Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

All very simple;

A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet | Autopia |

The left turn is the key here. Zaharie Ahmad Shah1 was a very experienced senior captain with 18,000 hours of flight time.
We old pilots were drilled to know what is the closest airport of safe harbor while in cruise. Airports behind us, airports abeam us, and airports ahead of us. They’re always in our head. Always. If something happens, you don’t want to be thinking about what are you going to do–you already know what you are going to do.
When I saw that left turn with a direct heading, I instinctively knew he was heading for an airport.
He was taking a direct route to Palau Langkawi, a 13,000-foot airstrip with an approach over water and no obstacles.
The captain did not turn back to Kuala Lampur because he knew he had 8,000-foot ridges to cross. He knew the terrain was friendlier toward Langkawi, which also was closer.

There are two types of fires. An electrical fire might not be as fast and furious, and there may or may not be incapacitating smoke.
However there is the possibility, given the timeline, that there was an overheat on one of the front landing gear tires, it blew on takeoff and started slowly burning.
Yes, this happens with underinflated tires. Remember: Heavy plane, hot night, sea level, long-run takeoff.
There was a well known accident in Nigeria of a DC8 that had a landing gear fire on takeoff. Once going, a tire fire would produce horrific, incapacitating smoke. Yes, pilots have access to oxygen masks, but this is a no-no with fire. Most have access to a smoke hood with a filter, but this will last only a few minutes depending on the smoke level. (I used to carry one in my flight bag, and I still carry one in my briefcase when I fly.)

What I think happened is the flight crew was overcome by smoke and the plane continued on the heading, probably on George (autopilot), until it ran out of fuel or the fire destroyed the control surfaces and it crashed. You will find it along that route–looking elsewhere is pointless.

Ongoing speculation of a hijacking and/or murder-suicide and that there was a flight engineer on board does not sway me in favor of foul play until I am presented with evidence of foul play.


I'm flying soon.
Hope they don't forget to pump up the tyres.

So, planes are not sealed at all, and something as simple as a blown tyre because someone forgot to put air in it can bring down a jet laden with many hundreds of people.
They don't print that on the ticket! or on the website.

The planes need to be sealed properly, or fire-proof tyres invented.

Here's What Pilots Think About The New Idea That The Missing Plane Flew For Hours After A Fire Killed The Pilots

In a Google+ post, Chris Goodfellow argued that smoke filled the cockpit, maybe from a burning tire on the front landing gear

One pilot agreed in the above story, others stated this:

pilots preparing to change destination "would have communicated their emergency and intentions to turn around, as well as ask for assistance and direct routing to a suitable airport from the air traffic controllers very quickly."

"The checklist I utilized for smoke and fumes in the B-777-200ER does not specifically address the transponder being turned off," he said.

And, he pointed out, it's unlikely smoke would have knocked the pilots unconscious or killed them — because they have oxygen masks.

Each pilot has a quick-donning mask, and putting it on is step one on the fire checklist. It covers the full face, even if the pilot wears glasses, and can be put on in about two seconds. "These masks are quite excellent at protecting a pilot from smoke and fumes

Read more: Did Missing Plane Fly For Hours After Deadly Fire? - Business Insider

Its rather cool, the oxygen does not turn on until the mask is on and turns off as soon as the mask is removed.

[ame=]O2 doff (quick donning mask) - YouTube[/ame]
Remote Islanders In The Indian Ocean Claim They Saw The Missing Malaysia Plane

Several Maldives residents on the island of Kuda Huvadhoo told Haveeru that they saw a large white aircraft, with red stripes across it (like Malaysia Airlines planes) around 6:15 a.m. local time (9:15 a.m. Malaysia time) on March 8.

Read more: Maldives Islanders Claim To See Malaysia 370 - Business Insider


According to the report, many of the islanders are reporting the same thing.... Seems impossible. sank!
Doesn't matter if it sank, just as long as the landing was successful, the crew and passengers were saved, and all in a good days work.

It sank ? Really, so what does that have to do with another jet such as the one in question landing on land where the ground is either prepared for it to land or the season is right for it to land in certain places that would accommodate such a landing if it is the case ?

