Man Being Tested At Mount Sinai Hospital For Possible Ebola Virus

I'm not worried about Ebola but it could be used as a weapon. If not, there would be no reason for this U.S. government to have patent on a strain of it.

Very Interesting Point.

Some theorize that the Black Plague was carried to Europe by Italians who, fled the Holy Land after Muslims began flinging plague infested corpses over their defenses........

One wonders how difficult it would be for Al Queda to obtain body fluids from the Corpse of a Liberian victim of Ebola......


Signing off now....Black Helicopters Outside my home..............
Fear is powerful.....remember all the quackery surrounding the "Bird Flu"? Here are a few images from 2006....






EBOLA is simply the latest in long line of pandemics that never were... Swine Flu, Bird Flu, H1N1, et. al...

The researchers say they believe that limited airborne transmission might be contributing to the spread of the disease in some parts of Africa.

They are concerned that pigs might be a natural host for the lethal infection.

Limited transmission; anything is possible, with a new disease. I sure wish the US had been doing more research......................................

This is the primary reason for allowing the Doctor into the USA.

Better late than never...I suppose, both Brantly & Writebol may have had weakended immune systems from other factors connected with living among the dying.
Yes! Yess Yesssssssssssssssssssss!:banana::banana::banana:

all together now!!!!!!!!!

Uh huh.....Wonder if they though the same thing in April.....

April 1348........Black Plague enters Europe: g500 predicted it would be "under control" in two months.


Stone walls worked is likely both Brantly, and Writebol, came in contact with body fluids, one does not wear a Hazmat suit 24 hours a day.

Are you saying that without wearing Hazmat suits 24/7 medical professionals cannot avoid body fluids?

Gee...sounds like its a lot easier to contract than what we've been lead to believe......

If one is surrounded by viruses, it makes sense that the viruses will have easier access. Packaged food not secure, unidentified hosts, many possibilities. If Saddam Hussein had lived in Liberia, we would know more..............................
This is the winner of the "mindless media fear mongering" award.....

Disease Expert Warns Terrorists Could Make Dirty Bomb Containing Ebola


A Cambridge University disease expert warns that terrorists could be able to build a dirty bomb containing the Ebola virus.

Speaking to The Sun, biological anthropologist Dr. Peter Walsh says that the risk should be taken seriously of terror groups getting their hands on the Ebola virus.

“A bigger and more serious risk is that a group manages to harness the virus as a powder, then explodes it in a bomb in a highly populated area,” Walsh told The Sun. “It could cause a large number of horrific deaths.”

Disease Expert Warns Terrorists Could Make Dirty Bomb Containing Ebola « CBS Atlanta
Thing is's not fear mongering.... it's real and present danger.

Ebola is no picnic.

So...better to make fun of it....what else are we going to do? :(
This is the winner of the possibilities of Ebola award.....

Disease Expert Warns Terrorists Could Make Dirty Bomb Containing Ebola


A Cambridge University disease expert warns that terrorists could be able to build a dirty bomb containing the Ebola virus.

Speaking to The Sun, biological anthropologist Dr. Peter Walsh says that the risk should be taken seriously of terror groups getting their hands on the Ebola virus.
“A bigger and more serious risk is that a group manages to harness the virus as a powder, then explodes it in a bomb in a highly populated area,” Walsh told The Sun. “It could cause a large number of horrific deaths.”

Disease Expert Warns Terrorists Could Make Dirty Bomb Containing Ebola « CBS Atlanta
This is the winner of the "mindless media fear mongering" award.....

Disease Expert Warns Terrorists Could Make Dirty Bomb Containing Ebola


A Cambridge University disease expert warns that terrorists could be able to build a dirty bomb containing the Ebola virus.

Speaking to The Sun, biological anthropologist Dr. Peter Walsh says that the risk should be taken seriously of terror groups getting their hands on the Ebola virus.

“A bigger and more serious risk is that a group manages to harness the virus as a powder, then explodes it in a bomb in a highly populated area,” Walsh told The Sun. “It could cause a large number of horrific deaths.”

