Man arrested in Fayetteville, North Carolina, mall with assault rifle, ammo

Do you even bother to read your links?

"The arrested man was a U.S. soldier who'd intended to have photographs taken with the gun and the other equipment, CNN affiliate WNCN reported, citing Fayetteville police."
Another Guno thread fail.

He might be facing charges under the UMCJ if he didn't have permission to be carrying that gun off base.

And what were people to think about the moron carrying that crap in a crowded mall with all the attacks that have been happening from white christian terrorists going berserk in public places.

So since some scary looking white people did bad stuff...we should assume all scary looking whites will?


Then I assume all scary looking blacks intend to rob or rape or kill someone.

And all gays have AIDS.
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions the agenda of JADE HELM 15 is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that with Him we shall stand and divided from Him we shall fall.

So how are people suppose to know a person is in the military , he walked into the mall with civilian clothes carrying an AR-15 and all the gear into a Mall on a July 4th weekend , and why was he arrested, if he was doing nothing wrong, and why is he refusing to talk to police?

You kooks are insane
If he was carrying a weapon, that's covered by the 2d Amendment. If he refuses to talk thats, covered by the 5th Amendment. This is America, Dolt. Of course PC pukes can't fathom that and will wear this bone to a frazzle.

2nd Amendment doesn't cover him on private property that has been declared a gun free zone.

As far as the 5th goes he has every right to refuse to talk to the cops.

Not sure if that same right covers him in the military. If he is ordered to explain what happened and he refuses can he be charged with disobeying an order? That needs some research.
The cross creek mall in Fayettevile has signs on the entrance doors with no gun allowed, I have seen it every time I go there
It is a fact that there are no 'liberal media';

No, it's quite factual; you're just a liar like most Marxists.

The media is owned largely by conservatives.

Those who work for the media tend to lean liberal because their ability to earn a living depends upon the liberal 1st Amendment.

So C_Clayton_Jones is correct when he stipulates that there is no "liberal media".

There are both liberal and conservative opinions in the media.
It is a fact that there are no 'liberal media';

No, it's quite factual; you're just a liar like most Marxists.

The media is owned largely by conservatives.

Those who work for the media tend to lean liberal because their ability to earn a living depends upon the liberal 1st Amendment.

So C_Clayton_Jones is correct when he stipulates that there is no "liberal media".

There are both liberal and conservative opinions in the media.

Wrong again, but that is the far left mantra..

Next they far left will be calling George Soros and Warren Buffet, Conservatives..

NC Law does not permit CCW on private premises that have notices posted prohibiting them.

Although a person may have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, permittees are not authorized to carry the permitted weapon anywhere they desire. The weapon may not be carried in the following: 1. Areas prohibited by G.S. § 14-277.2 (Picket lines or demonstrations); 2. Areas prohibited by G.S. § 14-269.4 (Certain State properties such as courthouses); 3. Areas prohibited by rules adopted under G.S. § 120-32.1 (Legislative buildings); 4. Areas prohibited by 18 USC § 922 or any other federal law; 5. Any law enforcement agency or correctional facility; 6. Areas housing only State or federal offices; 7. An office of the State or federal government that is not located in a building exclusively occupied by the State or federal government; 8. Any premises where notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited by the posting of a conspicuous notice, or statement by the person in legal possession or control of the premises; or
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions the agenda of JADE HELM 15 is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that with Him we shall stand and divided from Him we shall fall.

So how are people suppose to know a person is in the military , he walked into the mall with civilian clothes carrying an AR-15 and all the gear into a Mall on a July 4th weekend , and why was he arrested, if he was doing nothing wrong, and why is he refusing to talk to police?

You kooks are insane

If he was intending to shoot people dont you think he would have had a magazine in his weapon?
They dont go bang without one,at least not more than once.
And anyone with a brain knows you dont talk to the police without legal representation.
Actually if he intended to shoot anyone he would have had AMMO. All the story says is he had magazines. As in EMPTY Magazines. A good lawyer will destroy this case.
Hmmmm...yet you cant tell the difference between a fully automatic rifle and a semi auto?

Not from the image that was shown in the article. Could you?

You said the cops could have misidentified it.

That was BEFORE they released the pertinent information as to exactly what occurred in the mall that I subsequently posted.

Why do timelines confuse you?

Has no one ever explained the concept of events unfolding?

Does everything have to be fixed in the past in order for your one dimensional synapse to grasp it?

It's been an AR-15 from the beginning.
So whats your excuse for your ignorance now?

Only person who needs an excuse for his ignorance is you.

I provided all of the latest information as I came across it. It is imbeciles like yourself who are sadly mistaken about the timeline.

Try rereading the thread again.
You claimed that an AR-15 was a military weapon Used by the military. In fact you demanded I provide a link proving that an AR-15 was not a weapon used by the US military.
As with every action there is a motive. The motive of the media is the same motive the Obama Administration has for blowing all stories about guns - out of proportion - whether it be valid or not - matters not - because there is an agenda.

The agenda is to disarm every American citizen and to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights. The motive here is clear - they consider even a soldier going to have his photo taken at a studio - to be fair game - to exploit and to label as "a gunman" as if he were some suspicious terrorist.

(Meanwhile anyone who questions the agenda of JADE HELM 15 is to be portrayed as a paranoid - delusional - nutcase)

After all, HLS has made abundantly clear that the real terrorists are the Christians of the land who take the bible literally, the soldiers and military veterans of the land who have defended our nation and believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the people of this land that believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and that America is a nation that was created under God, for God and by God and that with Him we shall stand and divided from Him we shall fall.

