Man Being Tested At Mount Sinai Hospital For Possible Ebola Virus

Ebola Mode of Transmission: (Canadian site) In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.

Ebola virus - Pathogen Safety Data Sheets

Ebola spread to these monkeys through the air, so why cant it also happen to people too?
Airborne and droplet transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others; the difference lies in the size of the infective particles. Smaller droplets persist in the air longer and are able to travel farther- these droplets are truly “airborne.” Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated with infectious agents. In this study, a monkey’s cage could have been contaminated when workers were cleaning a nearby pig cage. If the monkey touched the contaminated cage surface and then its mouth or eyes, it could have been infected. Author Dr. Gary Kobinger suspects that the virus is transmitted through droplets, not fomites, because evidence of infection in the lungs of the monkeys indicated that the virus was inhaled.
From Pigs to Monkeys, Ebola Goes Airborne | HealthMap

Six have been tested but the results of only three tests have been made public.
*******************************************************As to the five other patients, ABC News reported on Tuesday that "The CDC said has tested blood samples from six people with possible Ebola symptoms who had recently traveled to West Africa." The report did not specify where all six patients were, but did not suggest they were all in New York. In fact, the same ABC report mentions a case in Ohio, where a woman tested negative for the virus.
Additionally, the CDC reported that one patient at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland was tested for Ebola. While testing negative for Ebola, the woman was found to have contracted malaria.
This leaves three patients across the country that have been tested for Ebola, with the CDC not stating whether they tested positively or negatively, or where they are.
Ebola Tested Across the Nation; Government Suppresses Info
Captain Trips, anybody?

lol, so now you Polyannas are tossing out cartoon references?

Easy there, Big Guy, you and I oftentimes see eye to eye on things.

By the way... do you understand the fictional reference here?

I don't watch Family Guy, if that is where the reference is from.

But do you understand what an exponentially growing pandemic means?

Do you know why Ebola mutated to an air-borne form that very few people have any resistance to is a serious health care threat to our country, unlike the flu?

The flu kills tens of thousands every year, but Ebola has the potential to kill tens of millions AND MORE.
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I get a real fuzzy seeing how the liberal left whack-jobs think we should be taking in illegal criminal aliens and now Ebola patients but yet don't want them stopping by for the weekend at their house. It's not that they have thought it through and formed an opinion- It's only if Obama approves that matters to them. If Obama approved of releasing Charles Manson they would be all behind it

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Liberals are comparing ebola to the common flu. Yes folks, liberals are the scourge of the human race.

No concerns whatsoever over a contagious disease with no cure that is being brought into the USA for the first time ever.

No reason at all those two people could not be treated in Africa. Flights in and out of that region should have been banned all together.

We have special tents that can be erected in any country for just such cases. Both people that were infected both took as many precautions that are being done now. Yet they both contracted this disease.

It is more than just a little fucking unreal how fucking moronic liberals allow themselves to get. Maybe you have never heard, but great plagues have wiped out societies all through out history. Are you all so fucking arrogant and that fucking stupid that you think that cannot happen again?

Every day I try to find one reason not to hate liberals. Every day they give me yet another reason they should receive no respect from anyone, and why they are the absolute scourge on humanity.

Stupid fucks.
Captain Trips, anybody?

lol, so now you Polyannas are tossing out cartoon references?

Easy there, Big Guy, you and I oftentimes see eye to eye on things.

By the way... do you understand the fictional reference here?

lol, so now you Polyannas are tossing out cartoon references?

Easy there, Big Guy, you and I oftentimes see eye to eye on things.

By the way... do you understand the fictional reference here?

I don't watch Family Guy, if that is where the reference is from.

But do you understand what an exponentially growing pandemic means?

Do you know why Ebola mutated to an air-borne form that very few people have any resistance to is a serious health care threat to our country, unlike the flu?

The flu kills tens of thousands every year, but Ebola has the potential to kill tens of millions.

It serious! What action do you recommend? What are you doing to protect your family?
lol, so now you Polyannas are tossing out cartoon references?

