Captain Khan, killed 12 years ago, was a hero, but this is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the weakness of our "leaders" to eradicate it!
CNN host: Michael Phelps should let a Muslim athlete carry the U.S. flag. Did a Muslim win 22 gold medals?
The truth the Left cowers from: the vast majority of Christians are peace loving & tolerant. The vast majority of Muslims aren't.
If you are Muslim & you believe in Sharia Law, you can't come to America. We won't let you in. More of that Trump. Every day.

Sharia dictates that gays die, women have no rights & non Muslims are to be conquered. And the Left wants those Muslims here. Cracks me up!

Many Christians oppose gay marriage. The Left screams. Most Muslims believe gays should die. The Left says nothing. Cowards. Hypocrites.
Why don't you start by posting here the videos of the "757" which hit the Pentagon on 911???

Because, when the American people discover that "radical Islam" didn't do 911, but rather treasonous Zionist Christians and Jews did, no amount of steroids is going to save your treasonous, factless, and bigoted rear...

How do you know "the terrorists" hit the Pentagon with a plane when you NEVER SAW THE PLANE????

If the nose of the plane is 8 feet above the ground, where are the engines??

time and again, we heard liberals argue for "peaceful coexistence" with the soviets. negotiation. discussion. when reagan SINGLE-HANDEDLY (along with thatcher and pope john paul and lech walesa) stood up to the threat, the lies the libs had told were exposed. we learned that many soviets wanted to invade and destroy america. they had plans for conquering europe too. they believed communism was the future of mankind. the left was wrong during the cold war. they are exactly samely wrong today about iran.
"The Islamic world should rise up and shout that a nuclear bomb is our right! We must disrupt the dreams of Israel!" - Alireza Forghani, adviser to Ayatollah Khamenei
the radicals in charge of iran seek our destruction. they want to kill us. vote trump or die!

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