Mall of America shooting

Gangbangers don’t fuck around in Militia they go straight in to the Woke USMilitary
This topic doesn't need my participation. It's become nothing by threats of gun violence by those who so desperately in the need of Trump giving the word to act on his behalf.

Of course we need your participation. We want to show the rest of the country what kind of people we don't need to become. It shows the ignorance of the Communists in your Communist country, the information they feed you, and the brainwashing that goes along with it. People don't hail Trump like you do with your dictator that's stripping freedoms from your people monthly.
Why does it matter when more whites commit more murders than blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans?

Only because we are the majority of people in this country. Per capita, whites are at the bottom of the list.

Over 50% of all US murders are committed by just 7% of our population, and those are black males.
So the question: If not for the 2nd. amendment, would it still be possible to convince Americans to go to war so often on false pretences?

Could it be that the key has been all along, the raising of children to be like this character?

I think that the most adamant pro-gun people on this board are displaying behaviour that indicates they want out of the culture they pretend to represent.

Go to war so often? Go to war with who?

The problem with the raising of our children is many are raised in a single-parent household. Statistically, those are the kids that get into trouble and continue to get in trouble as an adult. This single-parent family was pushed by the liberals since the 70's when the women's lib movement started. They stressed that women don't need a man in their life other than a sperm donor.
Minneapolis is just like Mogadishu
It is exactly like every other city controlled by liberals.
Rampant crime, lack of justice for victims, hostility towards police and complete disregard for the victims of violence.

Besides, the Mall of America is NOT in Mpls.
Does it make the murder less or fewer?

It clarifies how much you lie trying to skew statistics to make it sound like it's whites that are the problem when they're not.

Studies show that most people who hit the lotto's do so using auto lotto. Is auto lotto any better at picking numbers than the individual? No, it's just that most people that play the lottery use auto lotto, so it's only common sense auto lotto will produce more winners.
Of course we need your participation. We want to show the rest of the country what kind of people we don't need to become. It shows the ignorance of the Communists in your Communist country, the information they feed you, and the brainwashing that goes along with it. People don't hail Trump like you do with your dictator that's stripping freedoms from your people monthly.
Canadians do love their left-wing dictators
The only one talking about Trump is you, dipshit.
Go and huff the paint on your broadbrush...
This is what true TDS looks like.

If the Mods want to actually do something useful they'd recognize his attempts to derail this thread by turning it into another anti-Trump thread and deleting these crazy irrelevant threads
Males. Well-regulated militia males.
If you don't want gun ownership to be an individual Constitution right like the Supreme Court affirmed in Heller, McDonald and Bruen then go to Canada. Some government jerkoff in Canada said that gun ownership is a frigging "privilege" and no citizen is getting the privilege, only government thugs and criminals. How oppressive is that?
If you don't want gun ownership to be an individual Constitution right like the Supreme Court affirmed in Heller, McDonald and Bruen then go to Canada. Some government jerkoff in Canada said that gun ownership is a frigging "privilege" and no citizen is getting the privilege, only government thugs and criminals. How oppressive is that?

Gun ownership there is like a drivers license here.
Gun ownership there is like a drivers license here.
I respectfully disagree with you Ray on this one. Driver's licenses are mostly "shall issue" in the US providing you pass a rinky dink test. Firearms ownership in Canada is mostly "no issue" with the new regulations.
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