Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

Was watching the latest news update on TV, and it appears that the plane did a U turn and went off course at the same time when at least one transponder stopped working. The place then flew over Malaysia, and back over the water (straits of Malacca). The plane disappeared from radar while flying over the straits of Malacca.

They are saying that there may have been an electrical failure, forcing the pilot to turn the airplane around since backup power would not last very long.
The latest....

They are looking over land now ..i. the jungles of Vietnam the opposite direction, over the straits of Malacca....

(Reuters) - The Malaysian military believes an airliner missing for almost four days with 239 people on board flew for more than an hour after vanishing from air traffic control screens, changing course and travelling west over the Strait of Malacca, a senior military source said.

Missing Malaysian plane last seen at Strait of Malacca: source | Reuters
Hypothesis Fox is suggesting, and what I'm thinking too, is the two stolen passport travellers were terrorists and detonated a bomb on-board. Exploding midflight then, no chance to send a mayday. If they detonated standing outside the flight deck, they could have ensured a crash with even minor explosion. Would explain why no transmissions were received indicating distress or other technical issues.

What is the motivation to blow up a Malaysian jet?

. All the Chinese passengers.
. Probably one of the easiest targets.
. Malaysia airline and Malaysia airport don't have access to the Interpol passport database, and therefore can't screen the passports.

Asia...not the first world, shall we say.
Some people have many thousands of fake/stolen passports in Thailand etc.

Asia...never, ever, ever will I be setting foot there.
Most of them kill people in death chambers for possessing/smuggling drugs.
Corruption is rife in many places there.
Islamic terrorists are everywhere in Asia.
They kidnap for ransom and hatred tourists from dive resort islands etc.
They kidnap Westerners living there for ransom and hate.
They blow Western tourists to bits...Bali bombings 1 and 2, Jakarta bombings etc.

Set foot in Asia, you take your chances, you could well pay with your life.
Blown up, food poisoning, methanol-laced drinks, plane crash, hanged for drug smuggling when you're innocent;

BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | British nurse sentenced to death

British nurse sentenced to death

A British nurse charged with drug smuggling in Malaysia has been sentenced to death by hanging.
Father-of-two David Chell, 57, from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, was found guilty of possession of more than half a kilo of heroin.

Mr Chell, who says the heroin was planted on him, is to appeal against the sentence.

Mr Chell, a psychiatric nurse, was charged after an airport guard claimed to have discovered drugs on him as he prepared to board a flight to Australia in October 1998.

Customs officers at Penang Airport in northern Malaysia say they found the drugs in Mr Chell's underwear.

But Mr Chell said one of the security officers produced the bag of heroin from underneath a cushion in the airport examination room where he was taken.


David is now back in Britain, he was very lucky...very lucky he was found not guilty at his trial.
Very very lucky.
Innocent, he spent some time on death row in Malaysia...often taunted by guards waving a noose, he said.

I've been in 2 Chinese airports and they were pretty thorough. They also were stopping people who had a fever, and you couldn't get in without an AIDS test. God forbid that our government should take such actions to protect us.

But your bottom line is correct. If you leave US soil the US cannot protect you. It seems there were only 3 Americans on it, though, right?
Wow six navies haven't found a damn thing. To think you guys all know the answers.

Here ya go...add this to the mix;

Woman raises questions about cockpit behaviour


She's the Aussie girl who flew with the missing Malaysian airlines co-pilot.

Now, Jonty reveals all to A Current Affair and her claims have raised serious questions about the pilot's cockpit behaviour.


Allegedly entertaining girls in the cockpit for the whole flight, from take-off to landing.
Allegedly smoking in the cockpit.
Allegedly turning around a lot and chatting to the girls.
Happy snaps with the girls from the cabin.
Party time!

Seems not to be a lot of concentrating on flying the plane happening.

When you're flying a jet plane, do you have to be seeing over the dashboard?

It depends if you can see over the dashboard. They have to fly by instruments.
I have flown in a plane that you can't see over the dashboard unless you are landing. Unless you have your seat up, you are really flying blind.

I have flown at night. Night flying is really boring because you can see less.

If it is cloudy, you can't see anything.

They would have had to take the plane off of autopilot for this to be a danger.

