Making progress, 40% of U.S. now allows carrying a gun without a permit.

How does anyone know what motivated Lanza to do what he did, where and when. We know the how, and that is the primary issue on any discussion on gun control.
Lanza had severe mental issues. His mother was overwhelmed and lacked the ability to provide for her son. The solution isn't banning guns, but better mental health care. A few nutjobs do something heinous and people like you want to punish all the innocent. That is as ludicrous as making everyone walk because a few assholes drive drunk or hating almost 2 billion Muslims because less than 2% are complete fucking assholes.
Agreed. Using a firearm for self-defense is a last resort. Best to just get the hell out of there if you can.

Same strategy applies to a late-night home invasion/robbery. Don't go looking for the criminals. Get everyone into the same room and under cover then point a 12 gauge or AK-47 at the door. Anyone who comes in is dead meat since they have no reason to be there except to cause harm. TVs, pictures and such can be replaced.

You can expect the response time to be longer than 15 minutes even in the event of a horrific call where I live. Depends on the scenario, but yes, having the family huddled behind cover like a good fire proof gun safe, using the door for added protection is advisable. Making a plan in advance can help, but in such a circumstance flexibility helps.

People have carried guns for decades. So the murder rate went down & say it was because of guns? The success of the NRA to dupe morons into toting guns everywhere accounts for the growth in gun ownership.

I'll show you studies that say the drop in murder rate is due to changes in policing like more police on the streets, to the reduction of lead in the atmosphere due to unleaded gasoline higherr incomes, & I'm sure your favorite, more abortions man fewer unwanted kids that tend to increase the odds of a life of crime.

But hey, you just assume its because of a bunched of beered up rednecks toting guns.
An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. Robert A. Heinlein
Read more at: Robert A. Heinlein Quotes
Will someone please send that message to the Chicago city website?
You're a tad confused.

those mostly armed in Chicago are the gangs.

Until recently, firearms were verboten to the populace.

If the common man were to start shooting back, perhaps the gangs would be more polite
Don't know much about the shootings in Chicago do you? There is mounting evidence to support the claim that the label " gang related shooting"is used by cops to define all gun related incidents in the hood.
Are Chicago Murders All Gang-Related?

Gang related homicides are down. Most shootings in Chicago emanate from domestic violence or neighborhood disputes.

Moron.....who do you think is shooting their domestic partners on the South and West sides of Chicago......criminals....idiot......the actual determining factor in domestic violence is not the is the long history of violence and criminal behavior, as well as drug and alcohol abuse by the abuser......

Gang related homicides are not down....haven't you been watching the news....? Moron.....
Fool, not everyone on the the South and West sides of Chicago are criminals. Just by you saying that shows the limited capacity you have for understanding social issues. In 2014 over million White people died at the hands of other White people in Metropolitan areas, including Chicago, but I don't hear the word "gangs" bouncing off your uvula to label THAT massacre. And in case you wantg to deny it here is the FBI data to validate my point:

Lanza is off topic. Has nothing to do with this thread.

The thread is about constitutional concealed carry.

It is one of 2aguy 's favorite subjects.

His other favorite is constitutional open carry.

Neither of these is mentioned in the Constitution of course.

However this does not stop 2aguy .

Even Justice/social justice activist, Ginsberg would say you are wrong....

From Heller....

Reading the Second Amendment as protecting only the right to “keep and bear Arms” in an organized militia therefore fits poorly with the operative clause’s description of the holder of that right as “the people.”

We start therefore with a strong presumption that the Second Amendment right is exercised individually and belongs to all Americans.

Some have made the argument, bordering on the frivolous, that only those arms in existence in the 18th century are protected by the Second Amendment.

We do not interpret constitutional rights that way. Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications, e.g., Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 521 U. S. 844, 849 (1997), and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, e.g., Kyllo v. United States, 533 U. S. 27, 35–36 (2001), the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.


n Muscarello v. United States, 524 U. S. 125 (1998), in the course of analyzing the meaning of “carries a firearm” in a federal criminal statute, JUSTICE GINSBURG wrote that “urely a most familiar meaning is, as the Constitution’s Second Amendment . . . indicate: ‘wear, bear, or carry . . . upon the person or in the clothing or in a pocket, for the purpose . . . of being armed and ready for offensive or defensive action in a case of conflict with another person.’” I

2aguy, take you gun and shove it up your ass. Then seek a good therapist.
2aguy is one of the few peep's who can piss off both the gun owners and the non gun owners.

The Truth is the truth, facts are facts and reality is and wry catcher claimed things that were not true, factual or based in reality.....I showed you, with proof, that you were incorrect...
Truth is a Philosophy topic.

