Makers VS. Takers War: Are You A Maker Or A Taker?...

Do You Consider Yourself a 'Maker' Or A 'Taker'

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I hear ya, but too many are not as you described. Too many are solely Takers. So what happens to a Nation when the Takers begin to outnumber the Makers?

No, you've just been conditioned to think that there are so many people completely living on the dole and not contributing AT ALL. Stop watching Fox News.

90 Million Citizens not working, 50 Million on Food Stamps etc...etc... You so sure it's all just 'conditioned thinking?'

That doesn't answer the question.
How many are just takers?
Are you asking us to add those two figures together? Are you assuming that those 90 million have never worked and never paid taxes? And where do you get that 90 million figure?

All that - and more has to go into the calculation. So what is the number?
No, you've just been conditioned to think that there are so many people completely living on the dole and not contributing AT ALL. Stop watching Fox News.

90 Million Citizens not working, 50 Million on Food Stamps etc...etc... You so sure it's all just 'conditioned thinking?'

That doesn't answer the question.
How many are just takers?
Are you asking us to add those two figures together? Are you assuming that those 90 million have never worked and never paid taxes? And where do you get that 90 million figure?

All that - and more has to go into the calculation. So what is the number?

It's estimated 90 Million Citizens are not working and 50 Million more are on Food Stamps. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. There are Millions & Millions of Americans dependent on some type of Government Entitlements. The numbers are staggering. And being $18 Trillion in Debt. doesn't help. So like it or not, the Makers VS. Takers War is on.
90 Million Citizens not working, 50 Million on Food Stamps etc...etc... You so sure it's all just 'conditioned thinking?'

That doesn't answer the question.
How many are just takers?
Are you asking us to add those two figures together? Are you assuming that those 90 million have never worked and never paid taxes? And where do you get that 90 million figure?

All that - and more has to go into the calculation. So what is the number?

It's estimated 90 Million Citizens are not working and 50 Million more are on Food Stamps. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. There are Millions & Millions of Americans dependent on some type of Government Entitlements. The numbers are staggering. And being $18 Trillion in Debt. doesn't help. So like it or not, the Makers VS. Takers War is on.

Ok, well when you can document those numbers - lemme know.

Until I see the documentation, how do I know your not just some fear-monger trying to "scare up" some political support?
That doesn't answer the question.
How many are just takers?
Are you asking us to add those two figures together? Are you assuming that those 90 million have never worked and never paid taxes? And where do you get that 90 million figure?

All that - and more has to go into the calculation. So what is the number?

It's estimated 90 Million Citizens are not working and 50 Million more are on Food Stamps. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. There are Millions & Millions of Americans dependent on some type of Government Entitlements. The numbers are staggering. And being $18 Trillion in Debt. doesn't help. So like it or not, the Makers VS. Takers War is on.

Ok, well when you can document those numbers - lemme know.

Don't believe the numbers, that's cool with me. But reality is reality. $18 Trillion in Debt and massive Entitlements will force us to face the reality at some point.
I hear ya, but too many are not as you described. Too many are solely Takers. So what happens to a Nation when the Takers begin to outnumber the Makers?

No, you've just been conditioned to think that there are so many people completely living on the dole and not contributing AT ALL. Stop watching Fox News.

90 Million Citizens not working, 50 Million on Food Stamps etc...etc... You so sure it's all just 'conditioned thinking?'

And those people contribute NOTHING to society? They are complete "takers". Is that your view point?
I'm a Liberal

I get everything for free. I just wink and show my Liberal Card

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No, you've just been conditioned to think that there are so many people completely living on the dole and not contributing AT ALL. Stop watching Fox News.

90 Million Citizens not working, 50 Million on Food Stamps etc...etc... You so sure it's all just 'conditioned thinking?'

And those people contribute NOTHING to society? They are complete "takers". Is that your view point?

What do you call 'contributing?'
I think most future Elections will be decided along this battle line. It will depend on the location. If the location is dominated by Takers, the Democrats will likely win. If the location has enough Makers, the Republicans will likely win.
It's estimated 90 Million Citizens are not working and 50 Million more are on Food Stamps. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. There are Millions & Millions of Americans dependent on some type of Government Entitlements. The numbers are staggering. And being $18 Trillion in Debt. doesn't help. So like it or not, the Makers VS. Takers War is on.

Ok, well when you can document those numbers - lemme know.

Don't believe the numbers, that's cool with me. But reality is reality. $18 Trillion in Debt and massive Entitlements will force us to face the reality at some point.

Just so I know how much of the Fox News Kool Aid you're drinking. What's your viewpoint on the size of our military budget? I mean, you seem concerned so let's see how concerned you really are.
It's estimated 90 Million Citizens are not working and 50 Million more are on Food Stamps. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. There are Millions & Millions of Americans dependent on some type of Government Entitlements. The numbers are staggering. And being $18 Trillion in Debt. doesn't help. So like it or not, the Makers VS. Takers War is on.

Ok, well when you can document those numbers - lemme know.

Don't believe the numbers, that's cool with me. But reality is reality. $18 Trillion in Debt and massive Entitlements will force us to face the reality at some point.

I agree the debt is way too high and that we've got to do something significant about that soon.

You seem to be suggesting that the remedy is to cut off "the takers." Ok, let's say I agree with that. EXACTLY how many people are we talking about and how much money are we talking about?

I can't believe or disbelieve your numbers because I have no idea how you arrived at them.
The battle lines have been drawn. It's an ugly 'Makers VS. Takers' War now. The Takers are getting dangerously close to outnumbering the Makers. So what happens to our Country when or if that occurs? Which side are you on? Are you a Maker, or are you a Taker?

Virtually everyone is a combination of both.

Most of us pay taxes and most of us "take" some benefit from at least one thing that those taxes provide.

Yours is a false premise.

Can I get an Amen!
I'm a Liberal

I get everything for free. I just wink and show my Liberal Card

Ah, you're definitely a Taker. We all know that. No need for you to vote. ;)

I guess I am a taker

I took a free public school education
I took a state scholarship in College
I drive on roads I don't pay tolls on
I took a tax exemption for my mortgage
I took tax credits for my kids
My house caught on fire and I took free firefighting

Guilty as charged
Figure this out: Even when the group the Repubs call the makers take they are taking in order to make so its all good

When the group the Repubs call the takers take they are taking in order to be terrible people.

Both take but the GOP can only suck one dick at a time
The battle lines have been drawn. It's an ugly 'Makers VS. Takers' War now. The Takers are getting dangerously close to outnumbering the Makers. So what happens to our Country when or if that occurs? Which side are you on? Are you a Maker, or are you a Taker?

You're clearly an ignorant putz and moronic partisan hack, as everyone is both.

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