Man buys all pies in Burger King, teaches lesson.

LL...does it matter if it is a true story or not? The point of the subject is bratty kids and people being fed up with bad parents.

And it's about time, too. Gone are the days of suffering someone elses brat.

Oy is right. This fucking place is way too tolerant of bullshit.

"if it's true.......blah, blah, blah"

"Even if it's not true......blah, blah, blah"

"It's not true......but...., blah, blah, blah"

The primary reason that we cannot come together is that some people are willing to look past KNOWN BULLSHIT while trying to stick to an agenda.

You just defined Teaperism
Agreed on this, an employee is said to have asked the mother to quiet the child, the cell phone was more important. One of my pet peeves, people who cannot leave the cell at home, or in vehicles, or turned off in their pockets. They are not extra limbs, ban cell phone use in certain areas of public places.
I've been waiting for someone to use their phone in an inappropriate place, like an elevator, then I just take out my own cell and yell into it.

I did a similar thing at the airport a few months back. While my wife and I were waiting for our flight a group of Chicoms were watching a movie nearby on a phone or some device and they had the volume up way too loud so I just took my cell out and cranked up the rock and roll and heavy metal mps3's that I always have on my phone.

After a few minutes they turned it off.

Always keep some bagpipe music cd ready to crank up in car if at stop sign next to someone with car boom box system cranked up.

In my Gremlin, I found that uncapping the headers and holding the engine at 4000RPM worked better.
Say what? Read the thread. That claim was made by a conservative.

Do you have some indication of whether or not I disciplined my kids? Like every can't help speak of things that you know nothing about. That is the problem with this entire thread. It is a bunch of "holier than thou" people chastising an imaginary bad mother.

Raising kids doesn't hinge on ones political point of view. Shit.....

And that makes him right?

Seriously, if you can't take a fuck, joke you.

No. It doesn't make him right. It makes the rest of us stupid. Don't you see? This shit is just lame. Sanity is calling out the liar for lying.

Found a pic of you, brah.

I don't believe the story.

I find it very unbelievable that a screaming child who is small enough to be held by it's mother would use the F word.

The story starts out saying that the person already had a headache then later the person says the screaming child caused his headache.

The "woman on the phone" is thrown in for good measure. Which again I believe is a bunch of garbage. If the child in her arms is screaming then she wouldn't be able to hear what was being said to her on the phone and the person she was talking to would only hear the child screaming.

I worked in a fast food restaurant when I was a teenager. They don't prepare two dozen pies at the same time. Especially two dozen of the same kind of pie. Not even at a lunch or dinner rush.

I looked it up on and they couldn't find any proof of the story being true or false. They list reasons why the story is probably false including a link to another story much like this one.

If it's true then the mother should have taken the child out of the restaurant. However the person who says they bought all those pies was wrong to do such a petty and childish thing while complaining about a screaming child. The man is worse than the child since that adult man should have known better.
While the man was acting childishly himself, it is clear that his real target was the kid's mom, who was going to have to deal with the tantrum long after the man was gone. A sober evaluation of the situation, however, would have told him that the mother's life was probably already hell, just raising such a brat, and that making it worse for her should be no cause for celebration.

I would have walked out of the store without ordering while thanking god that I was free to leave the kid to his tantrum. The mother did not have that choice.

Sorry, but whose fault is it that "her life is hell raising such a brat"? She really needed to take away the lesson that the world doesn't revolve around her, her telephone, and the spawn that erupted from her uterus.

Speaking as a parent of a five-year-old who also has two children I managed to raise to adulthood without killing them, there is no way in Hell I would ever allow my children to behave like that in public unchecked. Even my grandson, who is universally acknowledged as a little hellion, would never act up like that in public.

If you're going to allow your children to be nothing more than wild animals, then you need to be aware that there will be consequences from the society that's forced to tolerate the results of your shitty parenting. Get the hell off that phone and give that kid an attitude adjustment.
Big joke on pie hoarder, pies can be cooked in 7 minutes...

Yeah, but that's seven minutes that she doesn't get to appease the little horror she created. Plus, she had to face the fact that being shitty to people goes both ways. An excellent life lesson for many of the self-absorbed shitheels that abound in the world today.
A fool and his money are soon parted..

The user said that he ate some of the pies, but ended up giving some to his co-workers. Not that it mattered because he had gotten his meal and deprived the child behind him of the pies he so desperately, and violently, cried out for.
Obviously the 'user' is as much a child as the one crying – if not more so.

Agreed, an actual lesson would have been to buy the pies, offer the child one IF he behaved, and aplogized for disturbing others, who also wanted food. Instead he went for hurting the annoying child. He no doubt has headaches from many aspects of his self centered life. The man was NOT missing work, in need of medical treatment, or starving; if he over reacts to one kid misbehaving, he'd kill around homecoming in my town. Maybe the kid was getting sick, just over being sick. Ideally, the parent should have taken the child outside, but maybe she was getting food for other members of her family.

