Man Being Tested At Mount Sinai Hospital For Possible Ebola Virus

Liberals are comparing
liberals are the scourge of the human race.
how fucking moronic liberals
to hate liberals

What on earth happens to people where they think like this? We're talking about a disease and whether it is worth being concerned over, not political ideologue. You really can't imagine people just having an opinion on an issue without it becoming about the liberals, that is so fucked up, and sad.
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For FYI purposes

Ebola Mode of Transmission: (Canadian site) In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.

Ebola virus - Pathogen Safety Data Sheets

Ebola spread to these monkeys through the air, so why cant it also happen to people too?
Airborne and droplet transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others; the difference lies in the size of the infective particles. Smaller droplets persist in the air longer and are able to travel farther- these droplets are truly “airborne.” Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated with infectious agents. In this study, a monkey’s cage could have been contaminated when workers were cleaning a nearby pig cage. If the monkey touched the contaminated cage surface and then its mouth or eyes, it could have been infected. Author Dr. Gary Kobinger suspects that the virus is transmitted through droplets, not fomites, because evidence of infection in the lungs of the monkeys indicated that the virus was inhaled.
From Pigs to Monkeys, Ebola Goes Airborne | HealthMap

Six have been tested but the results of only three tests have been made public.
*******************************************************As to the five other patients, ABC News reported on Tuesday that "The CDC said has tested blood samples from six people with possible Ebola symptoms who had recently traveled to West Africa." The report did not specify where all six patients were, but did not suggest they were all in New York. In fact, the same ABC report mentions a case in Ohio, where a woman tested negative for the virus.
Additionally, the CDC reported that one patient at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland was tested for Ebola. While testing negative for Ebola, the woman was found to have contracted malaria.
This leaves three patients across the country that have been tested for Ebola, with the CDC not stating whether they tested positively or negatively, or where they are.
Ebola Tested Across the Nation; Government Suppresses Info
Crikey, I know someone who is in Liberia now, and he is from here in the U.S. He has been over there helping them set up meat processing plants or something like that....Wow.

The two Americans here should provide enough information to continue study, how to prevent US corporations from doing business, sending workers in & out is the real problem.
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For FYI purposes

Ebola Mode of Transmission: (Canadian site) In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.

Ebola virus - Pathogen Safety Data Sheets

Ebola spread to these monkeys through the air, so why cant it also happen to people too?
Airborne and droplet transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others; the difference lies in the size of the infective particles. Smaller droplets persist in the air longer and are able to travel farther- these droplets are truly “airborne.” Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated with infectious agents. In this study, a monkey’s cage could have been contaminated when workers were cleaning a nearby pig cage. If the monkey touched the contaminated cage surface and then its mouth or eyes, it could have been infected. Author Dr. Gary Kobinger suspects that the virus is transmitted through droplets, not fomites, because evidence of infection in the lungs of the monkeys indicated that the virus was inhaled.
From Pigs to Monkeys, Ebola Goes Airborne | HealthMap

Six have been tested but the results of only three tests have been made public.
*******************************************************As to the five other patients, ABC News reported on Tuesday that "The CDC said has tested blood samples from six people with possible Ebola symptoms who had recently traveled to West Africa." The report did not specify where all six patients were, but did not suggest they were all in New York. In fact, the same ABC report mentions a case in Ohio, where a woman tested negative for the virus.
Additionally, the CDC reported that one patient at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland was tested for Ebola. While testing negative for Ebola, the woman was found to have contracted malaria.
This leaves three patients across the country that have been tested for Ebola, with the CDC not stating whether they tested positively or negatively, or where they are.
Ebola Tested Across the Nation; Government Suppresses Info
Crikey, I know someone who is in Liberia now, and he is from here in the U.S. He has been over there helping them set up meat processing plants or something like that....Wow.

The two American here should provide enough information to continue study, how to prevent US corporations from doing business, sending workers in & out is the real problem.

Well, logic would tell us there is a need for the governments of the world to cull the herd right? Well, let us look at it logically, shall we?

There is an estimated 7.5 billion people on earth. There is only so much land, there is only so much food, less than 3% of all the water on earth is suitable for human consumption.

Our natural resources are being stripped away.

If I am seeing it, the world governments are seeing it. I am sure they have been seeing it for a long time now.

