Make the Gun Companies Pay Blood Money

If I may offer an opinion here....

The following should be added to the blood money tax.

The people who built the factories where the guns were made.
The people who provided the materials that were used to make the buildings.
The State and city governments that allowed the permits to build the buildings.
The coffee shops who fed the labor force that built the buildings that used the materials that made the guns....

Do we want to go down this road.

The guns were made by a manufacturer.
That's the end of their involvement unless they made a defective product.
Guns don't kill people, stupid.

People kill people.


People kill people with guns. And in the US, the number is over 32,000 a year. And the number of gun deaths will soon exceed the number of auto deaths. But that is just fine with the fruitloops here.

So because car safety is increasing to the point where deaths are down, that somehow means guns have to be banned?

One number has nothing to do with the other.
The reason for the vaccine fund is that no manufacturer was going to make vaccines anymore without some protection from lawsuits that were based on know adverse reactions caused by introducing live/attenuated/dead versions of pathonegenic materials.

If the vaccines were found to be made incorrectly, or the effect was from some manufacturing error, the fund doesnt cover that. The fund covers the vaccine working as intended, but because the state mandates vaccination via school requirements, it covers any losses.

The object of your proposal, is to again make guns too expensive for people to own. The purpose of the vaccine fund was never to end vaccines, but to keep them under manufacture.

Well it isn't my proposal. I wouldn't be that generous.

I would outright ban firearms, and only allow NON-Lethal weapons for home protection, which will get the job done and not kill household members.

But the problem with the gun manufacturers is that they are reckless in their marketting.

Most of us would say Nancy Lanza buying 12 guns because she expects the collapse of civilziation to be nuts.

The gun manufacturers see her as a prime market, and that's the problem.

With that statement anything you say about gun control = gun banning, and thus makes you someone to ignore when it comes to gun policy in general.

And once again all you are doing is giving the advantage to the person robbing the house at the cost of those defending it. Criminals dont follow laws.

Most of the people killed in the US by guns are not killed by criminals. They are killed by family members, use of guns for suicide, or accidental deaths due to the mishandling of guns by people so stupid they should not be allowed near a gun. Like about 90% of the 'Conservatives' on this board.
Guns don't kill people, stupid.

People kill people.


People kill people with guns. And in the US, the number is over 32,000 a year. And the number of gun deaths will soon exceed the number of auto deaths. But that is just fine with the fruitloops here.

So, since there are more auto deaths than gun deaths, how about we put the same restrictions on auto manufacturers?
Every time you see a thread started by a fascist bed wetter like Joe you know it's going to be painfully asinine.


All the rationale, facts, or logic in the world can not penetrate the dense skulls of leftist asshats like Joe. I do want to thank those of you who take the time to refute his stupidity though, so that people with critical thinking skills and independence of thought can develop their own opinions based on reliable information.

Bed wetters like Joe like to call people "reactionaries" while basing his asinine opinions on emotional rhetoric.

I find that rather funny.
Guns don't kill people, stupid.

People kill people.


People kill people with guns. And in the US, the number is over 32,000 a year. And the number of gun deaths will soon exceed the number of auto deaths. But that is just fine with the fruitloops here.

So because car safety is increasing to the point where deaths are down, that somehow means guns have to be banned?

One number has nothing to do with the other.

Quite on the contrary, the numbers have a good deal to do with each other. You screw up too many times in a car, you get your license pulled. You have to prove your capability to drive to be allowed to have a license to drive.

If you are not a felon, you can go into a gun store and buy a weapon capable of firing 30 rounds in under 10 seconds, and reloading another magazine in under 2 seconds. No matter how far around the corner you are. And the horrors with have seen in the last few years demostrate how insane that is.
Well it isn't my proposal. I wouldn't be that generous.

I would outright ban firearms, and only allow NON-Lethal weapons for home protection, which will get the job done and not kill household members.

But the problem with the gun manufacturers is that they are reckless in their marketting.

Most of us would say Nancy Lanza buying 12 guns because she expects the collapse of civilziation to be nuts.

The gun manufacturers see her as a prime market, and that's the problem.

With that statement anything you say about gun control = gun banning, and thus makes you someone to ignore when it comes to gun policy in general.

And once again all you are doing is giving the advantage to the person robbing the house at the cost of those defending it. Criminals dont follow laws.

Most of the people killed in the US by guns are not killed by criminals. They are killed by family members, use of guns for suicide, or accidental deaths due to the mishandling of guns by people so stupid they should not be allowed near a gun. Like about 90% of the 'Conservatives' on this board.

Most shootings in cities are Criminal on Criminal, and do not involve "innocent parties" so your first statement is wrong from the get go.

Suicide is technically illegal, so a suicide is indeed a criminal on criminal crime.
People kill people with guns. And in the US, the number is over 32,000 a year. And the number of gun deaths will soon exceed the number of auto deaths. But that is just fine with the fruitloops here.

So because car safety is increasing to the point where deaths are down, that somehow means guns have to be banned?

One number has nothing to do with the other.

Quite on the contrary, the numbers have a good deal to do with each other. You screw up too many times in a car, you get your license pulled. You have to prove your capability to drive to be allowed to have a license to drive.

If you are not a felon, you can go into a gun store and buy a weapon capable of firing 30 rounds in under 10 seconds, and reloading another magazine in under 2 seconds. No matter how far around the corner you are. And the horrors with have seen in the last few years demostrate how insane that is.

