Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

No. The wing span on a triple 7 is so wide that it would wipe out at the first carrier's command "island"

I don't see how a plane that large could land on grass, dirt, or sand.
You probably couldn't see how a plane so large could land in that river like it did not long ago either, but it did, and the skill of that pilot did it, and the people were all saved, and even the plane was saved.

You were saying ? (smile)

Actually, ditching in water is the best thing a pilot can do. And several posts back I stated that the plane likely went down in the ocean or was ditched in the ocean. As for that plane in the river, not a single one of those passengers had taken their seat bottom out on the wings with them to have as a flotation devices which are the instructions given on EVERY flight I have ever been on. Go back and look at the pictures. If I were on a plane that ditched in the water, I would have that seat bottom in hand as soon as I was able.
I don't see how a plane that large could land on grass, dirt, or sand.

Landing wouldn't be a problem but they'd probably never get it up again.
Loads of old air bases around, designed for heavy bombers.

That would be my point. I'm sure the wheels would sink on impact and likely flip onto the nose causing major damage. I wouldn't want to be in a plane going 120 mph on landing in sand, dirt, or grass.

Here's what happens when you try to land a 777 on grass. (British Airways flt 38)




Fuel icing caused both engines to shut down on final approach.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.
CaféAuLait;8776138 said:
Heard tonight that it elevated to over 45k and at that altitude the oxygen masks would have deployed


If accurate, I guess that would be one way to incapacitate passengers, if those controlling the plane could turn off oxygen.

Where? It couldn't have been on takeoff. If so, the stall that resulted in a crash would have been seen.
I don't see how a plane that large could land on grass, dirt, or sand.
You probably couldn't see how a plane so large could land in that river like it did not long ago either, but it did, and the skill of that pilot did it, and the people were all saved, and even the plane was saved.

You were saying ? (smile)

Actually, ditching in water is the best thing a pilot can do. And several posts back I stated that the plane likely went down in the ocean or was ditched in the ocean. As for that plane in the river, not a single one of those passengers had taken their seat bottom out on the wings with them to have as a flotation devices which are the instructions given on EVERY flight I have ever been on. Go back and look at the pictures. If I were on a plane that ditched in the water, I would have that seat bottom in hand as soon as I was able.

What would be the motive though? It is a criminal act and no one can return to society without being asked a lot of questions and or going to jail.

Here's Atta's TAC. The third area clearly reads "Commercial Pilot"


Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.

Says he only had 'private pilot privileges'. Not commercial. Big difference. My brother and nephew both have small planes. No comparison.

atta had a commercial certificate

and it was legal for him to fly solo
in all the ratings areas

basic pilots start out usually with
fixed wing single engine over land

then as they get more training and hours move upwards

with more complex piloting

such as instrument flight

multi engine complex aircraft

CFI and CFI 11

and so forth

atta was far from a basic student pilot

as of December 2000 atta was receiving flight training for 727s

I find it amazing that CNN portrayed him as being an amateur. I distinctly recall that, and it would seem another on this thread does as well.
We have satellites that can see a basketball bouncing, and they did not see a 777 crashing into the ocean? Really?
You probably couldn't see how a plane so large could land in that river like it did not long ago either, but it did, and the skill of that pilot did it, and the people were all saved, and even the plane was saved.

You were saying ? (smile)

Actually, ditching in water is the best thing a pilot can do. And several posts back I stated that the plane likely went down in the ocean or was ditched in the ocean. As for that plane in the river, not a single one of those passengers had taken their seat bottom out on the wings with them to have as a flotation devices which are the instructions given on EVERY flight I have ever been on. Go back and look at the pictures. If I were on a plane that ditched in the water, I would have that seat bottom in hand as soon as I was able.

What would be the motive though? It is a criminal act and no one can return to society without being asked a lot of questions and or going to jail.

Are you talking about the Malaysian airliner? I simply don't speculate on motive. For anything. 25 years of practicing in psychiatry has taught me there is no way to ever speculate accurately.