Easy there, Big Guy, you and I oftentimes see eye to eye on things.

By the way... do you understand the fictional reference here?

Easy there, Big Guy, you and I oftentimes see eye to eye on things.

By the way... do you understand the fictional reference here?

I don't watch Family Guy, if that is where the reference is from.

But do you understand what an exponentially growing pandemic means?

Do you know why Ebola mutated to an air-borne form that very few people have any resistance to is a serious health care threat to our country, unlike the flu?

The flu kills tens of thousands every year, but Ebola has the potential to kill tens of millions.

It serious! What action do you recommend? What are you doing to protect your family?

The answers to your questions are

Remove Barack Obama from office. Things will improve dramatically for the U.S.

Liberals are comparing ebola to the common flu. Yes folks, liberals are the scourge of the human race.

No concerns whatsoever over a contagious disease with no cure that is being brought into the USA for the first time ever.

No reason at all those two people could not be treated in Africa. Flights in and out of that region should have been banned all together.

We have special tents that can be erected in any country for just such cases. Both people that were infected both took as many precautions that are being done now. Yet they both contracted this disease.

It is more than just a little fucking unreal how fucking moronic liberals allow themselves to get. Maybe you have never heard, but great plagues have wiped out societies all through out history. Are you all so fucking arrogant and that fucking stupid that you think that cannot happen again?

Every day I try to find one reason not to hate liberals. Every day they give me yet another reason they should receive no respect from anyone, and why they are the absolute scourge on humanity.

Stupid fucks.

In your highly trained opinion.....what are the chances that this virus will kill more Americans than the HIGHLY TREATABLE flu in 2014? What should I be saying and doing about Ebola.......if I were to suddenly transform into a reasoned conservative?

Lay it out for me.
lol, so now you Polyannas are tossing out cartoon references?

Easy there, Big Guy, you and I oftentimes see eye to eye on things.

By the way... do you understand the fictional reference here?

I don't watch Family Guy, if that is where the reference is from.

But do you understand what an exponentially growing pandemic means?

Do you know why Ebola mutated to an air-borne form that very few people have any resistance to is a serious health care threat to our country, unlike the flu?

The flu kills tens of thousands every year, but Ebola has the potential to kill tens of millions.

The reference "Captain Trips" is from a very widely printed and read Stephen King scary-religious-fictional novel called "The Stand", first published in 1979 (-ish), and made into a 4-part TV miniseries (1994) starring Gary Sinese, which is decent, but does not do the novel justice, such as it is.

It is about a pandemic with a 99% mortality rate, how society disintegrates, and then it goes off on a pseudo-religious tangent, once 'most everybody is dead.

The disease was variously known as Tube-Neck and Captain Trips.

My use of it here was a bit of 'gallows humor', for the large numbers of viewers who were likely to understand the reference.

Does that help?
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Easy there, Big Guy, you and I oftentimes see eye to eye on things.

By the way... do you understand the fictional reference here?

I don't watch Family Guy, if that is where the reference is from.

But do you understand what an exponentially growing pandemic means?

Do you know why Ebola mutated to an air-borne form that very few people have any resistance to is a serious health care threat to our country, unlike the flu?

The flu kills tens of thousands every year, but Ebola has the potential to kill tens of millions.

It serious! What action do you recommend? What are you doing to protect your family?

The answers to your questions are

Remove Barack Obama from office. Things will improve dramatically for the U.S.


Of course. But it might be too late. The Kenyan already hosted a bunch of African negroes in the White House. He essentially gave the Ebola virus the red carpet treatment! It's all part of his master plan to destroy America!!
Liberals are comparing ebola to the common flu. Yes folks, liberals are the scourge of the human race.

No concerns whatsoever over a contagious disease with no cure that is being brought into the USA for the first time ever.

No reason at all those two people could not be treated in Africa. Flights in and out of that region should have been banned all together.

We have special tents that can be erected in any country for just such cases. Both people that were infected both took as many precautions that are being done now. Yet they both contracted this disease.

