Majority rule Democrats prove once again, how we got Trump and lose ouu!!

Dems want to cut benefits.
Have not heard that. Did search with argument "democrats recommend cutting military benefits" limited to 30 day results got:

Did it again with any "anytime" to go back longer than 30 days, got:

What I just showed you were the top 2 results, depending on less than month or anytime timeframe.
The only result leaning to what you said was significantly further back than 30 days, and was written by an untrustworthy source. It must be noted, the second article on same page is about "trump extreme budget cuts hurt veterans". It did not happen, but it was definitely Donny that vetoed the Defense Authorization Act in December of 2020 that had the 3% raise and actually ALL Defense spending as a bargaining chip to get control of social media. Mitch Overrode trump veto (for the first time in trump presidential history) instead of letting Donny defund the military. Trading the whole US Military for a twitter post was a non-starter. Even Mitch knew that.
Hey OP, ask yourself why you're not getting any support from your Dimocrat brethren regarding your concern for refugee's flooding our border.
Biden to slowly allow 25,000 people seeking asylum into US
View attachment 456478
All the nation is fighting for vaccines, fighting this pandemic, fighting to survive business losses, fighting to keep their economies solvent, fighting to keep a tyrant from ever running for office again, not to mention white supremacy....and what does the Biden administration plan to do? Release 25 THOUSAND POTENTIAL COVID SPREADERS, UNEMPLOYED, POOR LATINO'S, INTO THE U.S AMIST A PANDEMIC AND WINTRY HELL ACROSS THE COUNTRY!!!
Unfuckin believable. I understand the urgency of wanting to get shit done within his first 100 days, however, does this old stupid white bastard ever try to figure out the landscape FIRST??? Does anybody around him ever sit him down and explain, NOT NOW JOE, NOT NOW?

The first and only thing that should be on this administrations minds, is getting those relief checks into the pockets of the millions upon millions that risk Covid exposure, risk having their votes tossed aside to get you into office in the first fuckin place, IE MINORITIES; AS ALWAYS. That should be priority NUMBER ONE!!! The next thing is getting vaccines into poor urban areas. The only people getting these prized vaccines is white people and the rich. The few areas that sponsor poor people, are out in WHITE FUCKIN AREAS where ppl without cars, without resources can not get to them, fix that shit next and then sign a well funded, fairly distributed infrastructure bill....all in that order. BECAUSE MR BIDEN, IT WAS MINORITIES THAT TOOK YOU TO THE WHITE HOUSE AND STAFFING YOUR ADMINISTRATION WITH BLACK PEOPLE AND FUCKIN WOMEN IS NOT GONNA SATISFY SHA NA NA AND TYRONE...THEY COULD GIVE A DAMN!!

This is how and you heard it here first folks, this how we're gonna lose the majority next time around. For some gotdamn reason, the very people that take Democrats to Washington, time and time and time again, are always the last to reap the rewards of their votes. Obama passed ACA and what did Democrats do afterwards, RUN AS FAR AWAY FROM IT AS POSSIBLE AND HIM. And as a payback, we lost the midterms and both houses.

Democrats must learn, takecare of the people first in this country and then focus on illegals, who by the way, WILL END UP REPUBLICAN IN THE LONG TERM.....will we fuckin ever learn???
i got news for ya pal it is only going to get worse View attachment 456496

I agree. Once he lets all those asylum seeker into the country we will be paying for them. Oh and lets not forget he stopped construction on the funded wall so more illegals will come pouring in. We will pay for them as well. We pay billions for them and will be paying more.

Biden doesn't care that most Americans want all illegals out of our country. He's a jack ass and those that voted for his stupid ass will be regretting it and it won't take long.

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