I think the plane either crashed in the ocean or had trouble and ditched in the ocean. Either way, we haven't found the plane. If it went into the drink intact, and sank there would be nothing floating on the water to find.

Do you remember the Value Jet that did a nosedive and then disappeared into the Everglades a few years back?

On the afternoon of May 11, 1996, Flight 592 pushed back from gate G2 in Miami after a delay of 1 hour and 4 minutes due to mechanical problems.[1] There were 105 passengers, mainly from Florida and Georgia, on board, as well as a crew of two pilots and three flight attendants, bringing the total number of people on board to 110. At 2:04 pm, 10 minutes before the disaster, the DC-9 took off from runway 9L and began a normal climb.

A group of sightseers in a small private plane also witnessed the crash and provided a nearly identical account, stating that Flight 592 seemed to "disappear" after impacting the swamp and they could see nothing but scattered small debris and part of an engine near the crash site.

ValuJet Flight 592 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The DC-9 was a plane that had been plagued with problems as well. As was Value Jet. That was the year I went to the ANA convention in DC, just after that crash. Those of us who went did not try to save pennies on a flight. We flew a major airline.
Hypothesis Fox is suggesting, and what I'm thinking too, is the two stolen passport travellers were terrorists and detonated a bomb on-board. Exploding midflight then, no chance to send a mayday. If they detonated standing outside the flight deck, they could have ensured a crash with even minor explosion. Would explain why no transmissions were received indicating distress or other technical issues.

it's possible… although i wouldn't put much stock in anything fake news' says

they're saying now that the plane may have turned around before disappearing.

mostly, speculation isn't helpful… especially by something that pretends to be a news outlet

Feel stupid for posting this yet?
We have satellites that can see a basketball bouncing, and they did not see a 777 crashing into the ocean? Really?

My sentiments exactly. I said earlier a satellite can read your house number but it misses something as big as a jet? Go figure.
"Malaysian investigators conclude missing airliner hijacked:... "a Malaysian government official who is involved in the investigation said investigators have concluded that one of the pilots or someone else with flying experience hijacked the missing Malaysia Airlines jet.

The official said no motive has been established, and it is not yet clear where the plane was taken. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media.

The official said that hijacking was no longer a theory. "It is conclusive."

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: More sinister theories, still no answers - CBS News

Landing wouldn't be a problem but they'd probably never get it up again.
Loads of old air bases around, designed for heavy bombers.

That would be my point. I'm sure the wheels would sink on impact and likely flip onto the nose causing major damage. I wouldn't want to be in a plane going 120 mph on landing in sand, dirt, or grass.

Here's what happens when you try to land a 777 on grass. (British Airways flt 38)




Fuel icing caused both engines to shut down on final approach.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.

Where can they land a plane that it would go unnoticed or where the government would be complicit? Their act isn't worth starting a war over.
Terrorists are patient, think about the time span between the first bombing of the world trade center and 911.

Hehe, here is alan1's conspiracy number one.

All communication from the plane ended, transponders, emergency locator beacon, radio. While it is slightly possible that that could happen by accident, it is highly unlikely for all systems (and backup systems) to fail simultaneously. That would indicate that there was intent. If it was intentional, that would indicate hijacking.
Oh, and like I said, terrorists are patient. If the intent was to hijack a plane for future terrorist activity, then the terrorists would remain quiet about it.

So, continuing with the conspiracy theory, it was a hijacking for future use of the plane. Perhaps that future use is to put a dirty nuke in it then fly to and crash it into a large metro area. This is certainly not beyond the realm of a terrorist action. Again, terrorists are patient, it could be 3 days or a year before they use the plane.

Then we have the passengers. Terrorists wouldn't be concerned about the passengers. If they took control of the cockpit, they could easily depressurize the planes cabin. Those oxygen masks that drop would only supply oxygen for an hour at best. Stay in the air longer than that, and all the passengers are either dead or passed out by the time they land at their destination. They don't have to deal with fighting passengers after landing, just deal with removing the dead bodies.