I suppose you could land it on a mile of beach or do a belly landing on a mile of shallow water.
Highly unlikely though, but anythings possible at this point, otherwise upon what is to be found or learned as later to be a weird scenario and/or a weird or strange case maybe. Is there any equivalent "Bermuda triangles" in the areas ? Kidding, but then again maybe not at this point. If the plane sunk completely intact, then there would be no debris field right ? I wonder if it landed on a calm and smooth sea in the middle of the night, and then sunk into the abyss while completely intact somewhere ? Hmmm.

The flying for hours further though, may dampen that thought, and place it either landed or crashed in a location that has become a needle in a haystack at this point.
Starting to get really annoyed with all the coverage seeing as how it isn't relating any facts (since we don't know many) but just speculation, conjecture, and the current fav theory. Thought news was supposed to be about facts, not conjecture? Watching CNN's coverage is like watching "Ancient Aliens" lots of theory and conjecture, but not one single fact. :)

News hasn't been news in the past 15-20 years.
It crashed and no one got off a mayday. Yeah sure.

The latest rumor mill grist is that the plane was hijacked on order of obama and safely landed at the navy base on Diego Garcia.
CaféAuLait;8795567 said:
Remote Islanders In The Indian Ocean Claim They Saw The Missing Malaysia Plane

Several Maldives residents on the island of Kuda Huvadhoo told Haveeru that they saw a large white aircraft, with red stripes across it (like Malaysia Airlines planes) around 6:15 a.m. local time (9:15 a.m. Malaysia time) on March 8.

Read more: Maldives Islanders Claim To See Malaysia 370 - Business Insider


According to the report, many of the islanders are reporting the same thing.... Seems impossible.

Why don't we hold onto this information until they find the plane. Then we will see how true it is.
It crashed and no one got off a mayday. Yeah sure.

The latest rumor mill grist is that the plane was hijacked on order of obama and safely landed at the navy base on Diego Garcia.

:lol: You're such a psycho.
If they took the time to plan a hijacking, they would surely have planned a place to land the plane. Just because they had a 777, doesn't mean they need a landing strip that's exactly to specifications for a plane that big.

Remember, as someone else already pointed out, Sully landed his big plane in the Hudson River. sank!
Doesn't matter if it sank, just as long as the landing was successful, the crew and passengers were saved, and all in a good days work.

It sank ? Really, so what does that have to do with another jet such as the one in question landing on land where the ground is either prepared for it to land or the season is right for it to land in certain places that would accommodate such a landing if it is the case ?


It doesn't have a thing to do with it. Except for the part where it blows holes in all of their crazy conspiracy theories.
CaféAuLait;8795567 said:
Remote Islanders In The Indian Ocean Claim They Saw The Missing Malaysia Plane

Several Maldives residents on the island of Kuda Huvadhoo told Haveeru that they saw a large white aircraft, with red stripes across it (like Malaysia Airlines planes) around 6:15 a.m. local time (9:15 a.m. Malaysia time) on March 8.

Read more: Maldives Islanders Claim To See Malaysia 370 - Business Insider


According to the report, many of the islanders are reporting the same thing.... Seems impossible.

Why don't we hold onto this information until they find the plane. Then we will see how true it is.

Hummmm, I just read another article which says that last ping to the satellite was near the Maldives.

Missing Malaysia Airlines plane MH370: Islanders claim they saw jet fly over Maldives | Metro News

With all the crazy reporting I don't know what to believe anymore TBH.
CaféAuLait;8795545 said:
All very simple;

A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet | Autopia |

The left turn is the key here. Zaharie Ahmad Shah1 was a very experienced senior captain with 18,000 hours of flight time.
We old pilots were drilled to know what is the closest airport of safe harbor while in cruise. Airports behind us, airports abeam us, and airports ahead of us. They’re always in our head. Always. If something happens, you don’t want to be thinking about what are you going to do–you already know what you are going to do.
When I saw that left turn with a direct heading, I instinctively knew he was heading for an airport.
He was taking a direct route to Palau Langkawi, a 13,000-foot airstrip with an approach over water and no obstacles.
The captain did not turn back to Kuala Lampur because he knew he had 8,000-foot ridges to cross. He knew the terrain was friendlier toward Langkawi, which also was closer.

