Man Acquitted of Charges He Shot Drunk Driver Who Killed His Sons


Why is it racist instead of ethnicist?

Hispanics are mostly white, so how is it racist for another white to slam on the ethnicities of other whites?

The subject of race is so fucking convoluted it is incredible.

Lots of hispanics are of indian descent. Don't call them white as they are a much inferior people and only care about drugs, booze, and welfare. The hispanics of spanish descent are europeans and are fine people.
The board was warned you about calling conservatives racist. We are opposed to affirmative action and thus are anti-racist. You liberals are racist since you support AA, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america. THINK

What does you saying "All Hispanics derp derp..." have to do with affirmative action?
Once saw a reenactment of a murder on the tube, but unfortunately I don't recall the outcome for the perp, but I remember thinking at the time I wouldn't have been able to convict the guy if I was on the jury.

It was a small town where everyone knows everyone. Some guy raped and murdered a girl. He was due in the local courthouse for arraignment at a certain time, which everyone knew about including the girl's father. While the court proceedings were taking place he slipped into the courthouse and took up a position in the hallway outside the courtroom, the only route for the killer and the cops to take to get the guy back to jail.

Conveniently there were 2-3 pay phones hanging on the hallway walls - remember those - so the dad faked like he was talking on the phone with his back to the courtroom door so the cop escorting the guy wouldn't recognize him as they approached him. As soon as the two of them passed by him he took a gun out of his pocket, turned, and shot the killer in the head, abruptly putting an end to his upcoming trial.

So he shot him BEFORE the trial? Did he shoot the right guy.? Did he actually witness the rape.?

Could be the father had been abusing the girl and he feared that would come out during trial.

Why is it racist instead of ethnicist?

Hispanics are mostly white, so how is it racist for another white to slam on the ethnicities of other whites?

The subject of race is so fucking convoluted it is incredible.

Lots of hispanics are of indian descent. Don't call them white as they are a much inferior people and only care about drugs, booze, and welfare. The hispanics of spanish descent are europeans and are fine people.

Couple of points
1) historically mixes of Amerindian and white have been regarded as white, and many wealthy an d powerful families on the East Coast sport Amerindian bloodlines.
2) you paint an overly broad picture to a complex system. the problems on reservations are not understood by those who don't live there. I have personally known several Amerindians back in Texas that were hard working people. They said the only way to get ahead was to leave the rez, but you feel like you are abandoning your home and family a lot of times when you do.

All people are capable of getting into a life of solid work by evolving their values into something that admonishes laziness or sloth and respects/extolls hard work.
How did ShootSpeeders so quickly ruin a thread everyone was going to agree with? :lol:

That's what he always does. He starts a thread that does have a valid point. Then he follows it up with a racist rant and ruins it. Matthew and Tank do the same thing.

The board was warned you about calling conservatives racist. We are opposed to affirmative action and thus are anti-racist. You liberals are racist since you support AA, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america. THINK
the board is wondering if you are ever going to prove some of the shit you have stated as fact? when you said Obama is the one who sets the postage rates....
How did ShootSpeeders so quickly ruin a thread everyone was going to agree with? :lol:

That's what he always does. He starts a thread that does have a valid point. Then he follows it up with a racist rant and ruins it. Matthew and Tank do the same thing.

The board was warned you about calling conservatives racist. We are opposed to affirmative action and thus are anti-racist. You liberals are racist since you support AA, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america. THINK
the board is wondering if you are ever going to prove some of the shit you have stated as fact? when you said Obama is the one who sets the postage rates....

He *can* issue an executive order like he has on so many other law changes unapproved by Congress. What is to stop him? The law? Don't make me die from hysterical laughter.
If the authorities really are letting that man slide for taking out who killed his kids, I am rather stunned. You would think that he would be charged for not letting the law decide on what the guy's fate would be for killing that man's kids, but that right there is the reason why I do not blame their dad for taking action. I wouldn't have wanted to see the man end up being just another person who gets away with what they are guilty of if them boys were my kids.

God bless you and their family always!!!

If the authorities really are letting that man slide for taking out who killed his kids, I am rather stunned. You would think that he would be charged for not letting the law decide on what the guy's fate would be for killing that man's kids, but that right there is the reason why I do not blame their dad for taking action. I wouldn't have wanted to see the man end up being just another person who gets away with what they are guilty of if them boys were my kids.

God bless you and their family always!!!