Cell phones of the passengers were still ringing after the plane vanished. Some cell phone service will still present a "false" ring for a phone not on the grid, but many would go straight to voice-mail if the phone isn't connected. Too many cell phones rang, indicating that said phones were not damaged in an explosion or at the bottom of the ocean. It would take a while for terrorists to shut off all the cell phones.

Over 8 countries, over 40 ships, over 30 planes couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again, or find wreckage debris. Yes, I know the search area is large, but how often has five days passed with no sign of debris or wreckage from a plane crash? Rare indeed.

I posit that the plane was successfully hijacked, landed somewhere, the passengers killed and that it will reappear at some point in the future as a terrorist weapon. That's my conspiracy.

Heh, and my conspiracy theory starts growing legs.
"Malaysian investigators conclude missing airliner hijacked:... "a Malaysian government official who is involved in the investigation said investigators have concluded that one of the pilots or someone else with flying experience hijacked the missing Malaysia Airlines jet.

The official said no motive has been established, and it is not yet clear where the plane was taken. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media.

The official said that hijacking was no longer a theory. "It is conclusive."

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: More sinister theories, still no answers - CBS News


The pilot has flying experience. They haven't searched his house yet. They ought to.
"Malaysian investigators conclude missing airliner hijacked:... "a Malaysian government official who is involved in the investigation said investigators have concluded that one of the pilots or someone else with flying experience hijacked the missing Malaysia Airlines jet.

The official said no motive has been established, and it is not yet clear where the plane was taken. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media.

The official said that hijacking was no longer a theory. "It is conclusive."

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: More sinister theories, still no answers - CBS News


The pilot has flying experience. They haven't searched his house yet. They ought to.

They are doing that now..."For the first time, police searched the home of Capt. Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, on Saturday, looking for evidence that he may have been involved in foul play."

Crew, passengers now the focus of missing Malaysia Airlines investigation* - NY Daily News
I'd like to know how much money has been spent on 239 dead people. Curious, that none of the 239 had a cell phone to call home to say goodbye.
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Apparently they now know it climbed to 45,000 feet, which is so high that the air would thin, which could kill the passengers, then it descended to 23,000 feet, then back up to about 30,000 feet. At that point it made its u-turn. That plane is rated with a ceiling of 43,000.

At 45,000 feet, a 777 would be tough to control. Its window for proper speed would be really small. In other words, if 500 mph was the perfect speed for a 777 at 45,000 feet, at 505 mph it would shudder uncontrollably, and at 495 it would stall. So if the pilot took it that high, he was desperate. Maybe someone was trying to enter the cockpit. It seems like they were eventually successful, or maybe the climb to 45,000 feet was designed to kill the passengers, in which case the culprit was already in control of the plane.

Where did you get the 45,000 feet number? I would question the source. If they do not know where it is, the altitude would be more difficult to determine.


You need to read the posts.....I'm sure this has been mentioned more than once....:eusa_whistle:

Malaysia Airlines 3786.KU +2.13% ' missing jet transmitted its location repeatedly to satellites over the course of five hours after it disappeared from radar, people briefed on the matter said, as searchers zeroed in on new target areas hundreds of miles west of the plane's original course.
Satellite Data Reveal Route of Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 -
Says he only had 'private pilot privileges'. Not commercial. Big difference. My brother and nephew both have small planes. No comparison.

atta had a commercial certificate

and it was legal for him to fly solo
in all the ratings areas

basic pilots start out usually with
fixed wing single engine over land

then as they get more training and hours move upwards

with more complex piloting

such as instrument flight

multi engine complex aircraft

CFI and CFI 11

and so forth

atta was far from a basic student pilot

as of December 2000 atta was receiving flight training for 727s

I find it amazing that CNN portrayed him as being an amateur. I distinctly recall that, and it would seem another on this thread does as well.

That was claimed that the 9/11 terrorists didn't know how to fly jets....remember? I'm still laughing over that comment. :lol: Maybe that is why you negged me, you found my response "disagreeable"! :lol:

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