There are two types of fires. An electrical fire might not be as fast and furious, and there may or may not be incapacitating smoke.
However there is the possibility, given the timeline, that there was an overheat on one of the front landing gear tires, it blew on takeoff and started slowly burning.
Yes, this happens with underinflated tires. Remember: Heavy plane, hot night, sea level, long-run takeoff.
There was a well known accident in Nigeria of a DC8 that had a landing gear fire on takeoff. Once going, a tire fire would produce horrific, incapacitating smoke. Yes, pilots have access to oxygen masks, but this is a no-no with fire. Most have access to a smoke hood with a filter, but this will last only a few minutes depending on the smoke level. (I used to carry one in my flight bag, and I still carry one in my briefcase when I fly.)

What I think happened is the flight crew was overcome by smoke and the plane continued on the heading, probably on George (autopilot), until it ran out of fuel or the fire destroyed the control surfaces and it crashed. You will find it along that route–looking elsewhere is pointless.

Ongoing speculation of a hijacking and/or murder-suicide and that there was a flight engineer on board does not sway me in favor of foul play until I am presented with evidence of foul play.


I'm flying soon.
Hope they don't forget to pump up the tyres.

So, planes are not sealed at all, and something as simple as a blown tyre because someone forgot to put air in it can bring down a jet laden with many hundreds of people.
They don't print that on the ticket! or on the website.

The planes need to be sealed properly, or fire-proof tyres invented.

Here's What Pilots Think About The New Idea That The Missing Plane Flew For Hours After A Fire Killed The Pilots


One pilot agreed in the above story, others stated this:

And, he pointed out, it's unlikely smoke would have knocked the pilots unconscious or killed them — because they have oxygen masks.

Each pilot has a quick-donning mask, and putting it on is step one on the fire checklist. It covers the full face, even if the pilot wears glasses, and can be put on in about two seconds. "These masks are quite excellent at protecting a pilot from smoke and fumes

Read more: Did Missing Plane Fly For Hours After Deadly Fire? - Business Insider

Its rather cool, the oxygen does not turn on until the mask is on and turns off as soon as the mask is removed.

[ame=]O2 doff (quick donning mask) - YouTube[/ame]

in an emergency

the rule is

aviate navigate communicate in that order
How could you tell if one was on fire or not? They fly so far away that they look smaller than a dime in the air. If he could see it, that means that they were in serious trouble because the fire would have to be too big to notice but the fact that there is no plane contradicts that theory for now.

the plane could have been in the 20 ft range or less

here is his letter to the officials

he said the flames went out

Oil Rig Worker Thinks He Saw Malaysia Flight In Flames - Business Insider

Then someone is hiding the whereabouts of the aircraft?

no probably not
CaféAuLait;8795545 said:
All very simple;

A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet | Autopia |


I'm flying soon.
Hope they don't forget to pump up the tyres.

So, planes are not sealed at all, and something as simple as a blown tyre because someone forgot to put air in it can bring down a jet laden with many hundreds of people.
They don't print that on the ticket! or on the website.

The planes need to be sealed properly, or fire-proof tyres invented.

Here's What Pilots Think About The New Idea That The Missing Plane Flew For Hours After A Fire Killed The Pilots


One pilot agreed in the above story, others stated this:

Each pilot has a quick-donning mask, and putting it on is step one on the fire checklist. It covers the full face, even if the pilot wears glasses, and can be put on in about two seconds. "These masks are quite excellent at protecting a pilot from smoke and fumes

Read more: Did Missing Plane Fly For Hours After Deadly Fire? - Business Insider

Its rather cool, the oxygen does not turn on until the mask is on and turns off as soon as the mask is removed.

[ame=]O2 doff (quick donning mask) - YouTube[/ame]

in an emergency

the rule is

aviate navigate communicate in that order

In short, fly the plane, then ask for help, everything else can wait?

Is there a set of rules /steps which dictate the captain should assure he is able to fly, such as donning a mask in case of fire?
CaféAuLait;8795567 said:
Remote Islanders In The Indian Ocean Claim They Saw The Missing Malaysia Plane

Several Maldives residents on the island of Kuda Huvadhoo told Haveeru that they saw a large white aircraft, with red stripes across it (like Malaysia Airlines planes) around 6:15 a.m. local time (9:15 a.m. Malaysia time) on March 8.

