Man Being Tested At Mount Sinai Hospital For Possible Ebola Virus

I wonder what the odds are that you would contract Ebola if you lived on the continent of Africa? Anyone want to take a stab at it?

Number of infected: 1,320

Population of Africa: 1,111,000,000
The only good thing you can say about ebola is it's pretty tough to pass on. And it's only contagious when the victim is well into the symptoms. Thank God it isnt airborne.

They say its not airborne but you bleed from every place in your body. So say this person is bleeding in his lungs. They cough and doesnt cover his mouth next to someone with an open wound or it hits near their nose or mouth. It can happen. To say it can is naive

The hemorrhagic rash bursts and the fluid gets to the next victim


Umm, delicious.
The only good thing you can say about ebola is it's pretty tough to pass on. And it's only contagious when the victim is well into the symptoms. Thank God it isnt airborne.

They say its not airborne but you bleed from every place in your body. So say this person is bleeding in his lungs. They cough and doesnt cover his mouth next to someone with an open wound or it hits near their nose or mouth. It can happen. To say it can is naive

By the time it reach's that stage it's pretty obvious that they have Ebola. You dont often see someone bleeding from the eyes after all. Anyone hanging around without taking precaution's at this point is a complete idiot.
I assume you meant "can't" and yes it can obviously happen or there wouldnt be so many dead in africa. This is highly unlikely to happen in the U.S. though,for obvious reasons.


It takes as long as 21 days before the advanced symptoms to present themselves.

You can get a long way from the Mexican Border in 2 days....


But don't watch the southern border.

Liberians are paying big bucks to be flown into Mexico then transported into the USA.....


The northern border has big, international airports much closer.

Bribing Canadian authorities is more expensive.

If one is asymptomatic for days, sometimes weeks, no bribe would be necessary. And the US cannot restrict those companies that import & export from the four impacted nations, in any case. :eusa_angel:
They say its not airborne but you bleed from every place in your body. So say this person is bleeding in his lungs. They cough and doesnt cover his mouth next to someone with an open wound or it hits near their nose or mouth. It can happen. To say it can is naive

By the time it reach's that stage it's pretty obvious that they have Ebola. You dont often see someone bleeding from the eyes after all. Anyone hanging around without taking precaution's at this point is a complete idiot.
I assume you meant "can't" and yes it can obviously happen or there wouldnt be so many dead in africa. This is highly unlikely to happen in the U.S. though,for obvious reasons.


It takes as long as 21 days before the advanced symptoms to present themselves.

You can get a long way from the Mexican Border in 2 days....


If only Ebola was in Mexico and not Africa...then your Fox News paranoid fantasy would have some legs!
By the time it reach's that stage it's pretty obvious that they have Ebola. You dont often see someone bleeding from the eyes after all. Anyone hanging around without taking precaution's at this point is a complete idiot.
I assume you meant "can't" and yes it can obviously happen or there wouldnt be so many dead in africa. This is highly unlikely to happen in the U.S. though,for obvious reasons.


It takes as long as 21 days before the advanced symptoms to present themselves.

You can get a long way from the Mexican Border in 2 days....


If only Ebola was in Mexico and not Africa...then your Fox News paranoid fantasy would have some legs!

Ebola could arrive at either border, or at any airport, or port; those that have the most international flights & ships are the most likely. As US corporations do business in the countries impacted, no paranoia is required. Regretting our lack of foresight in research would be wise, however. The infectious strains of Ebola were going to get into the US eventually. Reports are several people in the area of the patient in New York have been tested with negative results. If the Iraq disaster had cost only what was advertised, the US might have plenty of money for medical research.........but medical research isn't parade worthy.
They say its not airborne but you bleed from every place in your body. So say this person is bleeding in his lungs. They cough and doesnt cover his mouth next to someone with an open wound or it hits near their nose or mouth. It can happen. To say it can is naive

By the time it reach's that stage it's pretty obvious that they have Ebola. You dont often see someone bleeding from the eyes after all. Anyone hanging around without taking precaution's at this point is a complete idiot.
I assume you meant "can't" and yes it can obviously happen or there wouldnt be so many dead in africa. This is highly unlikely to happen in the U.S. though,for obvious reasons.


It takes as long as 21 days before the advanced symptoms to present themselves.

You can get a long way from the Mexican Border in 2 days....


They may get in but they aren't contagious until they're fully symptomatic.
And while you may get a few dumb asses or people who have no internet,TV,radio or newspapers most will recognize Ebola and will know what precautions to take if it becomes a problem.
The flu would cause more deaths than ebola.
I'm more worried about drug resistant TB.
I wonder what the odds are that you would contract Ebola if you lived on the continent of Africa? Anyone want to take a stab at it?

Number of infected: 1,320

Population of Africa: 1,111,000,000


Number of infected since December: 1,320......

188 per month....if the vector is linear....

It isn't linear. Its is (roughly) exponential and exponential function on the series of months since January 2014,....

January 1 ^2 = 1
February (2+1) ^ 2 = 9
March (3 +2+1)^ 2 = 81
April (4+3+2+1) ^ 2 =100
May (5+4+3+2+1) = 225
June (6+5+4+3+2+1) ^ 2 = 441
July (7 +6+5+4+3+2+1) ^2 = 784
August (8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 1296

September (9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 2025

January 2015 (13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 8,281

January 2016 (26+25+24+23+22+21+20+19+18+17+16+15+14+13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1) ^2 = 123, 201

In two years the Ebola virus will infect 1% of the population of Africa at the present rate of communication......
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By the time it reach's that stage it's pretty obvious that they have Ebola. You dont often see someone bleeding from the eyes after all. Anyone hanging around without taking precaution's at this point is a complete idiot.
I assume you meant "can't" and yes it can obviously happen or there wouldnt be so many dead in africa. This is highly unlikely to happen in the U.S. though,for obvious reasons.