Disease Expert Warns Terrorists Could Make Dirty Bomb Containing Ebola « CBS Atlanta

"Oh little girl, psychotic reaction...."
Thing is's not fear mongering.... it's real and present danger.

Ebola is no picnic.

So...better to make fun of it....what else are we going to do? :(

It may not be a picnic, but it's no pandemic either...

It's less common than babies named have better odds being struck by lightning, twice, in the same day - than you do of contracting Ebola. What we are witnessing is a common media practice. It's garden variety fear mongering.

Thing is's not fear mongering.... it's real and present danger.

Ebola is no picnic.

So...better to make fun of it....what else are we going to do? :(

It may not be a picnic, but it's no pandemic either...

It's less common than babies named have better odds being struck by lightning, twice, in the same day - than you do of contracting Ebola. What we are witnessing is a common media practice. It's garden variety fear mongering.


At times attention is warranted, this Ebloa outbreak is in four nations, never seen "cross border" Ebloa in previous outbreaks, and already more cases reported than all previous outbreaks combined. Complacency isn't wise.
Billions and billions of dollars in Western foreign aid is poured into Africa annually, but then dissappears into a bottomless cesspit of graft and corruption.

Were this aid correctly used there is a good chance the ebola virus outbreak would not have happened in the first place.

Demonstrates once again the futility of foreign aid to corrupt countries.
Billions and billions of dollars in Western foreign aid is poured into Africa annually, but then dissappears into a bottomless cesspit of graft and corruption.

Were this aid correctly used there is a good chance the ebola virus outbreak would not have happened in the first place.

Demonstrates once again the futility of foreign aid to corrupt countries.

This is happening, no amount of money can develop a nation with few resources, no history of represenative govenment, and hostile environment; corruption is icing on the cake :

More than 60 local medical staff, about 8% of the fatalities, have died in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea — poor countries with weak, overloaded healthcare systems that are ill-equipped to handle the outbreak.

Any U.S. hospital following CDC's infection control recommendations can safely manage a patient w/ Ebola hemorrhagic fever.- Dr. Tom Frieden, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on TwitterEbola expert G. Richards Olds, dean of medicine at UC Riverside, compared local healthcare workers there to doctors who donned beaked masks, leather boots and long, waxed gowns to fight the plague in medieval Europe.

"This is one of the few cases in modern times of true healthcare heroism," Olds said. "They're taking some significant risks, as you can see, to help others."

Among the dead are Liberia's Dr. Samuel Brisbane, and Dr. Sheikh Umar Khan, a top Sierra Leone doctor who treated dozens of patients. Khan was described as a national hero by his country's health ministry. Three nurses working with him died the same week he perished.

U.S., foreign health workers to flock to West Africa amid Ebola crisis - LA Times

No hazmat suits, just spoons to drain an ocean.
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You're the one that's referring to a trained medical professional getting "Jabbed with a needle."


You get more amusing with every ludicrous post.
You're clueless here.

Read the book "The Hot Zone" which is about the history of Ebola/Marburg. Very first chapter is about exactly this, a trained professional from the CDC accidentally jabbing themselves with an infected needle.
The only good thing you can say about ebola is it's pretty tough to pass on. And it's only contagious when the victim is well into the symptoms.
Thank God it isnt airborne.

But it is airborne!

This is a very sad world we are living in nowadays folks :(

Despite repeated assurances that the Ebola virus cannot be transmitted via airborne particles, the CDC is concerned about that very outcome and has directed airline staff to take steps to prevent the spread of “infectious material through the air.”

» CDC Concerned About Airborne Transmission of Ebola Virus Alex Jones' Infowars

I suspect as much.

Otherwise, how does a DOCTOR, who is very well trained, contract the virus which is supposed to be almost impossible to contract?

Sweat is body fluid, not almost impossible to contract.........depending upon hygeine, and resources. 60 physdians have gotten it so far. This strain may be more virulent than the the five previous strains, but in the conditions described, doesn't need to be airborne. Perhaps now spread by touch. Medical personnel must have contact to treat, and these countries have few, if any, isolation units.

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