What is that deal with those Bilberbergs anyway?
Liberals are comparing
how fucking moronic liberals
to hate liberals

What on earth happens to people where they think like this? We're talking about a disease and whether it is worth being concerned over, not political ideologue. You really can't imagine people just having an opinion on an issue without it becoming about the liberals, that is so fucked up, and sad.

Maybe it is just a coincidence that it is liberals on this thread that have no concerns whatsoever of ebola.

Maybe we can just take mass vitamin C or dayquil to combat ebola.

Crikey, I know someone who is in Liberia now, and he is from here in the U.S. He has been over there helping them set up meat processing plants or something like that....Wow.

The two American here should provide enough information to continue study, how to prevent US corporations from doing business, sending workers in & out is the real problem.


So you support unfettered access from the nations that have Ebola in their borders:doubt:
Maybe it is just a coincidence that it is liberals on this thread that have no concerns whatsoever of ebola.
What liberals?

I support gun ownership, detest unions, want to greatly reduce welfare programs, am against higher minimum wage, support a strong armed forces, against affirmative action, etc. but since I disagree with you on how much we should worry about Ebola you're just going to take the easy way out and pigeon-hole as a liberal, then spend all your energy attacking that label.

It is so stupid, try debating a topic without the full front assault on political labels, you might find it refreshing and stimulating.
Maybe it is just a coincidence that it is liberals on this thread that have no concerns whatsoever of ebola.
What liberals?

I support gun ownership, detest unions, want to greatly reduce welfare programs, am against higher minimum wage, support a strong armed forces, against affirmative action, etc. but since I disagree with you on how much we should worry about Ebola you're just going to take the easy way out and pigeon-hole as a liberal, then spend all your energy attacking that label.

It is so stupid, try debating a topic without the full front assault on political labels, you might find it refreshing and stimulating.

I support Israel, and despise terorists, and totalitarians. Yet I also carry the label of "liberal"; odd.
I support Israel, and despise terorists, and totalitarians. Yet I also carry the label of "liberal"; odd.
I support Isreal as well. Bonus = in the economics forum that partisan retard Rshmmer (think TheOwl except on other side of the aisle) will accuse me of being an evil con who only reads lying con websites.

Anyways back on topic, I saw there are a few more infections in Lagos. That'll be interesting as Nigeria has far more avenues of international business and associated world travel.
I support Israel, and despise terorists, and totalitarians. Yet I also carry the label of "liberal"; odd.
I support Isreal as well. Bonus = in the economics forum that partisan retard Rshmmer (think TheOwl except on other side of the aisle) will accuse me of being an evil con who only reads lying con websites.

Anyways back on topic, I saw there are a few more infections in Lagos. That'll be interesting as Nigeria has far more avenues of international business and associated world travel.

Those that confuse allowing Americans in for treatment with allowing large numbers of those native to Africa in for treatment............are not dealing with a full deck.
I support Israel, and despise terorists, and totalitarians. Yet I also carry the label of "liberal"; odd.
I support Isreal as well. Bonus = in the economics forum that partisan retard Rshmmer (think TheOwl except on other side of the aisle) will accuse me of being an evil con who only reads lying con websites.

Anyways back on topic, I saw there are a few more infections in Lagos. That'll be interesting as Nigeria has far more avenues of international business and associated world travel.

You stupid double talking liberal.
For FYI purposes

Ebola Mode of Transmission: (Canadian site) In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.

Ebola virus - Pathogen Safety Data Sheets

Ebola spread to these monkeys through the air, so why cant it also happen to people too?
Airborne and droplet transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others; the difference lies in the size of the infective particles. Smaller droplets persist in the air longer and are able to travel farther- these droplets are truly “airborne.” Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated with infectious agents. In this study, a monkey’s cage could have been contaminated when workers were cleaning a nearby pig cage. If the monkey touched the contaminated cage surface and then its mouth or eyes, it could have been infected. Author Dr. Gary Kobinger suspects that the virus is transmitted through droplets, not fomites, because evidence of infection in the lungs of the monkeys indicated that the virus was inhaled.
From Pigs to Monkeys, Ebola Goes Airborne | HealthMap

Six have been tested but the results of only three tests have been made public.
*******************************************************As to the five other patients, ABC News reported on Tuesday that "The CDC said has tested blood samples from six people with possible Ebola symptoms who had recently traveled to West Africa." The report did not specify where all six patients were, but did not suggest they were all in New York. In fact, the same ABC report mentions a case in Ohio, where a woman tested negative for the virus.
Additionally, the CDC reported that one patient at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland was tested for Ebola. While testing negative for Ebola, the woman was found to have contracted malaria.
This leaves three patients across the country that have been tested for Ebola, with the CDC not stating whether they tested positively or negatively, or where they are.
Ebola Tested Across the Nation; Government Suppresses Info
Crikey, I know someone who is in Liberia now, and he is from here in the U.S. He has been over there helping them set up meat processing plants or something like that....Wow.

