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Making progress, 40% of U.S. now allows carrying a gun without a permit.

Slowly, we are taking back the natural right to self defense.......

North Dakota 14th Constitutional Carry State - 40% of US area now allows carrying without a permit - Crime Prevention Research Center

Friday, North Dakota’s Republican Governor Doug Burgum signed legislation making their state the 14th that allows carrying without a concealed handgun permit. The bill had passed the legislature with overwhelming majorities (34 to 13 in the state Senate and 83 to 9 in the state House). North Dakota thus joined New Hampshire in passing Constitutional Carry this year, though it seems unlikely that any more states will pass these laws during the current sessions.

Thinking more about nutters working to end safe gun handling and even celebrating that fewer and fewer are trained to shoot safely.

In remember when it would have been celebrated that 40% had passed a gun safety class. Really shows that the NRA is now just a lobby group to get untrained people shooting children, innocent adults and getting untrained slobs out there, guzzling their beer and slinging guns around.

RWNJs are lazy and ignorant and now they're proud that they're giving their children loaded guns and prouder still that those children have no training.

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And yet.....you are talking out of your ass.......

200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s......and 357-400 million guns in private hands in 2016 and what has been the actual, real world result.....and not just what you are making up...but the reality.....

gun murder down 49%

violent crime down 75%

Accidental gun death...down

non fatal gun accidents down....

nothing you stated in your post is accurate or based in the truth......

Total number of accidental deaths of children due to guns...down....

There is nothing that you post about guns that is even remotely true or accurate......


Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12
age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703

Now, if even if you include gun accidents into the total.....

you are still wrong....

Accidental death by gun for children....

under 1: 3
age 1-4: 27
age 5-14: 39

Total accidental gun death for kids 2013....69
Total accidental gun death for kids in 2014...50


What pages did you get this from?

On the lower gun murder and violent crime stats.....I picked those up here and in these articles....

I hope this helps........

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Bureau of justice stats.....

1993...... 18,253


Voters’ perceptions of crime continue to conflict with reality

Official government crime statistics paint a strikingly different picture. Between 2008 and 2015 (the most recent year for which data are available), U.S. violent crime and property crime rates fell 19% and 23%, respectively, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program, which tallies serious crimes reported to police in more than 18,000 jurisdictions around the nation.

Another Justice Department agency, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, produces its own annual crime report, based on a survey of more than 90,000 households that counts crimes that aren’t reported to police in addition to those that are. BJS data show that violent crime and property crime rates fell 26% and 22%, respectively, between 2008 and 2015 (again, the most recent year available).


These polling trends stand in sharp contrast to the long-term crime trends reported by the FBI and BJS. Both agencies have documented big decreases in violent and property crime rates since the early 1990s, when U.S. crime rates reached their peak. The BJS data, for instance, show that violent and property crime levels in 2015 were 77% and 69% below their 1993 levels, respectively.

Bureau of Justice Statistics: As Gun Ownership Nearly Doubled, Violent Crime Fell 77 Percent

From the link in that article...

Violent Crime Is 16% Lower Than a Decade Ago, So Why Are Gun Sales So High?

The Bureau of Justice Statistics, which uses a slightly different definition of violent crime (it doesn't collect murder statistics, but does include simple assault), says violent crime has plummeted 77% since 1993 with just 18.6 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 12 or older, compared with 79.8 victimizations 23 years ago. It's clear we're living in a much safer world today than just a few years ago, let alone decades before:

Image source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, October 2016.

Yet at the same time, more Americans than ever own a gun.

While the percentage of U.S. households with a gun in them has remained fairly constant since the 1990s at around 45%, the actual number of households has dramatically increased over time.

For example, there were 99 million households in 1995 but over 124 million in 2015, meaning there would have been around 44 million households with guns in them 20 years ago, but 55 million households today.
I hope you all lose your temper and shoot someone, better yet let you child or grandchild find your gun and shoot someone. I am sick of you gun freaks.

You never have to wait long for the untrained and ignorant to kill another child or another innocent adult.

They seem to be very proud of killing innocent people and brag about it all the time. They always against keeping children safe.

