Make All Drugs Legal.

Government should just monitor it like they do alcohol.
I think we should bomb the hell out of the Mexican labs where the Chinese-Mexican effort to kill off America's young is going on. How many American parents are blaming themselves for something they said or did that caused their dead child to pursue ectasy through taking drugs they paid for with their lives not to mention a hell of a lot of blood money delivered to the most vicious, poisonous criminals who poison people and bring so much pain to the survivors. :(

More people died of fentanyl poisoning in 2 years of filthy rich from laundering extortion money through the American Taxpayers' Foreign Aid funding as the viral video of Joe Biden shows him bragging to his buddies in that viral video that was taken of him on his last year as Vice President where he bragged about getting one billion dollars in cash because he threatened the top cop in the Ukraine with his threat to cancel their ENTIRE US Foreign Aid package that was due to reach the Ukraine in one week. Their state of being extorted by a Vice President who told them he WOULD USE HIS OFFICE AS VICE PRESIDENT to cancel their ENTIRE FOREIGN AID PACKAGE, and I want Joe Biden to pay back one billion dollars to the American taxpayers he pickpocketed in a facetious and heinous methodology of extortion. The damn asshole stole it from the people of The United States of America. We want our money back. And we want Joe Biden and his Crime Family's wealth taken away from them and due to their pennilessness, they should all be deported to Siberia as beggars, unable to buy their way back into future crimeridden territory. The only other safe alternative for the American People's security is to put all of them into solitary confinement quarters with not two of them together ever again since they would be in separate Federal Prisons. They tried to do it to President Trump, his family, his staff members, and his security advisors. Let them have a world of the same disdain they had for President Trump always telling the truth and promoting the welfare of the American people, even when he was lied about, falsely accused with the falsest of narratives only their sycophants believed. I want those deep staters who have full knowledge of Biden's crimes to deliver campaign money to the unworthy, and told him which Alinsky method they wanted exercised day by day to put America into the Communist hellhole other countries' communist oligarchs, not to mention the mentall illness they inflicted on their sycophants and the families of the good people in this country, many of whom are Democrats who couldn't wrap their minds around the criminality that Hillary Clinton foisted upon them with her God-forsaken Steele Dossier in which she colluded with a Foreign Spy to destroy President Donald Trump who won the hearts of the American people by taking care of them with better high-paying jobs than they'd ever get from poverty and welfare while Joe Biden gave a trillion dollars to the people entering the country by way of the murdering rapists of the Mexican-Chinese drug cartels. Does that ever make people who trusted the system, only to be given the horrors of Joe Biden's anti-American unilateral decision to leave Americans in Afghanistan in the hands of terrorists when he ordered the United States military to evacuate themselves overnight from their protective posts in that foreign country. That's just one more of the evil Biden perpetrated against American citizens many of whom lost their lives at the hands of terrorists when the military was forced to obey executive orders rather than to watch over the welfare of the American people who became targets of the worst and most zealous terrorists on this planet. People who have seen that viral video of then-Vice President actually bragging his butt off about extorting a billion dollars in cash from a foreign country poised to receive several billion dollars of taxpayer-funded Foreign Aid to fight off the communists. And I'm angry at the extortionist who was so unpopular in the election, his Soros funding paid for his deceit and election through paying off precinct chairmen across the American spectrum for the biggest swindle ever perpetrated on the American people in my lifetime. I can't stand what Joe Biden did to please Hillary Clinton and her damn Alinsky method of inserting communism to dominate over people who were once free to speak their mind, but now live under the threat of the Democrat-favoring and purchased KGB FBI to go after and discourage the freedom to speak the truth whilst allowing their sycophants to lie they butts off too. In other words, the American people are not allowed to know the truth, and if they dissent from being fed a tonnage of lies, they can be put in cells next to all the Jan. 6 dissenters who were punished out of their right to peaceably assemble, to be escorted into the people's Capitol building by Pelosi's cops, and then abruptly ramrodded through to jail cells by the Democrat FBI/Cops in many cases without any arraignments whatsoever so nobody could hear their side of the story, which was truthfully, the vast majority went in out of courosity with invitation that was planned by Pelosi to be woven into her witches' stock pot of death to all her rivals in the shadow of her lies and narratives that are in no way truthful whatsoever, but reflections of her deceptions are clear to those of us who followed the truth of what was going on in Washington by real men like Sean Hannity, and others who are truth-telling conservatives who are concerned about the Greater Depression than the 1930s pushed on them by those who colluded with Biden to impoverish taxpayers with them getting rich off of insider trading.
You're preaching to the choir.
I've done every drug out there but heroin and I never committed a crime on drugs either.
That doesnt mean it doesnt happen.
There's been people on PCP that have eaten peoples faces.
People on drugs have been known to attack cops where it takes multiple cops to bring them down.
You'd have to be a complete idiot to say it doesnt happen.

Probably only about .00000000001% of people who are high on PCP would eat somebody's face off. And people who are high on drugs can be a problem. Just look at george floyd. One of my "Travesty of Justice" threads were about him. Next, sometimes people who aren't high on drugs are difficult for the cops to bring down. For example, tyre nichols. I did a thread about him in the justice section too. All that aside, nothing you said is a good argument against the government not only making drugs legal, but actually supplying them.
That is the point. Drug addicts commit crimes for all kinds of reasons, not just to get drugs.

