Make All Drugs Legal.

I think we can all look to you as an example and a warning of what the tragic consequences would be of legalizing all drug abuse.

What "example and a warning" is practically being a human GOD supposed to do. Also, the only drug I use is tobacco.
Just because you might be addicted to something doesn't make you a criminal. So why treat them that way. Also, they can still function in society. That doesn't make them criminal either. Why are people who may be high offend you. Admittedly, some drugs are worse than others. For instance, you might go to a bar that serves alcohol and get into a bar fight with some drunken aggressive fuckface. But if you went to a weed bar, that would be unlikely to happen.

Do you have reading comprehension problems?
I never said anything about locking them up against their will,my plan would allow them to make their own decision on whether they want the free drugs or not. If they choose the free drugs that tells me these people are weak individuals that wouldnt stop taking drugs under any circumstances.
And they still have an out if they decide they want to stop taking drugs by simply staying clean for six months they can then be released back into society.
As far as being offended by people who get high you're barking up the wrong tree. I used to party my ass off and have taken every drug imaginable except heroin so dont even bother to go there.
Mr One Dimensional....
Well if drugs were not only legal, but supplied by the government, you wouldn't have to worry about any "druggie" stealing your stuff for them. Unless what you are saying is that you just want to be able to legally shoot people.

The idea that those addicted to drugs only commit crimes so they can buy more drugs is bullshit.
They often commit crimes while under the influence of said drugs.
Decriminalization is a different thing from legalization. It means that under certain conditions you will not go to jail for a small amount of drugs if you get caught with them. The dealers and smugglers still go to jail. Clogging up police resources jailing a bunch of users does nothing.
The OP clearly states make all drugs legal. Now you move the goalposts?
This ain't Portugal.

200,000 Americans have been murdered by cartels selling drugs laced with fentanyl from China, and the 200,000 deaths start count from 2021 after Joe Biden welcomed millions and millions more of people, thousands of whom were prisoners dumpees, criminal insane assylum lifers, unwanted orphans, active criminals, serial rapists, and cartel employees to threaten drug storekeepers to drum up more drug business than they already have to line the pockets of the drug kingpins.

We need to consider the drug trade a war against the people and their families, and do a little bombing buzzes on their headquarters to halt the trade in its entirity. We need to close the border and/or annex countries that cannot control the drug terrorists that have developed to terrorize American people with horrific drug deaths and murders.

Some people just can't say "no" to drugs, and they need us to get rid of the problem. That takes guts. Biden doesn't have what it takes to stop the traffic.

What do they have in Portugal. People. What do we have in the U.S. People. So it makes no difference. Moving on, you make some good points. But do you know why so many people use drugs? Because the people who sell or use and sell the drugs get them hooked on them. If the government not only made them legal but supplied them, that would put an end to getting people hooked. The pharmacies might do it. But if they did, the government would know who to go after. Also, a big reason why many people use drugs to begin with is because it is taboo. But with it being legal, most of that would be taken out of the equation. Next, without the pushers, it would be a lot easier for people to say no to drugs. Because there would be nobody saying, "Here. Try some of this!" just to make money. Another thing is that the war on drugs failed long before Biden.
What do they have in Portugal. People. What do we have in the U.S. People. So it makes no difference. Moving on, you make some good points. But do you know why so many people use drugs? Because the people who sell or use and sell the drugs get them hooked on them. If the government not only made them legal but supplied them, that would put an end to getting people hooked. The pharmacies might do it. But if they did, the government would know who to go after. Also, a big reason why many people use drugs to begin with is because it is taboo. But with it being legal, most of that would be taken out of the equation. Next, without the pushers, it would be a lot easier for people to say no to drugs. Because there would be nobody saying, "Here. Try some of this!" just to make money. Another thing is that the war on drugs failed long before Biden.

You seem to think you know a lot about drug use.
I can assure you that you dont.
Anyone else notice that all of dimensional's ideas involve wealth redistribution/government free shit in one form or another?
Marxist or useful idiot?
Yes .. I agree .. make them legal, cheap and let all those addicts just kill themselves off .. They are such a burden to society, and produce little if any value to their community. They steal, loot, cheat, rob or whatever measure it takes to get their next fix.

I suggest you read post 40 and 48. Also, people use tobacco, alcohol and caffeine. Yet they still contribute to society. Another point is that people steal, loot, rob or whatever for many reasons. A bigger reason than drug use is poverty. But if we made drugs legal and free, at least that reason for doing those things would disappear. So, tell me. Why do you support crime so much.
I suggest you read post 48. Also, people use tobacco, alcohol and caffeine. Yet they still contribute to society. Another point is that people steal, loot, rob or whatever for many reasons. A bigger reason than drug use is poverty. But if we made drugs legal and free, at least that reason for doing those things would disappear. So, tell me. Why do you support crime so much.

Are you seriously trying to compare tobacco and caffeine to hard drugs?
And no poverty doesnt make someone a drug user
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Drugs are not legal in Portugal. They were decriminalized. There is a difference.

You should educate yourself prior to trying to discuss a topic. You probably will not come off as less imbecilic, but at least you may not be caught lying.

Well if they are decriminalized, they are legal.
True, the government would be stealing from me to fund your weakness.
Grow the fuck up, fuckup.

Stealing from you? How. With taxes? I did a thread about taxes in the economics section. Check it out. Also, who would you rather have stealing from you. Some desperate junkie who needs a fix, or the government.
Well if they are decriminalized, they are legal.
"Decriminalization means it would remain illegal, but the legal system would not prosecute a person for the act. The penalties would range from no penalties at all to a civil fine. This can be contrasted with legalization which is the process of removing all legal prohibitions against the act.",legal%20prohibitions%20against%20the%20act.
Stealing from you? How. With taxes? I did a thread about taxes in the economics section. Check it out.
Where would the government get free drugs to give to druggies?
Also, who would you rather have stealing from you. Some desperate junkie who needs a fix, or the government.
A junkie. I can shoot a junkie breaking into my home. The IRS? Not so much.
You are unbelievably naive.

Back when I did them, I never used drugs to see how high I could get. When I drank, I never drank to see how drunk I could get. In the past I have used LSD, mescaline and PCP on many occasions. I never used any of them to see how high I could get. So I am not naive. I speak from experience.

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