I've always owned guns but I remember when I was a kid, my dad making sure I was taught and trained how to be safe. These nutters don't know the first thing about gun safety, about always knowing where you are pointing and shooting. They're all about high caliber and high capacity mags to make up for their lack of skill and knowledge. 2aguy even brags about that. I remember remember very well how my father would have spit on these impotent little twerps who don't even have the balls to wear a gun out in the open.

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It has been shown to me that I wrote that wrong and left out the word never, but you are right, I read about it all the time, kids shooting each other, teens suicides, etc.

I am sure there are some responsible gun owners like you, and trained about the safety of using a gun and also
I would hope target practice is included by a licensed person, but more and more that is not the case. I even saw Trump passed a law to give gun permits to the mentally ill, but I guess we just have to assume everyone is packing a gun, and anyone can get angry and be having a bad day, and the littlest thing can set them off.


No...not mentally ill.....that is wrong...and it wasn't Trump by himself...it was also the ACLU who fought to keep people from being stripped of their Rights without due process...
I hope you all lose your temper and shoot someone, better yet let you child or grandchild find your gun and shoot someone. I am sick of you gun freaks.

You never have to wait long for the untrained and ignorant to kill another child or another innocent adult.

They seem to be very proud of killing innocent people and brag about it all the time. They always against keeping children safe.

I've always owned guns but I remember when I was a kid, my dad making sure I was taught and trained how to be safe. These nutters don't know the first thing about gun safety, about always knowing where you are pointing and shooting. They're all about high caliber and high capacity mags to make up for their lack of skill and knowledge. 2aguy even brags about that. I remember remember very well how my father would have spit on these impotent little twerps who don't even have the balls to wear a gun out in the open.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

It has been shown to me that I wrote that wrong and left out the word never, but you are right, I read about it all the time, kids shooting each other, teens suicides, etc.

I am sure there are some responsible gun owners like you, and trained about the safety of using a gun and also
I would hope target practice is included by a licensed person, but more and more that is not the case. I even saw Trump passed a law to give gun permits to the mentally ill, but I guess we just have to assume everyone is packing a gun, and anyone can get angry and be having a bad day, and the littlest thing can set them off.


No...not mentally ill.....that is wrong...and it wasn't Trump by himself...it was also the ACLU who fought to keep people from being stripped of their Rights without due process...
Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness
I hope you all lose your temper and shoot someone, better yet let you child or grandchild find your gun and shoot someone. I am sick of you gun freaks.

That was easy.....your true self emerges...a left wing hater who wants innocent people murdered simply because you disagree with them.......that is how people like you filled mass graves for 100 million people since 1917...

No that is what happens to many people who carry and have guns.
You are a truly SPECIAL kind of stupid...
Did I say you were responsible? Paranoia is a symptom of mental disease so perhaps you shouldn`t be playing with guns either. It`s a national embarrassment to have so many men who are afraid to leave their homes without a gun stuffed in their bras.

You have to wonder what these people do in their day-to-day lives that take them into questionable neighborhoods and situations.

Personally, I drive a delivery truck. So does my wife. We both used to drive wreckers...finishing up at 3am carrying over $1000 and a dozen credit card numbers was by no means unusual.
But how many times has your insurance policy been found by a toddler and then killed her?
No one drives an insurance policy into a family in a van either but we still allow citizens to get driver's licenses. Bizarre!
Yes, because 30,000 people a year kill themselves with a family van


More people die in car accidents than are murdered with guns...and even if you add in accidental gun deaths...more people are still killed by cars...yet we let 16 year olds drive them without adult supervision.......

And guns also save more lives........bill clinton and barak obama state that guns are used 1,500,000 times a year by Americans to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives...and that is just one number from two studies...the other studies on gun self defense show that number to be even higher....
More people die in this country from firearms deaths than car accidents

Cars provide a valuable service to our society. The only purpose of guns is to kill other citizens
Are you a real person or a spambot?
I hope you all lose your temper and shoot someone, better yet let you child or grandchild find your gun and shoot someone. I am sick of you gun freaks.

You never have to wait long for the untrained and ignorant to kill another child or another innocent adult.

They seem to be very proud of killing innocent people and brag about it all the time. They always against keeping children safe.

