Make All Drugs Legal.

Well take another swipe at it. Tell me what it is that you think I didn't answer.

You know you didnt answer the question but I'm sure as hell not going to beg you for one.
It's already clear you dont know what the fuck you're talking about.
Hell,I posted twice that the program would be voluntary and you failed to notice.....twice.
You're a mental midget that much is clear.
WTF does your post even mean?
Do people high on drugs commit crimes or not?
It's a simple yes or no question.

Ok idiot. I think I found what you said I didn't answer. Here is your answer. NO! People who are high on drugs don't commit crimes. At least, not for the most part. Why don't they? Because they're HIGH! Usually when you're high, you're too busy tripping out. On the other hand, when it comes to getting money to buy drugs, committing crimes is a popular way to get the money to do so.
Ok idiot. I think I found what you said I didn't answer. Here is your answer. NO! People who are high on drugs don't commit crimes. At least, not for the most part. Why don't they? Because they're HIGH! Usually when you're high, you're too busy tripping out. On the other hand, when it comes to getting money to buy drugs, committing crimes is a popular way to get the money to do so.

You're a fucken idiot!!
There are plenty of cases where a doped up person committed crimes.
You're a fucken idiot!!
There are plenty of cases where a doped up person committed crimes.

You're the fucking idiot. I have been high probably hundreds of times. Apart from just being drunk. In the past I have on many occasions been high from weed, LSD, mescaline and PCP. And never have those things caused me to want to commit a crime. Now I may have never tried heroin or meth. So I can't say what being high on that might do. But if the government supplied those drugs for free to those who wanted them, what reason would people high on those things have for committing a crime. Because most of the time, people who do those drugs commit crimes to get more.
You're the fucking idiot. I have been high probably hundreds of times. Apart from just being drunk. In the past I have on many occasions been high from weed, LSD, mescaline and PCP. And never have those things caused me to want to commit a crime. Now I may have never tried heroin or meth. So I can't say what being high on that might do. But if the government supplied those drugs for free to those who wanted them, what reason would people high on those things have for committing a crime. Because most of the time, people who do those drugs commit crimes to get more.
Most of the time? No. People on drugs commit crimes because of many reasons, not just to get drugs. An addict on the street will kill someone for their shoes. They want shoes. They steal everything. They attack and murder innocent people because the voices told them to.
There has never been a war on drugs. Singapore had a war on drugs which they won.

You say there has never been a war in drugs. But then you say Singapore won their war on drugs. So how did they win a war that according to you never happened. And how did Singapore "win" their war on drugs.
Most of the time? No. People on drugs commit crimes because of many reasons, not just to get drugs. An addict on the street will kill someone for their shoes. They want shoes. They steal everything. They attack and murder innocent people because the voices told them to.

We don't need to go into crime in general. Somebody may kill you for your shoes for no other reason than they want your shoes. The point raised was people being high on drugs committing crimes.
Alcohol is the worst drug ever yet is legal.

That may be true. But just think if the government gave it for free to anybody who wanted it. Think of all the liquor or party stores that would lose business. Or all the bars that would close down. We could do the same to all the drug cartels. If only our government really wanted to damage the cartels. But I think they just view it as another aspect of capitalism. And in this country, going against capitalism is blasphemy.
You're the fucking idiot. I have been high probably hundreds of times. Apart from just being drunk. In the past I have on many occasions been high from weed, LSD, mescaline and PCP. And never have those things caused me to want to commit a crime. Now I may have never tried heroin or meth. So I can't say what being high on that might do. But if the government supplied those drugs for free to those who wanted them, what reason would people high on those things have for committing a crime. Because most of the time, people who do those drugs commit crimes to get more.

You're preaching to the choir.
I've done every drug out there but heroin and I never committed a crime on drugs either.
That doesnt mean it doesnt happen.
There's been people on PCP that have eaten peoples faces.
People on drugs have been known to attack cops where it takes multiple cops to bring them down.
You'd have to be a complete idiot to say it doesnt happen.
That may be true. But just think if the government gave it for free to anybody who wanted it. Think of all the liquor or party stores that would lose business. Or all the bars that would close down. We could do the same to all the drug cartels. If only our government really wanted to damage the cartels. But I think they just view it as another aspect of capitalism. And in this country, going against capitalism is blasphemy.
Government should just monitor it like they do alcohol.
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We don't need to go into crime in general. Somebody may kill you for your shoes for no other reason than they want your shoes. The point raised was people being high on drugs committing crimes.
That is the point. Drug addicts commit crimes for all kinds of reasons, not just to get drugs.
Who wasn't told that. It seems to me that "they" should already know that.
There could be something going on about their amnesia about fentanyl. If I were the detective, I'd look into the fiscal end of why the hell 200,000 grieving American families who lost a loved one to fentanyl poisoning, to find justice for hundreds of thousands of Americans, plus more if you add the 200,000 best friends of those murdered by the Mexico-chinese effort to kill off the youth of the American people. Are they planning a war against us again? In my state, we remember the Alamo, and it's time we got payback, because there was none back then, and their isn't any right now as 300 Americans a day die due to the Mexican-Chinese decision to kill off our young men and women who are exsperimenting with drugs and don't think the fentanyl deaths apply to them. Addiction is a trip down amnesia lane.

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