It is more than just a little fucking unreal how fucking moronic liberals allow themselves to get. Maybe you have never heard, but great plagues have wiped out societies all through out history. Are you all so fucking arrogant and that fucking stupid that you think that cannot happen again?

Every day I try to find one reason not to hate liberals. Every day they give me yet another reason they should receive no respect from anyone, and why they are the absolute scourge on humanity.

Stupid fucks.

In your highly trained opinion.....what are the chances that this virus will kill more Americans than the HIGHLY TREATABLE flu in 2014? What should I be saying and doing about Ebola.......if I were to suddenly transform into a reasoned conservative?

Lay it out for me.

You are simply a fucking fool. No other way to put it.
Liberals are comparing ebola to the common flu. Yes folks, liberals are the scourge of the human race.

No concerns whatsoever over a contagious disease with no cure that is being brought into the USA for the first time ever.

No reason at all those two people could not be treated in Africa. Flights in and out of that region should have been banned all together.

We have special tents that can be erected in any country for just such cases. Both people that were infected both took as many precautions that are being done now. Yet they both contracted this disease.

It is more than just a little fucking unreal how fucking moronic liberals allow themselves to get. Maybe you have never heard, but great plagues have wiped out societies all through out history. Are you all so fucking arrogant and that fucking stupid that you think that cannot happen again?

Every day I try to find one reason not to hate liberals. Every day they give me yet another reason they should receive no respect from anyone, and why they are the absolute scourge on humanity.

Stupid fucks.

Dude! Don't you know that God is guiding us with a light through the night from above?

Besides, they all know from countless Hollywood movies that bad things don't happen while the favorite Presidents are in office! It either happened before or after, doncha know?
Liberals are comparing ebola to the common flu. Yes folks, liberals are the scourge of the human race.

No concerns whatsoever over a contagious disease with no cure that is being brought into the USA for the first time ever.

No reason at all those two people could not be treated in Africa. Flights in and out of that region should have been banned all together.

We have special tents that can be erected in any country for just such cases. Both people that were infected both took as many precautions that are being done now. Yet they both contracted this disease.

It is more than just a little fucking unreal how fucking moronic liberals allow themselves to get. Maybe you have never heard, but great plagues have wiped out societies all through out history. Are you all so fucking arrogant and that fucking stupid that you think that cannot happen again?

Every day I try to find one reason not to hate liberals. Every day they give me yet another reason they should receive no respect from anyone, and why they are the absolute scourge on humanity.

Stupid fucks.

In your highly trained opinion.....what are the chances that this virus will kill more Americans than the HIGHLY TREATABLE flu in 2014? What should I be saying and doing about Ebola.......if I were to suddenly transform into a reasoned conservative?

Lay it out for me.

You are simply a fucking fool. No other way to put it.

What are you doing to protect your family?
Funny stuff. The left cares nothing about Ebola and the potential escalation, yet are very concerned about dem pesky guns

The insanity has no bounds

It serious! What action do you recommend? What are you doing to protect your family?

The answers to your questions are

Remove Barack Obama from office. Things will improve dramatically for the U.S.


Of course. But it might be too late. The Kenyan already hosted a bunch of African negroes in the White House. He essentially gave the Ebola virus the red carpet treatment! It's all part of his master plan to destroy America!!

Lol, you libtards have to bring racist bullshit into every conversation, don't you?

Now why is that?

Because you are the only racists in the country any more. Even the fat asses they parade on TV are most likely just libtards like you dressed up to look like what you think racists look like, you fucking Nazi bastards.
Easy there, Big Guy, you and I oftentimes see eye to eye on things.

By the way... do you understand the fictional reference here?

I don't watch Family Guy, if that is where the reference is from.

But do you understand what an exponentially growing pandemic means?

Do you know why Ebola mutated to an air-borne form that very few people have any resistance to is a serious health care threat to our country, unlike the flu?

The flu kills tens of thousands every year, but Ebola has the potential to kill tens of millions.

