Man Arrested A New Mexico Compound Was Teaching Kids To Be School Shooters

Man arrested at New Mexico compound was training kids to commit school shootings, court documents say

The father of a missing 3-year-old who was arrested at a New Mexico compound last week was training children to commit school shootings, court documents filed on Wednesday revealed.

Prosecutors allege Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, was conducting weapons training on the compound, where 11 children were found hungry and living in squalor. They asked Wahhaj be held without bail.

These people need the death penalty for sure!

The names sound Somali or possibly Sudanese/Ethiopian. Khartoum, old Abyssinia or Mogadishu. Regardless, arming children is a pastime back home. Shit birds.
The guy in charge of this shithole indoctrination camp is the #1 son of a radical jihadist imam who operates out of New York.
Where the fuck is the rest of the media on this story? Standing down on orders hoping that it will disappear? Fox News “All The News and all the News that the New York Times sees not fit to print”.
In the UK the press no longer identified them as Muslim.
Damn, stop making shit up, ya weirdo:

Extremist Muslim father at New Mexico compound was training kids to carry out school shootings | Daily Mail Online

US children 'trained to attack schools'
Mr Wahhaj's father, Imam Siriaj Wahhaj, is a prominent Muslim leader in Brooklyn, who has been called "one of the most admired Muslim leaders" in the US.

He reportedly testified as a character witness at the trial for Omar Abdel-Rahman, who was later convicted of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

In 1991, he became the first Muslim to lead an opening prayer in front of the US House of Representatives."

New Mexico: 11 ‘starving’ children rescued from makeshift compound

"the two men, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and Lucan Morton, were heavily armed with rifles, pistols and a large cache of ammunition, and were believed to be Muslim extremists."
Born Jeffrey Kearse
March 11, 1950 (age 68)
Brooklyn, New York City
New York, United States
That’s the dad that is the Imam
Man arrested at New Mexico compound was training kids to commit school shootings, court documents say

The father of a missing 3-year-old who was arrested at a New Mexico compound last week was training children to commit school shootings, court documents filed on Wednesday revealed.

Prosecutors allege Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, was conducting weapons training on the compound, where 11 children were found hungry and living in squalor. They asked Wahhaj be held without bail.

These people need the death penalty for sure!

The names sound Somali or possibly Sudanese/Ethiopian. Khartoum, old Abyssinia or Mogadishu. Regardless, arming children is a pastime back home. Shit birds.
Child abuse, trafficking, I don't know what all charges. Apparently they were training kids to shoot up schools. They were reported by neighbors and the property owner repeatedly, child welfare and law enforcement, per usual, refused to act. Apparently they were waiting for a school shooting...per usual as well.

There has been one dead child found on the property so far.

Oh and they appear to be immigrants though of course the fake press doesn't report that.

New Mexico's CYFD is a joke. Like most that are run by liberals.
Where the fuck is the rest of the media on this story? Standing down on orders hoping that it will disappear? Fox News “All The News and all the News that the New York Times sees not fit to print”.
Published 2 hours ago, ya freak:

Prosecutors Investigate Whether Children Were Being Trained to Carry Out School Shootings

You got the son of World Trade Center ‘93 conspirator training children against their will in the middle of the desert to shoot up schools and you call me a freak? Did your beloved times explore him being the son of a conspirator in the ‘93 WTC attack?
You got the son of World Trade Center ‘93 conspirator training children against their will in the middle of the desert to shoot up schools and you call me a freak?
Uh... yes? What does one have to do with the other, and what do i have to do with those assholes? You are talking gibberish. And don't think you're infantile little hissy fit somehow covers up the fact that you said something stupid earlier about the story not being covered, because it doesn't.
Regardless, arming children is a pastime back home.
To be fair on that point, it seems to be a popular fetish here in the states, as well.
WTF is wrong with you?
You don't think Republican gun nuts want to arm kids?

Sacha Baron Cohen Duped Lawmakers to Support Arming Kids

I was armed since the age of 9.

10th birthday for my first shotgun, first 'real' firearm. Got a .22 single shot on my 8th birthday.
Any word from David Hogg on his fellow Democrats there in New Mexico training kids to shoot other kids yet?
And he was just here too. Flapping his yap.

Everybody we ever knew in New Mexico owns at least two firearms. He must have been babbling to the 'artist colonies', the rich trust fund kids who make fake 'native jewelry n stuff' for stupid tourists with money there in Santa Fe.

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