Man Being Tested At Mount Sinai Hospital For Possible Ebola Virus

obama intends an Ebola epidemic.
And do you know what the sad thing about this is?

It's that your delusional mind actually believes what you just wrote.
1) Katzndogs is one of those people who's partisanship trumps logic
2) Katzndogs buys into any conspiracy theory that comes down the pipe
3) Katzndogs just isn't very bright

Swine flu had the same thing, bunch of tin hat nutters claiming it was an Obama generated distraction.
You're the one that's referring to a trained medical professional getting "Jabbed with a needle."


You get more amusing with every ludicrous post.
You're clueless here.

Read the book "The Hot Zone" which is about the history of Ebola/Marburg. Very first chapter is about exactly this, a trained professional from the CDC accidentally jabbing themselves with an infected needle.

I remember that part, though not reading the book doesn't make one "clueless". What I cannot remember is if this physician was infected.
WTF??!! It cannot be treated so why in the damn hell are they bringing patients here and secondly why haven't all flights to and from the African continent been halted until this thing is under control??? Has everyone lost their damn minds?
I haven't read the whole thread but yeah its crazy bringing the disease here to the USA . Plus then keeping the travel industry open as it is . Economy stated as the reason for keeping travel running .
I haven't read the whole thread but yeah its crazy bringing the disease here to the USA . Plus then keeping the travel industry open as it is . Economy stated as the reason for keeping travel running .

US corporations export & import from all nations impacted, there is no authority to "suspend" their right to do business, and it isn't just passengers on planes, there are cargo planes and ships.
Sounds like there is some experimental drug one of the patients was given. Maybe there will be a cure soon. Who needs an Ebola bomb? Just attack the hospital and grab the infected person. Hangout with him and drink out of his glass, then off to contaminate NYC.
WTF??!! It cannot be treated so why in the damn hell are they bringing patients here and secondly why haven't all flights to and from the African continent been halted until this thing is under control??? Has everyone lost their damn minds?

Implication being some had a working mind to begin with? :eek:
I remember that part, though not reading the book doesn't make one "clueless". What I cannot remember is if this physician was infected.
Nobody claimed not reading the book makes on clueless, what on earth are you talking about?

Someone implying it is impossible for a medical professional to accidentally jab themselves with a needle is clueless, and that book was brought up as a reference point because it details exactly that happening with Ebola and high level CDC personnel.
WTF??!! It cannot be treated so why in the damn hell are they bringing patients here and secondly why haven't all flights to and from the African continent been halted until this thing is under control??? Has everyone lost their damn minds?
Answer = because we're not all a bunch of paranoid over reactive drama queens.
WTF??!! It cannot be treated so why in the damn hell are they bringing patients here and secondly why haven't all flights to and from the African continent been halted until this thing is under control??? Has everyone lost their damn minds?
Answer = because we're not all a bunch of paranoid over reactive drama queens.

In case you haven't noticed, CDC protocols are not the best these days. Also, did you see the plane used to fly him in? Pretty paranoid about redundant systems on that flight. Then he goes to a hospital that has special equipment, but never had an actual ill person to test it out.

I know a hand grenade isn't suppose to go off without letting go of the handle with the pin out, but that doesn't mean I can take the pin out and just count on me holding on to the handle.
WTF??!! It cannot be treated so why in the damn hell are they bringing patients here and secondly why haven't all flights to and from the African continent been halted until this thing is under control??? Has everyone lost their damn minds?
Answer = because we're not all a bunch of paranoid over reactive drama queens.

What does employing common sense measures not risking HUNDREDS of millions of people have to do with drama queens buttwipe?
WTF??!! It cannot be treated so why in the damn hell are they bringing patients here and secondly why haven't all flights to and from the African continent been halted until this thing is under control??? Has everyone lost their damn minds?
Answer = because we're not all a bunch of paranoid over reactive drama queens.

What does employing common sense measures not risking HUNDREDS of millions of people have to do with drama queens buttwipe?

racist ! :lol:
I remember that part, though not reading the book doesn't make one "clueless". What I cannot remember is if this physician was infected.
Nobody claimed not reading the book makes on clueless, what on earth are you talking about?

Someone implying it is impossible for a medical professional to accidentally jab themselves with a needle is clueless, and that book was brought up as a reference point because it details exactly that happening with Ebola and high level CDC personnel.

