Make America Great.....Again?

Well folks....I've received responses from 7 different people, and they are all different!. So....if you yo yo's can't even agree on when America was great, how will you know if "The Donald" had make America great.....again??

He can't. No more than you, or Hillary or Jill Stein can. The only people who can make America great again are the armed citizens of this country who are willing to take the Government back for the People.

Cute response, but that still does not answer my question.
Donald Trump supporters: Please explain to everyone here at what point in time, America stopped being great. This cute little saying is on lot's of little baseball caps out there, so please, give us the date America stopped being great. I'd be really interested to know this.

They mean make the government Republican again.

Yesterday I heard a radio talk show suggest the economy is back and better than people think.

That was true last year but they wouldn't admit it. Thanks Obama.
Donald Trump supporters: Please explain to everyone here at what point in time, America stopped being great. This cute little saying is on lot's of little baseball caps out there, so please, give us the date America stopped being great. I'd be really interested to know this.

We stopped being great when our generation was the first generation expected to not do as well as their parents did.

Liberals created a middle class the world had never seen before. It wasn't free market capitalism or corporations who created the greatest middle class the world had ever seen before it was liberals, new deals, social security and medicare, labor laws and UNIONS.

How are most Americans doing today?

Here's how many working Americans aren't saving any money for retirement or emergencies at all

More than one in five (21 percent) don’t save any of their annual income.

Republicans will say they spend too much. I say they don't make enough.

And those who do save, Bankrate finds, aren’t setting aside a lot: 20 percent save only 5 percent or less of what they make, and 28 percent save 6 to 10 percent. Just 16 percent are saving more than 15 percent of their income.

Just 16%. Are you one of them? I am.

Experts generally recommend earmarking 10 to 20 percent of your income just for retirement savings.

Donald Trump supporters: Please explain to everyone here at what point in time, America stopped being great. This cute little saying is on lot's of little baseball caps out there, so please, give us the date America stopped being great. I'd be really interested to know this.

1775 to 1860 and for the 1950s and early 1960s.

IOW when women, gays and black people knew their place. American was only great if you were a straight white male. Notice how America stopped being great after the right wingers got in power.
Donald Trump supporters: Please explain to everyone here at what point in time, America stopped being great. This cute little saying is on lot's of little baseball caps out there, so please, give us the date America stopped being great. I'd be really interested to know this.

1775 to 1860 and for the 1950s and early 1960s.

IOW when women, gays and black people knew their place. American was only great if you were a straight white male. Notice how America stopped being great after the right wingers got in power.
nailed it
America stopped being great when the working class stopped sharing in the wealth of the nation, and 5% of the wealth which they had previously held was siphoned off and transferred to the top 10%. When Reagan promised workers they'd get a big raise if they would just get rid of those pesky unions. The unions are long gong. The workers are still waiting for that raise.
One of these days, President Trump will put out a twitter saying America is Great Again and our worries are over and we can rejoice and be proud again.
I'd look for Trump's twitter sometime during the election. I have a feeling that Trump will find America at its greatest peak in greatness in our history.

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