Man buys all pies in Burger King, teaches lesson.

Agreed on this, an employee is said to have asked the mother to quiet the child, the cell phone was more important. One of my pet peeves, people who cannot leave the cell at home, or in vehicles, or turned off in their pockets. They are not extra limbs, ban cell phone use in certain areas of public places.
I've been waiting for someone to use their phone in an inappropriate place, like an elevator, then I just take out my own cell and yell into it.

I did a similar thing at the airport a few months back. While my wife and I were waiting for our flight a group of Chicoms were watching a movie nearby on a phone or some device and they had the volume up way too loud so I just took my cell out and cranked up the rock and roll and heavy metal mps3's that I always have on my phone.

After a few minutes they turned it off.

I like the guy who would sit down next to the person on the phone and talk into his phone, answering whatever the other person said.

I seldom use my phone in public but if I did, I would be very upset with someone yelling into his phone while I'm trying to find out what kind of emergency has happened and if my kids are okay.
Agreed on this, an employee is said to have asked the mother to quiet the child, the cell phone was more important. One of my pet peeves, people who cannot leave the cell at home, or in vehicles, or turned off in their pockets. They are not extra limbs, ban cell phone use in certain areas of public places.
I've been waiting for someone to use their phone in an inappropriate place, like an elevator, then I just take out my own cell and yell into it.

I did a similar thing at the airport a few months back. While my wife and I were waiting for our flight a group of Chicoms were watching a movie nearby on a phone or some device and they had the volume up way too loud so I just took my cell out and cranked up the rock and roll and heavy metal mps3's that I always have on my phone.

After a few minutes they turned it off.

Always keep some bagpipe music cd ready to crank up in car if at stop sign next to someone with car boom box system cranked up.
Agreed on this, an employee is said to have asked the mother to quiet the child, the cell phone was more important. One of my pet peeves, people who cannot leave the cell at home, or in vehicles, or turned off in their pockets. They are not extra limbs, ban cell phone use in certain areas of public places.
I've been waiting for someone to use their phone in an inappropriate place, like an elevator, then I just take out my own cell and yell into it.

I did a similar thing at the airport a few months back. While my wife and I were waiting for our flight a group of Chicoms were watching a movie nearby on a phone or some device and they had the volume up way too loud so I just took my cell out and cranked up the rock and roll and heavy metal mps3's that I always have on my phone.

After a few minutes they turned it off.

Always keep some bagpipe music cd ready to crank up in car if at stop sign next to someone with car boom box system cranked up.

See! Wait long enough and you'll find something you like about everyone.

I do love to annoy obnoxious people.
I truly believe that the horn in your car is there only to let assholes know you're on to them.
Seems like one of those ...".I should have " stories that become real life on the internet
Only one reason a brat kid like that would use such a tactic. It's worked in the past, so, assuming it's a true story, kudos to the guy for sticking it to the pair of losers.
There is no way this story is true. Their apple pies are frozen and cooked to order. There is no way that they only had 20 something in stock and the jokes on him waiting nearly a half hour to dish out some petty revenge.
There is no way this story is true. Their apple pies are frozen and cooked to order. There is no way that they only had 20 something in stock and the jokes on him waiting nearly a half hour to dish out some petty revenge.

Not to mention the fake ass dialogue that the guy supposedly had.
Honest question.......

How many of the people who have looked at this thread understood immediately that the entire story is a load of shit?

Condescending question....

Why is it so important to you to shit all over other people's fun that you're still bloviating about it 5 pages in?

It's not like we're a jury deciding the fate of a suspect in a triple homicide. Chill out, damn.

The fun?

What we have here is a liar telling a lie about an imaginary brat and his imaginary incompetent mother.

There are enough real examples of poor parenting to illicit outrage from the idiots here at the USMB. Why latch onto a complete fabrication?

And just look where it led. It's now "proof" that conservatives make better parents.

Except it isn't, unless you thin only conservatives would discipline their children. I happen to know plenty f liberals that think teaching their children basic manners is a good thing, and they are also willing to spank a child when necessary.

In other words, just because you are an idiot does not mean all progressives/liberals/lefties/communists/socialists/Democrats are.
There is no way this story is true. Their apple pies are frozen and cooked to order. There is no way that they only had 20 something in stock and the jokes on him waiting nearly a half hour to dish out some petty revenge.