It takes as long as 21 days before the advanced symptoms to present themselves.

You can get a long way from the Mexican Border in 2 days....


They may get in but they aren't contagious until they're fully symptomatic.
And while you may get a few dumb asses or people who have no internet,TV,radio or newspapers most will recognize Ebola and will know what precautions to take if it becomes a problem.
The flu would cause more deaths than ebola.
I'm more worried about drug resistant TB.

"a few dumb asses or people who have no internet,TV,radio or newspapers"

You mean illiterate "migrant" workers from Mexico?
The only good thing you can say about ebola is it's pretty tough to pass on. And it's only contagious when the victim is well into the symptoms.
Thank God it isnt airborne.

But it is airborne!

This is a very sad world we are living in nowadays folks :(

Despite repeated assurances that the Ebola virus cannot be transmitted via airborne particles, the CDC is concerned about that very outcome and has directed airline staff to take steps to prevent the spread of “infectious material through the air.”

» CDC Concerned About Airborne Transmission of Ebola Virus Alex Jones' Infowars
By the time it reach's that stage it's pretty obvious that they have Ebola. You dont often see someone bleeding from the eyes after all. Anyone hanging around without taking precaution's at this point is a complete idiot.
I assume you meant "can't" and yes it can obviously happen or there wouldnt be so many dead in africa. This is highly unlikely to happen in the U.S. though,for obvious reasons.


It takes as long as 21 days before the advanced symptoms to present themselves.

You can get a long way from the Mexican Border in 2 days....


If only Ebola was in Mexico and not Africa...then your Fox News paranoid fantasy would have some legs!

Fox News?

I don't watch it.

I'm just an observer: I actually SEE illegal immigration. Much of it comes fro Mexico. Not all illegals are Mexican. The porous border allows people from many nations to enter the USA.

Why are you so confident that it would not be likely that refugees from a Liberian Ebola Epidemic would pay to illegally enter the USA?

Why would it not be likely these illegal entrants would be infected?

Rather than some blithe reference to your imaginary news reference, you may do well you explain how you can ignore the obvious possibilities.
I wonder what the odds are that you would contract Ebola if you lived on the continent of Africa? Anyone want to take a stab at it?

Number of infected: 1,320

Population of Africa: 1,111,000,000


Number of infected since December: 1,320......

188 per month....if the vector is linear....

It isn't linear. Its is (roughly) exponential and exponential function on the series of months since January 2014,....

January 1 ^2 = 1
February (2+1) ^ 2 = 9
March (3 +2+1)^ 2 = 81
April (4+3+2+1) ^ 2 =100
May (5+4+3+2+1) = 225
June (6+5+4+3+2+1) ^ 2 = 441
July (7 +6+5+4+3+2+1) ^2 = 784
August (8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 1296

September (9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 2025

January 2015 (13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)^2 = 8,281

January 2016 (26+25+24+23+22+21+20+19+18+17+16+15+14+13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1) ^2 = 123, 201

In two years the Ebola virus will infect 1% of the population of Africa at the present rate of communication......

In two months, it will be under control.
The only good thing you can say about ebola is it's pretty tough to pass on. And it's only contagious when the victim is well into the symptoms.
Thank God it isnt airborne.

But it is airborne!

This is a very sad world we are living in nowadays folks :(

Despite repeated assurances that the Ebola virus cannot be transmitted via airborne particles, the CDC is concerned about that very outcome and has directed airline staff to take steps to prevent the spread of “infectious material through the air.”

» CDC Concerned About Airborne Transmission of Ebola Virus Alex Jones' Infowars

No, not airborne, the CDC is concerned, yes, but not being airborne does not change the virulence, it is viable in liquid, and that is enough.
The only good thing you can say about ebola is it's pretty tough to pass on. And it's only contagious when the victim is well into the symptoms.
Thank God it isnt airborne.

But it is airborne!

This is a very sad world we are living in nowadays folks :(

Despite repeated assurances that the Ebola virus cannot be transmitted via airborne particles, the CDC is concerned about that very outcome and has directed airline staff to take steps to prevent the spread of “infectious material through the air.”

» CDC Concerned About Airborne Transmission of Ebola Virus Alex Jones' Infowars

I suspect as much.

Otherwise, how does a DOCTOR, who is very well trained, contract the virus which is supposed to be almost impossible to contract?
A study a few years back exposed the fact that monkeys in cage X, and monkeys in cage Y did, in fact, spread the disease to themselves via the air. All you have to do is cough like a monkey.
The only good thing you can say about ebola is it's pretty tough to pass on. And it's only contagious when the victim is well into the symptoms.
Thank God it isnt airborne.

But it is airborne!

This is a very sad world we are living in nowadays folks :(

Despite repeated assurances that the Ebola virus cannot be transmitted via airborne particles, the CDC is concerned about that very outcome and has directed airline staff to take steps to prevent the spread of “infectious material through the air.”

» CDC Concerned About Airborne Transmission of Ebola Virus Alex Jones' Infowars

I suspect as much.

Otherwise, how does a DOCTOR, who is very well trained, contract the virus which is supposed to be almost impossible to contract?

I'm sure we'll find out. Until then, assumptions as to how he got sick are stupid.

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