The final authority in this case is the jury and apparently they disagree with you.
There is NO evidence he even owned a firearm much less left the scene and went and got it. Once again there was NO gun powder residue on him AT ALL.

Ya gotta quit confronting the gun-grabbing liberals with facts that conflict with their Democrat Party indoctrination. They get terrible headaches.
If the authorities really are letting that man slide for taking out who killed his kids, I am rather stunned. You would think that he would be charged for not letting the law decide on what the guy's fate would be for killing that man's kids, but that right there is the reason why I do not blame their dad for taking action. I wouldn't have wanted to see the man end up being just another person who gets away with what they are guilty of if them boys were my kids.
The final authority in this case is the jury and apparently they disagree with you.
What do you mean they disagree with me? Wasn't the man acquitted? Only in a way am I glad that he was if he was. I get why he did what he did, but now a life is over because of his own choice of action and if he is able to live with what he did, that of course is up to him, but what makes him different from the man who killed his kids is that murder was his every intention when killing anyone was not the intention of the guy who killed his kids. Don't get me wrong, to me, that man screwed up royally by driving drunk, but now that he is gone too, he no longer has the ability to live with what he was guilty of. I guess that right there would be my only question for him if he was still alive to answer it. How did he feel about being the reason why two boys are not here anymore?

God bless you and their family always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I guess that I pretty much have mixed feelings about that man being acquitted for what he did because letting him get away with it may then give everyone else the impression that they too can get away with doing what he did if they were to ever be in his spot. That right there is just it. If one is going to be acquitted for doing such a thing, why not another? Therefore, maybe the father of them boys should be punished in some way for what he did to who took his kids from him especially if he isn't going to be sorry for it and we all know that he isn't going to be. I just can't help but wonder how the family of the man who is now not here anymore feels about him being killed too. Now they too have lost someone.
If the authorities really are letting that man slide for taking out who killed his kids, I am rather stunned. You would think that he would be charged for not letting the law decide on what the guy's fate would be for killing that man's kids, but that right there is the reason why I do not blame their dad for taking action. I wouldn't have wanted to see the man end up being just another person who gets away with what they are guilty of if them boys were my kids.
The final authority in this case is the jury and apparently they disagree with you.
What do you mean they disagree with me? Wasn't the man acquitted? Only in a way am I glad that he was if he was. I get why he did what he did, but now a life is over because of his own choice of action and if he is able to live with what he did, that of course is up to him, but what makes him different from the man who killed his kids is that murder was his every intention when killing anyone was not the intention of the guy who killed his kids. Don't get me wrong, to me, that man screwed up royally by driving drunk, but now that he is gone too, he no longer has the ability to live with what he was guilty of. I guess that right there would be my only question for him if he was still alive to answer it. How did he feel about being the reason why two boys are not here anymore?

God bless you and their family always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I guess that I pretty much have mixed feelings about that man being acquitted for what he did because letting him get away with it may then give everyone else the impression that they too can get away with doing what he did if they were to ever be in his spot. That right there is just it. If one is going to be acquitted for doing such a thing, why not another? Therefore, maybe the father of them boys should be punished in some way for what he did to who took his kids from him especially if he isn't going to be sorry for it and we all know that he isn't going to be. I just can't help but wonder how the family of the man who is now not here anymore feels about him being killed too. Now they too have lost someone.
You assume he did it. I submit AGAIN that there is no evidence he did it and so he probably did not. HOW exactly did he manage to shoot the guy and still have NO gunpowder residue on him? Where did the firearm go? Who watched over his child while he went to his house to retrieve a weapon that he never owned?
How did ShootSpeeders so quickly ruin a thread everyone was going to agree with? :lol:

That's what he always does. He starts a thread that does have a valid point. Then he follows it up with a racist rant and ruins it. Matthew and Tank do the same thing.

The board was warned you about calling conservatives racist. We are opposed to affirmative action and thus are anti-racist. You liberals are racist since you support AA, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america. THINK
the board is wondering if you are ever going to prove some of the shit you have stated as fact? when you said Obama is the one who sets the postage rates....

He *can* issue an executive order like he has on so many other law changes unapproved by Congress. What is to stop him? The law? Don't make me die from hysterical laughter.
i never thought i would ever see anyone backing Shootspeados you are going to make me die from hysterical laughter.......


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You assume he did it. I submit AGAIN that there is no evidence he did it and so he probably did not. HOW exactly did he manage to shoot the guy and still have NO gunpowder residue on him?

