Man arrested in Fayetteville, North Carolina, mall with assault rifle, ammo

In all fairness, he was probably in fear for his life, because shoppers can get very aggressive at July 4th Sales Events.
It was an innocent misunderstanding. This Fort Bragg Soldier apparently wasn't informed that the mall was declared a gun free zone by HLS (?) for July 4th weekend - as far as he knew open carry was NC law and he was carrying his military gear / uniform with his weapon to the photography studio in the mall - so this should not have been too difficult to figure out!

Gunman? ha. Such drama. Liberal media shoots itself in the foot. AGAIN.
Uh...anyone with half a brain can identify the difference with just a glance.

Last time I carried a rifle in the military was 1970. Haven't needed one since then but I did get my marksmanship badge while I was there. I prefer handguns but I only need one of those. So no, I don't waste my time on guns. I have better things to do.

Hmmmm...yet you cant tell the difference between a fully automatic rifle and a semi auto?

Not from the image that was shown in the article. Could you?

You said the cops could have misidentified it.

That was BEFORE they released the pertinent information as to exactly what occurred in the mall that I subsequently posted.

Why do timelines confuse you?

Has no one ever explained the concept of events unfolding?

Does everything have to be fixed in the past in order for your one dimensional synapse to grasp it?

It's been an AR-15 from the beginning.
So whats your excuse for your ignorance now?
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions or shows the slightest concern over the agenda of JADE HELM 15 Drills to arrest and detain American citizens accused of being dissidents - is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that in Him we shall stand and outside of Him (and His Will for us as a Nation) we shall fall.
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As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions the agenda of JADE HELM 15 is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that with Him we shall stand and divided from Him we shall fall.

So how are people suppose to know a person is in the military , he walked into the mall with civilian clothes carrying an AR-15 and all the gear into a Mall on a July 4th weekend , and why was he arrested, if he was doing nothing wrong, and why is he refusing to talk to police?

You kooks are insane
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions the agenda of JADE HELM 15 is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that in Him we shall stand and outside of Him (and His Will for us as a Nation) we shall fall.
After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literall

As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions the agenda of JADE HELM 15 is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that with Him we shall stand and divided from Him we shall fall.

So how are people suppose to know a person is in the military , he walked into the mall with civilian clothes carrying an AR-15 and all the gear into a Mall on a July 4th weekend , and why was he arrested, if he was doing nothing wrong, and why is he refusing to talk to police?

You kooks are insane

If he was intending to shoot people dont you think he would have had a magazine in his weapon?
They dont go bang without one,at least not more than once.
And anyone with a brain knows you dont talk to the police without legal representation.
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions the agenda of JADE HELM 15 is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that in Him we shall stand and outside of Him (and His Will for us as a Nation) we shall fall.
After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literall

Guno, slander is the tool of the loser when the debate is lost.
In all fairness, he was probably in fear for his life, because shoppers can get very aggressive at July 4th Sales Events.
It was an innocent misunderstanding. This Fort Bragg Soldier apparently wasn't informed that the mall was declared a gun free zone by HLS (?) for July 4th weekend - as far as he knew open carry was NC law and he was carrying his military gear / uniform with his weapon to the photography studio in the mall - so this should not have been too difficult to figure out!

Gunman? ha. Such drama. Liberal media shoots itself in the foot. AGAIN.

To be fair to the media the people at the mall reported him as a gunman to the police. The media only reported what they heard from the mall and the cops.
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions or shows the slightest concern over the agenda of JADE HELM 15 Drills to arrest and detain American citizens accused of being dissidents - is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that in Him we shall stand and outside of Him (and His Will for us as a Nation) we shall fall.


The Law has Passed Killing Christians by Guillotine - YouTube
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions the agenda of JADE HELM 15 is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that with Him we shall stand and divided from Him we shall fall.

So how are people suppose to know a person is in the military , he walked into the mall with civilian clothes carrying an AR-15 and all the gear into a Mall on a July 4th weekend , and why was he arrested, if he was doing nothing wrong, and why is he refusing to talk to police?

You kooks are insane

They didn't and their response was correct, they called the police....the police found he broke the law and they arrested the lawyers go to work. Notice....he did not resist arrest, he did not refuse to be cuffed...and he walked away alive....a lesson to all teenage thugs and criminals, cooperate and you live to rob, rape, murder and steal another day...

And good for you still have the racist aren't backing down in your racism...good for you, you obviously hate Indian Americans, and whatever racist wing of the democrat you belong to should be proud of your behavior...since the democrat party is the home of all racists and racism......
Last time I carried a rifle in the military was 1970. Haven't needed one since then but I did get my marksmanship badge while I was there. I prefer handguns but I only need one of those. So no, I don't waste my time on guns. I have better things to do.

Hmmmm...yet you cant tell the difference between a fully automatic rifle and a semi auto?

Not from the image that was shown in the article. Could you?

You said the cops could have misidentified it.

That was BEFORE they released the pertinent information as to exactly what occurred in the mall that I subsequently posted.

Why do timelines confuse you?

Has no one ever explained the concept of events unfolding?

Does everything have to be fixed in the past in order for your one dimensional synapse to grasp it?

It's been an AR-15 from the beginning.
So whats your excuse for your ignorance now?

Only person who needs an excuse for his ignorance is you.

