Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

I stand corrected. Detection and Suppression are certainly different.
I do stand by the fact that smoke and or any debris can not enter the interior of the plane from the wheel hangers.
While not common tire fires do occur and all pilots are trained to deal specifically with this eventuality. Detection devices indicate the heat of the tire/s and all wheel hanger wells and the mechanical elements used to control the movement of the landing gear are specifically designed to withstand tire fires in modern aircraft.

the procedure is simple if all things are equal

extend the gear

but who says all things had been equal in this flight

smoke can certainly enter the cabin from a wheel fire

if enough time goes by
The point of extending the gear is to burn off/out the tire fire ASAP. At a few hundred KPH that does not take long enough for any significant amount of smoke to get past the hanger seals.
All adjacent areas close by and all areas that would be exposed to the effects of a tire burning are constructed with special fire retardant materials specifically installed in the event of a burning tire.

Full cover oxygen masks provide enough oxygen for both pilots for the full duration of any commercial flight. It's the law.
IMO a tire fire did not cause the plane to crash, if that was what occurred.
IMO the co-pilot incapacitated the Captain then took control of the plane and he ended up crashing the plane either from pilot error of intentionally b/c of some mental/emotional disorder.
I knew a twenty five year old man for over ten years. Saw him almost daily. Dependable/straightforward/honest/loyal/fire fighter/salt of the earth type. Never any hint of him being crazy. One Christmas eve dinner with him and his lovely wife and kids and another dozen people he stood up and calmly told us all that what he had to say was very important: He had come to the dinner to tell us all present that he was in fact "the literal son of God". We ended up taking him to the hospital then he ended up staying in a gated mental hospital for about three years. Then he left the area. Maybe he went back to stay with his father in heaven.
Point is no one can predict what any one is capable of.

yes if all things are equal

but as of now we just do not know what happened

personally i do not think a nose wheel fire caused the problem

but a part of the supposed information as to what the plane did

would suggest attempts to shake a landing gear open

the co-pilot incapacitated the Captain then took control of the plane and he ended up crashing the plane either from pilot error of intentionally b/c of some mental/emotional disorder.

certainly that is another theory and possible

but as of now there is no more proof of that then the landing gear problem
the procedure is simple if all things are equal

extend the gear

but who says all things had been equal in this flight

smoke can certainly enter the cabin from a wheel fire

if enough time goes by
The point of extending the gear is to burn off/out the tire fire ASAP. At a few hundred KPH that does not take long enough for any significant amount of smoke to get past the hanger seals.
All adjacent areas close by and all areas that would be exposed to the effects of a tire burning are constructed with special fire retardant materials specifically installed in the event of a burning tire.

Full cover oxygen masks provide enough oxygen for both pilots for the full duration of any commercial flight. It's the law.
IMO a tire fire did not cause the plane to crash, if that was what occurred.
IMO the co-pilot incapacitated the Captain then took control of the plane and he ended up crashing the plane either from pilot error of intentionally b/c of some mental/emotional disorder.
I knew a twenty five year old man for over ten years. Saw him almost daily. Dependable/straightforward/honest/loyal/fire fighter/salt of the earth type. Never any hint of him being crazy. One Christmas eve dinner with him and his lovely wife and kids and another dozen people he stood up and calmly told us all that what he had to say was very important: He had come to the dinner to tell us all present that he was in fact "the literal son of God". We ended up taking him to the hospital then he ended up staying in a gated mental hospital for about three years. Then he left the area. Maybe he went back to stay with his father in heaven.
Point is no one can predict what any one is capable of.

yes if all things are equal

but as of now we just do not know what happened

personally i do not think a nose wheel fire caused the problem

but a part of the supposed information as to what the plane did

would suggest attempts to shake a landing gear open

the co-pilot incapacitated the Captain then took control of the plane and he ended up crashing the plane either from pilot error of intentionally b/c of some mental/emotional disorder.

certainly that is another theory and possible

but as of now there is no more proof of that then the landing gear problem

Today I have a theory and it is only a theory. Many of the things we worry about don't come true but anything can come true.

There is a teaching that America is the Big Satan and Israel is the little satan or vice versa. I don't subscribe to this theory but on 9-11 America got attacked by jetliners flying into the World Trade Center. Now we have another jetliner missing. Is it going to attack what they call the little satan?

How would you react to that? What would it mean if it were true?
The point of extending the gear is to burn off/out the tire fire ASAP. At a few hundred KPH that does not take long enough for any significant amount of smoke to get past the hanger seals.
All adjacent areas close by and all areas that would be exposed to the effects of a tire burning are constructed with special fire retardant materials specifically installed in the event of a burning tire.

