Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

It may have gone out of sight too fast for him to tell someone else in time to see it.

How could you tell if one was on fire or not? They fly so far away that they look smaller than a dime in the air. If he could see it, that means that they were in serious trouble because the fire would have to be too big to notice but the fact that there is no plane contradicts that theory for now.

If it was going down, it likely wouldn't be that high. If it went over the horizon and crashed into the ocean he wouldn't have seen that happen. I don't think a credible witness should be discounted.

I think the plane crashed. They seem to be ruling out some pretty credible evidence, like the seismic activity that was picked up from the ocean floor. Now it seems they are on a witch hunt.

Would a plane crashing on the oceans surface cause a seismic event on the ocean floor? How deep was the water there in that area? I ask since US scientists don't think this seismic event had anything to do with the planes disappearance. If the plane hit the water that hard to cause the event, one would think there would be wreckage in the area. That area was searched, wasn't it?
"what happened to the plane?"

"well the plane was sending one blip per hour then it stopped"

"how did it stop?"

"the plane could be under water , in that case the tracking devices won't work well, but, we think the tracking devices were shut off"

"shut off?"


" went to the trouble of placing tracking devices on the plane, then placed switches next to the pilots , so they could shut them off when ever they want?"


"so...because of 9-11, the Department of Homeland Security placed armed men all around New York, but someone can walk into a cockpit ,shut off the tracking devices, and a plane becomes invisible to radar?"


"that's why you guys earn the big money"
I was inclined to believe this plane was hidden in some obscure place and a hostage demand would soon be made. But it's been so long I no longer believe that. Now I don't know what to think.

One thing is certain, traveling by air is a very intimidating prospect. I'm glad I have no need to do that.
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When this is all finally settled I hope the airline industry makes some critical changes so this never happens again. Namely making it impossible to turn off transponders and installing GPS systems so 'lost' planes can't get lost any more.

If you make it impossible to turn off the transponders, ATC is going to have a hell of a mess with all the airplanes pinging away at the gates and maintenance areas.

Just sayin'

pilots have to have access to circuit breakers
If you make it impossible to turn off the transponders, ATC is going to have a hell of a mess with all the airplanes pinging away at the gates and maintenance areas.

Just sayin'

Is that why they're disableable? Makes sense, but if removing that option prevents 9/11s and 370 events it'd be worth a little extra clutter on the ground.

It's not a matter of "clutter". ATC has to keep planes 5 miles apart, or they get collision warnings. Planes 300 feet apart at the gates, and that alarm will be sounding constantly. Which will block the real ones.

there are all sorts of separation rules for positive controlled aircraft and uncontrolled aircraft

which has to do with he distance from a radar station and or which rules the pilot is

flying under
I think that is likely the case.

There are also 80,000 flights a day around the world. How do we know it happens to be the same plane? It is likely but how do we know it wasn't another plane? No other planes have maintenance problems?

I would think another jet liner would have been reported missing if it was a different jet. You can't really ignore one that large with that many people on it not arriving. When something untoward happens, we may not know which plane it is for a while, though. When I went to Egypt another jet crossing the Atlantic at the same time we were went into the drink. Our families were standing on their ear because they thought it was us. Likely the controllers knew which plane it was, but it had not yet been broadcast.

i didnt hear of any other aircraft having trouble that night in that area around that time
If the rig worker saw the 777 "in flames" the entire world would know the 'rig workers' location right? Ergo they would have a damned good idea where the plane was when the rig worker saw it right? Ergo an extensive air search would have spotted some debris b/c the 777 wasn't going very far "in flames" right? A 777 is a BIG piece of kit right?
The 'rig worker' was lying or mistaken. BTW was the 'rig worker' the only man on the rig at the time? He didn't say: "Look everyone! That's a big MF plane on fire"? Ya right.

It may have gone out of sight too fast for him to tell someone else in time to see it.

How could you tell if one was on fire or not? They fly so far away that they look smaller than a dime in the air. If he could see it, that means that they were in serious trouble because the fire would have to be too big to notice but the fact that there is no plane contradicts that theory for now.

the plane could have been in the 20 ft range or less

here is his letter to the officials

he said the flames went out

Oil Rig Worker Thinks He Saw Malaysia Flight In Flames - Business Insider
A new lead on the disappearance of the plane!

"what happened to the plane?"

"well the plane was sending one blip per hour then it stopped"

"how did it stop?"

"the plane could be under water , in that case the tracking devices won't work well, but, we think the tracking devices were shut off"

"shut off?"


" went to the trouble of placing tracking devices on the plane, then placed switches next to the pilots , so they could shut them off when ever they want?"


