Man Being Tested At Mount Sinai Hospital For Possible Ebola Virus

Number of infected: 1,320

Population of Africa: 1,111,000,000


Number of infected since December: 1,320......

188 per month....if the vector is linear....

It isn't linear. Its is (roughly) exponential and exponential function on the series of months since January 2014,....

January 1 ^2 = 1
February (2+1) ^ 2 = 9
March (3 +2+1)^ 2 = 81
April (4+3+2+1) ^ 2 =100
May (5+4+3+2+1) = 225
June (6+5+4+3+2+1) ^ 2 = 441
July (7 +6+5+4+3+2+1) ^2 = 784
August (8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 1296

September (9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 2025

January 2015 (13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 8,281

January 2016 (26+25+24+23+22+21+20+19+18+17+16+15+14+13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1) ^2 = 123, 201

In two years the Ebola virus will infect 1% of the population of Africa at the present rate of communication......

In two months, it will be under control.

Uh huh.....Wonder if they though the same thing in April.....

April 1348........Black Plague enters Europe: g500 predicted it would be "under control" in two months.


It takes as long as 21 days before the advanced symptoms to present themselves.

You can get a long way from the Mexican Border in 2 days....


They may get in but they aren't contagious until they're fully symptomatic.
And while you may get a few dumb asses or people who have no internet,TV,radio or newspapers most will recognize Ebola and will know what precautions to take if it becomes a problem.
The flu would cause more deaths than ebola.
I'm more worried about drug resistant TB.

"a few dumb asses or people who have no internet,TV,radio or newspapers"

You mean illiterate "migrant" workers from Mexico?

You cant call a business without being asked to press one for spanish.
If it becomes necessary the word will get out,even to the beaners. And besides,if you're going to spread a little ebola? What better place than a house full of illegals?

If it gets serious you'd see a full blown assault on the problem. Warnings would be posted in every language under the sun and the symptoms are obvious.
And by the time you're contagious you wont be walking around you'll be bedridden and more than likely in a hospital.

Why you?re not going to get Ebola in the U.S. - The Washington Post
But it is airborne!

This is a very sad world we are living in nowadays folks :(

Despite repeated assurances that the Ebola virus cannot be transmitted via airborne particles, the CDC is concerned about that very outcome and has directed airline staff to take steps to prevent the spread of “infectious material through the air.”

» CDC Concerned About Airborne Transmission of Ebola Virus Alex Jones' Infowars

I suspect as much.

Otherwise, how does a DOCTOR, who is very well trained, contract the virus which is supposed to be almost impossible to contract?

I'm sure we'll find out. Until then, assumptions as to how he got sick are stupid.

Anyone who believes a trained Medical Professional, a DOCTOR, for christssakes, must have exchanged body fluids with ANYONE in Western Africa WHILE HE WAS THERE TO TREAT EBOLA is an idiot.
They may get in but they aren't contagious until they're fully symptomatic.
And while you may get a few dumb asses or people who have no internet,TV,radio or newspapers most will recognize Ebola and will know what precautions to take if it becomes a problem.
The flu would cause more deaths than ebola.
I'm more worried about drug resistant TB.

"a few dumb asses or people who have no internet,TV,radio or newspapers"

You mean illiterate "migrant" workers from Mexico?

You cant call a business without being asked to press one for spanish.
If it becomes necessary the word will get out,even to the beaners. And besides,if you're going to spread a little ebola? What better place than a house full of illegals?

If it gets serious you'd see a full blown assault on the problem. Warnings would be posted in every language under the sun and the symptoms are obvious.
And by the time you're contagious you wont be walking around you'll be bedridden and more than likely in a hospital.

Why you?re not going to get Ebola in the U.S. - The Washington Post

Well, as long as there's plans to place bi-lingual warnings about Ebola symptoms where illegal migrants can read them, we should all sleep much better.

A study a few years back exposed the fact that monkeys in cage X, and monkeys in cage Y did, in fact, spread the disease to themselves via the air. All you have to do is cough like a monkey.

Thank you for what I have no doubt is an expert opinion about coughing like a monkey.

I suspect as much.

Otherwise, how does a DOCTOR, who is very well trained, contract the virus which is supposed to be almost impossible to contract?

I'm sure we'll find out. Until then, assumptions as to how he got sick are stupid.

Anyone who believes a trained Medical Professional, a DOCTOR, for christssakes, must have exchanged body fluids with ANYONE in Western Africa WHILE HE WAS THERE TO TREAT EBOLA is an idiot.

He could have been jabbed with an infected needle. There are many possibilities. Anyone who makes an assumption how he got it is the idiot. You call him a trained professional, but you act as if you believe he didn't wear a mask or a hazmat suit and got infected through the air.
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Number of infected since December: 1,320......

188 per month....if the vector is linear....

It isn't linear. Its is (roughly) exponential and exponential function on the series of months since January 2014,....