I've always owned guns but I remember when I was a kid, my dad making sure I was taught and trained how to be safe. These nutters don't know the first thing about gun safety, about always knowing where you are pointing and shooting. They're all about high caliber and high capacity mags to make up for their lack of skill and knowledge. 2aguy even brags about that. I remember remember very well how my father would have spit on these impotent little twerps who don't even have the balls to wear a gun out in the open.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

It has been shown to me that I wrote that wrong and left out the word never, but you are right, I read about it all the time, kids shooting each other, teens suicides, etc.

I am sure there are some responsible gun owners like you, and trained about the safety of using a gun and also
I would hope target practice is included by a licensed person, but more and more that is not the case. I even saw Trump passed a law to give gun permits to the mentally ill, but I guess we just have to assume everyone is packing a gun, and anyone can get angry and be having a bad day, and the littlest thing can set them off.


No...not mentally ill.....that is wrong...and it wasn't Trump by himself...it was also the ACLU who fought to keep people from being stripped of their Rights without due process...
Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

It's not mental illness.....and the title of the thread is misleading......they are implying they lifted checks on the dangerously mentally ill...that isn't what they did......and the ACLU supports what Trump did....taking away a Right without due process is un Constitutional...
....If I were to go off on a speculative tangent I could bring suspicion to White vigilantes or rogue cops operating clandestinely to randomly kill Black males. That is also a very compelling possibility! I quantify that by the huge number of unsolved murders of Blacks in the FBI UCR!
Death Panels!!!!

Seriously, is that a alcohol-induced "speculative tangent"? A drug-induced one? Or is it just a mentally-ill one?

If you have any evidence that it's "rogue cops" committing these murders of gang-bangers and not other gang-bangers, please provide it.
From this link
Statistical snapshots from Baltimore's deadliest year: suspects, victims, and cops
I got this:
Among the data and findings: On average, the victims killed in 2015 were substantially more likely than the arrested suspects to have a criminal record; to have prior drug, violent crime and gun arrests; and to be a suspected gang member.

Why are the killers less likely than the victims to have a criminal record, prior arrests for drugs and/or violent crimes or be a suspected gang member?
That fles in the face of your notion that criminals are doing the murdering. It appears, on the surface,that there may be some vigilantism going on in Black neighborhoods.
define substantially more likely

Among the suspects, 76.5 percent had prior criminal records, 62.4 percent had prior drug arrests, 52.9 percent had been arrested for violent crimes, and 41.2 percent had been arrested for gun crimes.

76% of suspects had criminal records

it doesn't matter who they shot but they do tens to shoot other people with criminal records more often than your average Joe

You posted the link; and, the author thereof is the one to define how he wants the word "substantially" to be interpreted. He didn't do a good job of clarifying that. Subsequently, his entire narrative is reduced to a non sequitur whereas he seems to be positing two opposing premises in the same essay.
I attempted to address the seemingly flawed logic of your link in post #543.

when 76% of suspects had a prior record I don't see how you can refute the fact that most people involved in murder are criminals
So, that means that 24% are not criminals. But with 55.5% of all murders going unsolved in Chicago and similar figures nationally, I wouldn't put too much faith in spurious claims that it is all about gangs and criminals.. BTW, not all criminals are murderers or gang members.And not all homicides in the inner cities are murder just because the cops and media say they are.

I gave you stats for more than just Chicago. You do like to cherry pick.
And my narrative does not entail data only about Chicago. Read it again.
....If I were to go off on a speculative tangent I could bring suspicion to White vigilantes or rogue cops operating clandestinely to randomly kill Black males. That is also a very compelling possibility! I quantify that by the huge number of unsolved murders of Blacks in the FBI UCR!
Death Panels!!!!

Seriously, is that a alcohol-induced "speculative tangent"? A drug-induced one? Or is it just a mentally-ill one?

If you have any evidence that it's "rogue cops" committing these murders of gang-bangers and not other gang-bangers, please provide it.
Even if I had such information on hand, I would be hesitant to post it here. It would provide a source of joy for all the haters on board.
Translation: I don't have any evidence on hand.

