Man Being Tested At Mount Sinai Hospital For Possible Ebola Virus

Lord Kelvin on airflight:

In 1895: 'heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible'

Yep, and a bunch of Pollyanna's are saying this Ebola thing cant hurt the USA cause it is impossible.

God guides us through the night with a light from above, doncha know?
And so it ends.

So no one else is dying of Ebola?

Great news if true, unfortunately it is not true.

This thing has not yet run its course, and if it does get into this country8, our hospitals that cant even stop MRSA are not going to stop the spread of Ebola, no, but I hope they do.

Hopefully the disease wont get a toehold to start with.

I don't think you are sufficiently frightened, Jim. Better catch Infowars today. You need a fix.
And so it ends.

So no one else is dying of Ebola?

Great news if true, unfortunately it is not true.

This thing has not yet run its course, and if it does get into this country8, our hospitals that cant even stop MRSA are not going to stop the spread of Ebola, no, but I hope they do.

Hopefully the disease wont get a toehold to start with.

I don't think you are sufficiently frightened, Jim. Better catch Infowars today. You need a fix.

Don't you have an ass to go kiss somewhere, Polyanna?
And it isn't just one case of a person being tested but SIX cases nationwide.

Ebola Tested Across the Nation; Government Suppresses Info

As to the five other patients, ABC News reported on Tuesday that "The CDC said has tested blood samples from six people with possible Ebola symptoms who had recently traveled to West Africa." The report did not specify where all six patients were, but did not suggest they were all in New York. In fact, the same ABC report mentions a case in Ohio, where a woman tested negative for the virus.

Additionally, the CDC reported that one patient at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland was tested for Ebola. While testing negative for Ebola, the woman was found to have contracted malaria.

This leaves three patients across the country that have been tested for Ebola, with the CDC not stating whether they tested positively or negatively, or where they are.

So did all three of these people test negative or positive for Ebola? Cant find anything though results should have been back by now.

Every day thousands upon thousands of people travel into the USA and either originate or pass through these countries that are undergoing the Ebola epidemic, which the authorities admit is OUT OF COUNTROL. That means they don't know every case of who has it and who has died from it. Some experts say that the numbers are much higher than is being reported, maybe as much as 50% higher.

They don't know because they have lost control.

And all it takes is one of these thousands and thousands of people to have the disease and spread it through a few of our biggest cities then it is out of control here as well.

And only the beginning. As the far right continues its assault on government, now long until they demand the CDC be shut down?

Who has called for the CDC to be shut down, idiot?

No one, YET. Hopefully the far right fringe won't, but nothing guarantees they won't. BTW asshole, my post was a question, framed because the idiots on the far right feel the Federal Governemnt is too large, and the CDC is not noted in Art. I, sec. 8 as a power delegated to the United States - see the 10th Amendment.

Tenth Amendment Center: Welcome to the Tenther and Nullification Movement
Ebola Mode of Transmission: (Canadian site) In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.

Ebola virus - Pathogen Safety Data Sheets
And only the beginning. As the far right continues its assault on government, now long until they demand the CDC be shut down?

Who has called for the CDC to be shut down, idiot?

No one, YET. Hopefully the far right fringe won't, but nothing guarantees they won't. BTW asshole, my post was a question, framed because the idiots on the far right feel the Federal Governemnt is too large, and the CDC is not noted in Art. I, sec. 8 as a power delegated to the United States - see the 10th Amendment.

Tenth Amendment Center: Welcome to the Tenther and Nullification Movement

No one of any consequence is calling for the CDC to be shutdown, you lying ass bitch.

Not everything is about politics, though in the mind of neoMarxist fascists like you it seems to be.
Liberals have no concerns of ebola.


Just when you thought liberals could not possibly represent themselves as being bigger morons, I have to read their bullshit in this thread.

Yeah, no worries at all.

Liberals, are such unreal mental disasters.
Liberals have no concerns of ebola.


Just when you thought liberals could not possibly represent themselves as being bigger morons, I have to read their bullshit in this thread.

Yeah, no worries at all.

Liberals, are such unreal mental disasters.

Are you concerned "of" Ebola? To what degree? What do you think your chances of getting this virus are at this moment? What actions are you taking to protect yourself and your family?
Liberals have no concerns of ebola.


Just when you thought liberals could not possibly represent themselves as being bigger morons, I have to read their bullshit in this thread.

Yeah, no worries at all.

Liberals, are such unreal mental disasters.

Yep, it's because we have a Democrat President so everything must be great and getting better to show support for the President. You know, its kinda like when those commies wouldn't dare be the first to stop applauding Stalin and so they would clap and clap for hours till someone dropped from exhaustion, then got shot for treason the next day.

If Bush was still President or any GOP member, then they would be screaming that the world was coming to an end, and they don't have any gears between stop and 6th. Everything is always either full outrage against opponents or faux support for their own.

They are liars and frauds with every thought they have, every word they speak and every feeling they experience. Inauthentics, fakes, poseurs without a heart or a mind.

You should read how the lefties are saying that NYPD is not guilty of any police abuse now that they have a Democrat mayor it has all magically gone away, lol.
Liberals have no concerns of ebola.


Just when you thought liberals could not possibly represent themselves as being bigger morons, I have to read their bullshit in this thread.

Yeah, no worries at all.

Liberals, are such unreal mental disasters.

Are you concerned "of" Ebola? To what degree? What do you think your chances of getting this virus are at this moment? What actions are you taking to protect yourself and your family?

See what I mean? No middle gears, it is either all hysteria to them or don't mention it, and so that is what they expect from everyone else.
Are you afraid? I think it's time to head for the bunker. No time to waste.

lol, eat shit punk

You seem upset. Maybe you've got a fever or something. Better go see a doctor.

At Pompei, LooneyLaffer says, "Don't worry, that volcano hasn't blown in years.'

On the Titanic, 'This ship is unsinkable, remember? Don't you know what unsinkable means, ya moron?'

During the Black PLague, 'The atuhorities have everything well in hand, and if you think you might be getting sick just go to a doctor and let them bleed you for awhile and you'll be fine.'

roflmao, where would we be without little Polyannas like LooneyLaffer?
Ebola Mode of Transmission: (Canadian site) In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.

Ebola virus - Pathogen Safety Data Sheets

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