Phrased that way, understood.
WTF??!! It cannot be treated so why in the damn hell are they bringing patients here and secondly why haven't all flights to and from the African continent been halted until this thing is under control??? Has everyone lost their damn minds?
No one has lost their minds. You are assuming that the regime has an intention of protecting the people. The intention is to further an epidemic.
WTF??!! It cannot be treated so why in the damn hell are they bringing patients here and secondly why haven't all flights to and from the African continent been halted until this thing is under control??? Has everyone lost their damn minds?
Answer = because we're not all a bunch of paranoid over reactive drama queens.

That would involve more than passenger flights, and would infringe upon the rights of those in the US that conduct business with those in the nations that have outbreaks; illegal, and unworkable. Also, MAPP seems to have had Ebola in the US, the serum is derived from monoclonic antibodies produced by mice infected with "parts" od the virus. In order to BELATEDLY research, Ebola must be in the US.
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The only good thing you can say about ebola is it's pretty tough to pass on. And it's only contagious when the victim is well into the symptoms. Thank God it isnt airborne.

It's only contagious when the victim is well into the symptoms ? Do you have a link source for that ?
WTF??!! It cannot be treated so why in the damn hell are they bringing patients here and secondly why haven't all flights to and from the African continent been halted until this thing is under control??? Has everyone lost their damn minds?
Answer = because we're not all a bunch of paranoid over reactive drama queens.

Before anyone dismisses the danger as being paranoic, consider the following >>

Ebola moves from one person to another, traveling through body fluids. This is not as difficult as it may seem.. As Dr. Sanjay Gupta said on CNN, we all have very, tiny, little cuts on our hands all the time. They are too small to see without a microscope, but they are not too small for Ebola to get into. Now consider that Ebola symptoms don't appear immediately. One could carry the virus for initial 2 weeks, without even knowing it. If you shake hands with that (healthy appearing) person, and his/her palms are sweaty, you could become the next Ebola victim, right then and there.

You could also pick it up from door handles, door knobs, pieces of paper, publicly used pens (like in a bank), etc. You might especially steer clear of public exercise equipment, which tends to get a lot of sweat on them, from multiple users.
But it is airborne!

This is a very sad world we are living in nowadays folks :(

Despite repeated assurances that the Ebola virus cannot be transmitted via airborne particles, the CDC is concerned about that very outcome and has directed airline staff to take steps to prevent the spread of “infectious material through the air.”

» CDC Concerned About Airborne Transmission of Ebola Virus Alex Jones' Infowars

I suspect as much.

Otherwise, how does a DOCTOR, who is very well trained, contract the virus which is supposed to be almost impossible to contract?

Sweat is body fluid, not almost impossible to contract.........depending upon hygeine, and resources. 60 physdians have gotten it so far. This strain may be more virulent than the the five previous strains, but in the conditions described, doesn't need to be airborne. Perhaps now spread by touch. Medical personnel must have contact to treat, and these countries have few, if any, isolation units.

Oh so now Ebola is spread through TOUCH, and SWEAT is a body fluid.....


The plot thickens.
You're the one that's referring to a trained medical professional getting "Jabbed with a needle."


You get more amusing with every ludicrous post.
You're clueless here.

Read the book "The Hot Zone" which is about the history of Ebola/Marburg. Very first chapter is about exactly this, a trained professional from the CDC accidentally jabbing themselves with an infected needle.

Speaking of clueless, you know when "The Hot Zone" was written?


You think Medical Professionals may have learned a little more about handling "sharps" around EBOLA, CONTRACTED THROUGH BODY FLUIDS SINCE THEN?


But I'm glad you mentioned Preston's book which points out how the virus is

always just a plane ride away from any city in the world. And that's how it spread in the case of Charles Monet.

When doctors confused about his illness put him on a plane to Nairobi, they had no idea that he was spreading a virus.

The scene is hard for anyone who has read the novel to forget: Monet violently vomits red and black liquid, making the plane smell "like a slaughterhouse." His facial skin hangs from the bone, his nose bleeds and his eyes are "the color of rubies."

Terrified passengers were surrounded by his bodily fluids, which carried the virus. By the time he reaches the hospital, he's all but gone.
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