Thanks for your confession. Agreed, there are lots of haters of all races and political persuasion on political forums. There are lots of copperheads and water moccasins in the marshy areas of Texas too. It goes with the territory.
I never claimed to have any such evidence...again what is it abut the word speculative that you don't understand?
Translation: I was just pulling racist shit out of my ass and throwing it. I don't have any evidence of white death squads killing black gang-bangers in Chicago.

Thanks for the admission.
Your translation marks you as a putz with nothing better to do than twist other narratives of other posters beyond what was actually said to create your own fallacy.
I hope you all lose your temper and shoot someone, better yet let you child or grandchild find your gun and shoot someone. I am sick of you gun freaks.

You never have to wait long for the untrained and ignorant to kill another child or another innocent adult.

They seem to be very proud of killing innocent people and brag about it all the time. They always against keeping children safe.

I've always owned guns but I remember when I was a kid, my dad making sure I was taught and trained how to be safe. These nutters don't know the first thing about gun safety, about always knowing where you are pointing and shooting. They're all about high caliber and high capacity mags to make up for their lack of skill and knowledge. 2aguy even brags about that. I remember remember very well how my father would have spit on these impotent little twerps who don't even have the balls to wear a gun out in the open.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

It has been shown to me that I wrote that wrong and left out the word never, but you are right, I read about it all the time, kids shooting each other, teens suicides, etc.

I am sure there are some responsible gun owners like you, and trained about the safety of using a gun and also
I would hope target practice is included by a licensed person, but more and more that is not the case. I even saw Trump passed a law to give gun permits to the mentally ill, but I guess we just have to assume everyone is packing a gun, and anyone can get angry and be having a bad day, and the littlest thing can set them off.


No...not mentally ill.....that is wrong...and it wasn't Trump by himself...it was also the ACLU who fought to keep people from being stripped of their Rights without due process...
Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

from the link

people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

not being able to balance a checkbook is NOT a sign of mental illness
Figures, leftards, dead giveaway for white high school, no college boys. These gun toting rubes will be fleeing for the hills when the first drone comes over.
Doesn't seem like our brave pantywaists are over there hand to handing
We need to put a stop to the insanity. WW West . Got to get the Republicans out of office.
Trivia: Most towns in the WW West, didn't allow the carrying of firearms within city limits. That said, if the person is a law-abiding, sober and rational individual who simply carries the firearm for the purpose of lethal protection against an armed and dangerous criminal, I don't see a problem with it.
However, I think "concealed carry" as I do, is more appropriate as the general public doesn't see the weapon and therefore isn't instilled with fear. That said, if any individual is calmly walking along and has a pistol or revolver simply sitting in a holster, he/she isn't posing a threat and the public has no need to worry. If he/she is brandishing the weapon, waving it about, then call the cops.
Your translation marks you as a putz with nothing better to do than twist other narratives of other posters beyond what was actually said to create your own fallacy.
The putz is the idiot who claims white death squads are committing mass murder of black gang-bangers then, when asked to provide evidence, takes the coward's way out.
No prob with sandy hook, Charlestown, KKK guy who went to Ny looking for a black guy?
Any examples of blacks stringing up white guys? Your local KKK should have examples
Your translation marks you as a putz with nothing better to do than twist other narratives of other posters beyond what was actually said to create your own fallacy.
The putz is the idiot who claims white death squads are committing mass murder of black gang-bangers then, when asked to provide evidence, takes the coward's way out.
Fortunately, the typed word does not disappear. Your ploy can be seen by all who care to conduct an independent investigation.
We need to put a stop to the insanity. WW West . Got to get the Republicans out of office.
Trivia: Most towns in the WW West, didn't allow the carrying of firearms within city limits. That said, if the person is a law-abiding, sober and rational individual who simply carries the firearm for the purpose of lethal protection against an armed and dangerous criminal, I don't see a problem with it.
However, I think "concealed carry" as I do, is more appropriate as the general public doesn't see the weapon and therefore isn't instilled with fear. That said, if any individual is calmly walking along and has a pistol or revolver simply sitting in a holster, he/she isn't posing a threat and the public has no need to worry. If he/she is brandishing the weapon, waving it about, then call the cops.

This is something we see from time time...the idea that gun control worked in the West, simply because some towns didn't let people carry guns in the town...the truth is....gun control didn't work then either....if you look at the historical case of Tombstone...a favorite for those opposed to Americans carrying guns, the criminals ignored the rules whenever they wanted to use guns to shoot people...including the famous Doc Holiday....