So how are people suppose to know a person is in the military , he walked into the mall with civilian clothes carrying an AR-15 and all the gear into a Mall on a July 4th weekend , and why was he arrested, if he was doing nothing wrong, and why is he refusing to talk to police?

You kooks are insane

If he was intending to shoot people dont you think he would have had a magazine in his weapon?
They dont go bang without one,at least not more than once.
And anyone with a brain knows you dont talk to the police without legal representation.
Actually if he intended to shoot anyone he would have had AMMO. All the story says is he had magazines. As in EMPTY Magazines. A good lawyer will destroy this case.

I thought I read he had ammo with him?
Of course that doesnt mean he planned on using it,people use shiny brass in gun glamor shots all the time.
If you buy a mil spec (military specifications) AR it is for all intents and purposes the exact same rifle as the M-16 but without the ability to fire fully automatic.


You just proved me right!

Gotta love it when you fall face forward into your own feces.

I see you're still perusing this thread....
So when are you going to wow me with your reasoning?
The cross creek mall in Fayettevile has signs on the entrance doors with no gun allowed, I have seen it every time I go there
I think these posted proscriptions are naively counterproductive because only the law-abiding will comply with them, leaving them vulnerable to armed outlaws.
Poor guno, he read the story and ejaculated in his pants. He gets such a thrill when people might get killed.

What a fuckin sicko guno is.
The cross creek mall in Fayettevile has signs on the entrance doors with no gun allowed, I have seen it every time I go there
I think these posted proscriptions are naively counterproductive because only the law-abiding will comply with them, leaving them vulnerable to armed outlaws.
C'mon... People looking to shoot up a crowded mall wouldn't dare violate a "no guns" sign.
He must of had a nasty look in his eye. No civilian drew down on him. Ok everyone can go home and change their dirty drawers.
In all fairness, he was probably in fear for his life, because shoppers can get very aggressive at July 4th Sales Events.
It was an innocent misunderstanding. This Fort Bragg Soldier apparently wasn't informed that the mall was declared a gun free zone by HLS (?) for July 4th weekend - as far as he knew open carry was NC law and he was carrying his military gear / uniform with his weapon to the photography studio in the mall - so this should not have been too difficult to figure out!

Gunman? ha. Such drama. Liberal media shoots itself in the foot. AGAIN.

There is no 'liberal media,' it's a ridiculous lie contrived by the right.

And however trite it remains true and valid: ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Going Armed to the Terror of the People North Carolina Criminal Law

I carry my AR 15 and AK 47 in a gun bag from the car to the gun range.

If the nitwit in the OP linked article had done the same to take his AR and gear in for picture day, he wouldn't have been detained.

There is no liberal media? Are you able to type that with a straight face or are you laughing behind your computer screen hoping people actually believe you, Clayton?
It is a fact that there are no 'liberal media'; again, it's a contrivance of the right in response to news organizations reporting facts and truthful accounts of events that conflict with rightist dogma; a ridiculous article of faith adhered to by you and other nitwit rightists.

The myth has been around since the early 50s but intensified during the late 60s – Vietnam, Pentagon Papers, Watergate, CIA-backed coups in Latin America, etc – where conservatives sought to propagate the lie that the media were 'out to get Nixon' and other republican politicians, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Actually, I believe we have gone beyond liberal media now. The proper term, in my opinion, should be "STATE RUN MEDIA". Ditto for television news. America is in big trouble.
That's even more delusional and ridiculous, America is in no way 'in trouble' – we certainly face challenges, much of it of our own doing, the consequence of fear and reactionaryism – but America is currently a great Nation, and the best America is yet to come as more Americans realize their comprehensive civil rights, and the unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty become a thing of the past.
It was an innocent misunderstanding. This Fort Bragg Soldier apparently wasn't informed that the mall was declared a gun free zone by HLS (?) for July 4th weekend - as far as he knew open carry was NC law and he was carrying his military gear / uniform with his weapon to the photography studio in the mall - so this should not have been too difficult to figure out!

Gunman? ha. Such drama. Liberal media shoots itself in the foot. AGAIN.

There is no 'liberal media,' it's a ridiculous lie contrived by the right.

And however trite it remains true and valid: ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Going Armed to the Terror of the People North Carolina Criminal Law

I carry my AR 15 and AK 47 in a gun bag from the car to the gun range.

If the nitwit in the OP linked article had done the same to take his AR and gear in for picture day, he wouldn't have been detained.

There is no liberal media? Are you able to type that with a straight face or are you laughing behind your computer screen hoping people actually believe you, Clayton?
It is a fact that there are no 'liberal media'; again, it's a contrivance of the right in response to news organizations reporting facts and truthful accounts of events that conflict with rightist dogma; a ridiculous article of faith adhered to by you and other nitwit rightists.

The myth has been around since the early 50s but intensified during the late 60s – Vietnam, Pentagon Papers, Watergate, CIA-backed coups in Latin America, etc – where conservatives sought to propagate the lie that the media were 'out to get Nixon' and other republican politicians, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Actually, I believe we have gone beyond liberal media now. The proper term, in my opinion, should be "STATE RUN MEDIA". Ditto for television news. America is in big trouble.
That's even more delusional and ridiculous, America is in no way 'in trouble' – we certainly face challenges, much of it of our own doing, the consequence of fear and reactionaryism – but America is currently a great Nation, and the best America is yet to come as more Americans realize their comprehensive civil rights, and the unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty become a thing of the past.

Sell that to the borg drones...once obama is out of office, if we can defeat the racist democrat party, we will have a great deal of work shoveling our way out of obama's crap heap...

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