Man Being Tested At Mount Sinai Hospital For Possible Ebola Virus

I suspect as much.

Otherwise, how does a DOCTOR, who is very well trained, contract the virus which is supposed to be almost impossible to contract?

Sweat is body fluid, not almost impossible to contract.........depending upon hygeine, and resources. 60 physdians have gotten it so far. This strain may be more virulent than the the five previous strains, but in the conditions described, doesn't need to be airborne. Perhaps now spread by touch. Medical personnel must have contact to treat, and these countries have few, if any, isolation units.

Oh so now Ebola is spread through TOUCH, and SWEAT is a body fluid.....


The plot thickens.

Note "may" & "perhaps"; I have read, and heard, profuse sweating occurs, and MAY be a method of transmittal. Thus far, no indiction it is contracted through air, and more evidence indicates lack of available decontamination devices and ability.
Sweat is body fluid, not almost impossible to contract.........depending upon hygeine, and resources. 60 physdians have gotten it so far. This strain may be more virulent than the the five previous strains, but in the conditions described, doesn't need to be airborne. Perhaps now spread by touch. Medical personnel must have contact to treat, and these countries have few, if any, isolation units.

Oh so now Ebola is spread through TOUCH, and SWEAT is a body fluid.....


The plot thickens.

Note "may" & "perhaps"; I have read, and heard, profuse sweating occurs, and MAY be a method of transmittal. Thus far, no indiction it is contracted through air, and more evidence indicates lack of available decontamination devices and ability.

It may well be that sweat is mixing with the discharge from blisters,leading people to believe it is transferred that way.
Oh so now Ebola is spread through TOUCH, and SWEAT is a body fluid.....


The plot thickens.

Note "may" & "perhaps"; I have read, and heard, profuse sweating occurs, and MAY be a method of transmittal. Thus far, no indiction it is contracted through air, and more evidence indicates lack of available decontamination devices and ability.

It may well be that sweat is mixing with the discharge from blisters,leading people to believe it is transferred that way.

Thank you, I have also read saliva MAY be a method of transmittal.
Speaking of clueless, you know when "The Hot Zone" was written?


You think Medical Professionals may have learned a little more about handling "sharps" around EBOLA, CONTRACTED THROUGH BODY FLUIDS SINCE THEN?
So to be clear, you believe medical professionals only figured out they shouldn't accidentally jab themselves with sharp objects in an Ebola environment in the last two decades?

Wow, what will they think of next.

If you think nobody accidentally jabs themselves doing research or treatment in the field you are beyond naive.

But I'm glad you mentioned Preston's book which points out how the virus is

always just a plane ride away from any city in the world. And that's how it spread in the case of Charles Monet.

When doctors confused about his illness put him on a plane to Nairobi, they had no idea that he was spreading a virus.

The scene is hard for anyone who has read the novel to forget: Monet violently vomits red and black liquid, making the plane smell "like a slaughterhouse." His facial skin hangs from the bone, his nose bleeds and his eyes are "the color of rubies."

Terrified passengers were surrounded by his bodily fluids, which carried the virus. By the time he reaches the hospital, he's all but gone.
The 5 Most Terrifying Things We Learned About Ebola From 'The Hot Zone' - ABC News
Hah hah we already know how it spreads, but is pretty funny to see how quickly you start jerking off at the opportunity to hype more fear. :lol:
Why you?re not going to get Ebola in the U.S. - The Washington Post
he quickly notes something that most Americans don’t realize: Lassa fever, another horrifying hemorrhagic disease that kills about 5,000 people in West Africa every year, has been imported into the United States by travelers seven times in recent years, with no known case of transmission.

The most recent case: 2014 in New Jersey, according to Adalja’s blog.

“Ebola will find the Unites States just as inhospitable as lassa fever,” he predicted.
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, struck a similar tone in an interview with The Washington Post Thursday. “There is certainly a possibility that someone might get on a plane who is infected in Sierra Leone or Liberia and come to the United States,” he said. “But the chance of it being spread here the way you are seeing there is extraordinarily low, to the point that the CDC and me and other officials feel confident that there’s not going to be an outbreak here.”

