Malaysia MH17 Crash: 10 Questions Russia wants Ukraine to Answer

Why did they refuse to allow anyone to inspect and examine the evidence even after experts from around the world insisted on the importance of examining and collecting it before the weather, time and nature degraded it and looters contaminated it and took key items.
Maybe, maybe not. Of course they did not want to hand out any key item to the gouvernment in Kiew. Every eventuelly interesting clue was russian-proofed before they let those international expert investigate. Now the separatists let them take a look and they handed the blackbox out. At least nobody will be surprised if there will be no evidence for a russian, or russian-supported attack.

But that does not mean anything. It is also possible that the ukrainian forces made it. They have also the necessary weapons to do this. And as I heard there was no fighter- or bomber-aircraft involved in this conflict so far and every week there were hundrets of civil-flights above this area. So why shooting at this plane?

Maybe I am a russian propaganda-victim, but especially that night was putin´s return flight from latin america and he flew at almost the same time above that area. Without any further informations, I am thinking about a failed assassination on Putin by the ukrainians (or their hired blackwater-people). But maybe I´m wrong.

P.S. If you find mistakes: English is not my mother language, but I try my best. :bye1:
Maybe I am a russian propaganda-victim, but especially that night was putin´s return flight from latin america and he flew at almost the same time above that area. Without any further informations, I am thinking about a failed assassination on Putin by the ukrainians (or their hired blackwater-people). But maybe I´m wrong.

P.S. If you find mistakes: English is not my mother language, but I try my best. :bye1:
I've read of this scenario as well.
You aren't a scientist at all. Not even a Mad one or even a stupid one.
They wouldn't let the inspector near the site because they didn't want them to see the evidence before they had a chance to pick it up and remove it. Forget about the shrapnel and residue evidence that would identify the type explosive and hence missile used. Hell, they might have found the parts of the missile with the Russian writing and markings that fell away after the explosive warhead exploded. Describing scientific evidence with you would be a waste of time if you can't understand shrapnel and residue evidence or missile parts with writing and engravings on them.
Never seen video of missiles taking out planes have you? There's nothing left after it goes KABOOM!

The missile explodes the plane at what, 33,000 feet and you're expecting to find missile fragments big enough to contain Russian Writing on them? What planet are you from? Only if the missile malfunctioned and DIDN'T explode would you have any CHANCE at finding parts of it.

The World already knows a missile shot it down. All that is needed is to gather evidence and pin the blame.
Hopefully everybody remembers 2001, when Ukrainians shot a civilian plane from Israel to Russia by mistake. For a week they were lying and would not admit it. Does anybody really believe that they will admit it now, when they have US covering their butts????
People, as well as whole Countries, are allowed to defend themselves against Criminal Accusations are they not? Shouldn't they be allowed to confront their accusers? To have a Public Examination of the Evidence?

Of course they should.

Why aren't they allowing a public examination of the evidence?

Why isn't this in the 'conspiracy theories' thread?

Just say'n...

It doesn't really matter at this point whose political plan is what and which politician is on the side of evil (lol).
Cold hard facts are there are people dying in Ukraine. Soldiers and civilians. Ukraine is now a war-zone and an average Russian citizen will tell you that Ukrainians are evil.

My (distant) relatives over in Russia won't talk to my side of the family anymore because of our Ukrainian "racism".

Hopefully, future historians will be able to sort out what is really going on and who was "right" and who was "wrong".

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