I see kids acting like stores are playgrounds also; I find a parent, or better yet, store employee, and explain the child came close to running into a a stack of merchadise/climbing the shelves, or stabbing themselves with sharp objects. That often gets results.

It's not his job to raise her child, particularly when she so obviously has no intention of doing so. The best thing he could do for that kid is hopefully influence that "mother" to behave like a civilized, responsible human being.
Hungry children are not human beings. Nor are they short adults and its wrong to expect them to act like they are. That kid repeated language he heard at home. If the so-called adult wanted to teach someone a lesson, he should have gone for the mother.

Instead, he behaved worse than the kid.

If you really think there's ANY excuse for allowing your child to act like that in public, then I pray to God you have never found a female desperate enough for sex to risk reproducing with you.
My kids never said "I want a fucking pie" and stomped their feet. They knew better.

Seeing some of the responses in this thread is proof positive that bratty kids will alway be around due to idiot selfish parents.

My 18-year-old son doesn't drop the f-bomb in public OR in my hearing. I can't even imagine my 5-year-old using it.
How is this teaching anyone a lesson? He's acting like a typical republican douchebag who can't tolerate kids. Probably a limbaugh listener.

Tell me that you would have bought that brat a pie and I will call you a liar. What happened has nothing to do with political leanings, it is teaching that mother, and her kid, that the world doesn't like assholes that throw fits. That is something every child should learn as soon as possible, there would be a lot less progressives in the world if they learned that actions have consequences at a young age.

Prove that progressives don't learn that actions have consequences?

You pretty much just have to look at their political beliefs. They always espouse actions with no thought for the consequences that are obviously going to flow from them.
LL...does it matter if it is a true story or not? The point of the subject is bratty kids and people being fed up with bad parents.

And it's about time, too. Gone are the days of suffering someone elses brat.

People really don't know how to behave in public any more. My ex-husband and I were at a mall the other day with a friend, and walking out to the parking lot. The friend was telling me that he finally decided to read the "Game of Thrones" books because he was enjoying the TV show, and that he had just finished Book Three (I've read all of the books so far). I said, "Okay, what happened in Three? I know what happens in general, but I don't have it separated by book in my head." My ex said, "That was the Red Wedding, and . . ." and listed a few other events. Some total stranger several feet ahead of us turned around and said, "Well, thanks for spoiling it for us. We haven't watched the latest season yet."

Excuse me? Who the fuck are you, and who the fuck invited you into our conversation? It's not like we were yelling about it, and I don't recall signing any sort of agreement to preserve your sense of surprise until you finally get around to watching or reading something, so I don't actually feel obligated to holler, "Spoiler alert!" to people I wasn't addressing.

Joe and our friend just stared at the guy, but I responded with, "You're welcome, and by the way, Darth Vader is Luke's father. Have a nice day."
Hungry children are not human beings. Nor are they short adults and its wrong to expect them to act like they are. That kid repeated language he heard at home. If the so-called adult wanted to teach someone a lesson, he should have gone for the mother.

Instead, he behaved worse than the kid.

If you really think there's ANY excuse for allowing your child to act like that in public, then I pray to God you have never found a female desperate enough for sex to risk reproducing with you.

LL...does it matter if it is a true story or not? The point of the subject is bratty kids and people being fed up with bad parents.

And it's about time, too. Gone are the days of suffering someone elses brat.

People really don't know how to behave in public any more. My ex-husband and I were at a mall the other day with a friend, and walking out to the parking lot. The friend was telling me that he finally decided to read the "Game of Thrones" books because he was enjoying the TV show, and that he had just finished Book Three (I've read all of the books so far). I said, "Okay, what happened in Three? I know what happens in general, but I don't have it separated by book in my head." My ex said, "That was the Red Wedding, and . . ." and listed a few other events. Some total stranger several feet ahead of us turned around and said, "Well, thanks for spoiling it for us. We haven't watched the latest season yet."

Excuse me? Who the fuck are you, and who the fuck invited you into our conversation? It's not like we were yelling about it, and I don't recall signing any sort of agreement to preserve your sense of surprise until you finally get around to watching or reading something, so I don't actually feel obligated to holler, "Spoiler alert!" to people I wasn't addressing.

Joe and our friend just stared at the guy, but I responded with, "You're welcome, and by the way, Darth Vader is Luke's father. Have a nice day."

I have pretty much quit going into restaurants to eat, due to the fact that many people don't know how to chew with their mouth shut. I don't stare, but good lord, when you eat like an animal, chomping your jaws together, and food spitting out of your mouth, you don't look like a human being. You look like an animal. It's disgusting.

Second on my list is blowing your nose at the table, or worse yet, the buffet line. No manners at all, and no raising either. If I would have done that, my father would have put me through the wall.
My kids never said "I want a fucking pie" and stomped their feet. They knew better.

