Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

please rat, it would be much easier to just rent a small plane....i mean how much explosives does one really need now days?

How much drugs can you fit in a small plane?? Not as much as you can in a triple 7.

Load it up, fly somewhere over the ocean, pitch it overboard near a waiting ship, then jump out and let the bird sail away on autopilot until it drops in the drink.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

I'm not sure that is a likely scenario. When I went to the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, they had an exhibit with a film on how difficult it is to land a plan on an aircraft carrier and told how many went into the drink trying to learn. I would think it would be less possible to 'drop' something on a smaller vessel, and the way the doors of a jetliner are made they would not easily lend themselves to such activity.

I can go with the 'they landed somewhere' theory much more easily.

I am also wondering why nothing has been said about using satellite technology to locate any remains. There is a lot of stuff on a plane that is designed to float. It would not all sink. Satellite technology is capable of some pretty amazing things. I would think finding some floating debris would be small potatoes.

You don't have to drop it on the ship. Put it in packaging that floats, and drop near the ship. Crewmen from the ship can then go out in small boats and pick it up.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II
How much drugs can you fit in a small plane?? Not as much as you can in a triple 7.

Load it up, fly somewhere over the ocean, pitch it overboard near a waiting ship, then jump out and let the bird sail away on autopilot until it drops in the drink.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

I'm not sure that is a likely scenario. When I went to the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, they had an exhibit with a film on how difficult it is to land a plan on an aircraft carrier and told how many went into the drink trying to learn. I would think it would be less possible to 'drop' something on a smaller vessel, and the way the doors of a jetliner are made they would not easily lend themselves to such activity.

I can go with the 'they landed somewhere' theory much more easily.

I am also wondering why nothing has been said about using satellite technology to locate any remains. There is a lot of stuff on a plane that is designed to float. It would not all sink. Satellite technology is capable of some pretty amazing things. I would think finding some floating debris would be small potatoes.

You don't have to drop it on the ship. Put it in packaging that floats, and drop near the ship. Crewmen from the ship can then go out in small boats and pick it up.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

What about the doors?
I'm not sure that is a likely scenario. When I went to the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, they had an exhibit with a film on how difficult it is to land a plan on an aircraft carrier and told how many went into the drink trying to learn. I would think it would be less possible to 'drop' something on a smaller vessel, and the way the doors of a jetliner are made they would not easily lend themselves to such activity.

I can go with the 'they landed somewhere' theory much more easily.

I am also wondering why nothing has been said about using satellite technology to locate any remains. There is a lot of stuff on a plane that is designed to float. It would not all sink. Satellite technology is capable of some pretty amazing things. I would think finding some floating debris would be small potatoes.

You don't have to drop it on the ship. Put it in packaging that floats, and drop near the ship. Crewmen from the ship can then go out in small boats and pick it up.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

What about the doors?

At slow speed and under 10K feet, they could be opened. Also, if they just stayed under 10K they could take them off.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II what would keep them from answering said phones....

i think something happened too we are looking at ......decompression.....explosives

or vietnam shooting them down (total joke there people)

an attack inside the plane would give the pilots enough time to send a mayday
my phone would go 3 days without much use

It seems everybody and their brother is calling the phones. The ringing alone would drain the batteries.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

When I got my Mac iphone, the guy in the store adjusted the backlight on the screen to a lower setting. He said that drains the battery quicker than anything else. Mine lasts about 3 days. And I have been known to head out somewhere and forget my charger. So it is not even conceivable to me that they ALL have their phone chargers in hand and are using them, but not answering calls. I think this is cell phone thing is quickly becoming and 'urban legend.' It is just a highly unlikely scenario, IMO.
So everyone is basically ignoring the fact that the cell phones are still functional? WTF people, think. Cell phones CANT recieve a signal if they are destroyed or submerged in water. Without a signal families wouldn't get a ringing sound but rather voicemail only.

The plane is not blown up or destroyed. It's not underwater. It is on the ground somewhere, likely in operable condition.

A couple cell phones could have survived a crash but not the amount being reported as functional.

The hijackers probably had the pilots turn off the transponders and radios, then had them land in Vietnam or Cambodia.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

What would be the motivation for not having made some demand as of yet ?

Mobile WMD

After listening to industry experts on cell phone functionality I can't see any other logical explination.
my phone would go 3 days without much use

It seems everybody and their brother is calling the phones. The ringing alone would drain the batteries.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

When I got my Mac iphone, the guy in the store adjusted the backlight on the screen to a lower setting. He said that drains the battery quicker than anything else. Mine lasts about 3 days. And I have been known to head out somewhere and forget my charger. So it is not even conceivable to me that they ALL have their phone chargers in hand and are using them, but not answering calls. I think this is cell phone thing is quickly becoming and 'urban legend.' It is just a highly unlikely scenario, IMO.