Has nothing to do with your wacko crazy opinions of what's Constitutional.

Public carry is not Constitutional.

Public carry whether open or concealed is covered by the 10th Amendment not the 2nd.
so tell me what does keep and bear mean?

Where does the Constitution prohibit me keeping a firearm on my person?
Even Justice/social justice activist, Ginsberg would say you are wrong....

From Heller....

Reading the Second Amendment as protecting only the right to “keep and bear Arms” in an organized militia therefore fits poorly with the operative clause’s description of the holder of that right as “the people.”

We start therefore with a strong presumption that the Second Amendment right is exercised individually and belongs to all Americans.

Some have made the argument, bordering on the frivolous, that only those arms in existence in the 18th century are protected by the Second Amendment.

We do not interpret constitutional rights that way. Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications, e.g., Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 521 U. S. 844, 849 (1997), and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, e.g., Kyllo v. United States, 533 U. S. 27, 35–36 (2001), the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.


n Muscarello v. United States, 524 U. S. 125 (1998), in the course of analyzing the meaning of “carries a firearm” in a federal criminal statute, JUSTICE GINSBURG wrote that “urely a most familiar meaning is, as the Constitution’s Second Amendment . . . indicate: ‘wear, bear, or carry . . . upon the person or in the clothing or in a pocket, for the purpose . . . of being armed and ready for offensive or defensive action in a case of conflict with another person.’” I

2aguy, take you gun and shove it up your ass. Then seek a good therapist.
2aguy is one of the few peep's who can piss off both the gun owners and the non gun owners.

The Truth is the truth, facts are facts and reality is and wry catcher claimed things that were not true, factual or based in reality.....I showed you, with proof, that you were incorrect...
Truth is a Philosophy topic.

Has nothing to do with your wacko crazy opinions of what's Constitutional.

Public carry is not Constitutional.

Public carry whether open or concealed is covered by the 10th Amendment not the 2nd.
so tell me what does keep and bear mean?

Where does the Constitution prohibit me keeping a firearm on my person?
You can own guns. It does not say you can tote them everywhere without a permit or proper training. Property owners can restrict them on their property. Who was that evil liberal who barred guns from his town of Dodge?
Those that choose to carry a loaded gun everywhere just don't think. The odds of actually using it for self defense are far outweighed by the odds it will end up harming you or your family. You'll leave it unattended, you'll drop it, you'll mishandle it, a family member will use it to harm themselves.
Is it really worth it for that puffed out chest feeling you get?
2aguy, take you gun and shove it up your ass. Then seek a good therapist.
2aguy is one of the few peep's who can piss off both the gun owners and the non gun owners.

The Truth is the truth, facts are facts and reality is and wry catcher claimed things that were not true, factual or based in reality.....I showed you, with proof, that you were incorrect...
Truth is a Philosophy topic.

Has nothing to do with your wacko crazy opinions of what's Constitutional.

Public carry is not Constitutional.

Public carry whether open or concealed is covered by the 10th Amendment not the 2nd.
so tell me what does keep and bear mean?

Where does the Constitution prohibit me keeping a firearm on my person?
You can own guns. It does not say you can tote them everywhere without a permit or proper training. Property owners can restrict them on their property. Who was that evil liberal who barred guns from his town of Dodge?
Bearing arms means carrying them and it doesn't say you may bear arms if xyz. You, like most liberals, cannot understand simple English.
Those that choose to carry a loaded gun everywhere just don't think. The odds of actually using it for self defense are far outweighed by the odds it will end up harming you or your family. You'll leave it unattended, you'll drop it, you'll mishandle it, a family member will use it to harm themselves.
Is it really worth it for that puffed out chest feeling you get?
Fuck you, you smug asshole. And your odds. I am not a statistic. If it makes you soil your baby diapers, tough shit.
Those that choose to carry a loaded gun everywhere just don't think. The odds of actually using it for self defense are far outweighed by the odds it will end up harming you or your family. You'll leave it unattended, you'll drop it, you'll mishandle it, a family member will use it to harm themselves.
Is it really worth it for that puffed out chest feeling you get?

Yea the odds of someone unintentionally dying in your pool are higher than what you're talking about, as well as a hundred other things that kill more people than guns do...are these people just not thinking too.

So you're saying it's ok to strip peoples right to self defense in order to keep them safe from themselves?? Why not strip the rights of driving to keep people safe from themselves?

You're thinking that crime and murder will somehow go down with gun control...but in every single instance of another country either banning guns or enforcing strict control, crime and murder goes up. In every single case, you'd think there'd be an exception to that, but there never is.
Slowly, we are taking back the natural right to self defense.......

