Mall of America shooting

AR-15's, handguns, Muslims, Christians, blacks, whites, yellows, purples, baseball bats, knives, guns, nobody really cares anymore?
The culture of violence due to continuous wars has taken control over the male American mind.

Then the deed becomes simple to accomplish due to the availability of far, far too many guns.

And the girls too! The ideal for the American woman has become Klan trailer trash like MTG.

Worry about your own shithole country, Hoser.

5 people killed in "horrendous" shooting at Canada condo
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Scroll over the countries at question, for the only answer that applies!

Don't care, not even a little. Nothing you could possibly say or do isn't going the change the fact that I own firearms, and carry a loaded one every day. If you don't like that, well tough shit.

While you libtards are grooming children to to be sex objects, we're "grooming" them to deal with pedophiles the way they need to be dealt with. Just like Kyle Rittenhouse's parents did.

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Don't care, not even a little. Nothing you could possibly say or do isn't going the change the fact that I own firearms, and carry a loaded one every day. If you don't like that, well tough shit.
I like that you're not trying to hide your threats. just be sure to not act alone before Trump makes the call and you will be safe from prosecution.
And don't risk trusting that Trump has the military in his pocket!
I like that you're not trying to hide your threats. just be sure to not act alone before Trump makes the call and you will be safe from prosecution.
And don't risk trusting that Trump has the military in his pocket!

He never threatened you, limp wrist
I like that you're not trying to hide your threats. just be sure to not act alone before Trump makes the call and you will be safe from prosecution.
And don't risk trusting that Trump has the military in his pocket!
This is the kind of outright lies and incendiary talk that created the MAGA "monster" you fear
This topic doesn't need my participation. It's become nothing by threats of gun violence by those who so desperately in the need of Trump giving the word to act on his behalf.

Dipshit Canuck. I had guns long before I ever heard of Donald Trump, and have even more two years after he's out of office.
I'm a Canadian and so I don't fear anything to do with Trump's maga creation. In fact, I see it as having positive overtures for the rest of the world.

However, no matter how it can benefit the rest of the world, I still favour Trump being eliminated before he makes the call to violence with the guns.

over and out!

What do you find the most threatening, Soyboy? These things themselves, or that fact that I live in a country that allows me to carry these things every day?

Don't shit yourself now...

However, no matter how it can benefit the rest of the world, I still favour Trump being eliminated before he makes the call to violence with the guns
So you're using this forum to call for the assassination of an American president.


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