They are not cooked to order, they are kept in a warming rack next to where all the Whoppers come out. The reason for this is simple, it takes a few minutes to warm up a frozen pie, and they want to move the customers though in seconds, not minutes. It is entirely possible that they had more pies in the freezer, but that kid didn't want to wait.
Condescending question....

Why is it so important to you to shit all over other people's fun that you're still bloviating about it 5 pages in?

It's not like we're a jury deciding the fate of a suspect in a triple homicide. Chill out, damn.

The fun?

What we have here is a liar telling a lie about an imaginary brat and his imaginary incompetent mother.

There are enough real examples of poor parenting to illicit outrage from the idiots here at the USMB. Why latch onto a complete fabrication?

And just look where it led. It's now "proof" that conservatives make better parents.

Except it isn't, unless you thin only conservatives would discipline their children. I happen to know plenty f liberals that think teaching their children basic manners is a good thing, and they are also willing to spank a child when necessary.

In other words, just because you are an idiot does not mean all progressives/liberals/lefties/communists/socialists/Democrats are.

Say what? Read the thread. That claim was made by a conservative.

Do you have some indication of whether or not I disciplined my kids? Like every can't help speak of things that you know nothing about. That is the problem with this entire thread. It is a bunch of "holier than thou" people chastising an imaginary bad mother.

Raising kids doesn't hinge on ones political point of view. Shit.....
The fun?

What we have here is a liar telling a lie about an imaginary brat and his imaginary incompetent mother.

There are enough real examples of poor parenting to illicit outrage from the idiots here at the USMB. Why latch onto a complete fabrication?

And just look where it led. It's now "proof" that conservatives make better parents.

Except it isn't, unless you thin only conservatives would discipline their children. I happen to know plenty f liberals that think teaching their children basic manners is a good thing, and they are also willing to spank a child when necessary.

In other words, just because you are an idiot does not mean all progressives/liberals/lefties/communists/socialists/Democrats are.

Say what? Read the thread. That claim was made by a conservative.

Do you have some indication of whether or not I disciplined my kids? Like every can't help speak of things that you know nothing about. That is the problem with this entire thread. It is a bunch of "holier than thou" people chastising an imaginary bad mother.

Raising kids doesn't hinge on ones political point of view. Shit.....

And that makes him right?

Seriously, if you can't take a fuck, joke you.
Except it isn't, unless you thin only conservatives would discipline their children. I happen to know plenty f liberals that think teaching their children basic manners is a good thing, and they are also willing to spank a child when necessary.

In other words, just because you are an idiot does not mean all progressives/liberals/lefties/communists/socialists/Democrats are.

Say what? Read the thread. That claim was made by a conservative.

Do you have some indication of whether or not I disciplined my kids? Like every can't help speak of things that you know nothing about. That is the problem with this entire thread. It is a bunch of "holier than thou" people chastising an imaginary bad mother.

Raising kids doesn't hinge on ones political point of view. Shit.....

And that makes him right?

Seriously, if you can't take a fuck, joke you.

No. It doesn't make him right. It makes the rest of us stupid. Don't you see? This shit is just lame. Sanity is calling out the liar for lying.
Say what? Read the thread. That claim was made by a conservative.

Do you have some indication of whether or not I disciplined my kids? Like every can't help speak of things that you know nothing about. That is the problem with this entire thread. It is a bunch of "holier than thou" people chastising an imaginary bad mother.

Raising kids doesn't hinge on ones political point of view. Shit.....

And that makes him right?

Seriously, if you can't take a fuck, joke you.

No. It doesn't make him right. It makes the rest of us stupid. Don't you see? This shit is just lame. Sanity is calling out the liar for lying.

Sanity accepts that untruths tell more important truths through comedy.

Oy is right. This fucking place is way too tolerant of bullshit.

"if it's true.......blah, blah, blah"

"Even if it's not true......blah, blah, blah"

"It's not true......but...., blah, blah, blah"

The primary reason that we cannot come together is that some people are willing to look past KNOWN BULLSHIT while trying to stick to an agenda.

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