Man dies after being taken into Dallas police custody

Man dies after being taken into Dallas police custody - San Antonio Express-News
When tazers were introduced they were sold to the public a substitute for lethal force. Tazers are potentially lethal. They should only be used when lethal force would be justified. In practice they are used merely for being uncooperative. Refusal to exit a car does not pose an imminent threat to anyone in most circumstances.

So he should have shot him instead? Or maybe beat the shit out of him with his maglight,pepper spray?
So tell us what you'd do to make the suspect cooperate without using force.
Called for back-up?
It doesn't help to demonize all cops for the acts of a few.
I agree. But, the big question is, "why don't the so-called good cops clean up their own profession."
"Why don't the good Muslims denounce the bad Muslims"

"Why don't the good blacks denounce the bad blacks"

"Why don't the good Christians denounce the bad Christians."

Membership in a group does not give you the obligation to denounce every bad act committed by a member of the group."

Asking them to do that is a form of bigotry.
It doesn't help to demonize all cops for the acts of a few.
I agree. But, the big question is, "why don't the so-called good cops clean up their own profession."
"Why don't the good Muslims denounce the bad Muslims"

"Why don't the good blacks denounce the bad blacks"

"Why don't the good Christians denounce the bad Christians."

Membership in a group does not give you the obligation to denounce every bad act committed by a member of the group."

Asking them to do that is a form of bigotry.
But, it sure would help their image. Besides, they're not suppose to turn their heads when crimes are committed. They arrest others for what they see their own members do. No excuse, none.
All I can tell you is my own personal experience. Half are assholes, the other half are cool.

If you encounter an asshole cop, just keep cool and do not escalate the situation.

If you don't like that the cop is giving you a ticket, take your arguments to the judge when you appear in court.
All I can tell you is my own personal experience. Half are assholes, the other half are cool.

If you encounter an asshole cop, just keep cool and do not escalate the situation.

If you don't like that the cop is giving you a ticket, take your arguments to the judge when you appear in court.
Good luck with that. I have a university police force of greenhorns next to where I live. Got a ticket for an illegal turn that wasn't illegal. Had to go to court and explain traffic law to the judge and the cop. Ticket was upheld and I had to pay the fine but it was removed from my record a week later. Thanks to me and at my expense the memo got out and now everyone makes that same turn without consequence. Judges can be egomaniacs.
Got stopped three times on my bicycle. First for no light, second time for a bike light he didn't like (which I subsequently removed to save battery costs) and again for no light.
Got ticketed for being 200 yards from my home without my drivers license even though I knew my license number by heart. Ticket was upheld by the judge. Began driving slowly and methodically through that jurisdiction to prevent any future tickets and I was ticketed for driving too slow. Judge upheld that ticket, too.
All I can tell you is my own personal experience. Half are assholes, the other half are cool.

If you encounter an asshole cop, just keep cool and do not escalate the situation.

If you don't like that the cop is giving you a ticket, take your arguments to the judge when you appear in court.
Good luck with that. I have a university police force of greenhorns next to where I live. Got a ticket for an illegal turn that wasn't illegal. Had to go to court and explain traffic law to the judge and the cop. Ticket was upheld and I had to pay the fine but it was removed from my record a week later. Thanks to me and at my expense the memo got out and now everyone makes that same turn without consequence. Judges can be egomaniacs.
Got stopped three times on my bicycle. First for no light, second time for a bike light he didn't like (which I subsequently removed to save battery costs) and again for no light.
Got ticketed for being 200 yards from my home without my drivers license even though I knew my license number by heart. Ticket was upheld by the judge. Began driving slowly and methodically through that jurisdiction to prevent any future tickets and I was ticketed for driving too slow. Judge upheld that ticket, too.
How is any of this the fault of the police or the justice system?
All I can tell you is my own personal experience. Half are assholes, the other half are cool.

If you encounter an asshole cop, just keep cool and do not escalate the situation.