The reference "Captain Trips" is from a very widely printed and read Stephen King scary-religious-fictional novel called "The Stand", first published in 1979 (-ish), and made into a 4-part TV miniseries (1994) starring Gary Sinese, which is decent, but does not do the novel justice, such as it is.

It is about a pandemic with a 99% mortality rate, how society disintegrates, and then it goes off on a pseudo-religious tangent, once 'most everybody is dead.

The disease was variously known as Tube-Neck and Captain Trips.

My use of it here was a bit of 'gallows humor', for the large numbers of viewers who were likely to understand the reference.

Does that help?

Sure, that helps a lot, but why do you expect me to be familiar with the reference?
Funny stuff. The left cares nothing about Ebola and the potential escalation, yet are very concerned about dem pesky guns

The insanity has no bounds


No it does have a bound; we as a nation are destroyed, the final goal of all neoMarxists from Ayers to Zinn
For FYI purposes

Ebola Mode of Transmission: (Canadian site) In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.

Ebola virus - Pathogen Safety Data Sheets

Ebola spread to these monkeys through the air, so why cant it also happen to people too?
Airborne and droplet transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others; the difference lies in the size of the infective particles. Smaller droplets persist in the air longer and are able to travel farther- these droplets are truly “airborne.” Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated with infectious agents. In this study, a monkey’s cage could have been contaminated when workers were cleaning a nearby pig cage. If the monkey touched the contaminated cage surface and then its mouth or eyes, it could have been infected. Author Dr. Gary Kobinger suspects that the virus is transmitted through droplets, not fomites, because evidence of infection in the lungs of the monkeys indicated that the virus was inhaled.
From Pigs to Monkeys, Ebola Goes Airborne | HealthMap

Six have been tested but the results of only three tests have been made public.
*******************************************************As to the five other patients, ABC News reported on Tuesday that "The CDC said has tested blood samples from six people with possible Ebola symptoms who had recently traveled to West Africa." The report did not specify where all six patients were, but did not suggest they were all in New York. In fact, the same ABC report mentions a case in Ohio, where a woman tested negative for the virus.
Additionally, the CDC reported that one patient at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland was tested for Ebola. While testing negative for Ebola, the woman was found to have contracted malaria.
This leaves three patients across the country that have been tested for Ebola, with the CDC not stating whether they tested positively or negatively, or where they are.
Ebola Tested Across the Nation; Government Suppresses Info
For FYI purposes

Ebola Mode of Transmission: (Canadian site) In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.

Ebola virus - Pathogen Safety Data Sheets

Ebola spread to these monkeys through the air, so why cant it also happen to people too?
Airborne and droplet transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others; the difference lies in the size of the infective particles. Smaller droplets persist in the air longer and are able to travel farther- these droplets are truly “airborne.” Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated with infectious agents. In this study, a monkey’s cage could have been contaminated when workers were cleaning a nearby pig cage. If the monkey touched the contaminated cage surface and then its mouth or eyes, it could have been infected. Author Dr. Gary Kobinger suspects that the virus is transmitted through droplets, not fomites, because evidence of infection in the lungs of the monkeys indicated that the virus was inhaled.
From Pigs to Monkeys, Ebola Goes Airborne | HealthMap

Six have been tested but the results of only three tests have been made public.
*******************************************************As to the five other patients, ABC News reported on Tuesday that "The CDC said has tested blood samples from six people with possible Ebola symptoms who had recently traveled to West Africa." The report did not specify where all six patients were, but did not suggest they were all in New York. In fact, the same ABC report mentions a case in Ohio, where a woman tested negative for the virus.
Additionally, the CDC reported that one patient at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland was tested for Ebola. While testing negative for Ebola, the woman was found to have contracted malaria.
This leaves three patients across the country that have been tested for Ebola, with the CDC not stating whether they tested positively or negatively, or where they are.
Ebola Tested Across the Nation; Government Suppresses Info
Crikey, I know someone who is in Liberia now, and he is from here in the U.S. He has been over there helping them set up meat processing plants or something like that....Wow.

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