals and stand up for the little people until covid came along.
No, asshole but I am a professional insurance person and know 100% more than you will ever know and the only plans that have a $10,000.00 deductibles are not ACA aka obamacare or following the ACA laws. Why all of a sudden are you maga's wanting free shit. Pay you're fucking share and maybe the insurance premium's would come down.

Caveat: I suppose employer self funded plans could have a $10,000 deductible.
Sorry crusty old cùnt, but I don't talk out of my ass ...


And before you hack up "but but but individual!"...I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT INDIVIDUALS...YOU DID.
I've seen this shit happening all the time.
so have i Drudge

we're a pill poppin' nation who's pharmacabal makes those south American drug lords look like pikers

that hippa cut one's local pharmacist out of the pix was by design

now a gaggle of perscriptionists, many of whom may not even be doctors can impart their snake oils w/out any pivotal entity vetting them collectively

end result>

You'll love it, da gub'mit gives you this card , walk into any pharmacy , and they'll give you any amount of snake oil to shut you're old a** up....
I'm thinking it would likely work better than this.
That's Obama for you. This is just the reprise of the colossal failure of LBJ's War on Poverty ,which increased poverty drastically.
It's all there in clinical but sad detail in Amity Shlaes study.

But Thomas Sowell saw through the Democrats a long time ago. Most people don't know the facts about govt attacks on Blacks

Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%].

And what about abortion? Utter disaster
The plan was to eliminate Blacks !!
" “Since the number of current living blacks(in the U.S.) is 31 million, the missing 10 million representsan enormous loss for, without abortion, America’s blackcommunity would now number 41 million persons. It wouldbe 35 percent larger than it is currently. Abortion has swept through the black community cutting down every fourth member"

The prevalence of abortion facilities within minority communities serves as amajor contributor to the rate in whichblack women obtain abortions.Accordingly, black women are 5 times more likely to have an abortion than white women. A recent study released by Protecting Black Life, an outreach of LifeIssues Institute concluded that, “79% ofPlanned Parenthood’s surgical abortionfacilities are strategically located within walking distance of African and/orHispanic communities.

Bravo. In a thread about how people can't afford health care you still find a way to blame everything on blacks.
Thats because we pay for the uninsured illegal immigrants. It raises our rates and we go into debt while the illegals dont pay a fucking cent for their care. Illegals never have to worry about medical debt.
Are you suggesting that immigrants are denied healthcare ?
No, asshole but I am a professional insurance person and know 100% more than you will ever know and the only plans that have a $10,000.00 deductibles are not ACA aka obamacare or following the ACA laws. Why all of a sudden are you maga's wanting free shit. Pay you're fucking share and maybe the insurance premium's would come down.

Caveat: I suppose employer self funded plans could have a $10,000 deductible.

Sorry crusty old cùnt, but I don't talk out of my ass ...

View attachment 887068

And before you hack up "but but but individual!"...I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT INDIVIDUALS...YOU DID.

Truly dystopian. It must be terrifying to live under this threat even when you pay a lot for insurance.
Meanwhile the number of people in the uk with medical debt is steady at 0.
Thoughts and prayers.
/-----/ Right on cue Tommy, you fail to grasp the stark difference between the US and UK healthcare. Who do you think is going to pay these premiums? The US needs to reform medical liability laws. If you sue a doctor here and lose, the doctor can't recoup his legal fees. In the UK, as I understand it, the loser pays the other parties legal bill. Yet, every effort to reform medical malpractice has been blocked by a very strong lobby.

The US medical profession is burdened with liability insurance that could choke a horse. The UK isn't. OB/GYNs in Miami-Dade County, Florida pay as high as $226,224 per year. Others professions pay less.

2022 Medical Malpractice Insurance Rates: What the data tells us

All providers combined currently pay an average $50,000 per $1 million in limits, an increase of 22% from $42,000 the previous year. Forty-nine respondents reported paying less than $50,000 for every $1 million in limits, while the other 18
No, im saying they are getting healthcare when they shouldnt be. If they want to be treated in the US, then they need to pay for it themselves.

Don't we want to make sure those processing our food and cleaning our houses are healthy?

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