Majority of debtors to US hospitals now people with health insurance

Truly dystopian. It must be terrifying to live under this threat even when you pay a lot for insurance.
Meanwhile the number of people in the uk with medical debt is steady at 0.
Thoughts and prayers.
Yep. We need far less insurance. Not more.

Truly dystopian. It must be terrifying to live under this threat even when you pay a lot for insurance.
Meanwhile the number of people in the uk with medical debt is steady at 0.
Thoughts and prayers.
That's Obama for you. This is just the reprise of the colossal failure of LBJ's War on Poverty ,which increased poverty drastically.
It's all there in clinical but sad detail in Amity Shlaes study.

But Thomas Sowell saw through the Democrats a long time ago. Most people don't know the facts about govt attacks on Blacks

Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%].

And what about abortion? Utter disaster
The plan was to eliminate Blacks !!
" “Since the number of current living blacks(in the U.S.) is 31 million, the missing 10 million representsan enormous loss for, without abortion, America’s blackcommunity would now number 41 million persons. It wouldbe 35 percent larger than it is currently. Abortion has swept through the black community cutting down every fourth member"

The prevalence of abortion facilities within minority communities serves as amajor contributor to the rate in whichblack women obtain abortions.Accordingly, black women are 5 times more likely to have an abortion than white women. A recent study released by Protecting Black Life, an outreach of LifeIssues Institute concluded that, “79% ofPlanned Parenthood’s surgical abortionfacilities are strategically located within walking distance of African and/orHispanic communities.
Yep. We need far less insurance. Not more.
Don't go inverting the problem !! We have way too many fat and unhealthy kids. Insurance is not to blame though under people like Biden it pretty much destroys the possibility of improving health when you do nothing to make people better but you buy votes by telling them you'll cover their euthanasia
Don't go inverting the problem !! We have way too many fat and unhealthy kids. Insurance is not to blame though under people like Biden it pretty much destroys the possibility of improving health when you do nothing to make people better but you buy votes by telling them you'll cover their euthanasia
Our abuse of insurance, propped by ill-conceived regulatory and tax policy, is very much to blame for spiraling health care prices.
I thought you were covered if you had insurance ?

Our abuse of insurance, propped by ill-conceived regulatory and tax policy, is very much to blame for spiraling health care prices.
If I'm paying for insurance then it's theirvduty to pay for every Dr visit I have. That's not abusing insurance. It's why I pay for it. I live in a rural area. We can't get the experts that are found in the urban areas. That is a massive massive problem. We have to travel 3 hours to get higher quality people. That's an awful inconvenience.
A $5000 deductible is way too much unless one keeps working into their late 50s which hurts the nation.
If I'm paying for insurance then it's theirvduty to pay for every Dr visit I have.
That depends on the policy. I certainly don't want insurance paying for things I can pay for myself. That's idiotic. It's always going to cost more in the long run.
That's not abusing insurance. It's why I pay for it.
Insurance is there to cover you in the event of a catastrophic event that you couldn't recover from financially. It's not meant to be a means of financing something you can't afford. But that's how we're trying to use it. And that doesn't work.
That depends on the policy. I certainly don't want insurance paying for things I can pay for myself. That's idiotic. It's always going to cost more in the long run.

Insurance is there to cover you in the event of a catastrophic event that you couldn't recover from financially. It's not meant to be a means of financing something you can't afford. But that's how we're trying to use it. And that doesn't work.
So medical insurance is only catastrophic? OK then it's a complete ripoff. It should cover both routine and all preventative care.

Truly dystopian. It must be terrifying to live under this threat even when you pay a lot for insurance.
Meanwhile the number of people in the uk with medical debt is steady at 0.
Thoughts and prayers.
I wouldn't allow any of your doctors to treat me.
So medical insurance is only catastrophic?
I'm saying that's the only reasonable approach to health insurance.
OK then it's a complete ripoff. It should cover both routine and all preventative care.
Why? Why should insurance cover things you can pay for yourself? Running all your health care transactions through insurance makes them more expensive, not less. And it drives prices higher. This is, specifically, how we're abusing health insurance. It makes no sense.

Truly dystopian. It must be terrifying to live under this threat even when you pay a lot for insurance.
Meanwhile the number of people in the uk with medical debt is steady at 0.
Thoughts and prayers.
hey asshole....your typical obama plan is 1000 per month with an 8k deductible....that is paying 20k before 1st dollar coverage....fuck you, you son of a bitch
I'm saying that's the only reasonable approach to health insurance.

Why? Why should insurance cover things you can pay for yourself? Running all your health care transactions through insurance makes them more expensive, not less. And it drives prices higher. This is, specifically, how we're abusing health insurance. It makes no sense.
If I'm going to pay for insurance it MAKES PERFECT sense that I don't pay thousands for routine care. That's why people pay for it. It makes zero sense to pay for insurance and never get care covered. Let insurance pay for my colonoscopy. It IS their duty.
There isn't any plan with an individual $18,000 deductible. None, zero and why do you lie?
Are you a professional fact-checker for CNN?

Cuz that's the stupid ass shit they do...add some bullshit that NO ONE said so they can call something fake news.

The thread is about medical bills and bankruptcy...not a single syllable of "individual" was mentioned by anyone.

Now feel free to fuck straight the fuck off , lying hag.
Well it should be expected that most debt would come from people who use Obama care or Trump care

Hospital expenses are insane and most people cannot afford it. So Obama care will pay some of it. If you can't pay the remaining balance then the hospital will try to collect the remaining balance.

Yes the rich can afford it and they pay whatever the hospital charges them. Insurance pays some of it and they can afford to pay the rest.

The people who can't afford it but enrolled in government health care can get some coverage but can also go into debt owing the hospital money.

So this is not unexpected as heath care is expensive.

There are 195 countries on this planet and 152 offer free or universal healthcare to at least 90% of their citizens. The United States does not.

A federal law called the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) requires almost all hospitals to provide emergency medical treatment, regardless of whether the patient has health insurance.

There are exception to this rule

So generally if you have insurance they should treat you. Insurance will pay for some but the rest will be owed by the individual

The other side of it is with no insurance and cannot pay for it then they will not treat you unless it is an emergency.

So it not unexpected that those with health care can be seen and the bill will be outrageous. Insurance will pay some of it and the rest will be debt if the person cannot pay.

Of course the hospital can refuse service if is not an emergency.;

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