Man arrested in Fayetteville, North Carolina, mall with assault rifle, ammo


The military calls it the M16 but the cops would have called it an AR-15 but it is the same weapon.

Odds are the cops misidentified it.
I am not personally familiar with either weapon but my understanding is the AR-15 is a knock-off of the M-16, the single exception being the M-16 enables full-auto bursts while the AR-15 mechanism is restricted to semi-auto only.
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions or shows the slightest concern over the agenda of JADE HELM 15 Drills to arrest and detain American citizens accused of being dissidents - is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that in Him we shall stand and outside of Him (and His Will for us as a Nation) we shall fall.


The Law has Passed Killing Christians by Guillotine - YouTube

Let them come. I can't wait. Until then I'll be preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To the Jew first and then? To the Gentile.
In all fairness, he was probably in fear for his life, because shoppers can get very aggressive at July 4th Sales Events.
It was an innocent misunderstanding. This Fort Bragg Soldier apparently wasn't informed that the mall was declared a gun free zone by HLS (?) for July 4th weekend - as far as he knew open carry was NC law and he was carrying his military gear / uniform with his weapon to the photography studio in the mall - so this should not have been too difficult to figure out!

Gunman? ha. Such drama. Liberal media shoots itself in the foot. AGAIN.

There is no 'liberal media,' it's a ridiculous lie contrived by the right.

And however trite it remains true and valid: ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Going Armed to the Terror of the People North Carolina Criminal Law

I carry my AR 15 and AK 47 in a gun bag from the car to the gun range.

If the nitwit in the OP linked article had done the same to take his AR and gear in for picture day, he wouldn't have been detained.

There is no liberal media? Are you able to type that with a straight face or are you laughing behind your computer screen hoping people actually believe you, Clayton?

The military calls it the M16 but the cops would have called it an AR-15 but it is the same weapon.

Odds are the cops misidentified it.
I am not personally familiar with either weapon but my understanding is the AR-15 is a knock-off of the M-16, the single exception being the M-16 enables full-auto bursts while the AR-15 mechanism is restricted to semi-auto only.

Not a knockoff just not fully auto.
Kinda like the difference in a V6 Camaro vs the V8. Both are Camaro's one just performs better. the guy is a world class idiot.
What a stupid-stupid man.
We can only hope that his commanding officer takes serious issue with this stunt.
If the (AR-15) rifle was his personal property what he did was rather dumb but not as seriously unlawful as it might seem. If he's a good soldier who is guilty of only bad judgment and naive stupidity he's likely to get off with minor punishments by both the military and the civil government.

And I'd have no problem with that.
Not from the image that was shown in the article. Could you?

You said the cops could have misidentified it.

That was BEFORE they released the pertinent information as to exactly what occurred in the mall that I subsequently posted.

Why do timelines confuse you?

Has no one ever explained the concept of events unfolding?

Does everything have to be fixed in the past in order for your one dimensional synapse to grasp it?

It's been an AR-15 from the beginning.
So whats your excuse for your ignorance now?

Only person who needs an excuse for his ignorance is you.

I provided all of the latest information as I came across it. It is imbeciles like yourself who are sadly mistaken about the timeline.

Try rereading the thread again.
Not from the image that was shown in the article. Could you?

You said the cops could have misidentified it.

That was BEFORE they released the pertinent information as to exactly what occurred in the mall that I subsequently posted.

Why do timelines confuse you?

Has no one ever explained the concept of events unfolding?

Does everything have to be fixed in the past in order for your one dimensional synapse to grasp it?

It's been an AR-15 from the beginning.
So whats your excuse for your ignorance now?

Only person who needs an excuse for his ignorance is you.

I provided all of the latest information as I came across it. It is imbeciles like yourself who are sadly mistaken about the timeline.

Try rereading the thread again.

You ignorant fuck....
The very first sentence in the article states...
"Police arrested a soldier carrying an AR-15 rifle"

Your use of spurious vulgarities is a tacit surrender of your position.

Have a nice day.
In all fairness, he was probably in fear for his life, because shoppers can get very aggressive at July 4th Sales Events.
It was an innocent misunderstanding. This Fort Bragg Soldier apparently wasn't informed that the mall was declared a gun free zone by HLS (?) for July 4th weekend - as far as he knew open carry was NC law and he was carrying his military gear / uniform with his weapon to the photography studio in the mall - so this should not have been too difficult to figure out!