If you don't like that the cop is giving you a ticket, take your arguments to the judge when you appear in court.
Good luck with that. I have a university police force of greenhorns next to where I live. Got a ticket for an illegal turn that wasn't illegal. Had to go to court and explain traffic law to the judge and the cop. Ticket was upheld and I had to pay the fine but it was removed from my record a week later. Thanks to me and at my expense the memo got out and now everyone makes that same turn without consequence. Judges can be egomaniacs.
Got stopped three times on my bicycle. First for no light, second time for a bike light he didn't like (which I subsequently removed to save battery costs) and again for no light.
Got ticketed for being 200 yards from my home without my drivers license even though I knew my license number by heart. Ticket was upheld by the judge. Began driving slowly and methodically through that jurisdiction to prevent any future tickets and I was ticketed for driving too slow. Judge upheld that ticket, too.
How is any of this the fault of the police or the justice system?
I guess when you juxtapose it against the six crimes perpetrated against my property over the same time period it may suggest their priorities are a bit skewed.
Be nice ......... don't get all shitty and bent out of shape. Please forgive me if I hit a nerve. .............. yes, we have other cops that may not do like the rest, but they stand-by and watch. How many cops report other cops? Why does it take 6 or 8 cops to arrest someone that's already handcuffed, face down on the ground, and begging to breath? Why do cops agree to writing quota tickets? Why do cops steal, lie in court, commit acts of brutality, take bribes from drug dealers and pimps, and throw little kids on the ground and punch them?
Because the perps deserved it.
Be nice ......... don't get all shitty and bent out of shape. Please forgive me if I hit a nerve. .............. yes, we have other cops that may not do like the rest, but they stand-by and watch. How many cops report other cops? Why does it take 6 or 8 cops to arrest someone that's already handcuffed, face down on the ground, and begging to breath? Why do cops agree to writing quota tickets? Why do cops steal, lie in court, commit acts of brutality, take bribes from drug dealers and pimps, and throw little kids on the ground and punch them?
Because the perps deserved it.
Some of them do, I agree. But, not all of them.
Man dies after being taken into Dallas police custody - San Antonio Express-News
When tazers were introduced they were sold to the public a substitute for lethal force. Tazers are potentially lethal. They should only be used when lethal force would be justified. In practice they are used merely for being uncooperative. Refusal to exit a car does not pose an imminent threat to anyone in most circumstances.
Cops are mere licensed killers. But, karma will catch up to them one day, I hope.
Cops do things the most of rest of us haven't got the balls to do. Self-righteous people who whine yet enjoy the protection they afford disgust me.

Stomp pets to death, incite riots, drive like maniacs, beat up handcuffed people, run shakedowns for money...naah, I'll pass on that!
Man dies after being taken into Dallas police custody - San Antonio Express-News
When tazers were introduced they were sold to the public a substitute for lethal force. Tazers are potentially lethal. They should only be used when lethal force would be justified. In practice they are used merely for being uncooperative. Refusal to exit a car does not pose an imminent threat to anyone in most circumstances.
Cops are mere licensed killers. But, karma will catch up to them one day, I hope.
Go ahead and resist arrest. I want to see this Karma gal in action.
Well, karma has a way of showing up when least expected.
Especially when you poke the bear.
Well, the law protects the jerks. We don't have that kind of protection. We're at their mercy. A cops word is taken over the word of John Q. Public 99% of the time in out court system. They look after their own.
A good reason to abstain from activities that draw their attention. For example, having a meth lab in your garage is a good way to increase exposure to law enforcement. So is stealing cars, flashing children, or racing through a red light.

It's been about 4 years since I last saw a cop. You?
Cops are mere licensed killers. But, karma will catch up to them one day, I hope.
Go ahead and resist arrest. I want to see this Karma gal in action.
Well, karma has a way of showing up when least expected.
Especially when you poke the bear.
Well, the law protects the jerks. We don't have that kind of protection. We're at their mercy. A cops word is taken over the word of John Q. Public 99% of the time in out court system. They look after their own.
A good reason to abstain from activities that draw their attention. For example, having a meth lab in your garage is a good way to increase exposure to law enforcement. So is stealing cars, flashing children, or racing through a red light.

