Make America Great.....Again?

How many black babies has democrats killed? Be specific and only cite cases where the black mothers were forced to do so..
Approximately 30 million....why?
I am sure they were forced.....But you go ahead with that fantasy of yours, you seem to enjoy it..
Do you get off killing babies? I mean the blood lust? Or is it the profits? Or do you just hate blacks?
Only you enjoy doing that sort of work..You're a professional at it..
Attacking you fascist liberals...yep, guilty as charged....:lol:
All you've done is throw shit and hopes it stick.. No such luck butthole surfer..
Donald Trump supporters: Please explain to everyone here at what point in time, America stopped being great. This cute little saying is on lot's of little baseball caps out there, so please, give us the date America stopped being great. I'd be really interested to know this.

1775 to 1860 and for the 1950s and early 1960s.

IOW when women, gays and black people knew their place. American was only great if you were a straight white male. Notice how America stopped being great after the right wingers got in power.
Spoken like a true sex organ.

American jobs have been dropping like flies, manufacturing has been leaving in droves, income has been stagnant for some 20 years, the middle class has been shrinking while the cronies with big government get richer. Government is steady encroaching onto our daily lives and we may soon lose the right to bear arms.

Morals have slipped so far we are turning into a hedonistic colony. And without values, a culture dies.
You need a govt. to give you morals? Do they come in a plain wrapper box?
Morals have slipped so far we are turning into a hedonistic colony. And without values, a culture dies.

If you mean the culture of bigotry, misogyny and hatred as espoused by you and the Trumpsters, that culture deserves to die.

Your Republican buddies are the ones who engineered your downfall, with emphasis on profits ahead of people, their tax breaks for the wealthy, and building a great resource of desperate, impoverished workers who will take any job for any amount of money because it's all there is.

Now you want to elect a guy who is ready to blame Mexicans for taking your jobs and he knows this because he's bringing in Mexicans to take your jobs in his hotels. Who brags about creating tens of thousands of jobs, but fails to say it's manufacturing his clothing and lifestyle lines in foreign countries. And who encourages violence at his rallies.

Listen to yourselves ties yourselves into knots saying he's not a racist. If he isn't, he sure knows the dog whistle code really, really well, because all of the racists are coming out in his support.
Approximately 30 million....why?
I am sure they were forced.....But you go ahead with that fantasy of yours, you seem to enjoy it..
Do you get off killing babies? I mean the blood lust? Or is it the profits? Or do you just hate blacks?
Only you enjoy doing that sort of work..You're a professional at it..
Attacking you fascist liberals...yep, guilty as charged....:lol:
All you've done is throw shit and hopes it stick.. No such luck butthole surfer..
Ok Mr. Hankey....:lol:
Morals have slipped so far we are turning into a hedonistic colony. And without values, a culture dies.

If you mean the culture of bigotry, misogyny and hatred as espoused by your and the Trumpsters, that culture deserves to die.

Your Republican buddies are the ones who engineered your downfall, with emphasis on profits ahead of people, their tax breaks for the wealthy, and building a great resource of desperate, impoverished workers who will take any job for any amount of money because it's all there is.

Now you want to elect a guy who is ready to blame Mexicans for taking your jobs and he knows this because he's bringing in Mexicans to take your jobs in his hotels. Who brags about creating tens of thousands of jobs, but fails to say it's manufacturing his clothing and lifestyle lines in foreign countries. And who encourages violence at his rallies.

Listen to yourselves ties yourselves into knots saying he's not a racist. If he isn't, he sure knows the dog whistle code really, really well, because all of the racists are coming out in his support.
What tripe spouted from the democrat plantation....:lol:
Donald Trump supporters: Please explain to everyone here at what point in time, America stopped being great. This cute little saying is on lot's of little baseball caps out there, so please, give us the date America stopped being great. I'd be really interested to know this.

1775 to 1860 and for the 1950s and early 1960s.

Is this a joke, or do you actually have reasoning for this?

Why would you ask him that? You know who he is.

Sorry, bro. I don't have an enemies list.

Weird post.

You know that Anathema is a straight up white supremacist. You know why he gave those dates.
Donald Trump supporters: Please explain to everyone here at what point in time, America stopped being great. This cute little saying is on lot's of little baseball caps out there, so please, give us the date America stopped being great. I'd be really interested to know this.

1775 to 1860 and for the 1950s and early 1960s.

Is this a joke, or do you actually have reasoning for this?

Why would you ask him that? You know who he is.

Sorry, bro. I don't have an enemies list.

Weird post.

You know that Anathema is a straight up white supremacist. You know why he gave those dates.