Gunman? ha. Such drama. Liberal media shoots itself in the foot. AGAIN.

To be fair to the media the people at the mall reported him as a gunman to the police. The media only reported what they heard from the mall and the cops.

To be fair the OP in this thread called it a "White Terrorist Attack".... which is not true either. Okay?

We are talking about a Ft. Bragg soldier who went to a photography studio at the mall to have his photo taken in his uniform with his military gear and gun - in a state mind you - that has open carry law so there should not have been any problem - other than the HLS Failure to report that the Mall had been declared a gun free zone for a weekend. I do not even know if they have the authority to do that. Do they?

The OP is not the media!

As far as the open carry law goes it does not extend to private property.

The mall is not owned by the government therefore it is private property.

They have every right to declare it a gun free zone.
Not a knockoff just not fully auto.
Kinda like the difference in a V6 Camaro vs the V8. Both are Camaro's one just performs better.
Thanks for the correction.

By "knock-off" I meant visual similarity. Is the AR-15 closely similar in appearance to the M-16? I believe it is. And if I'm right that would account for why the AR-15 is frequently referred to as an "assault rifle," which it is not because fully automatic function is a primary characteristic of assault weapons.

Am I correct in that assumption?
The mall was closing.
Other than that - he is a world class idiot if his story is true. I do hope the police do not assume it is. He had a duffel bag of ammo to go with the gun. I have red flags flying all over the place on this.

I agree. If his story is actually true then he is too damn stupid to be an American soldier, that's for sure.
"The male subject was detained without incident and was in the possession of an AR-15 assault rifle, a Kevlar vest and multiple rifle ammunition magazines," a Fayetteville Police statement said."

Yea just ignore the man

The cops responded correctly on this. Too many red flags to be ignored
You said the cops could have misidentified it.

That was BEFORE they released the pertinent information as to exactly what occurred in the mall that I subsequently posted.

Why do timelines confuse you?

Has no one ever explained the concept of events unfolding?

Does everything have to be fixed in the past in order for your one dimensional synapse to grasp it?

It's been an AR-15 from the beginning.
So whats your excuse for your ignorance now?

Only person who needs an excuse for his ignorance is you.

I provided all of the latest information as I came across it. It is imbeciles like yourself who are sadly mistaken about the timeline.

Try rereading the thread again.
You said the cops could have misidentified it.

That was BEFORE they released the pertinent information as to exactly what occurred in the mall that I subsequently posted.

Why do timelines confuse you?

Has no one ever explained the concept of events unfolding?

Does everything have to be fixed in the past in order for your one dimensional synapse to grasp it?

It's been an AR-15 from the beginning.
So whats your excuse for your ignorance now?

Only person who needs an excuse for his ignorance is you.

I provided all of the latest information as I came across it. It is imbeciles like yourself who are sadly mistaken about the timeline.

Try rereading the thread again.

You ignorant fuck....
The very first sentence in the article states...
"Police arrested a soldier carrying an AR-15 rifle"

Your use of spurious vulgarities is a tacit surrender of your position.

Have a nice day.

Your stupidity is a sign of...well, being a dumbass.
Have a nice day....if your level of stupidity will allow it.
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions or shows the slightest concern over the agenda of JADE HELM 15 Drills to arrest and detain American citizens accused of being dissidents - is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that in Him we shall stand and outside of Him (and His Will for us as a Nation) we shall fall.


The Law has Passed Killing Christians by Guillotine - YouTube

Let them come. I can't wait. Until then I'll be preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To the Jew first and then? To the Gentile.

You really need to watch this Jeri

Not a knockoff just not fully auto.
Kinda like the difference in a V6 Camaro vs the V8. Both are Camaro's one just performs better.
Thanks for the correction.

By "knock-off" I meant visual similarity. Is the AR-15 closely similar in appearance to the M-16? I believe it is. And if I'm right that would account for why the AR-15 is frequently referred to as an "assault rifle," which it is not because fully automatic function is a primary characteristic of assault weapons.

Am I correct in that assumption?

If you buy a mil spec (military specifications) AR it is for all intents and purposes the exact same rifle as the M-16 but without the ability to fire fully automatic.
In all fairness, he was probably in fear for his life, because shoppers can get very aggressive at July 4th Sales Events.
It was an innocent misunderstanding. This Fort Bragg Soldier apparently wasn't informed that the mall was declared a gun free zone by HLS (?) for July 4th weekend - as far as he knew open carry was NC law and he was carrying his military gear / uniform with his weapon to the photography studio in the mall - so this should not have been too difficult to figure out!