What has drugs to do with it. People in general commit crimes for all kinds of reasons. Take making money or feeding a habit out of the equation and crime rates would almost certainly drop.
There could be something going on about their amnesia about fentanyl. If I were the detective, I'd look into the fiscal end of why the hell 200,000 grieving American families who lost a loved one to fentanyl poisoning, to find justice for hundreds of thousands of Americans, plus more if you add the 200,000 best friends of those murdered by the Mexico-chinese effort to kill off the youth of the American people. Are they planning a war against us again? In my state, we remember the Alamo, and it's time we got payback, because there was none back then, and their isn't any right now as 300 Americans a day die due to the Mexican-Chinese decision to kill off our young men and women who are exsperimenting with drugs and don't think the fentanyl deaths apply to them. Addiction is a trip down amnesia lane.

There is no amnesia going on. Just making money. Another aspect of it could be "racism." The solution? More effective racism.
Probably only about .00000000001% of people who are high on PCP would eat somebody's face off. And people who are high on drugs can be a problem. Just look at george floyd. One of my "Travesty of Justice" threads were about him. Next, sometimes people who aren't high on drugs are difficult for the cops to bring down. For example, tyre nichols. I did a thread about him in the justice section too. All that aside, nothing you said is a good argument against the government not only making drugs legal, but actually supplying them.

This is an interesting search page on criminal behavior and drug use.

This is an interesting search page on criminal behavior and drug use.

Time is running short right now. So I don't have time to really get into this. But if your link says anything different from what I have been saying, it isn't worth reading. I don't think that people who are high are any more likely to commit a crime than anybody else. And even if they did, they probably wouldn't do a very good job at it. Why? Because they're high! Though I do remember hearing of a baseball pitcher who said that he pitched a perfect game once while high on LSD.
Time is running short right now. So I don't have time to really get into this. But if your link says anything different from what I have been saying, it isn't worth reading. I don't think that people who are high are any more likely to commit a crime than anybody else. And even if they did, they probably wouldn't do a very good job at it. Why? Because they're high! Though I do remember hearing of a baseball pitcher who said that he pitched a perfect game once while high on LSD.

Being high changes you.
Your inhibitions are changed as well as good judgment.
Being high changes you.
Your inhibitions are changed as well as good judgment.

It depends on what drug you are using. For example you could be in a bar and buzzed on alcohol. It might give you the liquid nerve to start a bar fight. But if you were high in a weed shop, you would be unlikely to act that way. All that aside, making drugs legal would likely cause less drug use. Like it did in Portugal. It would also cause less crime. Because you wouldn't need to commit criminal acts to get more drugs. And just look at what happened with prohibition. Many criminals became filthy rich selling alcohol.
It depends on what drug you are using. For example you could be in a bar and buzzed on alcohol. It might give you the liquid nerve to start a bar fight. But if you were high in a weed shop, you would be unlikely to act that way. All that aside, making drugs legal would likely cause less drug use. Like it did in Portugal. It would also cause less crime. Because you wouldn't need to commit criminal acts to get more drugs. And just look at what happened with prohibition. Many criminals became filthy rich selling alcohol.

Of course it makes a difference what you're high on,thats just common sense.
Not only that, but have them produced by the government so they would be cheaper than what could be bought from places like mexico.

You know, that was the claim in states like Oregon, California, and others. That legalizing it would be cheaper and stop the trade in illegal drugs.

Funny, as that has not happened at all and it is actually growing.
You know, that was the claim in states like Oregon, California, and others. That legalizing it would be cheaper and stop the trade in illegal drugs.

Funny, as that has not happened at all and it is actually growing.

Politicians are famous for lying. If they did what I've been saying, we would have no drug problem. Vote for me as dictator of the U.S. I'll fix everything.
If they did what I've been saying, we would have no drug problem.


Prove me wrong. What did I say in the way of fixing the problem do you disagree with.
New York, NY.

Because of the large number of drug addicts, the city authorities installed (Narcan machines & BBQ blues: Letters to the Editor â June 7, 2023) four special vending machines for them.

Each machine cost $11,000.

The vending machine assortment includes overdose medications, first aid kits, drug tests, drug paraphernalia, etc. The vending machine gives them out for free; a drug addict only needs to enter his or her address. The assortment of the machine is planned to expand.

The machines will be installed in disadvantaged neighborhoods instead of selling soda and candy. In NY, one person dies every three hours because of drugs.
Not only that, but have them produced by the government so they would be cheaper than what could be bought from places like mexico. The U.S wants to hurt the cartels? I think the government is making too much money off it to do that. But if they really wanted to do it, that would be the way to do it. I heard that they made drugs legal in Portugal. What happened? Drug use dropped! I did a thread on homelessness and my solution to it. Everybody basically said that the homeless were basically drug addicts and deserved to be where they are. So there was no sense in helping them. Well what do you think of this plan. It worked in Portugal.
Honestly everyone I know does drugs or has done drugs. So many people do them and are professionals: Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers, Accountants, MBA Executives, Nurses, etc So many do them and never get caught or go to jail. It is so widespread the use why keep it illegal? Seriously I think it is so stupid keeping drugs illegal. Many have great benefits. Marijuana and LSD can be therapeutic.
Honestly everyone I know does drugs or has done drugs. So many people do them and are professionals: Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers, Accountants, MBA Executives, Nurses, etc So many do them and never get caught or go to jail. It is so widespread the use why keep it illegal? Seriously I think it is so stupid keeping drugs illegal. Many have great benefits. Marijuana and LSD can be therapeutic.

They keep it illegal so that DEA will still have a reason to exist in the bureaucratic world. So that the Bureau Of Prisons can expand in the bureaucratic world. So that the CIA can continue to make $ off budget.

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