Added Tom Frieden, head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “Ebola poses little risk to the U.S. general population.
Why Deadly Ebola Virus Is Likely to Hit the U.S. But Not Spread
Blood and stool carry the most virus—which is why those at highest risk for Ebola infection are family members who care for sick loved ones and health care workers who treat patients or accidentally stick themselves with infected needles.
Hah these fools, they don't know what Sampson knows... tired overworked medical staff in primitive 3rd world treatment environments NEVER stick themselves with anything, it is completely unimaginable and the Phoenix Suns will win the NBA championship before anyone accidentally jabs themself.
1,600 reported cases in Africa with 887 deaths. So, what are acceptable American losses? 1? 100? 1,000? 10,000? 100,000? 1,000,000?

Don't suppose anyone would consider a three day quarantine for passengers from Africa?
1,600 reported cases in Africa with 887 deaths. So, what are acceptable American losses? 1? 100? 1,000? 10,000? 100,000? 1,000,000?

Don't suppose anyone would consider a three day quarantine for passengers from Africa?

Would anyone consider protecting our border?

Just a thought, but you've think the risk of infection from Ebola, a virus with a 60% death rate and no known cure might inspire someone to increase border security.
I remember that part, though not reading the book doesn't make one "clueless". What I cannot remember is if this physician was infected.
Nobody claimed not reading the book makes on clueless, what on earth are you talking about?

Someone implying it is impossible for a medical professional to accidentally jab themselves with a needle is clueless, and that book was brought up as a reference point because it details exactly that happening with Ebola and high level CDC personnel.

Medical professional, dealing with a highly deadly disease that has been known to be transmitted through body fluids FOR THE PAST 20 YEARS, "accidently jabs himself with a needle."

How fucking naïve are you?

Either the disease is not only communicable by body fluids, or retarded medical professionals into western Africa. Since being retarded contradicts being a medical professional, the former is the only logical explanation.
Medical professional, dealing with a highly deadly disease that has been known to be transmitted through body fluids FOR THE PAST 20 YEARS, "accidently jabs himself with a needle."

How fucking naïve are you?
Nope, the naive guy is the one who believes it is impossible for an overworked medical professional working in 3rd world conditions to accidentally jab himself.

Either the disease is not only communicable by body fluids, or retarded medical professionals into western Africa. Since being retarded contradicts being a medical professional, the former is the only logical explanation.
Yeah the new source of transmission was uncovered by some naive dumbass on a message board who put 2+2 together after realizing medical professionals never accidentally jab themselves with needles. Lol.
Medical professional, dealing with a highly deadly disease that has been known to be transmitted through body fluids FOR THE PAST 20 YEARS, "accidently jabs himself with a needle."

How fucking naïve are you?
Nope, the naive guy is the one who believes it is impossible for an overworked medical professional working in 3rd world conditions to accidentally jab himself.

Either the disease is not only communicable by body fluids, or retarded medical professionals into western Africa. Since being retarded contradicts being a medical professional, the former is the only logical explanation.
Yeah the new source of transmission was uncovered by some naive dumbass on a message board who put 2+2 together after realizing medical professionals never accidentally jab themselves with needles. Lol.

Poor sad naïve SM....

keep your head firmly in the sand; reality will just go away.....

keep your head firmly in the sand; reality will just go away.....
Alright now we're talking, Samson has now sang the official Chicken Little theme song. Everyone who does not share your irrational paranoia is just burying their heads in the sand.
Virologist in Isolation After Accident With Ebola | Science/AAAS | News
A researcher at the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg, Germany, was put in isolation last week after pricking herself with a syringe containing the Ebola virus. According to ProMED :

The woman is being treated in Hamburg University Hospital on suspicion of Ebola virus infection. The victim worked in the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, where last Thursday [12 Mar 2009] while working in the high security wing received a needle stick injury despite wearing protective clothing. The woman has been transferred to an isolation unit for treatment of the potentially highly contagious disease.
The last known time a scientist was exposed to Ebola was at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Fort Detrick, Maryland, in 2004. That researcher was also put in an isolation unit, dubbed "the slammer" by USAMRIID virologists. A 2008 paper about the case contains recommendations on how to handle such exposures.