There are so many on this board, and they are so comfortable being public about those beliefs.
1775 to 1860 and for the 1950s and early 1960s.

Is this a joke, or do you actually have reasoning for this?

Why would you ask him that? You know who he is.

Sorry, bro. I don't have an enemies list.

Weird post.

You know that Anathema is a straight up white supremacist. You know why he gave those dates.

There are so many on this board, and they are so comfortable being public about those beliefs.
Look at you....
Morals have slipped so far we are turning into a hedonistic colony. And without values, a culture dies.

If you mean the culture of bigotry, misogyny and hatred as espoused by you and the Trumpsters, that culture deserves to die.

Your Republican buddies are the ones who engineered your downfall, with emphasis on profits ahead of people, their tax breaks for the wealthy, and building a great resource of desperate, impoverished workers who will take any job for any amount of money because it's all there is.

Now you want to elect a guy who is ready to blame Mexicans for taking your jobs and he knows this because he's bringing in Mexicans to take your jobs in his hotels. Who brags about creating tens of thousands of jobs, but fails to say it's manufacturing his clothing and lifestyle lines in foreign countries. And who encourages violence at his rallies.

Listen to yourselves ties yourselves into knots saying he's not a racist. If he isn't, he sure knows the dog whistle code really, really well, because all of the racists are coming out in his support.
I haven't espoused any hatred, bigotry or mysogony. You are a lying piece of shit that lives in a hate filled bubble.
Donald Trump supporters: Please explain to everyone here at what point in time, America stopped being great. This cute little saying is on lot's of little baseball caps out there, so please, give us the date America stopped being great. I'd be really interested to know this.

1775 to 1860 and for the 1950s and early 1960s.

Is this a joke, or do you actually have reasoning for this?

Why would you ask him that? You know who he is.

Sorry, bro. I don't have an enemies list.

Weird post.

You know that Anathema is a straight up white supremacist. You know why he gave those dates.

I don't know him; and I don't make assumptions. And frankly, he didn't mention race even. So, I'm not assuming that just b/c that's how you want to brand him.
You know that Anathema is a straight up white supremacist. You know why he gave those dates.

You may find this hard to believe but I'm NOT a white supremacist. Race means nothing going to me. Black, white, Asian, etc.... means nothing to me. Beliefs, Actions, Philosophy, and Values mean things to me.
Donald Trump supporters: Please explain to everyone here at what point in time, America stopped being great. This cute little saying is on lot's of little baseball caps out there, so please, give us the date America stopped being great. I'd be really interested to know this.

At what point does black become white when faded in?

I don't know somewhere in the middle. Was this 1950s? 1920s? Perhaps 1970s? 1990s?

Hard to say, but it did get progressively worse, more taxed, big government authoritarian hell holeish, with massively worse economic prospects. This is simply a fact that can't be denied, even though I am sure you will attempt to.
You know that Anathema is a straight up white supremacist. You know why he gave those dates.

You may find this hard to believe but I'm NOT a white supremacist. Race means nothing going to me. Black, white, Asian, etc.... means nothing to me. Beliefs, Actions, Philosophy, and Values mean things to me.

OK, the action of supporting a racist, mysogynist, creep who flouts the Constitution, and suggests beating people up at his rallies, is in and of itself a racist, mysogynist act. You can't support Trump and deny his message of bigotry and hate. Being a birther, in and of itself is an indication that a person is fundamentally racist, and Trump took birtherism to a whole other level.
OK, the action of supporting a racist, mysogynist, creep who flouts the Constitution, and suggests beating people up at his rallies, is in and of itself a racist, mysogynist act. You can't support Trump and deny his message of bigotry and hate. Being a birther, in and of itself is an indication that a person is fundamentally racist, and Trump took birtherism to a whole other level.

I'm not a Trump supporter. I don't support any party's candidate. Unless something seriously changes, I'll be writing my own name in again for POTUS.
Donald Trump supporters: Please explain to everyone here at what point in time, America stopped being great. This cute little saying is on lot's of little baseball caps out there, so please, give us the date America stopped being great. I'd be really interested to know this.

1775 to 1860 and for the 1950s and early 1960s.

Well folks....I've received responses from 7 different people, and they are all different!. So....if you yo yo's can't even agree on when America stopped being great, how will you know if "The Donald" has make America great.....again??
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Well folks....I've received responses from 7 different people, and they are all different!. So....if you yo yo's can't even agree on when America was great, how will you know if "The Donald" had make America great.....again??

He can't. No more than you, or Hillary or Jill Stein can. The only people who can make America great again are the armed citizens of this country who are willing to take the Government back for the People.

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