Man asks Elizabeth Warren if he's going to get his money back for paying for his daughter's college education. "Of course not!"

I think the small fraction of taxes they’d have to pay is insignificant compared to the amount of debt that they will no longer have. Did you really think you were making a strong point with that one?
Giver every taxpayer the same amount the people getting breaks on their tuition loans get.
I'd ask Warren the same question if I had the chance.

There's a lot of people who would.
I would too. And I’d probably get the same answer I got from my parents all the time when I was a kid… “Life isn’t fair”
Don’t want to explain it?

You really need to have this explained to you?

I mean come on, it's simple. This guy, like many others paid OUT OF HIS OWN pocket for his kids education. In his case, that while he was working hard to pay for it, people like his neighbor who were able to afford vacations and other luxuries, now his kids are going to get their loans written off. That wouldn't bother you too?
You really need to have this explained to you?

I mean come on, it's simple. This guy, like many others paid OUT OF HIS OWN pocket for his kids education. In his case, that while he was working hard to pay for it, people like his neighbor who were able to afford vacations and other luxuries, now his kids are going to get their loans written off. That wouldn't bother you too?
I try not concern myself too much with what other people do. I do my best and what I feel is right and that’s enough. If somebody else wins the lottery or a raffle or gets some benefit that I didn’t get I don’t whine about how unfair it is, good for them.
Pissed off about what?

Paying for broke jokes. It's really that simple

My husband and I paid off our loans and now we pay for do nothings? How about hardworking people who never attended college? Is that fair to them? Think you fcking moochers

Absolutely nobody owes you jack shit
Paying for broke jokes. It's really that simple

My husband and I paid off our loans and now we pay for do nothings? How about hardworking people who never attended college? Is that fair to them? Think you fcking moochers

Absolutely nobody owes you jack shit
How much do you pay for do nothings? Last year for example. How much did you pay?
How much do you pay for do nothings? Last year for example. How much did you pay?

Dude, we pay our taxes, a portion of those taxes will now be allocated to irresponsible jackasses who made lousy life descions.

Are you like totally fcking stupid? We honored our loan obligation... like you deadbeats should
That wasn’t a hissy fit is was a laugh at your ignorance. You dont know how this is funded so you do idiot math and spread lies.
You continue to deflect, go ahead how will it be paid for and by whom? Since you obviously suck
Hey, when the best you got are the likes of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Kamelia Harris, you pretty much HAVE to buy all your votes!

I mean, its not like you can expect actual hard-working responsible people to vote "democrat," can you?!
As I have said, the Dem party is bleeding out and is becoming increasingly desperate to hold onto power.
Dude, we pay our taxes, a portion of those taxes will now be allocated to irresponsible jackasses who made lousy life descions.

Are you like totally fcking stupid? We honored our loan obligation... like you deadbeats should
I get it. I’m just curious how much you paid towards these people you’re so bitter about out of your taxes?
Ultimately, the goal is to have blue collar union workers pay for the elites' Ivy League education in basket weaving.
Bingo! Two classes, the elite ruling class and the masses ruled with an iron fist.
I’m not deflecting from a thing. I have no clue how they intend to find it. Never claimed to have known that
The University of Pennsylvania just weighed in with a study, they say Biden's loan forgiveness could bloat to $1 trillion. That will cost a family of four over $11,000 dollars to pay for Biden's vote purchasing scheme. :oops:

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