Maybe if it was party time in the cockpit [the girls in the story were selected while checking in] and girls were distracting, auto pilot was taken off or never put on.

This missing flight was in the middle of the night.

Night flying is really dangerous if you ask me...look at what happened to John Kennedy Jnr.
why do they continue to think the plane turned?

this is what they are reporting ...

"The last time the flight was detected close to Pulau Perak, in the Melaka Straits, at 2.40 a.m. by the control tower before the signal was lost,"
We are into the 4th day now ...and nothing!

The triple 7 is nowhere to be seen.
IF it crashed, WHY it crashed will be determined when they find out WHERE it crashed. So far, that's the problem. No crash site.
What is the motivation to blow up a Malaysian jet?

. All the Chinese passengers.
. Probably one of the easiest targets.
. Malaysia airline and Malaysia airport don't have access to the Interpol passport database, and therefore can't screen the passports.

Asia...not the first world, shall we say.
Some people have many thousands of fake/stolen passports in Thailand etc.

Asia...never, ever, ever will I be setting foot there.
Most of them kill people in death chambers for possessing/smuggling drugs.
Corruption is rife in many places there.
Islamic terrorists are everywhere in Asia.
They kidnap for ransom and hatred tourists from dive resort islands etc.
They kidnap Westerners living there for ransom and hate.
They blow Western tourists to bits...Bali bombings 1 and 2, Jakarta bombings etc.

Set foot in Asia, you take your chances, you could well pay with your life.
Blown up, food poisoning, methanol-laced drinks, plane crash, hanged for drug smuggling when you're innocent;

BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | British nurse sentenced to death

British nurse sentenced to death

A British nurse charged with drug smuggling in Malaysia has been sentenced to death by hanging.
Father-of-two David Chell, 57, from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, was found guilty of possession of more than half a kilo of heroin.

Mr Chell, who says the heroin was planted on him, is to appeal against the sentence.

Mr Chell, a psychiatric nurse, was charged after an airport guard claimed to have discovered drugs on him as he prepared to board a flight to Australia in October 1998.

Customs officers at Penang Airport in northern Malaysia say they found the drugs in Mr Chell's underwear.

But Mr Chell said one of the security officers produced the bag of heroin from underneath a cushion in the airport examination room where he was taken.


David is now back in Britain, he was very lucky...very lucky he was found not guilty at his trial.
Very very lucky.
Innocent, he spent some time on death row in Malaysia...often taunted by guards waving a noose, he said.

I've been in 2 Chinese airports and they were pretty thorough. They also were stopping people who had a fever, and you couldn't get in without an AIDS test. God forbid that our government should take such actions to protect us.

But your bottom line is correct. If you leave US soil the US cannot protect you. It seems there were only 3 Americans on it, though, right?

Think so.
3 Americans who aren't coming home alive.

You're a lot braver than I am...I will never ever ever be setting foot in China, way too scary.
Communist China...imagine making a mistake there, lord only knows what's illegal there.
Kissing on a train in France is a reportedly a crime, as is eating food in Italy on the steps of a church.
Into prison I'd be going, no risk.
So I'm staying home...[or being very very careful as to where I travel]

China tosses foreign business people in prison for a long time just because it doesn't like the style or result of their business deals.

In France I might be able to escape the prison cell by standing to attention, singing the La Marseillaise, and having the cops phone the mayor of Villers-Bretonneux.

In Italy...I'm not Roman Catholic.
The new Pope seems compassionate though.

In China I'd have absolutely no hope.
That movie starring Harrison Ford is instructive.
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I am not sure but I tend to think it was terrorism...

either that or

may be what happened to Egyptair 990, where the co-pilot crashed the plane....something along those lines...hard to tell ...
After Muslim terrorists blew up Bali for the second time, in 2005 ...a man rang my local radio station and said:

"Slow-learners are still going to Bali".
what became of the terror threat alert system? anyone ever hear about that now?

Don't worry, you'll be hearing it a lot when Iran gets nukes, and US cities and towns start getting blown up with dirty bombs, making them uninhabitable.

"Death to America" will become a sorry reality.

be afraid, be very afraid.

[ame] [/ame]

"The hate and rage of the Muslim people
is directed towards America
the infidel Satanic regime."

