Man buys all pies in Burger King, teaches lesson.

you do realize burger king has cases of frozen pies and it takes how long to drop it in the deep fryer?

are you people that out of touch with buy into this bs?
A fool and his money are soon parted..

Obviously the 'user' is as much a child as the one crying – if not more so.

Agreed, an actual lesson would have been to buy the pies, offer the child one IF he behaved, and aplogized for disturbing others, who also wanted food. Instead he went for hurting the annoying child. He no doubt has headaches from many aspects of his self centered life. The man was NOT missing work, in need of medical treatment, or starving; if he over reacts to one kid misbehaving, he'd kill around homecoming in my town. Maybe the kid was getting sick, just over being sick. Ideally, the parent should have taken the child outside, but maybe she was getting food for other members of her family.

I see kids acting like stores are playgrounds also; I find a parent, or better yet, store employee, and explain the child came close to running into a a stack of merchadise/climbing the shelves, or stabbing themselves with sharp objects. That often gets results.

I have often seen kids playing in stores or having tantrums. I watch until they get hurt. Find the manager. Give my name and phone number. I saw the whole thing. Mother was completely at fault letting the kid run wild or act out.

Why do you lie so much?
Why? Did he do something illegal? Immoral? All he did was teach the assholes behind him a lesson on courtesy.

How is this teaching anyone a lesson? He's acting like a typical republican douchebag who can't tolerate kids. Probably a limbaugh listener.

Tell me that you would have bought that brat a pie and I will call you a liar. What happened has nothing to do with political leanings, it is teaching that mother, and her kid, that the world doesn't like assholes that throw fits. That is something every child should learn as soon as possible, there would be a lot less progressives in the world if they learned that actions have consequences at a young age.

Prove that progressives don't learn that actions have consequences?
While the man was acting childishly himself, it is clear that his real target was the kid's mom, who was going to have to deal with the tantrum long after the man was gone. A sober evaluation of the situation, however, would have told him that the mother's life was probably already hell, just raising such a brat, and that making it worse for her should be no cause for celebration.

I would have walked out of the store without ordering while thanking god that I was free to leave the kid to his tantrum. The mother did not have that choice.

Yep...he should stick to the drive-thru.:thup:

Food courts have drive thru?

Far out!
I hope the story is true. Those Liane Cartman types are a blight on society.
Honest question.......

How many of the people who have looked at this thread understood immediately that the entire story is a load of shit?

I certainly took it at face value to begin with, then I started thinking about it and it didn't sound quite right to me. Still, it's an interesting topic.
Honest question.......

How many of the people who have looked at this thread understood immediately that the entire story is a load of shit?

Condescending question....

Why is it so important to you to shit all over other people's fun that you're still bloviating about it 5 pages in?

It's not like we're a jury deciding the fate of a suspect in a triple homicide. Chill out, damn.
Honest question.......

How many of the people who have looked at this thread understood immediately that the entire story is a load of shit?

Condescending question....

Why is it so important to you to shit all over other people's fun that you're still bloviating about it 5 pages in?

It's not like we're a jury deciding the fate of a suspect in a triple homicide. Chill out, damn.

The fun?

What we have here is a liar telling a lie about an imaginary brat and his imaginary incompetent mother.

There are enough real examples of poor parenting to illicit outrage from the idiots here at the USMB. Why latch onto a complete fabrication?

And just look where it led. It's now "proof" that conservatives make better parents.
The mom was a libertarian, even if this occurred in someones fantasy world. Any doubt?
A fool and his money are soon parted..

Obviously the 'user' is as much a child as the one crying – if not more so.

Agreed, an actual lesson would have been to buy the pies, offer the child one IF he behaved, and aplogized for disturbing others, who also wanted food. Instead he went for hurting the annoying child. He no doubt has headaches from many aspects of his self centered life. The man was NOT missing work, in need of medical treatment, or starving; if he over reacts to one kid misbehaving, he'd kill around homecoming in my town. Maybe the kid was getting sick, just over being sick. Ideally, the parent should have taken the child outside, but maybe she was getting food for other members of her family.

I see kids acting like stores are playgrounds also; I find a parent, or better yet, store employee, and explain the child came close to running into a a stack of merchadise/climbing the shelves, or stabbing themselves with sharp objects. That often gets results.

Having read further on this. The man had a migraine, the mom was talking on the phone, the kid was yelling and using the "f" word. I don't think at that point rewarding him with a pie was a good thing. The mother should have controlled her son but she was as bad as the kid. Some people shouldn't have kids. The guy even asked the mom nicely to quiet her son down. That is if you believe the story. Apparently this happened some time ago and he's only bringing it up now. If he went the way he says, I say, "more power to him." But at this point, it's too late to get the mother's story, or anyone else's.

Oh, and I've run into parents who don't care. When my son was 5 I took him to an Easter egg hunt. He had a basket and they divided the area up by ages. He was in his area and had several eggs in his basket when this 12 year old girl came into his area and stole his eggs. I cornered the mom and told her what her daughter did. The horrible thing about this is the mom had no problem believing her daughter had stolen from my son but all she said was "There's plenty more in there!" Well there wasn't. My son didn't come home with anything and I never took him to another Easter public Easter Egg hunt. Learning that people can steal from you at 5 was not a lesson I wanted him to learn so early. Learning that there would be no repercussions for the criminal was even worse.

Agreed on this, an employee is said to have asked the mother to quiet the child, the cell phone was more important. One of my pet peeves, people who cannot leave the cell at home, or in vehicles, or turned off in their pockets. They are not extra limbs, ban cell phone use in certain areas of public places.
Honest question.......

How many of the people who have looked at this thread understood immediately that the entire story is a load of shit?

The story may be BS, but if so, it was brilliant, some politician really needs to hire the man if the story is BS. He would fit right in in Washington.

Man Buys All the Pies in Burger King to Spite Spoiled Kid, Wonders Am I a Bad Person for This? | E! Online

Man Buys Every Pie at Local Burger King to Spite Shitty Little Brat
Agreed on this, an employee is said to have asked the mother to quiet the child, the cell phone was more important. One of my pet peeves, people who cannot leave the cell at home, or in vehicles, or turned off in their pockets. They are not extra limbs, ban cell phone use in certain areas of public places.
I've been waiting for someone to use their phone in an inappropriate place, like an elevator, then I just take out my own cell and yell into it.

I did a similar thing at the airport a few months back. While my wife and I were waiting for our flight a group of Chicoms were watching a movie nearby on a phone or some device and they had the volume up way too loud so I just took my cell out and cranked up the rock and roll and heavy metal mps3's that I always have on my phone.

After a few minutes they turned it off.

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