Full cover oxygen masks provide enough oxygen for both pilots for the full duration of any commercial flight. It's the law.
IMO a tire fire did not cause the plane to crash, if that was what occurred.
IMO the co-pilot incapacitated the Captain then took control of the plane and he ended up crashing the plane either from pilot error of intentionally b/c of some mental/emotional disorder.
I knew a twenty five year old man for over ten years. Saw him almost daily. Dependable/straightforward/honest/loyal/fire fighter/salt of the earth type. Never any hint of him being crazy. One Christmas eve dinner with him and his lovely wife and kids and another dozen people he stood up and calmly told us all that what he had to say was very important: He had come to the dinner to tell us all present that he was in fact "the literal son of God". We ended up taking him to the hospital then he ended up staying in a gated mental hospital for about three years. Then he left the area. Maybe he went back to stay with his father in heaven.
Point is no one can predict what any one is capable of.

yes if all things are equal

but as of now we just do not know what happened

personally i do not think a nose wheel fire caused the problem

but a part of the supposed information as to what the plane did

would suggest attempts to shake a landing gear open

the co-pilot incapacitated the Captain then took control of the plane and he ended up crashing the plane either from pilot error of intentionally b/c of some mental/emotional disorder.

certainly that is another theory and possible

but as of now there is no more proof of that then the landing gear problem

Today I have a theory and it is only a theory. Many of the things we worry about don't come true but anything can come true.

There is a teaching that America is the Big Satan and Israel is the little satan or vice versa. I don't subscribe to this theory but on 9-11 America got attacked by jetliners flying into the World Trade Center. Now we have another jetliner missing. Is it going to attack what they call the little satan?

How would you react to that? What would it mean if it were true?

there is some retired general that claims he is "in the know"

and says pretty much the same thing

i hope not

i still am inclined to believe the plane was ripped off for

something valuable in the cargo

the latest version of where radar lost track just happens

to be over the other airport in Malaysia
yes if all things are equal

but as of now we just do not know what happened

personally i do not think a nose wheel fire caused the problem

but a part of the supposed information as to what the plane did

would suggest attempts to shake a landing gear open

the co-pilot incapacitated the Captain then took control of the plane and he ended up crashing the plane either from pilot error of intentionally b/c of some mental/emotional disorder.

certainly that is another theory and possible

but as of now there is no more proof of that then the landing gear problem

Today I have a theory and it is only a theory. Many of the things we worry about don't come true but anything can come true.

There is a teaching that America is the Big Satan and Israel is the little satan or vice versa. I don't subscribe to this theory but on 9-11 America got attacked by jetliners flying into the World Trade Center. Now we have another jetliner missing. Is it going to attack what they call the little satan?

How would you react to that? What would it mean if it were true?

there is some retired general that claims he is "in the know"

and says pretty much the same thing

i hope not

i still am inclined to believe the plane was ripped off for

something valuable in the cargo

the latest version of where radar lost track just happens

to be over the other airport in Malaysia

look at where

the officials claim where they lost radar contact


the spot right over the other airport

with a 13000 runway

maybe they landed there
CaféAuLait;8791896 said:
How could you tell if one was on fire or not? They fly so far away that they look smaller than a dime in the air. If he could see it, that means that they were in serious trouble because the fire would have to be too big to notice but the fact that there is no plane contradicts that theory for now.

If it was going down, it likely wouldn't be that high. If it went over the horizon and crashed into the ocean he wouldn't have seen that happen. I don't think a credible witness should be discounted.

I think the plane crashed. They seem to be ruling out some pretty credible evidence, like the seismic activity that was picked up from the ocean floor. Now it seems they are on a witch hunt.

Would a plane crashing on the oceans surface cause a seismic event on the ocean floor? How deep was the water there in that area? I ask since US scientists don't think this seismic event had anything to do with the planes disappearance. If the plane hit the water that hard to cause the event, one would think there would be wreckage in the area. That area was searched, wasn't it?

That was the speculation. But sometimes the ocean is too deep to go completely to the bottom of it. There is still a lot of the ocean we know nothing about. I would think there would be something floating if the craft came apart. If it didn't, not so much. The seats are flotation devices on all planes, so if it broke up I would expect to see some of them floating.

There are a lot of 'theories' but that is all they are, IMO. Anybody's guess is as good as anybody else's at this point.
I was inclined to believe this plane was hidden in some obscure place and a hostage demand would soon be made. But it's been so long I no longer believe that. Now I don't know what to think.

One thing is certain, traveling by air is a very intimidating prospect. I'm glad I have no need to do that.

Well, I have flown a lot and have overcome a horrible fear of flying I got when a 727 did a little nosedive. But it is still a good way to travel. And if you want to go certain places, you have to fly because the bridges just don't cross the oceans. The air industry is critical to our economy and way of life. We just overlook that most of the time.
It may have gone out of sight too fast for him to tell someone else in time to see it.

