Man Being Tested At Mount Sinai Hospital For Possible Ebola Virus

Liberals have no concerns of ebola.


Just when you thought liberals could not possibly represent themselves as being bigger morons, I have to read their bullshit in this thread.

Yeah, no worries at all.

Liberals, are such unreal mental disasters.

Are you concerned "of" Ebola? To what degree? What do you think your chances of getting this virus are at this moment? What actions are you taking to protect yourself and your family?

See what I mean? No middle gears, it is either all hysteria to them or don't mention it, and so that is what they expect from everyone else.

What gear are you in, then?
Liberals have no concerns of ebola.


Just when you thought liberals could not possibly represent themselves as being bigger morons, I have to read their bullshit in this thread.

Yeah, no worries at all.

Liberals, are such unreal mental disasters.

Are you concerned "of" Ebola? To what degree? What do you think your chances of getting this virus are at this moment? What actions are you taking to protect yourself and your family?

I am very concerned about it actually. A non vector hemorrhagic disease with no cure. Nothing to worry about?

It would help if one of you liberals had just one fucking clue.
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Liberals have no concerns of ebola.


Just when you thought liberals could not possibly represent themselves as being bigger morons, I have to read their bullshit in this thread.

Yeah, no worries at all.

Liberals, are such unreal mental disasters.

Are you concerned "of" Ebola? To what degree? What do you think your chances of getting this virus are at this moment? What actions are you taking to protect yourself and your family?

I am very concerned about it actually. A non vector hemorrhagic disease with no cure. Nothing to worry about?

It would help if one of you liberals had just one fucking clue.

You didn't answer the rest of the questions. What are your chances of getting Ebola at this moment and what are you doing to protect your family?

Are you aware that a quarter million to a half a million people die from the flu each year?

The idiot that you are siding with in this discussion thinks that our enemies are using Ebola as a combat weapon.
Captain Trips, anybody?
Are you concerned "of" Ebola? To what degree? What do you think your chances of getting this virus are at this moment? What actions are you taking to protect yourself and your family?

I am very concerned about it actually. A non vector hemorrhagic disease with no cure. Nothing to worry about?

It would help if one of you liberals had just one fucking clue.

You didn't answer the rest of the questions. What are your chances of getting Ebola at this moment and what are you doing to protect your family?

No one knows that, idiot. That is merely another deflection from the topic which is the threat this disease poses to the US public.

Are you aware that a quarter million to a half a million people die from the flu each year?

Irrelevant since most people have resistance to the flu, but few have resistance to Ebola.

The idiot that you are siding with in this discussion thinks that our enemies are using Ebola as a combat weapon.

You are such a fucking liar. I said they could be and likely are. I never said that the ARE in fact; no one knows.

Your problem is that you are incapable of thinking straight, bitch.
You didn't answer the rest of the questions. What are your chances of getting Ebola at this moment and what are you doing to protect your family?
I'm protecting my family, I told my wife we are not going to travel to West Africa and either treat Ebola patients or handle the dead bodies of Ebola victims.

Just in case she was planning on that.
You didn't answer the rest of the questions. What are your chances of getting Ebola at this moment and what are you doing to protect your family?
I'm protecting my family, I told my wife we are not going to travel to West Africa and either treat Ebola patients or handle the dead bodies of Ebola victims.

Just in case she was planning on that.

Yeah, that'll work.

Good Lord, you libtards are such fools.

In all likelihood the CDC will keep this under control, but the odds of that are less with each nation the pandemic spreads to.

Oh, using facts on you, my apologies, moron.
Ebola Mode of Transmission: (Canadian site) In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.

Ebola virus - Pathogen Safety Data Sheets

Ebola spread to these monkeys through the air, so why cant it also happen to people too?
Airborne and droplet transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others; the difference lies in the size of the infective particles. Smaller droplets persist in the air longer and are able to travel farther- these droplets are truly “airborne.” Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated with infectious agents. In this study, a monkey’s cage could have been contaminated when workers were cleaning a nearby pig cage. If the monkey touched the contaminated cage surface and then its mouth or eyes, it could have been infected. Author Dr. Gary Kobinger suspects that the virus is transmitted through droplets, not fomites, because evidence of infection in the lungs of the monkeys indicated that the virus was inhaled.
From Pigs to Monkeys, Ebola Goes Airborne | HealthMap

Six have been tested but the results of only three tests have been made public.
*******************************************************As to the five other patients, ABC News reported on Tuesday that "The CDC said has tested blood samples from six people with possible Ebola symptoms who had recently traveled to West Africa." The report did not specify where all six patients were, but did not suggest they were all in New York. In fact, the same ABC report mentions a case in Ohio, where a woman tested negative for the virus.
Additionally, the CDC reported that one patient at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland was tested for Ebola. While testing negative for Ebola, the woman was found to have contracted malaria.
This leaves three patients across the country that have been tested for Ebola, with the CDC not stating whether they tested positively or negatively, or where they are.
Ebola Tested Across the Nation; Government Suppresses Info

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