Read more: Maldives Islanders Claim To See Malaysia 370 - Business Insider


According to the report, many of the islanders are reporting the same thing.... Seems impossible.

not really

if the pilot set the auto pilot to head for Palau Langkawi airport

for an emergency landing ( which by all accounts in the various drawings)

the plane flew right over and the pilot did not intervene with the auto pilot

it would have kept going on that path until it ran out of gas

in 1999 a Lear jet climbing out of Florida for Texas

had its auto pilot set for the first leg when it lost cabin pressure

and everyone went to sleep

the plane flew on the heading for several hours

finally crash landing up here in South Dakota

it flew for 4 hours and over 1500 miles by itself
Last edited:
I don't have the foggiest if this is true but this is what China Times is reporting.

Malaysia lied about MH370; plane may be in Somalia or Mongolia: official

Malaysia lied about MH370; plane may be in Somalia or Mongolia: official?Society?News?

I don't know the reputation of the paper above, but I do know there have been many questionable statements from Malaysian officials. Some of those being the people who were on the plane with stolen passports were black and looked like Mario Balotelli, (not even close). Another, when the official stated he never said the plane turned when he in fact did at the beginning of the flight gone missing.

Have officials lied or is this just an unorganized mess, or is the news reporting too fast wanting facts and making them up as they go along?
CaféAuLait;8795567 said:
Remote Islanders In The Indian Ocean Claim They Saw The Missing Malaysia Plane

Several Maldives residents on the island of Kuda Huvadhoo told Haveeru that they saw a large white aircraft, with red stripes across it (like Malaysia Airlines planes) around 6:15 a.m. local time (9:15 a.m. Malaysia time) on March 8.

Read more: Maldives Islanders Claim To See Malaysia 370 - Business Insider


According to the report, many of the islanders are reporting the same thing.... Seems impossible.

not really

if the pilot set the auto pilot to head for Palau Langkawi airport

for an emergency landing ( which by all accounts in the various drawings)

the plane flew right over and the pilot did not intervene with the auto pilot

it would have kept going on that path until it ran out of gas

in 1999 a Lear jet climbing out of Florida for Texas

had its auto pilot set for the first leg when it lost cabin pressure

and everyone went to sleep

the plane flew on the heading for several hours

finally crash landing up here in South Dakota

it flew for 4 hours and over 1500 miles by itself

I probably should have clarified, I meant it seemed impossible given Malaysian officials were nearly 100 percent sure the plane was off the coast of Australia and that is why the search started there.
I've often said that Galt's Gulch is not possible in today's world. Now I'm not so sure. I guess the real question is:

Where is John Galt?
CaféAuLait;8797091 said:
CaféAuLait;8795545 said:
Here's What Pilots Think About The New Idea That The Missing Plane Flew For Hours After A Fire Killed The Pilots


One pilot agreed in the above story, others stated this:

Read more: Did Missing Plane Fly For Hours After Deadly Fire? - Business Insider

Its rather cool, the oxygen does not turn on until the mask is on and turns off as soon as the mask is removed.

O2 doff (quick donning mask) - YouTube

in an emergency

the rule is

aviate navigate communicate in that order

In short, fly the plane, then ask for help, everything else can wait?

Is there a set of rules /steps which dictate the captain should assure he is able to fly, such as donning a mask in case of fire?

i should have also said investigate

each airline has various sets of rules about smoke in the cabin or cockpit

air mask and smoke Googles are to be worn if you cant see you cant fly

yes they have emergency procedure checklists for various types of smoke

an actual fire in the cabin or cockpit would be even more intense

since the emergency has moved from smoke to fire

with an abbreviated checklist and ditch in the drink
They saw a plane. At night. With red stripes.

When I see planes at night its a couple of lights passing.
CaféAuLait;8797153 said:
I don't have the foggiest if this is true but this is what China Times is reporting.

Malaysia lied about MH370; plane may be in Somalia or Mongolia: official

Malaysia lied about MH370; plane may be in Somalia or Mongolia: official?Society?News?

I don't know the reputation of the paper above, but I do know there have been many questionable statements from Malaysian officials. Some of those being the people who were on the plane with stolen passports were black and looked like Mario Balotelli, (not even close). Another, when the official stated he never said the plane turned when he in fact did at the beginning of the flight gone missing.

Have officials lied or is this just an unorganized mess, or is the news reporting too fast wanting facts and making them up as they go along?

i sort of believe that the crew ripped off the airplane

because it was carrying something valuable from Malaysia to China in the cargo
that is an interesting article though something that is odd

the plane flew right over the other airport

yet they didnt see the plane on their radar


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