Lol, tell your first paragraph to all the idiots who get stopped in NYC with thier liscences suspsended 20 times. You really are naive.

Second, if you are not a felon, being able to do what you post is a consitutional right. Millions of these guns are out there and only an infintesimal fraction are acutally used in a crime.
Guns don't kill people, stupid.

People kill people.


People kill people with guns. And in the US, the number is over 32,000 a year. And the number of gun deaths will soon exceed the number of auto deaths. But that is just fine with the fruitloops here.

So, since there are more auto deaths than gun deaths, how about we put the same restrictions on auto manufacturers?

We do. We require seat belts and air bags. We crash test their vehicles. We have laws that hold them accountable if they make bombs like the Pinto's.

Yet the gun manufactures are not held to any standard at all. In fact there are laws enacted by Congress that does not allow the CDC to look at how much havoc guns cause in our society.
So because car safety is increasing to the point where deaths are down, that somehow means guns have to be banned?

One number has nothing to do with the other.

Quite on the contrary, the numbers have a good deal to do with each other. You screw up too many times in a car, you get your license pulled. You have to prove your capability to drive to be allowed to have a license to drive.

If you are not a felon, you can go into a gun store and buy a weapon capable of firing 30 rounds in under 10 seconds, and reloading another magazine in under 2 seconds. No matter how far around the corner you are. And the horrors with have seen in the last few years demostrate how insane that is.

Lol, tell your first paragraph to all the idiots who get stopped in NYC with thier liscences suspsended 20 times. You really are naive.

Second, if you are not a felon, being able to do what you post is a consitutional right. Millions of these guns are out there and only an infintesimal fraction are acutally used in a crime.

Yep, millions of guns out there, and we have the highest rate of guns deaths per capita of any industrial democracy.
This thread has got to rank up there in "contender for stupidest thread on a message board evah!" category.

People kill people with guns. And in the US, the number is over 32,000 a year. And the number of gun deaths will soon exceed the number of auto deaths. But that is just fine with the fruitloops here.

So, since there are more auto deaths than gun deaths, how about we put the same restrictions on auto manufacturers?

We do. We require seat belts and air bags. We crash test their vehicles. We have laws that hold them accountable if they make bombs like the Pinto's.

Yet the gun manufactures are not held to any standard at all. In fact there are laws enacted by Congress that does not allow the CDC to look at how much havoc guns cause in our society.

Gun manufacturers produce a far simpler product than an automobile, and most guns are for home use, not for use on public roads. If guns suddenly started failing due to manufacturing issues I'm sure they would hear about it.

CCW carriers have to meet far stricter requirements in most states that are quite similar to having a driver's liscense.
Quite on the contrary, the numbers have a good deal to do with each other. You screw up too many times in a car, you get your license pulled. You have to prove your capability to drive to be allowed to have a license to drive.

If you are not a felon, you can go into a gun store and buy a weapon capable of firing 30 rounds in under 10 seconds, and reloading another magazine in under 2 seconds. No matter how far around the corner you are. And the horrors with have seen in the last few years demostrate how insane that is.

Lol, tell your first paragraph to all the idiots who get stopped in NYC with thier liscences suspsended 20 times. You really are naive.

Second, if you are not a felon, being able to do what you post is a consitutional right. Millions of these guns are out there and only an infintesimal fraction are acutally used in a crime.

Yep, millions of guns out there, and we have the highest rate of guns deaths per capita of any industrial democracy.

and yet several of them have higher violent crime rates than us. Why is that? Because the yobs know they will be up against an unarmed person.

So i guess gun control is more important than some 100 lb woman being able to fight off a 250 lb rapist. I always love when progressives cheer for rapists.
Not a bad idea and it worked against tobacco companies.

I've actually been against settlements against tobacco companies because I believe the smoker should take responsibility for their own stupidity. But, thousands of people are hurt or killed by guns through no fault of their own. Guns are a product that has only one use - to kill or maim or wound.

Interesting idea.
Guns don't kill people, stupid.

People kill people.


I remember hearing that cliche for the first time around in the 1970s.

It was when Mayor Moscone (of San Francisco) and Harvey Milk were shot in their offices by Dan White. Dan White used a .38-caliber Smith and Wesson revolver.

Just think, if White had had an AR15 he could have killed off about 20-30 other people in city hall instead of just two. That would have just given you a big hard-on, now wouldn't it?
Not a bad idea and it worked against tobacco companies.

I've actually been against settlements against tobacco companies because I believe the smoker should take responsibility for their own stupidity. But, thousands of people are hurt or killed by guns through no fault of their own. Guns are a product that has only one use - to kill or maim or wound.

Interesting idea.

Thousands? over what time period?

Well you can't count suicides, because they did it to themselves. You cant count accidental shootings of ones own self, because you did it.

And you really can't count criminal on criminal crime. One drug dealer shooting another drug dealer does nto meet the "no fault of thier own" catagory.
Not a bad idea and it worked against tobacco companies.

I've actually been against settlements against tobacco companies because I believe the smoker should take responsibility for their own stupidity.

Except that the tobacco companies lied about the effects of tobacco and if it caused cancer. They said it absolutely did not. And had their scientists provide false information to that effect.

This worked until Dr. Jeffrey Wigand, Brown and Williamson's former research director, came forward and told the truth.

So the tobacco companies need to pay out their evil asses.

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