Seeing some of the responses in this thread is proof positive that bratty kids will alway be around due to idiot selfish parents.
Amen to this. If the parents don't care, there is a 50/50 chance that the child won't either. I say 50/50 because of my own situation. I know what I believe is better even though one of my parents doesn't. Or course that right there is the whole entire problem. In this day and age one person's view of what's right and wrong is sadly going to be different from another person's view of what's right and wrong.

If it's true then the mother should have taken the child out of the restaurant. However the person who says they bought all those pies was wrong to do such a petty and childish thing while complaining about a screaming child. The man is worse than the child since that adult man should have known better.
If everything in the write up is true, then I still think that the man was right to do what he did especially if he respectfully asked that lady to quiet her kid down at first. Why should he be blamed for the fact that some people don't get certain things until the tables have been turned on them? And even then, some people still won't get it or they won't care even if they do get it. The only thing left to say is that the best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. People get punished when they do something illegal. Well sadly some people do not get that some things are still bad even if they are not labeled illegal and when them bad non illegal things are done, why should they get away with doing them, especially if they are not sorry for doing them?
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LL...does it matter if it is a true story or not? The point of the subject is bratty kids and people being fed up with bad parents.

And it's about time, too. Gone are the days of suffering someone elses brat.

People really don't know how to behave in public any more. My ex-husband and I were at a mall the other day with a friend, and walking out to the parking lot. The friend was telling me that he finally decided to read the "Game of Thrones" books because he was enjoying the TV show, and that he had just finished Book Three (I've read all of the books so far). I said, "Okay, what happened in Three? I know what happens in general, but I don't have it separated by book in my head." My ex said, "That was the Red Wedding, and . . ." and listed a few other events. Some total stranger several feet ahead of us turned around and said, "Well, thanks for spoiling it for us. We haven't watched the latest season yet."

Excuse me? Who the fuck are you, and who the fuck invited you into our conversation? It's not like we were yelling about it, and I don't recall signing any sort of agreement to preserve your sense of surprise until you finally get around to watching or reading something, so I don't actually feel obligated to holler, "Spoiler alert!" to people I wasn't addressing.

Joe and our friend just stared at the guy, but I responded with, "You're welcome, and by the way, Darth Vader is Luke's father. Have a nice day."

I have pretty much quit going into restaurants to eat, due to the fact that many people don't know how to chew with their mouth shut. I don't stare, but good lord, when you eat like an animal, chomping your jaws together, and food spitting out of your mouth, you don't look like a human being. You look like an animal. It's disgusting.

Second on my list is blowing your nose at the table, or worse yet, the buffet line. No manners at all, and no raising either. If I would have done that, my father would have put me through the wall.

My husband has Parkinsons. Lately I've noticed he is starting to chew with his mouth open. Things are getting harder and harder for him. Some people have excuses, but it's better that you don't go out much because it really is rude to judge everyone around you so harshly.
People really don't know how to behave in public any more. My ex-husband and I were at a mall the other day with a friend, and walking out to the parking lot. The friend was telling me that he finally decided to read the "Game of Thrones" books because he was enjoying the TV show, and that he had just finished Book Three (I've read all of the books so far). I said, "Okay, what happened in Three? I know what happens in general, but I don't have it separated by book in my head." My ex said, "That was the Red Wedding, and . . ." and listed a few other events. Some total stranger several feet ahead of us turned around and said, "Well, thanks for spoiling it for us. We haven't watched the latest season yet."

Excuse me? Who the fuck are you, and who the fuck invited you into our conversation? It's not like we were yelling about it, and I don't recall signing any sort of agreement to preserve your sense of surprise until you finally get around to watching or reading something, so I don't actually feel obligated to holler, "Spoiler alert!" to people I wasn't addressing.

Joe and our friend just stared at the guy, but I responded with, "You're welcome, and by the way, Darth Vader is Luke's father. Have a nice day."

I have pretty much quit going into restaurants to eat, due to the fact that many people don't know how to chew with their mouth shut. I don't stare, but good lord, when you eat like an animal, chomping your jaws together, and food spitting out of your mouth, you don't look like a human being. You look like an animal. It's disgusting.

Second on my list is blowing your nose at the table, or worse yet, the buffet line. No manners at all, and no raising either. If I would have done that, my father would have put me through the wall.

My husband has Parkinsons. Lately I've noticed he is starting to chew with his mouth open. Things are getting harder and harder for him. Some people have excuses, but it's better that you don't go out much because it really is rude to judge everyone around you so harshly.

Sheila, I've already found out, when it comes to you, you think everyone has excuses...How about people just learning how to act in public, or stay at home, so those of us that know how to act civilized can enjoy our time out.

So what is someone's excuse for playing their radio on full blast with the windows down at midnight? I guess they are deaf(good news is they will be soon.:lol:)

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