"America is a [defeated] regime
with broken horns"

"Our struggle with America
is eternal"

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It looks like terrorism, it walks like sounds like terrorism.....

could it be a duck?

it could be a duck indeed! ... but more likely it is terrorism....only time will tell.
. All the Chinese passengers.
. Probably one of the easiest targets.
. Malaysia airline and Malaysia airport don't have access to the Interpol passport database, and therefore can't screen the passports.

Asia...not the first world, shall we say.
Some people have many thousands of fake/stolen passports in Thailand etc.

Asia...never, ever, ever will I be setting foot there.
Most of them kill people in death chambers for possessing/smuggling drugs.
Corruption is rife in many places there.
Islamic terrorists are everywhere in Asia.
They kidnap for ransom and hatred tourists from dive resort islands etc.
They kidnap Westerners living there for ransom and hate.
They blow Western tourists to bits...Bali bombings 1 and 2, Jakarta bombings etc.

Set foot in Asia, you take your chances, you could well pay with your life.
Blown up, food poisoning, methanol-laced drinks, plane crash, hanged for drug smuggling when you're innocent;

BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | British nurse sentenced to death

British nurse sentenced to death

A British nurse charged with drug smuggling in Malaysia has been sentenced to death by hanging.
Father-of-two David Chell, 57, from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, was found guilty of possession of more than half a kilo of heroin.

Mr Chell, who says the heroin was planted on him, is to appeal against the sentence.

Mr Chell, a psychiatric nurse, was charged after an airport guard claimed to have discovered drugs on him as he prepared to board a flight to Australia in October 1998.

Customs officers at Penang Airport in northern Malaysia say they found the drugs in Mr Chell's underwear.

But Mr Chell said one of the security officers produced the bag of heroin from underneath a cushion in the airport examination room where he was taken.


David is now back in Britain, he was very lucky...very lucky he was found not guilty at his trial.
Very very lucky.
Innocent, he spent some time on death row in Malaysia...often taunted by guards waving a noose, he said.

I've been in 2 Chinese airports and they were pretty thorough. They also were stopping people who had a fever, and you couldn't get in without an AIDS test. God forbid that our government should take such actions to protect us.

But your bottom line is correct. If you leave US soil the US cannot protect you. It seems there were only 3 Americans on it, though, right?

Think so.
3 Americans who aren't coming home alive.

You're a lot braver than I am...I will never ever ever be setting foot in China, way too scary.
Communist China...imagine making a mistake there, lord only knows what's illegal there.
Kissing on a train in France is a reportedly a crime, as is eating food in Italy on the steps of a church.
Into prison I'd be going, no risk.
So I'm staying home...[or being very very careful as to where I travel]

China tosses foreign business people in prison for a long time just because it doesn't like the style or result of their business deals.

In France I might be able to escape the prison cell by standing to attention, singing the La Marseillaise, and having the cops phone the mayor of Villers-Bretonneux.

In Italy...I'm not Roman Catholic.
The new Pope seems compassionate though.

In China I'd have absolutely no hope.
That movie starring Harrison Ford is instructive.

I wasn't afraid at all. Police are everywhere. It is clear what you can't do and where you can't do it. The signs are everywhere. You aren't allowed to spit on the sidewalk. Our Chinese guide said, 'think about 13 million people all spitting on the sidewalk.'

Every American should go at least once to a communist country.

I don't get my information about other countries from Harrison Ford movies. The only place I would not go is North Korea. Not because it is communist, but because their leader is nuttier than squirrel shit.
Don't worry, you'll be hearing it a lot when Iran gets nukes, and US cities and towns start getting blown up with dirty bombs, making them uninhabitable.

You seem incredibly paranoid just based on your posts in this thread. Do you ever leave your bunker?

I was thinking that as well. The world isn't Mayberry. But Mayberry wasn't Mayberry either. It was fiction. The only regret I have is that before I got too sick to travel internationally I didn't get back to Asia. Now, my Vietnam vet friends, most won't go there, some go to hook up with women, but I would like to see Angkor Wat. Hate I let that one get by me. I have seen the Great Wall and the Pyramids in Egypt. Wouldn't go back to Egypt right now.
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