I provided all of the latest information as I came across it. It is imbeciles like yourself who are sadly mistaken about the timeline.

Try rereading the thread again.
Why are you gun grabbers so agitated....this guy walked into a mall and didn't shoot anyone...true...that doesn't help your gun grabbing need lots of dead people for that, but someone called the police, they came, he surrendered and now the lawyers take over..... guys love the mass shootings...without them you couldn't push gun banning, but at the same time...he didn't shoot anyone...that should be a good thing...right?
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions the agenda of JADE HELM 15 is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that in Him we shall stand and outside of Him (and His Will for us as a Nation) we shall fall.
After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literall

Guno, slander is the tool of the loser when the debate is lost.

Which would explain why Guano spends so much time slandering people.
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions the agenda of JADE HELM 15 is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that with Him we shall stand and divided from Him we shall fall.

So how are people suppose to know a person is in the military , he walked into the mall with civilian clothes carrying an AR-15 and all the gear into a Mall on a July 4th weekend , and why was he arrested, if he was doing nothing wrong, and why is he refusing to talk to police?

You kooks are insane

Guno, as you have openly advertised yourself (on this board) as having lived in NC before you know full well there is an open carry gun law in your state. Do not act as if you do not know it. Your OP describing this man as a "terrorist" is the height of deceit and utterly shameful - actually your words were "White Terrorist Attack" - you do know better!

Bottom line here? This soldier didn't do anything wrong and your thread is out of line. WAY out of line - your should retract your accusation against this soldier in your OP. White terrorist attack? WHAT WHITE TERRORIST ATTACK? Are you meshugenah?
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As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions the agenda of JADE HELM 15 is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that in Him we shall stand and outside of Him (and His Will for us as a Nation) we shall fall.
After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literall

Guno, slander is the tool of the loser when the debate is lost.

Which would explain why Guano spends so much time slandering people.

I never thought about it before but when the debate is lost........... slander does become the tool of the loser. (or should we say weapon?)

I suppose you've made a very good point!
Hmmmm...yet you cant tell the difference between a fully automatic rifle and a semi auto?

Not from the image that was shown in the article. Could you?

You said the cops could have misidentified it.

That was BEFORE they released the pertinent information as to exactly what occurred in the mall that I subsequently posted.

Why do timelines confuse you?

Has no one ever explained the concept of events unfolding?

Does everything have to be fixed in the past in order for your one dimensional synapse to grasp it?

It's been an AR-15 from the beginning.
So whats your excuse for your ignorance now?

Only person who needs an excuse for his ignorance is you.

I provided all of the latest information as I came across it. It is imbeciles like yourself who are sadly mistaken about the timeline.

Try rereading the thread again.
Hmmmm...yet you cant tell the difference between a fully automatic rifle and a semi auto?

Not from the image that was shown in the article. Could you?

You said the cops could have misidentified it.

That was BEFORE they released the pertinent information as to exactly what occurred in the mall that I subsequently posted.

Why do timelines confuse you?

Has no one ever explained the concept of events unfolding?

Does everything have to be fixed in the past in order for your one dimensional synapse to grasp it?

It's been an AR-15 from the beginning.
So whats your excuse for your ignorance now?

Only person who needs an excuse for his ignorance is you.

I provided all of the latest information as I came across it. It is imbeciles like yourself who are sadly mistaken about the timeline.

Try rereading the thread again.

You ignorant fuck....
The very first sentence in the article states...
"Police arrested a soldier carrying an AR-15 rifle"
In all fairness, he was probably in fear for his life, because shoppers can get very aggressive at July 4th Sales Events.
It was an innocent misunderstanding. This Fort Bragg Soldier apparently wasn't informed that the mall was declared a gun free zone by HLS (?) for July 4th weekend - as far as he knew open carry was NC law and he was carrying his military gear / uniform with his weapon to the photography studio in the mall - so this should not have been too difficult to figure out!

Gunman? ha. Such drama. Liberal media shoots itself in the foot. AGAIN.

To be fair to the media the people at the mall reported him as a gunman to the police. The media only reported what they heard from the mall and the cops.

To be fair the OP in this thread called it a "White Terrorist Attack".... which is not true either. Okay?

We are talking about a Ft. Bragg soldier who went to a photography studio at the mall to have his photo taken in his uniform with his military gear and gun - in a state mind you - that has open carry law so there should not have been any problem - other than the HLS Failure to report that the Mall had been declared a gun free zone for a weekend. I do not even know if they have the authority to do that. Do they?
In all fairness, he was probably in fear for his life, because shoppers can get very aggressive at July 4th Sales Events.
It was an innocent misunderstanding. This Fort Bragg Soldier apparently wasn't informed that the mall was declared a gun free zone by HLS (?) for July 4th weekend - as far as he knew open carry was NC law and he was carrying his military gear / uniform with his weapon to the photography studio in the mall - so this should not have been too difficult to figure out!

Gunman? ha. Such drama. Liberal media shoots itself in the foot. AGAIN.

There is no 'liberal media,' it's a ridiculous lie contrived by the right.

And however trite it remains true and valid: ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Going Armed to the Terror of the People North Carolina Criminal Law

I carry my AR 15 and AK 47 in a gun bag from the car to the gun range.

If the nitwit in the OP linked article had done the same to take his AR and gear in for picture day, he wouldn't have been detained.

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