Except some of the phones were called on a live tv newscast.
It seems everybody and their brother is calling the phones. The ringing alone would drain the batteries.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

When I got my Mac iphone, the guy in the store adjusted the backlight on the screen to a lower setting. He said that drains the battery quicker than anything else. Mine lasts about 3 days. And I have been known to head out somewhere and forget my charger. So it is not even conceivable to me that they ALL have their phone chargers in hand and are using them, but not answering calls. I think this is cell phone thing is quickly becoming and 'urban legend.' It is just a highly unlikely scenario, IMO.

Except some of the phones were called on a live tv newscast.

The media would NEVER lie to us would they?
When I got my Mac iphone, the guy in the store adjusted the backlight on the screen to a lower setting. He said that drains the battery quicker than anything else. Mine lasts about 3 days. And I have been known to head out somewhere and forget my charger. So it is not even conceivable to me that they ALL have their phone chargers in hand and are using them, but not answering calls. I think this is cell phone thing is quickly becoming and 'urban legend.' It is just a highly unlikely scenario, IMO.

Except some of the phones were called on a live tv newscast.

The media would NEVER lie to us would they?

You're right im sure distraught family members could easily be convinced to play along with a conspiracy theory only hours after their loved ones dissappeared and on live tv no less.

Seriously? I mean really?
New Search Area Suggests Malaysia Airlines Plane Flew Off Course

Authorities are looking at a possibility that MH370 attempted to turn back toward Kuala Lumpur. If it did indeed retrace its path, the plane could conceivably have crashed into the sea on the western coast, the other side of Malaysia from where it was reported missing. But this doesn't explain why it did not continue to show on radar while flying back toward Kuala Lumpur, and Malaysia Airlines or other authorities have not addressed that question.

New Search Area Suggests Malaysia Airlines Plane Flew Off Course - ABC News
Hypothesis Fox is suggesting, and what I'm thinking too, is the two stolen passport travellers were terrorists and detonated a bomb on-board. Exploding midflight then, no chance to send a mayday. If they detonated standing outside the flight deck, they could have ensured a crash with even minor explosion. Would explain why no transmissions were received indicating distress or other technical issues.

What is the motivation to blow up a Malaysian jet?

. All the Chinese passengers.
. Probably one of the easiest targets.
. Malaysia airline and Malaysia airport don't have access to the Interpol passport database, and therefore can't screen the passports.

Asia...not the first world, shall we say.
Some people have many thousands of fake/stolen passports in Thailand etc.

Asia...never, ever, ever will I be setting foot there.
Most of them kill people in death chambers for possessing/smuggling drugs.
Corruption is rife in many places there.
Islamic terrorists are everywhere in Asia.
They kidnap for ransom and hatred tourists from dive resort islands etc.
They kidnap Westerners living there for ransom and hate.
They blow Western tourists to bits...Bali bombings 1 and 2, Jakarta bombings etc.

Set foot in Asia, you take your chances, you could well pay with your life.
Blown up, food poisoning, methanol-laced drinks, plane crash, hanged for drug smuggling when you're innocent;

British nurse sentenced to death

A British nurse charged with drug smuggling in Malaysia has been sentenced to death by hanging.
Father-of-two David Chell, 57, from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, was found guilty of possession of more than half a kilo of heroin.

Mr Chell, who says the heroin was planted on him, is to appeal against the sentence.

Mr Chell, a psychiatric nurse, was charged after an airport guard claimed to have discovered drugs on him as he prepared to board a flight to Australia in October 1998.

Customs officers at Penang Airport in northern Malaysia say they found the drugs in Mr Chell's underwear.

But Mr Chell said one of the security officers produced the bag of heroin from underneath a cushion in the airport examination room where he was taken.


David is now back in Britain, he was very lucky...very lucky he was found not guilty at his trial.
Very very lucky.
Innocent, he spent some time on death row in Malaysia...often taunted by guards waving a noose, he said.
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I'm starting to get suspicious - it was a clear weather, they say it was the safest point in flight, and all communications lost without warning. Starting to sound fishy. - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News

Dunno. Seems likely it's crashed, but why I don't know. Have heard of whole engine assemblies falling off after maintenance because they weren't bolted back on properly. Wings coming off, explosive decompression (one where part of the fuselage ripped off the top sucking a flight attendant out,) and old-fashioned pilot error crashing it into the ground as just recently in San Francisco. From what they've been saying, crashes because of terrorism are in the minority of explanations. And also incidents where no communications were received were because flight crews were busy trying to save themselves. So I don't know what the statistical probability is for each sort of event. We'll just have to wait and see when they find the wreckage.

Maintenance seems not to be what it used to be.

Maybe someone forgot to close the door properly.
Entertaining girls, and fetching girls for the pilot seems to be a top priority for some.

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