It's been about 4 years since I last saw a cop. You?
I behave myself.
Man dies after being taken into Dallas police custody - San Antonio Express-News
When tazers were introduced they were sold to the public a substitute for lethal force. Tazers are potentially lethal. They should only be used when lethal force would be justified. In practice they are used merely for being uncooperative. Refusal to exit a car does not pose an imminent threat to anyone in most circumstances.
Cops are mere licensed killers. But, karma will catch up to them one day, I hope.

Fuck you. I hope you get you get mugged, while you cry out for a cop, and none are there to help, and then the THUG (You know exactly what I mean by thug too.) cuts your fucking dandy throat.
Man dies after being taken into Dallas police custody - San Antonio Express-News
When tazers were introduced they were sold to the public a substitute for lethal force. Tazers are potentially lethal. They should only be used when lethal force would be justified. In practice they are used merely for being uncooperative. Refusal to exit a car does not pose an imminent threat to anyone in most circumstances.
Cops are mere licensed killers. But, karma will catch up to them one day, I hope.

Fuck you. I hope you get you get mugged, while you cry out for a cop, and none are there to help, and then the THUG (You know exactly what I mean by thug too.) cuts your fucking dandy throat.
Cute ... real cute ..............upset?
All I can tell you is my own personal experience. Half are assholes, the other half are cool.

If you encounter an asshole cop, just keep cool and do not escalate the situation.

If you don't like that the cop is giving you a ticket, take your arguments to the judge when you appear in court.
Good luck with that. I have a university police force of greenhorns next to where I live. Got a ticket for an illegal turn that wasn't illegal. Had to go to court and explain traffic law to the judge and the cop. Ticket was upheld and I had to pay the fine but it was removed from my record a week later. Thanks to me and at my expense the memo got out and now everyone makes that same turn without consequence. Judges can be egomaniacs.
Got stopped three times on my bicycle. First for no light, second time for a bike light he didn't like (which I subsequently removed to save battery costs) and again for no light.
Got ticketed for being 200 yards from my home without my drivers license even though I knew my license number by heart. Ticket was upheld by the judge. Began driving slowly and methodically through that jurisdiction to prevent any future tickets and I was ticketed for driving too slow. Judge upheld that ticket, too.
Sounds to me like you're basically a born loser.
I bet I'm not the first person to call you that right?
You keep acting like you're looking for trouble and it keeps finding you. Grow up.
All I can tell you is my own personal experience. Half are assholes, the other half are cool.

If you encounter an asshole cop, just keep cool and do not escalate the situation.

If you don't like that the cop is giving you a ticket, take your arguments to the judge when you appear in court.
Good luck with that. I have a university police force of greenhorns next to where I live. Got a ticket for an illegal turn that wasn't illegal. Had to go to court and explain traffic law to the judge and the cop. Ticket was upheld and I had to pay the fine but it was removed from my record a week later. Thanks to me and at my expense the memo got out and now everyone makes that same turn without consequence. Judges can be egomaniacs.
Got stopped three times on my bicycle. First for no light, second time for a bike light he didn't like (which I subsequently removed to save battery costs) and again for no light.
Got ticketed for being 200 yards from my home without my drivers license even though I knew my license number by heart. Ticket was upheld by the judge. Began driving slowly and methodically through that jurisdiction to prevent any future tickets and I was ticketed for driving too slow. Judge upheld that ticket, too.
Sounds to me like you're basically a born loser.
I bet I'm not the first person to call you that right?
You keep acting like you're looking for trouble and it keeps finding you. Grow up.
Nope. Just bad luck and an overzealous police force of greenhorns.

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