Man Being Tested At Mount Sinai Hospital For Possible Ebola Virus

An interesting thing about the disease that I glean from these maps is the void between Nigeria and the cluster of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. This disease is known to be spreadable by certain bats that cross all four nations and the seven or so between them.

And yet we see no reports of Ebola cases in the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal or Guinea Bassau.

Is it that there are actually no cases or is it that the government is too corrupt, incompetent to track said cases, or are they just hysterically lucky?

If there actually are unreported cases, then managing the spread of this disease is almost impossible.
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An interesting thing about the disease that I glean from these maps is the void between Nigeria and the cluster of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. This disease is known to be spreadable by certain bats that cross all four nations and the seven or so between them.

And yet we see no reports of Ebola cases in the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal or Guinea Bassau.

Is it that there are actually no cases or is it that the government is too corrupt, incompetent to track said cases, or are they just hysterically lucky?

If there actually are unreported cases, then managing the spread of this disease is almost impossible.
Obama is purposely protecting those countries because they are majority muslim nations. The ones getting the disease are just part of his incubation plan to introduce ebola to the USA, a special strain of ebola that only causes death among conservatives.

You are right to be frightened.
An interesting thing about the disease that I glean from these maps is the void between Nigeria and the cluster of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. This disease is known to be spreadable by certain bats that cross all four nations and the seven or so between them.

And yet we see no reports of Ebola cases in the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal or Guinea Bassau.

Is it that there are actually no cases or is it that the government is too corrupt, incompetent to track said cases, or are they just hysterically lucky?

If there actually are unreported cases, then managing the spread of this disease is almost impossible.

The countries are apt to be censoring information, as many nations did in 1917-1920. WHO respects no individual nation, nor is Obama in control of DWB, or other aid organizations. There is a possibility that differing climate and georgraphy may affect feeding patterns.
An interesting thing about the disease that I glean from these maps is the void between Nigeria and the cluster of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. This disease is known to be spreadable by certain bats that cross all four nations and the seven or so between them.

And yet we see no reports of Ebola cases in the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal or Guinea Bassau.

Is it that there are actually no cases or is it that the government is too corrupt, incompetent to track said cases, or are they just hysterically lucky?

If there actually are unreported cases, then managing the spread of this disease is almost impossible.
Obama is purposely protecting those countries because they are majority muslim nations. The ones getting the disease are just part of his incubation plan to introduce ebola to the USA, a special strain of ebola that only causes death among conservatives.

You are right to be frightened.

Don't you have a street to go play in?
An interesting thing about the disease that I glean from these maps is the void between Nigeria and the cluster of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. This disease is known to be spreadable by certain bats that cross all four nations and the seven or so between them.

And yet we see no reports of Ebola cases in the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal or Guinea Bassau.

Is it that there are actually no cases or is it that the government is too corrupt, incompetent to track said cases, or are they just hysterically lucky?

If there actually are unreported cases, then managing the spread of this disease is almost impossible.

The countries are apt to be censoring information, as many nations did in 1917-1920.

Yes, which is making control by higher level orgs pretty much more difficult.

WHO respects no individual nation, nor is Obama in control of DWB, or other aid organizations.

Straw man, Peach.

There is a possibility that differing climate and georgraphy may affect feeding patterns.

Possibly, but methinks that a heavy cluster of cases in three countries, zero in nine neighboring countries and then multiple cases in a more distant country if similar semi-arid savannah environments that are all home to the fruit bat and pigs, this all seems to suggest that there are many cases simply not being reported.

Governments fear panic more than fear pandemics and always have.
An interesting thing about the disease that I glean from these maps is the void between Nigeria and the cluster of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. This disease is known to be spreadable by certain bats that cross all four nations and the seven or so between them.

And yet we see no reports of Ebola cases in the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal or Guinea Bassau.

Is it that there are actually no cases or is it that the government is too corrupt, incompetent to track said cases, or are they just hysterically lucky?

If there actually are unreported cases, then managing the spread of this disease is almost impossible.

The countries are apt to be censoring information, as many nations did in 1917-1920.

Yes, which is making control by higher level orgs pretty much more difficult.

WHO respects no individual nation, nor is Obama in control of DWB, or other aid organizations.

Straw man, Peach.

There is a possibility that differing climate and georgraphy may affect feeding patterns.

Possibly, but methinks that a heavy cluster of cases in three countries, zero in nine neighboring countries and then multiple cases in a more distant country if similar semi-arid savannah environments that are all home to the fruit bat and pigs, this all seems to suggest that there are many cases simply not being reported.

Governments fear panic more than fear pandemics and always have.

The "Spanish" flu was so named because Spain did not censor, odds are, you are correct.
...Sure, that helps a lot, but why do you expect me to be familiar with the reference?
Naturally, the Captain Trips remark was general, and not directed at a particular person. Within the boundaries of those likely to commenting upon pandemics, that particular and very widely known piece of fiction is a likely staple. Can't win 'em all, I guess. Salude.

Even before hearing about the other half dozen possible infections I figured it was just panic. Everyone who gets a sniffle from recycled cabin air on the plane going home from any of the infected countries is gonna freak and go get checked out. That's all it is. ...Hopefully. :)

Yes, it is to be hoped panic does not replace focus on continued research and treatment.
1 death of the two infected in Nigeria, the sole person infected in Saudi Arabia has also died. No comment as it isn't human to feel relief at the deaths of others from this disease.
...Sure, that helps a lot, but why do you expect me to be familiar with the reference?
Naturally, the Captain Trips remark was general, and not directed at a particular person. Within the boundaries of those likely to commenting upon pandemics, that particular and very widely known piece of fiction is a likely staple. Can't win 'em all, I guess. Salude.