Dang it why did they even bother taking any action? Afterall our message board "expert" Samson has declared it naive to think any professional could ever accidentally stick themselves with an Ebola needle, it is completely out of the realm of possibility.

I mean granted these research professionals did it in first rate facilities during normal work regimes, no way an overworked doctor working in a makeshift tent in a 3rd world country with desperately sick people all around could EVER accidentally jab themself with a needle. We know this because Samson said so.
The only good thing you can say about ebola is it's pretty tough to pass on. And it's only contagious when the victim is well into the symptoms. Thank God it isnt airborne.

From Pigs to Monkeys, Ebola Goes Airborne | HealthMap

While the study provided evidence that transmission of Ebola between species is possible, researchers still cannot say for certain how that transmission actually occurred.

There are three likely candidates for the route of transmission: airborne, droplet, or fomites. Airborne and droplet transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others; the difference lies in the size of the infective particles. Smaller droplets persist in the air longer and are able to travel farther- these droplets are truly “airborne.” Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated with infectious agents.

In this study, a monkey’s cage could have been contaminated when workers were cleaning a nearby pig cage. If the monkey touched the contaminated cage surface and then its mouth or eyes, it could have been infected. Author Dr. Gary Kobinger suspects that the virus is transmitted through droplets, not fomites, because evidence of infection in the lungs of the monkeys indicated that the virus was inhaled.

inhaled sounds like an airborne pathogen to me. But the experts know better and states further on...

What do these findings mean? First and foremost, Ebola is not suddenly an airborne disease.

And why is that stated when the infection was INHALED?

As expert commentators at ProMED stated, the experiments “demonstrate the susceptibility of pigs to Zaire Ebolavirus and that the virus from infected pigs can be transmitted to macaques under experimental conditions… they fall short of establishing that this is a normal route of transmission in the natural environment.”

So Ebola is not considered an airborne disease, despite it having been inhaled, because...because the study fell short of establishing that this is a normal route of transmission....huh? Four out of four monkeys got Ebola through inhalation, sounds pretty fucking 'normal' to me.

Furthermore, because human Ebola outbreaks have historically been locally contained, it is unlikely that Ebola can spread between humans via airborne transmission.

So reason number two is because it has never happened before in the past? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

Folks they are lying to us to prevent panic and if you trust them you put yourself and your loved ones at risk, IMO, but do whatever the fuck you like.
Why you?re not going to get Ebola in the U.S. - The Washington Post
he quickly notes something that most Americans don’t realize: Lassa fever, another horrifying hemorrhagic disease that kills about 5,000 people in West Africa every year, has been imported into the United States by travelers seven times in recent years, with no known case of transmission.

The most recent case: 2014 in New Jersey, according to Adalja’s blog.

“Ebola will find the Unites States just as inhospitable as lassa fever,” he predicted.
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, struck a similar tone in an interview with The Washington Post Thursday. “There is certainly a possibility that someone might get on a plane who is infected in Sierra Leone or Liberia and come to the United States,” he said. “But the chance of it being spread here the way you are seeing there is extraordinarily low, to the point that the CDC and me and other officials feel confident that there’s not going to be an outbreak here.”

Added Tom Frieden, head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “Ebola poses little risk to the U.S. general population.

The photos reflect less than ideal protection for the workers; physicians in Africa are reported to use wooden "beaks" to protect their faces, and wax clothing. The method of transmission has yet to be disclosed, but Americans exposed should be treated promptly, and under much better conditions.

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