The two Americans here should provide enough information to continue study, how to prevent US corporations from doing business, sending workers in & out is the real problem.

Exactly Peach. Do you have any info on steps corporations are taking or warnings they may be giving their workers who have to go to these pandemic areas?

Also, is there anyone with an updated map of these pandemic areas?

Crikey, I know someone who is in Liberia now, and he is from here in the U.S. He has been over there helping them set up meat processing plants or something like that....Wow.

The two American here should provide enough information to continue study, how to prevent US corporations from doing business, sending workers in & out is the real problem.


No, she is right. The administration is being passive and letting the CDC take sole lead on this, so corporations and others need to take necessary precautions on their own.

She is exactly right, Geaux.
Crikey, I know someone who is in Liberia now, and he is from here in the U.S. He has been over there helping them set up meat processing plants or something like that....Wow.

The two Americans here should provide enough information to continue study, how to prevent US corporations from doing business, sending workers in & out is the real problem.

Exactly Peach. Do you have any info on steps corporations are taking or warnings they may be giving their workers who have to go to these pandemic areas?

Also, is there anyone with an updated map of these pandemic areas?


Nothing on what US corporations are doing, latest map I saw below:

Yet it is confirmed two cases in Nigeria, in a densely populated city.
Well, logic would tell us there is a need for the governments of the world to cull the herd right? Well, let us look at it logically, shall we?

There is an estimated 7.5 billion people on earth. There is only so much land, there is only so much food,

And people grow the food and purify water. Water desalination is available in increasing quantity.

less than 3% of all the water on earth is suitable for human consumption.

That is still plenty for all of us. The problem is in those areas where water is naturally in short supply and the population is outgrowing the manmade water supply, or it is aging.

Our natural resources are being stripped away.

If I am seeing it, the world governments are seeing it. I am sure they have been seeing it for a long time now.

What is that deal with those Bilberbergs anyway?

The elites see a problem in that there are too many poor. They then institute policies that discourage the educated, intelligent and wealthy from having children.

How does that fix anything?

But areas that have a rapidly growing middle class self-regulate and limit their population.
The two Americans here should provide enough information to continue study, how to prevent US corporations from doing business, sending workers in & out is the real problem.

Exactly Peach. Do you have any info on steps corporations are taking or warnings they may be giving their workers who have to go to these pandemic areas?

Also, is there anyone with an updated map of these pandemic areas?


Nothing on what US corporations are doing, latest map I saw below:

Yet it is confirmed two cases in Nigeria, in a densely populated city.

Two lit matches on a two story pile of dry timber and newspaper all soaked in gasoline.

Man, this sucks so bad.
Maybe it is just a coincidence that it is liberals on this thread that have no concerns whatsoever of ebola.
What liberals?

I support gun ownership, detest unions, want to greatly reduce welfare programs, am against higher minimum wage, support a strong armed forces, against affirmative action, etc. but since I disagree with you on how much we should worry about Ebola you're just going to take the easy way out and pigeon-hole as a liberal, then spend all your energy attacking that label.

It is so stupid, try debating a topic without the full front assault on political labels, you might find it refreshing and stimulating.

I support Israel, and despise terorists, and totalitarians. Yet I also carry the label of "liberal"; odd.

Classic liberals like you always have.

It is the neoMarxists who pass themselves off as liberals that are clouding the issue and quite deliberately.

You regular genuine liberals need to distance yourselves from them like most of the conservatives have done with racists and anti-semites or the confusion will persist.
It would be helpful if libtards wouldn't try to dismiss everything and instead used this thread to keep people updated on this situation that changes minute by minute.

Latest map I have found thus far.



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It would be helpful if libtards wouldn't try to dismiss everything and instead used this thread to keep people updated on this situation that changes minute by minute.

Latest map I have found thus far.




Thank you for these maps, I can only post links. and yes classic liberalism rejects Marxisism as yet another failed, pie in the sky theory.

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