Meh, as I have said before, I am a bookworm on internet crack these days. Havent read a whole book in a single day in a long time like I used to.

Sorry about my cluelessness regarding Captain Trips.

Who here believes that Ebola can be contracted by breathing in air?

There is no conclusive evidence but it is strongly suggestive and will require more study. Meanwhile why not take precautions?

Ebola Mode of Transmission: (Canadian site) In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.

Ebola virus - Pathogen Safety Data Sheets

Ebola spread to these monkeys through the air, so why cant it also happen to people too?
Airborne and droplet transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others; the difference lies in the size of the infective particles. Smaller droplets persist in the air longer and are able to travel farther- these droplets are truly “airborne.” Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated with infectious agents. In this study, a monkey’s cage could have been contaminated when workers were cleaning a nearby pig cage. If the monkey touched the contaminated cage surface and then its mouth or eyes, it could have been infected. Author Dr. Gary Kobinger suspects that the virus is transmitted through droplets, not fomites, because evidence of infection in the lungs of the monkeys indicated that the virus was inhaled.
From Pigs to Monkeys, Ebola Goes Airborne | HealthMap
Newly released federal documents show that oversight gaps at the CDC Division of Select Agents and Toxins (DSAT) may have contributed to biosafety lapses at six laboratories handling pathogens including smallpox, influenza and monkeypox. As a result, the inspectors may have put public safety at risk.

"We found that DSAT did not effectively monitor and enforce certain federal select agent regulations at the laboratories," Daniel Levinson, inspector general for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said in a July 2011 report sent with a letter to CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden.

"These weaknesses may have contributed to the laboratories not being in full compliance with certain federal select agent regulations, which may have put public health and safety at increased risk."

The documents of the HHS inspections of the CDC labs were released on Friday by the House Energy and Commerce Committee and provide insights into a repeating pattern of biosafety problems that date back to 2008 and span both the Obama and Bush administrations.

The inspector general found that in many cases, deadly pathogens wound up in the hands of people who had not been approved to handle them, increasing the risk that they could have been lost or stolen.

U.S. CDC lab inspectors may have risked public safety -documents | Reuters
Who here believes that Ebola can be contracted by breathing in air?

There is no conclusive evidence but it is strongly suggestive and will require more study. Meanwhile why not take precautions?

Ebola Mode of Transmission: (Canadian site) In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.

Ebola virus - Pathogen Safety Data Sheets

Ebola spread to these monkeys through the air, so why cant it also happen to people too?
Airborne and droplet transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others; the difference lies in the size of the infective particles. Smaller droplets persist in the air longer and are able to travel farther- these droplets are truly “airborne.” Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated with infectious agents. In this study, a monkey’s cage could have been contaminated when workers were cleaning a nearby pig cage. If the monkey touched the contaminated cage surface and then its mouth or eyes, it could have been infected. Author Dr. Gary Kobinger suspects that the virus is transmitted through droplets, not fomites, because evidence of infection in the lungs of the monkeys indicated that the virus was inhaled.
From Pigs to Monkeys, Ebola Goes Airborne | HealthMap

Such as? You still have not told us how you are protecting your family.

What should we do, as a nation, by way of precautions?

And......the virus is NOT airborne. Precautions in that direction would be retarded.
You know you have a joke of a shit "news" source when the headline screams Ebola has spread to these countries, but the content suddenly gets vague about suspected cases.

"According to the country's health officials, seven workers who returned to the Phillipines from Sierra Leone are showing symptoms symilar to that of the tropical virus"

"A man who landed at Guarulhos airport in São Paulo, in the morning, was taken to hospital Emilio Ribas, capital of the Central Region and is hospitalized in an isolated area. The African, whose name was not revealed, undergoes tests that may reveal contamination Ebola."
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You know you have a joke of a shit "news" source when the headline screams Ebola has spread to these countries, but the content suddenly gets vague about suspected cases.

"According to the country's health officials, seven workers who returned to the Phillipines from Sierra Leone are showing symptoms symilar to that of the tropical virus"

"A man who landed at Guarulhos airport in São Paulo, in the morning, was taken to hospital Emilio Ribas, capital of the Central Region and is hospitalized in an isolated area. The African, whose name was not revealed, undergoes tests that may reveal contamination Ebola."

Well, the site certainly is an alternative to actual news.
You know you have a joke of a shit "news" source when the headline screams Ebola has spread to these countries, but the content suddenly gets vague about suspected cases.

"According to the country's health officials, seven workers who returned to the Phillipines from Sierra Leone are showing symptoms symilar to that of the tropical virus"

"A man who landed at Guarulhos airport in São Paulo, in the morning, was taken to hospital Emilio Ribas, capital of the Central Region and is hospitalized in an isolated area. The African, whose name was not revealed, undergoes tests that may reveal contamination Ebola."

Well, the site certainly is an alternative to actual news.

So you two think this did not happen simply because of the news source reporting it?

You do know that that is classic ad hominem, right? Dismissing facts because of who reports it instead of dealing with the facts of their own merit?

What is unbelievable about someone catching this disease in West Africa and going to another country and dying from it? The real trick question is, 'Has anyone in those countries caught it that did not go to West Africa?

There has not yet been enough time to determine if that will happen due to the incubation period of Ebola.

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