Gunman? ha. Such drama. Liberal media shoots itself in the foot. AGAIN.

There is no 'liberal media,' it's a ridiculous lie contrived by the right.

And however trite it remains true and valid: ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Going Armed to the Terror of the People North Carolina Criminal Law

I carry my AR 15 and AK 47 in a gun bag from the car to the gun range.

If the nitwit in the OP linked article had done the same to take his AR and gear in for picture day, he wouldn't have been detained.

There is no liberal media? Are you able to type that with a straight face or are you laughing behind your computer screen hoping people actually believe you, Clayton?
It is a fact that there are no 'liberal media'; again, it's a contrivance of the right in response to news organizations reporting facts and truthful accounts of events that conflict with rightist dogma; a ridiculous article of faith adhered to by you and other nitwit rightists.

The myth has been around since the early 50s but intensified during the late 60s – Vietnam, Pentagon Papers, Watergate, CIA-backed coups in Latin America, etc – where conservatives sought to propagate the lie that the media were 'out to get Nixon' and other republican politicians, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
If you buy a mil spec (military specifications) AR it is for all intents and purposes the exact same rifle as the M-16 but without the ability to fire fully automatic.


You just proved me right!

Gotta love it when you fall face forward into your own feces.
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions the agenda of JADE HELM 15 is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that with Him we shall stand and divided from Him we shall fall.

So how are people suppose to know a person is in the military , he walked into the mall with civilian clothes carrying an AR-15 and all the gear into a Mall on a July 4th weekend , and why was he arrested, if he was doing nothing wrong, and why is he refusing to talk to police?

You kooks are insane
If he was carrying a weapon, that's covered by the 2d Amendment. If he refuses to talk thats, covered by the 5th Amendment. This is America, Dolt. Of course PC pukes can't fathom that and will wear this bone to a frazzle.
In all fairness, he was probably in fear for his life, because shoppers can get very aggressive at July 4th Sales Events.
It was an innocent misunderstanding. This Fort Bragg Soldier apparently wasn't informed that the mall was declared a gun free zone by HLS (?) for July 4th weekend - as far as he knew open carry was NC law and he was carrying his military gear / uniform with his weapon to the photography studio in the mall - so this should not have been too difficult to figure out!

Gunman? ha. Such drama. Liberal media shoots itself in the foot. AGAIN.

There is no 'liberal media,' it's a ridiculous lie contrived by the right.

And however trite it remains true and valid: ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Going Armed to the Terror of the People North Carolina Criminal Law

I carry my AR 15 and AK 47 in a gun bag from the car to the gun range.

If the nitwit in the OP linked article had done the same to take his AR and gear in for picture day, he wouldn't have been detained.

There is no liberal media? Are you able to type that with a straight face or are you laughing behind your computer screen hoping people actually believe you, Clayton?
It is a fact that there are no 'liberal media'; again, it's a contrivance of the right in response to news organizations reporting facts and truthful accounts of events that conflict with rightist dogma; a ridiculous article of faith adhered to by you and other nitwit rightists.

The myth has been around since the early 50s but intensified during the late 60s – Vietnam, Pentagon Papers, Watergate, CIA-backed coups in Latin America, etc – where conservatives sought to propagate the lie that the media were 'out to get Nixon' and other republican politicians, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Actually, I believe we have gone beyond liberal media now. The proper term, in my opinion, should be "STATE RUN MEDIA". Ditto for television news. America is in big trouble.
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions the agenda of JADE HELM 15 is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that with Him we shall stand and divided from Him we shall fall.

So how are people suppose to know a person is in the military , he walked into the mall with civilian clothes carrying an AR-15 and all the gear into a Mall on a July 4th weekend , and why was he arrested, if he was doing nothing wrong, and why is he refusing to talk to police?

You kooks are insane
If he was carrying a weapon, that's covered by the 2d Amendment. If he refuses to talk thats, covered by the 5th Amendment. This is America, Dolt. Of course PC pukes can't fathom that and will wear this bone to a frazzle.

2nd Amendment doesn't cover him on private property that has been declared a gun free zone.

As far as the 5th goes he has every right to refuse to talk to the cops.

Not sure if that same right covers him in the military. If he is ordered to explain what happened and he refuses can he be charged with disobeying an order? That needs some research.

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