January 1 ^2 = 1
February (2+1) ^ 2 = 9
March (3 +2+1)^ 2 = 81
April (4+3+2+1) ^ 2 =100
May (5+4+3+2+1) = 225
June (6+5+4+3+2+1) ^ 2 = 441
July (7 +6+5+4+3+2+1) ^2 = 784
August (8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 1296

September (9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 2025

January 2015 (13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 8,281

January 2016 (26+25+24+23+22+21+20+19+18+17+16+15+14+13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1) ^2 = 123, 201

In two years the Ebola virus will infect 1% of the population of Africa at the present rate of communication......

In two months, it will be under control.

Uh huh.....Wonder if they though the same thing in April.....

April 1348........Black Plague enters Europe: g500 predicted it would be "under control" in two months.


Yeah. Medicine and medical protocols have not advanced AT ALL in the past 750 years.

I'm sure we'll find out. Until then, assumptions as to how he got sick are stupid.

Anyone who believes a trained Medical Professional, a DOCTOR, for christssakes, must have exchanged body fluids with ANYONE in Western Africa WHILE HE WAS THERE TO TREAT EBOLA is an idiot.

He could have been jabbed with an infected needle. There are many possibilities. Anyone who makes an assumption how he got it is the idiot. You call him a trained professional, but you act as if you believe he didn't wear a mask or a hazmat suit and got infected through the air.

"jabbed with an infected needle?"


Are you off your prescriptions?

I suggest you get a re-fill soon.

Number of infected since December: 1,320......

188 per month....if the vector is linear....

It isn't linear. Its is (roughly) exponential and exponential function on the series of months since January 2014,....

January 1 ^2 = 1
February (2+1) ^ 2 = 9
March (3 +2+1)^ 2 = 81
April (4+3+2+1) ^ 2 =100
May (5+4+3+2+1) = 225
June (6+5+4+3+2+1) ^ 2 = 441
July (7 +6+5+4+3+2+1) ^2 = 784
August (8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 1296

September (9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 2025

January 2015 (13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 8,281

January 2016 (26+25+24+23+22+21+20+19+18+17+16+15+14+13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1) ^2 = 123, 201

In two years the Ebola virus will infect 1% of the population of Africa at the present rate of communication......

In two months, it will be under control.

Uh huh.....Wonder if they though the same thing in April.....

April 1348........Black Plague enters Europe: g500 predicted it would be "under control" in two months.


Stone walls worked is likely both Brantly, and Writebol, came in contact with body fluids, one does not wear a Hazmat suit 24 hours a day.
EBOLA? Here?? In the USA?? We're all gonna die!!

"a few dumb asses or people who have no internet,TV,radio or newspapers"

You mean illiterate "migrant" workers from Mexico?

You cant call a business without being asked to press one for spanish.
If it becomes necessary the word will get out,even to the beaners. And besides,if you're going to spread a little ebola? What better place than a house full of illegals?

If it gets serious you'd see a full blown assault on the problem. Warnings would be posted in every language under the sun and the symptoms are obvious.
And by the time you're contagious you wont be walking around you'll be bedridden and more than likely in a hospital.

Why you?re not going to get Ebola in the U.S. - The Washington Post

Well, as long as there's plans to place bi-lingual warnings about Ebola symptoms where illegal migrants can read them, we should all sleep much better.


The flu kills more people every year than ebola ever will. This is the same scare shit we hear every time some fuzzy foreigners die from some exotic bug because they have no medical infrastructure or even a hint of hygiene.

The flu on average kills anywhere from 24 to 36 thousand every year depending on who you ask.

How Many People Die From Flu Each Year? Depends How You Slice The Data : Shots - Health News : NPR

So what are we at with ebola so far? 12 or 13 hundred?
In two months, it will be under control.

Uh huh.....Wonder if they though the same thing in April.....

April 1348........Black Plague enters Europe: g500 predicted it would be "under control" in two months.


Yeah. Medicine and medical protocols have not advanced AT ALL in the past 750 years.


You're the one that's referring to a trained medical professional getting "Jabbed with a needle."


You get more amusing with every ludicrous post.
In two months, it will be under control.

Uh huh.....Wonder if they though the same thing in April.....

April 1348........Black Plague enters Europe: g500 predicted it would be "under control" in two months.


Stone walls worked is likely both Brantly, and Writebol, came in contact with body fluids, one does not wear a Hazmat suit 24 hours a day.

Are you saying that without wearing Hazmat suits 24/7 medical professionals cannot avoid body fluids?

Gee...sounds like its a lot easier to contract than what we've been lead to believe......

The researchers say they believe that limited airborne transmission might be contributing to the spread of the disease in some parts of Africa.

They are concerned that pigs might be a natural host for the lethal infection.

Limited transmission; anything is possible, with a new disease. I sure wish the US had been doing more research......................................
I'm not worried about Ebola but it could be used as a weapon. If not, there would be no reason for this U.S. government to have patent on a strain of it.

The researchers say they believe that limited airborne transmission might be contributing to the spread of the disease in some parts of Africa.

They are concerned that pigs might be a natural host for the lethal infection.

Limited transmission; anything is possible, with a new disease. I sure wish the US had been doing more research......................................

This is the primary reason for allowing the Doctor into the USA.

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