Here you go...read up on the actual Tombstone situation and how the criminals actually ignored the gun control laws....killing and wounding the Earps....

Gunfight at the O.K. Corral - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of many people who ignored Tombstone gun control....and he was a good guy....

Joyce ordered Holliday removed from the saloon but would not return Holliday's revolver. But Holliday returned carrying a double-action revolver. Milt brandished a pistol and threatened Holliday, but Holliday shot Joyce in the palm, disarming him, and then shot Joyce's business partner William Parker in the big toe


Boyle later testified he noticed Ike was armed and covered his gun for him. Boyle later said that Ike told him, "'As soon as the Earps and Doc Holliday showed themselves on the street, the ball would open—that they would have to fight'...


Later in the morning, Ike picked up his rifle and revolver from the West End Corral, where he had deposited his weapons and stabled his wagon and team after entering town. By noon that day, Ike was still drinking and once-again armed in violation of the city ordinance against carrying firearms in the city.


Tom McLaury's concealed weapon[edit]

Outside the court house where Ike was being fined, Wyatt almost walked into 28 year-old Tom McLaury as the two men were brought up short nose-to-nose. Tom, who had arrived in town the day before, was required by the well-known city ordinance to deposit his pistol when he first arrived in town. When Wyatt demanded, "Are you heeled or not?", McLaury said he was not armed. Wyatt testified that he saw arevolver in plain sight on the right hip of Tom's pants


Billy and Frank stopped first at the Grand Hotel on Allen Street, and were greeted by Doc Holliday. They learned immediately after of their brothers' beatings by the Earps within the previous two hours. The incidents had generated a lot of talk in town. Angrily, Frank said he would not drink, and he and Billy left the saloon immediately to seek Tom.

By law, both Frank and Billy should have left their firearms at the Grand Hotel. Instead, they remained fully armed.[2]:49[57]:190


Virgil testified afterward that he thought he saw all four men, Ike Clanton, Billy Clanton, Frank McLaury, and Tom McLaury, buying cartridges.[79] Wyatt said that he saw Billy Clanton and Frank McLaury in Spangenberger's gun and hardware store on 4th Street filling theirgun belts with cartridges

Virgil initially avoided a confrontation with the newly arrived Frank McLaury and Billy Clanton, who had not yet deposited their weapons at a hotel or stable as the law required.


At about 2:30 pm he saw Ike, Frank, Tom, and Billy gathered off Fremont street. Behan attempted to persuade Frank McLaury to give up his weapons, but Frank insisted that he would only give up his guns after City Marshal Virgil Earp and his brothers were disarmed.[81]


Citizens reported to Virgil on the Cowboys' movements that Ike and Tom had left their livery stable and returned to town while armed, in violation of the city ordinance.

Notice that the criminals ignored the rule when the wanted their guns...
No prob with sandy hook, Charlestown, KKK guy who went to Ny looking for a black guy?
Any examples of blacks stringing up white guys? Your local KKK should have examples

If you want info. on the kkk...you will have to contact the democrat party....that is the home of the kkk...
Your translation marks you as a putz with nothing better to do than twist other narratives of other posters beyond what was actually said to create your own fallacy.
The putz is the idiot who claims white death squads are committing mass murder of black gang-bangers then, when asked to provide evidence, takes the coward's way out.
Fortunately, the typed word does not disappear. Your ploy can be seen by all who care to conduct an independent investigation.
Nice try, Mr. "I'm speculating about white death squads murdering innocent black drug lords". LOL

...If I were to go off on a speculative tangent I could bring suspicion to White vigilantes or rogue cops operating clandestinely to randomly kill Black males. That is also a very compelling possibility! I quantify that by the huge number of unsolved murders of Blacks in the FBI UCR!
Last edited:
No prob with sandy hook, Charlestown, KKK guy who went to Ny looking for a black guy?
Any examples of blacks stringing up white guys? Your local KKK should have examples

If you want info. on the kkk...you will have to contact the democrat party....that is the home of the kkk...
Not anymore. Contact David Duke@ GOP.com.

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