Hey einstein. Ever hear of soap?
Hey Einstein he had barely enough time to have supposedly gone to his house and gotten the firearm there was no time to WASH up after. Which brings us back to where did the firearm go? Further he had his son's blood all over him if he had gone home that blood would be in his house.
Jury nullification let another vigilante go and i say great. The govt coddles deadly drunk drivers and people are forced to meet out justice themselves.

Texas Man Acquitted of Charges He Shot the Drunk Driver Who Killed His Sons - TIME

aug 27, 2014
David Barajas was acquittedWednesday over charges that he shot and killed a drunk driver who had earlier hit and killed his two sons.

Barajas was on trial for fatally shooting Jose Banda, who drove into Barajas and his 11-and-12-year-old sons while they were pushing a truck that had run out of gas. Barajas survived the incident, but his two young boys were killed. The prosecutors in the case said Barajas went home to get a gun and returned to shoot and kill Banda, the Associated Press reports.

The case was complicated, as there were no witnesses of the shooting, the murder weapon was never recovered, and gun shot residue tests on Barajas came back negative. However, ammunition and a holster for the type of gun that killed Banda were found in Barajas’ home.

The defense, however, argued that there was not enough evidence to tie Barajas to the crime. Barajas may have also had jury sympathy, since he had support from the community in his Houston-area city of Alvin.

You cannot let people take the law into their own hands.
Jury nullification let another vigilante go and i say great. The govt coddles deadly drunk drivers and people are forced to meet out justice themselves.

Texas Man Acquitted of Charges He Shot the Drunk Driver Who Killed His Sons - TIME

aug 27, 2014
David Barajas was acquittedWednesday over charges that he shot and killed a drunk driver who had earlier hit and killed his two sons.

Barajas was on trial for fatally shooting Jose Banda, who drove into Barajas and his 11-and-12-year-old sons while they were pushing a truck that had run out of gas. Barajas survived the incident, but his two young boys were killed. The prosecutors in the case said Barajas went home to get a gun and returned to shoot and kill Banda, the Associated Press reports.

The case was complicated, as there were no witnesses of the shooting, the murder weapon was never recovered, and gun shot residue tests on Barajas came back negative. However, ammunition and a holster for the type of gun that killed Banda were found in Barajas’ home.

The defense, however, argued that there was not enough evidence to tie Barajas to the crime. Barajas may have also had jury sympathy, since he had support from the community in his Houston-area city of Alvin.

You cannot let people take the law into their own hands.
There is no evidence of Jury Nullification. The prosecution had no real evidence. No witness, no weapon, no gunpowder residue on the accused, the man never even owned a firearm. Further several people fled the scene before the cops arrived.
How did ShootSpeeders so quickly ruin a thread everyone was going to agree with? :lol:

That's what he always does. He starts a thread that does have a valid point. Then he follows it up with a racist rant and ruins it. Matthew and Tank do the same thing.

The board was warned you about calling conservatives racist. We are opposed to affirmative action and thus are anti-racist. You liberals are racist since you support AA, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america. THINK
the board is wondering if you are ever going to prove some of the shit you have stated as fact? when you said Obama is the one who sets the postage rates....

The post in question was rambling nonsense. And you expect him to prove other one lol.
How did ShootSpeeders so quickly ruin a thread everyone was going to agree with? :lol:

That's what he always does. He starts a thread that does have a valid point. Then he follows it up with a racist rant and ruins it. Matthew and Tank do the same thing.

The board was warned you about calling conservatives racist. We are opposed to affirmative action and thus are anti-racist. You liberals are racist since you support AA, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america. THINK
the board is wondering if you are ever going to prove some of the shit you have stated as fact? when you said Obama is the one who sets the postage rates....

He *can* issue an executive order like he has on so many other law changes unapproved by Congress. What is to stop him? The law? Don't make me die from hysterical laughter.
i never thought i would ever see anyone backing Shootspeados you are going to make me die from hysterical laughter.......

All of which ignores the point. Obama has a track record of changing laws by executive order and everyone knows it.

Why do you think your distraction does anything more than tacitly admit that you cannot deny the fact?

There is no more reason to think Obama could not change the postal rates, or anything else, than to say he cant change immigration law and give millions of people an extra-legal defacto amnesty.

If you cant form a rational rebuttal to that, you would be better off just shutting the fuck up and crawling back under a rock.

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