Majority of Union Soldiers did NOT Fight to end Slavery but to Preserve the Union

If former Union soldier's could be brought back to life and see the extreme leftist political climate in this nation today in 2020 and the revisionist history being taught in schools and universities, then you could propel them back in time to 1861 with this many would still have joined the Army to fight against the South? I say very few except that minority of abolitionist radicals from New England states.

Evidently so. Even the Union Army was racist...

"In general, the Union army was reluctant to use African-American troops in combat. This was partly due to racism: There were many Union officers who believed that black soldiers were not as skilled or as brave as white soldiers were. By this logic, they thought that African Americans were better suited for jobs as carpenters, cooks, guards, scouts and teamsters."

Black Civil War Soldiers
That's why this revisionist history and agitators protesting law and order and wanting to tear down statues are all part of a communist movement to destroy the Union. Troops in the Union Army would not tolerate Antifa or BLM communist agitators.

They probably would have shot and hanged Antifa and BLM terrorists, like they did the radical John Brown and his bunch.
My family is from eastern Tennessee. They first settled there in the late 1700s. Most where devote Christians. Many fought for the Union because they were abolitionists.

Few people know this, but eastern Tennessee was predominantly pro-Union.

One of my ancestors died fighting for the asshole murderer General Sherman outside Atlanta, at the ripe old age of 19. I have a picture of his headstone somewhere.
General Sherman would be a war criminal by todays definition. Perhaps his statues should come down?

A pretty good read about the atrocities Union troops committed. I wasn't aware that it was so widespread and heinous.

Targeting Civilians - LewRockwell
It was absolutely widespread.
If former Union soldier's could be brought back to life and see the extreme leftist political climate in this nation today in 2020 and the revisionist history being taught in schools and universities, then you could propel them back in time to 1861 with this many would still have joined the Army to fight against the South? I say very few except that minority of abolitionist radicals from New England states.

Evidently so. Even the Union Army was racist...

"In general, the Union army was reluctant to use African-American troops in combat. This was partly due to racism: There were many Union officers who believed that black soldiers were not as skilled or as brave as white soldiers were. By this logic, they thought that African Americans were better suited for jobs as carpenters, cooks, guards, scouts and teamsters."

Black Civil War Soldiers
That's why this revisionist history and agitators protesting law and order and wanting to tear down statues are all part of a communist movement to destroy the Union. Troops in the Union Army would not tolerate Antifa or BLM communist agitators.

They probably would have shot and hanged Antifa and BLM terrorists, like they did the radical John Brown and his bunch.
John Brown was a crazy domestic terrorist.
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If you were alive during the civil war; what side would you have fought on?
Side of Missouri volunteers fighting terrorist Union troops that were raping and pillaging the countryside.
So you’re pro slavery. Shocking
The OP is really a dodge. Lincoln issued the EP after the union "sorta" victory at Antietam (I did a brainlock and said Gettysburg on another thread)

Essentially Lincoln withdrew his offer to let the South keep slaves, and militarily planned to destroy the entire southern economy. The South wasn't interested in a reconcillation, so Lincoln upped the stakes, militarily, morally, and internationally. But Northerners knew what the war was about. There wasn't much "ah ain't gonna fight no more since Lincoln is freeing all them slaves."

After the war, most Northerners were not interested in the plight of the former slaves. And Jim Crow arose. Grant tried to enforce the 14th amendment, but in the end he just didn't have congressional support.
If former Union soldier's could be brought back to life and see the extreme leftist political climate in this nation today in 2020 and the revisionist history being taught in schools and universities, then you could propel them back in time to 1861 with this many would still have joined the Army to fight against the South? I say very few except that minority of abolitionist radicals from New England states.

So what? What's your point?
My family is from eastern Tennessee. They first settled there in the late 1700s. Most where devote Christians. Many fought for the Union because they were abolitionists.

Few people know this, but eastern Tennessee was predominantly pro-Union.

One of my ancestors died fighting for the asshole murderer General Sherman outside Atlanta, at the ripe old age of 19. I have a picture of his headstone somewhere.
General Sherman would be a war criminal by todays definition. Perhaps his statues should come down?

Sherman was a Terrorist. Waging war upon civilians is called Terrorism now days, and our military is fighting a war against Terrorism. But it was OK when the Union army did it.
If former Union soldier's could be brought back to life and see the extreme leftist political climate in this nation today in 2020 and the revisionist history being taught in schools and universities, then you could propel them back in time to 1861 with this many would still have joined the Army to fight against the South? I say very few except that minority of abolitionist radicals from New England states.

So what? What's your point?
I will let Abraham Lincoln answer that. If you would have read an earlier response you would know what my post is about.
meant to leave any one in doubt.

"I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."
- President Lincoln 1862
My family is from eastern Tennessee. They first settled there in the late 1700s. Most where devote Christians. Many fought for the Union because they were abolitionists.

Few people know this, but eastern Tennessee was predominantly pro-Union.

One of my ancestors died fighting for the asshole murderer General Sherman outside Atlanta, at the ripe old age of 19. I have a picture of his headstone somewhere.
General Sherman would be a war criminal by todays definition. Perhaps his statues should come down?
Sherman was a war criminal in his time. A mass murdering thug.
My family is from eastern Tennessee. They first settled there in the late 1700s. Most where devote Christians. Many fought for the Union because they were abolitionists.

Few people know this, but eastern Tennessee was predominantly pro-Union.