North Dakota 14th Constitutional Carry State - 40% of US area now allows carrying without a permit - Crime Prevention Research Center

Friday, North Dakota’s Republican Governor Doug Burgum signed legislation making their state the 14th that allows carrying without a concealed handgun permit. The bill had passed the legislature with overwhelming majorities (34 to 13 in the state Senate and 83 to 9 in the state House). North Dakota thus joined New Hampshire in passing Constitutional Carry this year, though it seems unlikely that any more states will pass these laws during the current sessions.

Mm, not a fan of constitutional carry, or at best on the fence leaning into aganst. CCW used to be quit a serious thing. These days many are to glib about it and really, many people have CCW who lack very basic safety knowledge. There should be a process where one has to demonstrate proper carry of fire arms as well as how to interact with law enforcement. Think of how differently the the Philando Castile shooting would have went. That being said, about 98% of the cops on the street are sloppy and irresponsible with their guns. If one is clogging to carry period they should have to demonstrate real profincy in not just shooting, but also safe aspects of firearm handling. You know, the basics.
Those that choose to carry a loaded gun everywhere just don't think. The odds of actually using it for self defense are far outweighed by the odds it will end up harming you or your family. You'll leave it unattended, you'll drop it, you'll mishandle it, a family member will use it to harm themselves.
Is it really worth it for that puffed out chest feeling you get?
Fuck you, you smug asshole. And your odds. I am not a statistic. If it makes you soil your baby diapers, tough shit.

LOL, you want to carry a gun without restrictions, and can't even keep your mouth on safety.
Slowly, we are taking back the natural right to self defense.......

North Dakota 14th Constitutional Carry State - 40% of US area now allows carrying without a permit - Crime Prevention Research Center

Friday, North Dakota’s Republican Governor Doug Burgum signed legislation making their state the 14th that allows carrying without a concealed handgun permit. The bill had passed the legislature with overwhelming majorities (34 to 13 in the state Senate and 83 to 9 in the state House). North Dakota thus joined New Hampshire in passing Constitutional Carry this year, though it seems unlikely that any more states will pass these laws during the current sessions.

Mm, not a fan of constitutional carry, or at best on the fence leaning into aganst. CCW used to be quit a serious thing. These days many are to glib about it and really, many people have CCW who lack very basic safety knowledge. There should be a process where one has to demonstrate proper carry of fire arms as well as how to interact with law enforcement. Think of how differently the the Philando Castile shooting would have went. That being said, about 98% of the cops on the street are sloppy and irresponsible with their guns. If one is clogging to carry period they should have to demonstrate real profincy in not just shooting, but also safe aspects of firearm handling. You know, the basics.
Problem is you do not know what you are talking about. That's the main problem with any gun debate. Those that know nothing are the experts. Most cops have to train and even want to. Yep, often a lot of rounds are fired but that's because small caliber ammo typically doesn't immediately stop someone. Even a heart shot won't necessarily drop someone instantly.

This is a shall issue state, meaning the state cannot impose training requirements. How about you pointing out where all these problems you speak of exist? I wouldn't knock training but it would take a tremendous amount to prepare for that life or death scenario, even then you can screw up. You think cops are careless with training but civilians will be proficient? Makes no sense.
Those that choose to carry a loaded gun everywhere just don't think. The odds of actually using it for self defense are far outweighed by the odds it will end up harming you or your family. You'll leave it unattended, you'll drop it, you'll mishandle it, a family member will use it to harm themselves.
Is it really worth it for that puffed out chest feeling you get?
Fuck you, you smug asshole. And your odds. I am not a statistic. If it makes you soil your baby diapers, tough shit.

LOL, you want to carry a gun without restrictions, and can't even keep your mouth on safety.
I don't want to, I do asshole. My mouth on safety? How about trying to get your pea brain on 'think'?
Those that choose to carry a loaded gun everywhere just don't think. The odds of actually using it for self defense are far outweighed by the odds it will end up harming you or your family. You'll leave it unattended, you'll drop it, you'll mishandle it, a family member will use it to harm themselves.
Is it really worth it for that puffed out chest feeling you get?

You have anything to back up your opinion?
Slowly, we are taking back the natural right to self defense.......

North Dakota 14th Constitutional Carry State - 40% of US area now allows carrying without a permit - Crime Prevention Research Center

Friday, North Dakota’s Republican Governor Doug Burgum signed legislation making their state the 14th that allows carrying without a concealed handgun permit. The bill had passed the legislature with overwhelming majorities (34 to 13 in the state Senate and 83 to 9 in the state House). North Dakota thus joined New Hampshire in passing Constitutional Carry this year, though it seems unlikely that any more states will pass these laws during the current sessions.

