Make All Drugs Legal.

You're the one who has comprehension problems. What you are talking about is basically instuitionalizing them. That is treating them like criminals. But they're not criminals. Make drugs legal and they won't be criminals at all. Have the government make and distribute those drugs and they wouldn't be supporting cartels or any other criminal organization.

You stupid fuck....
I said the program would be voluntary.
What part of voluntary do you not understand?
If they are addicted, they will steal to get money for drugs if they have to. Though many probably just panhandle. Also, like you, I did drugs in the past. It never caused me to be more apt to commit a crime. In fact, you would be less likely to commit a crime. Because you are high. In a happy place. People feeling that way aren't likely to commit a crime.

Are you implying that people on drugs dont commit crimes because they're high on drugs?
You stupid fuck....
I said the program would be voluntary.
What part of voluntary do you not understand?

I may have missed the "voluntary" part. But that aside, if drugs were legal and the government provided them, they wouldn't have to volunteer for anything. And if they wanted to quit, then they could voluntarily seek help. How that help is given is best left up to the experts.
It wont work with many who shoot COKE and i told you why. Maybe in smoke form? But many may not stop till death?

Thise shooting any drugs will soon have Vein issuues and other medical issues.//
Very complicated to create, stock and hand out free street drugs. Probably a Lawyers dream setup.//
I may have missed the "voluntary" part. But that aside, if drugs were legal and the government provided them, they wouldn't have to volunteer for anything. And if they wanted to quit, then they could voluntarily seek help. How that help is given is best left up to the experts.

I posted that part twice.
Why did I have to post it twice? Apparently you have reading comprehension problems.
Not only that, but have them produced by the government so they would be cheaper than what could be bought from places like mexico. The U.S wants to hurt the cartels? I think the government is making too much money off it to do that. But if they really wanted to do it, that would be the way to do it. I heard that they made drugs legal in Portugal. What happened? Drug use dropped! I did a thread on homelessness and my solution to it. Everybody basically said that the homeless were basically drug addicts and deserved to be where they are. So there was no sense in helping them. Well what do you think of this plan. It worked in Portugal.
Most are unable to view this without looking through the Reefer Madness lens.

How about pure cost benefit view

The ''War on Drugs" started in the early 70s in response to young people smoking pot at college and around protests. The idea being they could destroy the anti-government movements by crushing the drug trade that was driving the movements

Seriously, they thought people opposed the war and segregation because they were on pot.
They figured they could use these new laws to go after the leadership.

Sp, 50 years later, how's that War on Drugs working out? Seriously?

But what if we legalized these drugs and subjected them to the same testing and manufacturing controls that we do aspirin? What would happen?
First, the fentanyl problem would evaporate. People use fentanyl as an alternative when heroine isn't available.
Drug prices would fall. Legalization would eliminate the risk premium of the current market. With lower prices the need to commit crimes (mugging, robbery, burglary, etc.) would go down.
Drug quality and thus safety would improve. No weird/dangerous additives and product delivered would be in safe quantities lowering OD probabilities.
Drug crime? Non existent
Drug gangs? nope
Police abuses reduced

The down side?
People who hate drugs as a matter of faith will be angry.

To me, the reasoning is simple.
Here in California, they legalized marijuana, and set up a structure for taxing and regulating it. The black market for it is thriving more than ever.

It takes a state as corrupt and incompetent as California to legalize a drug, and to fuck up the newly legal market for it to the point that it cannot compete with the illegal black market.
Yes, the black market still thrives in CA because of the model they designed to "legalize" pot, a very poor model.

Recall that in some jurisdictions like NYC with "legal" cigarettes, there is a thriving black market in cigarettes BECAUSE the taxes on cigs is too high. I think similar tax-caused black markets exist elsewhere.

Colorado has a well designed model it seems, but other states have failed to understand what's at stake. Florida's medical model is not a good model either, but it functions.
Very complicated to create, stock and hand out free street drugs. Probably a Lawyers dream setup.//
Where as, (for a couple instances) letting illegals invade our country and letting over 100,000 Americans die from drug overdoses each year takes no effort at all.
Most are unable to view this without looking through the Reefer Madness lens.

How about pure cost benefit view

The ''War on Drugs" started in the early 70s in response to young people smoking pot at college and around protests. The idea being they could destroy the anti-government movements by crushing the drug trade that was driving the movements

Seriously, they thought people opposed the war and segregation because they were on pot.
They figured they could use these new laws to go after the leadership.

Sp, 50 years later, how's that War on Drugs working out? Seriously?

But what if we legalized these drugs and subjected them to the same testing and manufacturing controls that we do aspirin? What would happen?
First, the fentanyl problem would evaporate. People use fentanyl as an alternative when heroine isn't available.
Drug prices would fall. Legalization would eliminate the risk premium of the current market. With lower prices the need to commit crimes (mugging, robbery, burglary, etc.) would go down.
Drug quality and thus safety would improve. No weird/dangerous additives and product delivered would be in safe quantities lowering OD probabilities.
Drug crime? Non existent
Drug gangs? nope
Police abuses reduced

The down side?
People who hate drugs as a matter of faith will be angry.

To me, the reasoning is simple.

I agree. The "war on drugs" only made them cheaper, of higher quality and easier to get.
It's too bad they weren't told that 200,000 people have died from fentanyl in the last two years, and more from overdosing when high. :(

Who wasn't told that. It seems to me that "they" should already know that.

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