One of my ancestors died fighting for the asshole murderer General Sherman outside Atlanta, at the ripe old age of 19. I have a picture of his headstone somewhere.
General Sherman would be a war criminal by todays definition. Perhaps his statues should come down?

Sherman was a Terrorist. Waging war upon civilians is called Terrorism now days, and our military is fighting a war against Terrorism. But it was OK when the Union army did it.
It wasn’t okay. May Sherman burn in Hell for eternity.
If former Union soldier's could be brought back to life and see the extreme leftist political climate in this nation today in 2020 and the revisionist history being taught in schools and universities, then you could propel them back in time to 1861 with this many would still have joined the Army to fight against the South? I say very few except that minority of abolitionist radicals from New England states.

Evidently so. Even the Union Army was racist...

"In general, the Union army was reluctant to use African-American troops in combat. This was partly due to racism: There were many Union officers who believed that black soldiers were not as skilled or as brave as white soldiers were. By this logic, they thought that African Americans were better suited for jobs as carpenters, cooks, guards, scouts and teamsters."

Black Civil War Soldiers
That's why this revisionist history and agitators protesting law and order and wanting to tear down statues are all part of a communist movement to destroy the Union. Troops in the Union Army would not tolerate Antifa or BLM communist agitators.
Communist have nothing to do with it. Stop consuming right wing propaganda.
If you were alive during the civil war; what side would you have fought on?
Side of Missouri volunteers fighting terrorist Union troops that were raping and pillaging the countryside.
So you’re pro slavery. Shocking
The OP is really a dodge. Lincoln issued the EP after the union "sorta" victory at Antietam (I did a brainlock and said Gettysburg on another thread)

Essentially Lincoln withdrew his offer to let the South keep slaves, and militarily planned to destroy the entire southern economy. The South wasn't interested in a reconcillation, so Lincoln upped the stakes, militarily, morally, and internationally. But Northerners knew what the war was about. There wasn't much "ah ain't gonna fight no more since Lincoln is freeing all them slaves."

After the war, most Northerners were not interested in the plight of the former slaves. And Jim Crow arose. Grant tried to enforce the 14th amendment, but in the end he just didn't have congressional support.
EP never freed a single slave and pissed off Union troops and led to draft riots in NYC. In 1862 in a letter to Horace Greeley, Lincoln stated his efforts in the war was to preserve the Union. My post is no "dodge" but fact.
My family is from eastern Tennessee. They first settled there in the late 1700s. Most where devote Christians. Many fought for the Union because they were abolitionists.

Few people know this, but eastern Tennessee was predominantly pro-Union.

One of my ancestors died fighting for the asshole murderer General Sherman outside Atlanta, at the ripe old age of 19. I have a picture of his headstone somewhere.
General Sherman would be a war criminal by todays definition. Perhaps his statues should come down?

Sherman was a Terrorist. Waging war upon civilians is called Terrorism now days, and our military is fighting a war against Terrorism. But it was OK when the Union army did it.

Sorta like the Democrats today, ain't it? Protesting, rioting, arson, looting, and general mayhem is just fine when it's antifa, BLM, eco-terrorists, radical animal rights activists, and radical feminists doing it.

Apparently the rotten apples don't fall far from the family tree.
If you were alive during the civil war; what side would you have fought on?
Side of Missouri volunteers fighting terrorist Union troops that were raping and pillaging the countryside.
So you’re pro slavery. Shocking
The OP is really a dodge. Lincoln issued the EP after the union "sorta" victory at Antietam (I did a brainlock and said Gettysburg on another thread)

Essentially Lincoln withdrew his offer to let the South keep slaves, and militarily planned to destroy the entire southern economy. The South wasn't interested in a reconcillation, so Lincoln upped the stakes, militarily, morally, and internationally. But Northerners knew what the war was about. There wasn't much "ah ain't gonna fight no more since Lincoln is freeing all them slaves."

After the war, most Northerners were not interested in the plight of the former slaves. And Jim Crow arose. Grant tried to enforce the 14th amendment, but in the end he just didn't have congressional support.
EP never freed a single slave and pissed off Union troops and led to draft riots in NYC. In 1862 in a letter to Horace Greeley, Lincoln stated his efforts in the war was to preserve the Union. My post is no "dodge" but fact.
No you may not have slaves. And yes the EP resulted in slaves being freed as Union troops drove DEEP into the South with Sherman.

And two other armies ravaged the Shenandoah Valley and burned Richmond
Lincoln was so against slavery that he married into a prominent slave owning family (Todd).
Lincoln went to court as a lawyer and argued that a runaway slave woman and her children be returned to her rightful slave owner. (Matson slave case).
Lincoln was so against slavery that he married into a prominent slave owning family (Todd).
Lincoln went to court as a lawyer and argued that a runaway slave woman and her children be returned to her rightful slave owner. (Matson slave case).
Lincoln never had any problems with slavery. He was an ardent racist even in his time. He offered the south slavery forever, if they stayed. He planned to deport all blacks in his second term. He was our worst president, yet the power of propaganda makes many think him our greatest president.
If you were alive during the civil war; what side would you have fought on?
Side of Missouri volunteers fighting terrorist Union troops that were raping and pillaging the countryside.
So you’re pro slavery. Shocking
Yeah anyone against Lincoln’s treasonous and murderous war is for slavery,

Correct. According to far right Prager University

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