Man Being Tested At Mount Sinai Hospital For Possible Ebola Virus

People are fucking nuts! Oh, I feel sick, I must have ebola!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't read my post, you'll get it too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Folks they are lying to us to prevent panic and if you trust them you put yourself and your loved ones at risk
Well that was easy enough to form a convincing argument in the Chicken Little camp.

If the facts don't support you, make it a conspiracy where the facts actually do support you because "they" are lying.

I guess I'm heading for the hills with some bottled water, packets of grain, and a thumbdrive of porn.
The only good thing you can say about ebola is it's pretty tough to pass on. And it's only contagious when the victim is well into the symptoms. Thank God it isnt airborne.

From Pigs to Monkeys, Ebola Goes Airborne | HealthMap

While the study provided evidence that transmission of Ebola between species is possible, researchers still cannot say for certain how that transmission actually occurred.

There are three likely candidates for the route of transmission: airborne, droplet, or fomites. Airborne and droplet transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others; the difference lies in the size of the infective particles. Smaller droplets persist in the air longer and are able to travel farther- these droplets are truly “airborne.” Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated with infectious agents.

In this study, a monkey’s cage could have been contaminated when workers were cleaning a nearby pig cage. If the monkey touched the contaminated cage surface and then its mouth or eyes, it could have been infected. Author Dr. Gary Kobinger suspects that the virus is transmitted through droplets, not fomites, because evidence of infection in the lungs of the monkeys indicated that the virus was inhaled.

inhaled sounds like an airborne pathogen to me. But the experts know better and states further on...

And why is that stated when the infection was INHALED?

As expert commentators at ProMED stated, the experiments “demonstrate the susceptibility of pigs to Zaire Ebolavirus and that the virus from infected pigs can be transmitted to macaques under experimental conditions… they fall short of establishing that this is a normal route of transmission in the natural environment.”

So Ebola is not considered an airborne disease, despite it having been inhaled, because...because the study fell short of establishing that this is a normal route of transmission....huh? Four out of four monkeys got Ebola through inhalation, sounds pretty fucking 'normal' to me.

Furthermore, because human Ebola outbreaks have historically been locally contained, it is unlikely that Ebola can spread between humans via airborne transmission.

So reason number two is because it has never happened before in the past? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

Folks they are lying to us to prevent panic and if you trust them you put yourself and your loved ones at risk, IMO, but do whatever the fuck you like.

Q & A on Ebola | Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever | CDC

It hasn't been proven by any stretch. And it sounds like it would have to mutate in order to be transferred through air to humans.
If it does it would be a little more problematic but hardly unstoppable.

What are your chances of getting Ebola? - Metro - The Boston Globe
This has been an immensely amusing topic. Seems there are a few people here actually hoping for an epidemic. Sad little creatures.

It appears the doctor got infected by someone on the cleaning staff who has Ebola. The news did not clarify exactly how. He did not get infected from a patient.

As I said, making assumptions is stupid.
I'm comfortable that our health standards in the US help us a great deal in this case. It would still seem prudent to implement some of our safety procedures ahead of Ebola, not after. The most compelling argument so far is an economic one. Though I suspect an outbreak here would be much more expensive than the economic losses suggested from a lack of trade with Africa.
Folks they are lying to us to prevent panic and if you trust them you put yourself and your loved ones at risk
Well that was easy enough to form a convincing argument in the Chicken Little camp.

If the facts don't support you, make it a conspiracy where the facts actually do support you because "they" are lying.

I guess I'm heading for the hills with some bottled water, packets of grain, and a thumbdrive of porn.

Dont forget the lotion,tree sap is a poor substitute.
Folks they are lying to us to prevent panic and if you trust them you put yourself and your loved ones at risk, IMO, but do whatever the fuck you like.

Somewhere out there is a brown toddler MS-13 gangster on free government food stamps with Ebola.

He's coming.

He's right behind you.

You are going to die.
Folks they are lying to us to prevent panic and if you trust them you put yourself and your loved ones at risk, IMO, but do whatever the fuck you like.

Somewhere out there is a brown toddler MS-13 gangster on free government food stamps with Ebola.

He's coming.

He's right behind you.

You are going to die.

Or much more likely, this will spur effective treatment reasonably available.
Sounds like the two Americans were given some type of experimental treatment Peach. Would be nice if you are right on an effective treatment.
Sounds like the two Americans were given some type of experimental treatment Peach. Would be nice if you are right on an effective treatment.

If ZMAPP keeps wworking, there is one, the US hasn't done much to find one. Not profitable, of course, Defense is going to start a trial in September.
Folks they are lying to us to prevent panic and if you trust them you put yourself and your loved ones at risk, IMO, but do whatever the fuck you like.

Somewhere out there is a brown toddler MS-13 gangster on free government food stamps with Ebola.

He's coming.

He's right behind you.

You are going to die.

No, Americans are going to develop effective treatments(.) Where did the "Spanish" flu epidemic begin? Almost certainly the USA.
Lord Kelvin on airflight:

In 1895: 'heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible'
Somewhere out there is a brown toddler MS-13 gangster on free government food stamps with Ebola.

He's coming.

He's right behind you.

You are going to die.

Was he trained by ISIS?

He's under my bed! OMIGOD!

Yeah, thousands of dying people in Africa is so funny, as is the possibility that this thing may already be weaponized by our enemies.

When an idiot like you takes stupid chances and comes out OK, it isn't because the chances you took were reasonable, but because you got stupidly lucky. Given enough time and chances eventually you will lose and Darwin will get another you morons out of the gene pool.

Oh, wait, your already out of the gene pool, aren't you?
And so it ends.

So no one else is dying of Ebola?

Great news if true, unfortunately it is not true.

This thing has not yet run its course, and if it does get into this country8, our hospitals that cant even stop MRSA are not going to stop the spread of Ebola, no, but I hope they do.

Hopefully the disease wont get a toehold to start with.
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