Man Being Tested At Mount Sinai Hospital For Possible Ebola Virus

"jabbed with an infected needle?"


Are you off your prescriptions?

I suggest you get a re-fill soon.

[MENTION=21821]Samson[/MENTION] - Transcripts

Doctor Peter Piot is one of the people who discovered Ebola:

ZAKARIA: But then, Dr. Piot, why is it that medical workers are getting infected? If it isn't - you know, if you do need intense contact and you presumably medical workers know how to take precautions, why are they getting infected?

PIOT: Well, certainly, a very dangerous moment when people with Ebola are very sick, Sanjay said, and with - you know, they need intensive care. You need to do - to take make sure that their fluid balance is fine. You need to, you know, draw blood and so on. And these are all very difficult and dangerous moments. There are finger pricks, accidental needle sticks that happen and that's how you also can become infected. So it's not a surprise that the highest attack rate of the virus is among health care workers. Nurses, doctors and we've seen it over and over again in every epidemic. were saying?

I'm saying, you know, that, when you're trying to make a point, you know, that you probably shouldn't, you know, quote anyone that sounds like a, you know, moron.


He's the doctor that discovered and treats Ebola. Which makes him the authority on the subject and makes you the moron.
This is a pointless exercise, I already demonstrated to Samson how idiotic it was to hang hat on the "no way anyone accidentally sticks with needle" with references to various incidents of Ebola researchers doing just that, but Samson has dug in and decided looking like a complete dumbass is worth not admitting it.
THat being =

Virologist in Isolation After Accident With Ebola | Science/AAAS | News
A researcher at the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg, Germany, was put in isolation last week after pricking herself with a syringe containing the Ebola virus. According to ProMED :

The woman is being treated in Hamburg University Hospital on suspicion of Ebola virus infection. The victim worked in the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, where last Thursday [12 Mar 2009] while working in the high security wing received a needle stick injury despite wearing protective clothing. The woman has been transferred to an isolation unit for treatment of the potentially highly contagious disease.
The last known time a scientist was exposed to Ebola was at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Fort Detrick, Maryland, in 2004. That researcher was also put in an isolation unit, dubbed "the slammer" by USAMRIID virologists. A 2008 paper about the case contains recommendations on how to handle such exposures.

Nah, nobody ever jabs themselves accidentally, just ask the Expert Samson...
[MENTION=21821]Samson[/MENTION] - Transcripts

Doctor Peter Piot is one of the people who discovered Ebola: were saying?

I'm saying, you know, that, when you're trying to make a point, you know, that you probably shouldn't, you know, quote anyone that sounds like a, you know, moron.


He's the doctor that discovered and treats Ebola. Which makes him the authority on the subject and makes you the moron.

So the fact that Piot is an exceptional researcher who helped to define and discover Ebola as a disease proves he I also expert on lab practices and the cause of the spread of the disease among lab workers and nurses?


That is like saying the scientist that discovered Rhenium is an expert on building jet aircraft.

There is a huge gap between pushing the envelope of theoretical knowledge and research on one hand and the practical application of the general knowledge on the other hand.
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So the fact that Piot is an exceptional researcher who helped to define and discover Ebola as a disease proves he I also expert on lab practices and the cause of the spread of the disease among lab workers and nurses?
I'd say that is a safe bet.

Most disease researchers spend a fair amount of time in labs around lab practices, and someone with an intimate knowledge of a disease would surely have knowledge of what would cause the spread of it among lab workers and nurses.

Sometimes I think you guys are purposely playing dumb just to be stubborn and obtuse.

Either way this Piot cat is an MD and has a PhD in microbiology, so clearly he's been around a lab, lab workers, nurses, etc.
[MENTION=21821]Samson[/MENTION] - Transcripts

Doctor Peter Piot is one of the people who discovered Ebola: were saying?

I'm saying, you know, that, when you're trying to make a point, you know, that you probably shouldn't, you know, quote anyone that sounds like a, you know, moron.


He's the doctor that discovered and treats Ebola. Which makes him the authority on the subject and makes you the moron.

Hey, and a GREAT job he's doing!


This is a pointless exercise, I already demonstrated to Samson how idiotic it was to hang hat on the "no way anyone accidentally sticks with needle" with references to various incidents of Ebola researchers doing just that, but Samson has dug in and decided looking like a complete dumbass is worth not admitting it.

You have quoted someone above:

"no way anyone accidentally sticks with needle"

I never said this.

Try to at least pay as much attention to the conversation as the average 8th grader.
So the fact that Piot is an exceptional researcher who helped to define and discover Ebola as a disease proves he I also expert on lab practices and the cause of the spread of the disease among lab workers and nurses?
I'd say that is a safe bet.

Most disease researchers spend a fair amount of time in labs around lab practices, and someone with an intimate knowledge of a disease would surely have knowledge of what would cause the spread of it among lab workers and nurses.

Sometimes I think you guys are purposely playing dumb just to be stubborn and obtuse.

Either way this Piot cat is an MD and has a PhD in microbiology, so clearly he's been around a lab, lab workers, nurses, etc.

Does that make him an expert on the lab procedures more than the head of the lab that works there 24/7?

You libtards have a problem with recognizing the scope of a scientists knowledge and authority. They are not philosophers, so whatever Stephen Hawkins thinks about things prior to the universe is merely opinion, and the same goes with physicists talking about NASCAR, astrophysicists talking about religion, or bio researchers talking about how they guess disease gets transmitted in the lab. Yes, twenty years ago prior to the AIDs infestation nurses got poked all the time by needles left lying around, but things have tightened up quite a lot since then.

There is a case of a nurse who accompanied a doctor on a plane to Lagos Nigeria and she got Ebola also. What, did she pull a needle out of her ass and poke herself with it?
Anyone who believes a trained Medical Professional, a DOCTOR, for christssakes, must have exchanged body fluids with ANYONE in Western Africa WHILE HE WAS THERE TO TREAT EBOLA is an idiot.

He could have been jabbed with an infected needle. There are many possibilities. Anyone who makes an assumption how he got it is the idiot. You call him a trained professional, but you act as if you believe he didn't wear a mask or a hazmat suit and got infected through the air.

"jabbed with an infected needle?"


Are you off your prescriptions?

I suggest you get a re-fill soon.

After being owned, and reduced to this humiliating attempt at pedant:

"no way anyone accidentally sticks with needle"

I never said this.

Try to at least pay as much attention to the conversation as the average 8th grader.


Sweet moves you got there Samson!

and the same goes with physicists talking about NASCAR, astrophysicists talking about religion, or bio researchers talking about how they guess disease gets transmitted in the lab.
I see what you did there.

You mean bio researchers who are also medical doctors talking disease they specialize in and how it can spread in labs and when treating patients. Quite plausible, no matter how much you're trying to spin it to feed your fear-thirst on your paranoid side.

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