Make All Drugs Legal.

Back when I did them, I never used drugs to see how high I could get.
Do you think that means that no one else does?
When I drank, I never drank to see how drunk I could get. In the past I have used LSD, mescaline and PCP on many occasions. I never used any of them to see how high I could get. So I am not naive. I speak from experience.
Anecdotal experience means zip when you're generalizing like you did.
Nobody takes drugs to see how high they can get.
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Nobody takes drugs to see how high they can get. Except for the few who may want to commit suicide, all drug overdoses are accidental. If the government gave out heroin or something similar like laudanum to those who wanted it, they could make sure that they didn't give out enough to kill anybody. And if people had access to that drug, why in the hell would they want to take fentanyl. I am guessing that the high is exactly the same. It's just that with fentanyl, you need far less of it. So the government giving out free heroin to those who want it would kill fentanyl. And doing those things would end the profits that drug cartels are making. Also, you remember what I said about Portugal. They made drug use legal and drug use actually dropped! Another thing is that the government could use it's propaganda machine to do something like discourage drug use instead of promoting being gay or anti-White.
Laudanum is heroin mixed with wine. Not going to help. Heroin's best high is the first one. Every other one chases that one until you need it to feel normal. Fentanyl is that high every time. It's not that you need less of it. Now mix in xylazine and that high is extended, it lasts way longer.

I am persuaded that the government should covertly supply drugs to addicts. Especially in the cities. Garbage trucks could come by every morning to pick up the bodies. Until there demand for drugs died with the addicts.
This ain't Portugal.

200,000 Americans have been murdered by cartels selling drugs laced with fentanyl from China, and the 200,000 deaths start count from 2021 after Joe Biden welcomed millions and millions more of people, thousands of whom were prisoners dumpees, criminal insane assylum lifers, unwanted orphans, active criminals, serial rapists, and cartel employees to threaten drug storekeepers to drum up more drug business than they already have to line the pockets of the drug kingpins.

We need to consider the drug trade a war against the people and their families, and do a little bombing buzzes on their headquarters to halt the trade in its entirity. We need to close the border and/or annex countries that cannot control the drug terrorists that have developed to terrorize American people with horrific drug deaths and murders.

Some people just can't say "no" to drugs, and they need us to get rid of the problem. That takes guts. Biden doesn't have what it takes to stop the traffic.
Sorry, the "I dream of North Korea" thread is in a different forum.
Laudanum is heroin mixed with wine. Not going to help. Heroin's best high is the first one. Every other one chases that one until you need it to feel normal. Fentanyl is that high every time. It's not that you need less of it. Now mix in xylazine and that high is extended, it lasts way longer.

I am persuaded that the government should covertly supply drugs to addicts. Especially in the cities. Garbage trucks could come by every morning to pick up the bodies. Until there demand for drugs died with the addicts.
Liberal big cities aren't even being covert about it.
What do they have in Portugal. People. What do we have in the U.S. People. So it makes no difference. Moving on, you make some good points. But do you know why so many people use drugs? Because the people who sell or use and sell the drugs get them hooked on them. If the government not only made them legal but supplied them, that would put an end to getting people hooked. The pharmacies might do it. But if they did, the government would know who to go after. Also, a big reason why many people use drugs to begin with is because it is taboo. But with it being legal, most of that would be taken out of the equation. Next, without the pushers, it would be a lot easier for people to say no to drugs. Because there would be nobody saying, "Here. Try some of this!" just to make money. Another thing is that the war on drugs failed long before Biden.But do you know why so many people use drugs? Because the people who sell or use and sell the drugs get them hooked on them.

Well, pardon me, but I don't live in California. Moving on you make some good points as well. Love, beautress
Do you have reading comprehension problems?
I never said anything about locking them up against their will,my plan would allow them to make their own decision on whether they want the free drugs or not. If they choose the free drugs that tells me these people are weak individuals that wouldnt stop taking drugs under any circumstances.
And they still have an out if they decide they want to stop taking drugs by simply staying clean for six months they can then be released back into society.
As far as being offended by people who get high you're barking up the wrong tree. I used to party my ass off and have taken every drug imaginable except heroin so dont even bother to go there.
Mr One Dimensional....

You're the one who has comprehension problems. What you are talking about is basically instuitionalizing them. That is treating them like criminals. But they're not criminals. Make drugs legal and they won't be criminals at all. Have the government make and distribute those drugs and they wouldn't be supporting cartels or any other criminal organization.
The idea that those addicted to drugs only commit crimes so they can buy more drugs is bullshit.
They often commit crimes while under the influence of said drugs.

If they are addicted, they will steal to get money for drugs if they have to. Though many probably just panhandle. Also, like you, I did drugs in the past. It never caused me to be more apt to commit a crime. In fact, you would be less likely to commit a crime. Because you are high. In a happy place. People feeling that way aren't likely to commit a crime.
Do you think that means that no one else does?

Anecdotal experience means zip when you're generalizing like you did.

1. More than likely.
2. If somebody hit you on the toe with a brick, would you react any differently than anybody else?
Laudanum is heroin mixed with wine. Not going to help. Heroin's best high is the first one. Every other one chases that one until you need it to feel normal. Fentanyl is that high every time. It's not that you need less of it. Now mix in xylazine and that high is extended, it lasts way longer.

I am persuaded that the government should covertly supply drugs to addicts. Especially in the cities. Garbage trucks could come by every morning to pick up the bodies. Until there demand for drugs died with the addicts.

Though it is basically the same thing, I think laudanum used opium. Not heroin. Next, I'm no expert on heroin use. I have heard the term "chasing the dragon." But I don't know if that means you are trying to get higher than you were before. All that aside, I think that if you were a heroin addict and was sick from withdrawals, you would find a dose of laudanum to be a great help. Next, being addicted to some drug doesn't make you worthy of death. So it is very unlikely that the government would go out and purposefully OD addicts.
Though it is basically the same thing, I think laudanum used opium. Not heroin. Next, I'm no expert on heroin use. I have heard the term "chasing the dragon." But I don't know if that means you are trying to get higher than you were before. All that aside, I think that if you were a heroin addict and was sick from withdrawals, you would find a dose of laudanum to be a great help. Next, being addicted to some drug doesn't make you worthy of death. So it is very unlikely that the government would go out and purposefully OD addicts.
No one would purposefully OD an addict. Just give them the drugs, they will OD themselves.
Since that is irrational, I'm assuming you're a heavy user.

Irrational? Things like hatred or racism wouldn't even exist unless there was a damn necessary evolutionary reason for it. Also, how many White Americans are trying to sneak into mexico or countries farther south. And how many White Europeans are trying to sneak into Africa or the Middle East.

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