Mm, not a fan of constitutional carry, or at best on the fence leaning into aganst. CCW used to be quit a serious thing. These days many are to glib about it and really, many people have CCW who lack very basic safety knowledge. There should be a process where one has to demonstrate proper carry of fire arms as well as how to interact with law enforcement. Think of how differently the the Philando Castile shooting would have went. That being said, about 98% of the cops on the street are sloppy and irresponsible with their guns. If one is clogging to carry period they should have to demonstrate real profincy in not just shooting, but also safe aspects of firearm handling. You know, the basics.
Problem is you do not know what you are talking about. That's the main problem with any gun debate. Those that know nothing are the experts. Most cops have to train and even want to. Yep, often a lot of rounds are fired but that's because small caliber ammo typically doesn't immediately stop someone. Even a heart shot won't necessarily drop someone instantly.

This is a shall issue state, meaning the state cannot impose training requirements. How about you pointing out where all these problems you speak of exist? I wouldn't knock training but it would take a tremendous amount to prepare for that life or death scenario, even then you can screw up. You think cops are careless with training but civilians will be proficient? Makes no sense.

Problem is you don't know jack shit what anyone knows therefore all you are doing is blowing hard. Yes, cops are very careless with their weapons. Far more then a professional should be. Civilian CCW in many cases are better, but not much. Many want to old carry, but end up tossing their guns in their cars because their fat bellies get gouged by the Glock 26 or hammer spur from their 1911 they carry but only ever shot one time. So yeas a demonstration of proficiency that costs money sod we weed out accidents waiting to happen .
Those that choose to carry a loaded gun everywhere just don't think. The odds of actually using it for self defense are far outweighed by the odds it will end up harming you or your family. You'll leave it unattended, you'll drop it, you'll mishandle it, a family member will use it to harm themselves.
Is it really worth it for that puffed out chest feeling you get?
Fuck you, you smug asshole. And your odds. I am not a statistic. If it makes you soil your baby diapers, tough shit.

LOL, you want to carry a gun without restrictions, and can't even keep your mouth on safety.
I don't want to, I do asshole. My mouth on safety? How about trying to get your pea brain on 'think'?

When I wrote that I knew it would fly way over your head. Abstractions are very difficult for a concrete thinker like you.
Those that choose to carry a loaded gun everywhere just don't think. The odds of actually using it for self defense are far outweighed by the odds it will end up harming you or your family. You'll leave it unattended, you'll drop it, you'll mishandle it, a family member will use it to harm themselves.
Is it really worth it for that puffed out chest feeling you get?
Fuck you, you smug asshole. And your odds. I am not a statistic. If it makes you soil your baby diapers, tough shit.

LOL, you want to carry a gun without restrictions, and can't even keep your mouth on safety.
I don't want to, I do asshole. My mouth on safety? How about trying to get your pea brain on 'think'?

When I wrote that I knew it would fly way over your head. Abstractions are very difficult for a concrete thinker like you.
You actually think you are smart?

Here, this is a list of negligent discharges among law enforcement agencies. If you go through them you will find that many are blamed on switching to new weapons agency wide, most are from flat out plane old utter complete stupidity. Really doesn't matter as ALL instances could have been avoided had those involved simply stuck to the gen rules of firearm safety.

Search Result: Accidental Discharges - POLICE Magazine
Here, this is a list of negligent discharges among law enforcement agencies. If you go through them you will find that many are blamed on switching to new weapons agency wide, most are from flat out plane old utter complete stupidity. Really doesn't matter as ALL instances could have been avoided had those involved simply stuck to the gen rules of firearm safety.

Search Result: Accidental Discharges - POLICE Magazine
Cops are not androids. Of course mistakes happen, you made it sound like a trend. So you pulled the 98% number out of your ass, as I thought.
2aguy, take you gun and shove it up your ass. Then seek a good therapist.
2aguy is one of the few peep's who can piss off both the gun owners and the non gun owners.

The Truth is the truth, facts are facts and reality is and wry catcher claimed things that were not true, factual or based in reality.....I showed you, with proof, that you were incorrect...
Truth is a Philosophy topic.

Has nothing to do with your wacko crazy opinions of what's Constitutional.

Public carry is not Constitutional.

Public carry whether open or concealed is covered by the 10th Amendment not the 2nd.
so tell me what does keep and bear mean?

Where does the Constitution prohibit me keeping a firearm on my person?
You can own guns. It does not say you can tote them everywhere without a permit or proper training. Property owners can restrict them on their property. Who was that evil liberal who barred guns from his town of Dodge?

it also doesn't say i CANNOT keep a gun on my person does it?

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