How could you tell if one was on fire or not? They fly so far away that they look smaller than a dime in the air. If he could see it, that means that they were in serious trouble because the fire would have to be too big to notice but the fact that there is no plane contradicts that theory for now.

the plane could have been in the 20 ft range or less

here is his letter to the officials

he said the flames went out

Oil Rig Worker Thinks He Saw Malaysia Flight In Flames - Business Insider

Doesn't sound like a hoax.
How could you tell if one was on fire or not? They fly so far away that they look smaller than a dime in the air. If he could see it, that means that they were in serious trouble because the fire would have to be too big to notice but the fact that there is no plane contradicts that theory for now.

the plane could have been in the 20 ft range or less

here is his letter to the officials

he said the flames went out

Oil Rig Worker Thinks He Saw Malaysia Flight In Flames - Business Insider

Then someone is hiding the whereabouts of the aircraft?

And that certainly could be if they are unable to account for all the people who were on it.
Starting to get really annoyed with all the coverage seeing as how it isn't relating any facts (since we don't know many) but just speculation, conjecture, and the current fav theory. Thought news was supposed to be about facts, not conjecture? Watching CNN's coverage is like watching "Ancient Aliens" lots of theory and conjecture, but not one single fact. :)

News hasn't been news in the past 15-20 years.

Correct. It's just another show.
So far no one has postulated that perhaps the plane has landed somewhere, is intact, is known to be intact by the Malaysian government, but the people are all dead. Therefore, Malaysia would be mum on the whereabouts of the plane because they could not account for the disappearance of the PEOPLE rather than the disappearance of the PLANE! Not as colorful as aliens, but not as drab as a crash at sea.
The point of extending the gear is to burn off/out the tire fire ASAP. At a few hundred KPH that does not take long enough for any significant amount of smoke to get past the hanger seals.
All adjacent areas close by and all areas that would be exposed to the effects of a tire burning are constructed with special fire retardant materials specifically installed in the event of a burning tire.

Full cover oxygen masks provide enough oxygen for both pilots for the full duration of any commercial flight. It's the law.
IMO a tire fire did not cause the plane to crash, if that was what occurred.
IMO the co-pilot incapacitated the Captain then took control of the plane and he ended up crashing the plane either from pilot error of intentionally b/c of some mental/emotional disorder.
I knew a twenty five year old man for over ten years. Saw him almost daily. Dependable/straightforward/honest/loyal/fire fighter/salt of the earth type. Never any hint of him being crazy. One Christmas eve dinner with him and his lovely wife and kids and another dozen people he stood up and calmly told us all that what he had to say was very important: He had come to the dinner to tell us all present that he was in fact "the literal son of God". We ended up taking him to the hospital then he ended up staying in a gated mental hospital for about three years. Then he left the area. Maybe he went back to stay with his father in heaven.
Point is no one can predict what any one is capable of.

yes if all things are equal

but as of now we just do not know what happened

personally i do not think a nose wheel fire caused the problem

but a part of the supposed information as to what the plane did

would suggest attempts to shake a landing gear open

the co-pilot incapacitated the Captain then took control of the plane and he ended up crashing the plane either from pilot error of intentionally b/c of some mental/emotional disorder.

certainly that is another theory and possible

but as of now there is no more proof of that then the landing gear problem

Today I have a theory and it is only a theory. Many of the things we worry about don't come true but anything can come true.

There is a teaching that America is the Big Satan and Israel is the little satan or vice versa. I don't subscribe to this theory but on 9-11 America got attacked by jetliners flying into the World Trade Center. Now we have another jetliner missing. Is it going to attack what they call the little satan?

How would you react to that? What would it mean if it were true?
Which planes went "missing' during 911? Like none.
yes if all things are equal

but as of now we just do not know what happened

personally i do not think a nose wheel fire caused the problem

but a part of the supposed information as to what the plane did

would suggest attempts to shake a landing gear open

the co-pilot incapacitated the Captain then took control of the plane and he ended up crashing the plane either from pilot error of intentionally b/c of some mental/emotional disorder.

certainly that is another theory and possible

but as of now there is no more proof of that then the landing gear problem

Today I have a theory and it is only a theory. Many of the things we worry about don't come true but anything can come true.

There is a teaching that America is the Big Satan and Israel is the little satan or vice versa. I don't subscribe to this theory but on 9-11 America got attacked by jetliners flying into the World Trade Center. Now we have another jetliner missing. Is it going to attack what they call the little satan?

How would you react to that? What would it mean if it were true?
Which planes went "missing' during 911? Like none.

Yea...when he said that, I was like...WTF?

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