"so...because of 9-11, the Department of Homeland Security placed armed men all around New York, but someone can walk into a cockpit ,shut off the tracking devices, and a plane becomes invisible to radar?"


"that's why you guys earn the big money"

Good thing the NSA is tracking all our phonecalls and emails

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Starting to get really annoyed with all the coverage seeing as how it isn't relating any facts (since we don't know many) but just speculation, conjecture, and the current fav theory. Thought news was supposed to be about facts, not conjecture? Watching CNN's coverage is like watching "Ancient Aliens" lots of theory and conjecture, but not one single fact. :)
It may have gone out of sight too fast for him to tell someone else in time to see it.

How could you tell if one was on fire or not? They fly so far away that they look smaller than a dime in the air. If he could see it, that means that they were in serious trouble because the fire would have to be too big to notice but the fact that there is no plane contradicts that theory for now.

If it was going down, it likely wouldn't be that high. If it went over the horizon and crashed into the ocean he wouldn't have seen that happen. I don't think a credible witness should be discounted.

I think the plane crashed. They seem to be ruling out some pretty credible evidence, like the seismic activity that was picked up from the ocean floor. Now it seems they are on a witch hunt.
You must be a Liberal right. Why would I ask? B/c you're stupid.
What on earth makes you suggest the 'rig worker' is a "credible" witness? Do you know the dude? Went to school with him did you? Or are you just 'assuming' he's sentient enough to tie his boots? Maybe he's a congenital liar.
Maybe he needs some 'attention'.
Same with your claim that "seismic activity" is "credible". Maybe a blue whale swam by and took a shit on top of a seismic monitor. From what seismologists have said there is no way to tell if an aircraft which would have broken up into a million little pieces on impact the size of a 777 then whatever was left of the fuselage floated a thousand feet to the bottom caused any needle to move anywhere on the planet. Wise up pal.
Starting to get really annoyed with all the coverage seeing as how it isn't relating any facts (since we don't know many) but just speculation, conjecture, and the current fav theory. Thought news was supposed to be about facts, not conjecture? Watching CNN's coverage is like watching "Ancient Aliens" lots of theory and conjecture, but not one single fact. :)

true it will turn out to be the simplest of answers

i still think it was an on board problem perhaps smoke in the cabin

if the plane did in fact turn left would add to that

the pilot would have turned to the closest safe harbor

Palau Langkawi airport which by reports

they would have flown right over
It may have gone out of sight too fast for him to tell someone else in time to see it.

How could you tell if one was on fire or not? They fly so far away that they look smaller than a dime in the air. If he could see it, that means that they were in serious trouble because the fire would have to be too big to notice but the fact that there is no plane contradicts that theory for now.

the plane could have been in the 20 ft range or less

here is his letter to the officials

he said the flames went out

Oil Rig Worker Thinks He Saw Malaysia Flight In Flames - Business Insider

Then someone is hiding the whereabouts of the aircraft?
my Theory :

maybe aliens swallowed plane inside their space craft and took it to outer space with them?
my Theory :

maybe aliens swallowed plane inside their space craft and took it to outer space with them?
That makes much more sense than some of the ludicrous theories put out.
Oh ya. There was a fire on board so the pilots pulled the breakers to shut off the tracking systems.
"Hey man! Looks like we've got a fire onboard! Lets disable the means by which we can be tracked". Jesus Christ! How fucking old are you all!?
my Theory :

maybe aliens swallowed plane inside their space craft and took it to outer space with them?

What are the current theories? Abducted by Aliens, Foul Play, Friendly Fire, The Pilot did it, they are underwater, they are in Iran, they are at Disneyland.

Someone post a poll.
my Theory :

maybe aliens swallowed plane inside their space craft and took it to outer space with them?

What are the current theories? Abducted by Aliens, Foul Play, Friendly Fire, The Pilot did it, they are underwater, they are in Iran, they are at Disneyland.

Someone post a poll.

You forgot my favorite. They're still at the gate waiting for permission to shove off.

Wouldn't want to pay those flight delay fines now would we!

(No, I'm not serious Sherlock)
Having done more then I should of posting on the conspiracy theory board I do have a theory.

This plane was a plane much like the ones on 9/11. Remote controlled and able to crash without producing wreckage. That's why we having heard from those on board cause there were none.
What's keeping them from putting out a large sum of money as a reward for the first person to find that dag gum plane ? In a case like this one, that even baffles me to this day. Are government's so arrogant now, that they need no help from the private sector or the average everyday citizen any longer ?

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