"Man In MAGA Hat Enters Vape Shop - Cashier Turns Into Raving 4-Year-Old"

Who is calling for a civil war?
I've heard lots of people spoiling for a fight, on both sides. But what does that have to do with a totally
traumatized moron in a vape shop?
His behavior is not normal or natural. Someone had to condition this freak to fear someone with a MAGA hat like he was the devil himself.
Someone had to condition this freak to fear someone with a MAGA hat like he was the devil himself.

Bulldozer parents: creating psychologically fragile children

The long-term negative consequences of obsessively protecting children from encountering difficulty ensures they won’t learn to solve problems, won’t learn to bounce back from failure and won’t learn to adapt their approach. In short, they won’t learn the skills they need to navigate their way to a successful future.
Bulldozer parents: creating psychologically fragile children

The long-term negative consequences of obsessively protecting children from encountering difficulty ensures they won’t learn to solve problems, won’t learn to bounce back from failure and won’t learn to adapt their approach. In short, they won’t learn the skills they need to navigate their way to a successful future.
Bad parents usually are responsible for childish, tantrum prone offspring.
Someone had to condition this freak to fear someone with a MAGA hat like he was the devil himself.

Bulldozer parents: creating psychologically fragile children

The long-term negative consequences of obsessively protecting children from encountering difficulty ensures they won’t learn to solve problems, won’t learn to bounce back from failure and won’t learn to adapt their approach. In short, they won’t learn the skills they need to navigate their way to a successful future.

No, he's obviously a victim of leftist indoctrination NOT overprotective parents otherwise he'd be too timid to actually SAY anything to the MAGA hat guy.
Someone had to condition this freak to fear someone with a MAGA hat like he was the devil himself.

Bulldozer parents: creating psychologically fragile children

The long-term negative consequences of obsessively protecting children from encountering difficulty ensures they won’t learn to solve problems, won’t learn to bounce back from failure and won’t learn to adapt their approach. In short, they won’t learn the skills they need to navigate their way to a successful future.

No, he's obviously a victim of leftist indoctrination NOT overprotective parents otherwise he'd be too timid to actually SAY anything to the MAGA hat guy.

I dunno. He reminds me of my cousin, Katerina, who always managed to throw herself onto the floor in a kicking, screaming tantrum at least once every time our families went somewhere. She's JUST like this guy now as an adult.
Bulldozer parents: creating psychologically fragile children

The long-term negative consequences of obsessively protecting children from encountering difficulty ensures they won’t learn to solve problems, won’t learn to bounce back from failure and won’t learn to adapt their approach. In short, they won’t learn the skills they need to navigate their way to a successful future.
Bad parents usually are responsible for childish, tantrum prone offspring.

Someone had to condition this freak to fear someone with a MAGA hat like he was the devil himself.

Bulldozer parents: creating psychologically fragile children

The long-term negative consequences of obsessively protecting children from encountering difficulty ensures they won’t learn to solve problems, won’t learn to bounce back from failure and won’t learn to adapt their approach. In short, they won’t learn the skills they need to navigate their way to a successful future.

No, he's obviously a victim of leftist indoctrination NOT overprotective parents otherwise he'd be too timid to actually SAY anything to the MAGA hat guy.

I dunno. He reminds me of my cousin, Katerina, who always managed to throw herself onto the floor in a kicking, screaming tantrum at least once every time our families went somewhere. She's JUST like this guy now as an adult.

I have a daughter who was a fantastic drama queen, but even she knows better than to freak out at a customer over a hat, even a maga hat.
Someone had to condition this freak to fear someone with a MAGA hat like he was the devil himself.

Bulldozer parents: creating psychologically fragile children

The long-term negative consequences of obsessively protecting children from encountering difficulty ensures they won’t learn to solve problems, won’t learn to bounce back from failure and won’t learn to adapt their approach. In short, they won’t learn the skills they need to navigate their way to a successful future.

No, he's obviously a victim of leftist indoctrination NOT overprotective parents otherwise he'd be too timid to actually SAY anything to the MAGA hat guy.

I dunno. He reminds me of my cousin, Katerina, who always managed to throw herself onto the floor in a kicking, screaming tantrum at least once every time our families went somewhere. She's JUST like this guy now as an adult.

Lefties have basically been brainwashed to view anyone to the right of Marx as evil made flesh. They have their heads stuck up their asses and think their moral grandstanding makes them good people. It's very much a form of religious fanaticism.
This is one of the BEST ABNORMAL RANTS I've seen.....enjoy the delusional leftist...ROTFLMFAO

Trump supporters are seing everywhere as racists and *****.
I want the same guy to try and travel the world with trumps hat on, I dont he can make it after he lands overseas. That been said, if the majority hates your ass know you are in the wrong. And I mean the majority of the world and decent people in this country.

You are the problem. I didn't like Obama, but I accepted the will of the people. I never said or did ANYTHING to a person wearing an Obama shirt. Shows who has class and who doesn't.

Apples and oranges...trump and his followers are toxic.

What's toxic about us? Because we don't want open borders?

No one wants open borders...
Toxic because most of you are racists, , bigots, like an asshole bully.

If you don't want the wall you want open borders.
Sensors, guards, camera's won't stop them coming in. Capture and release won't work either. Nobody can afford to build enough prisons to house them all. We have to wall them out.
Trump supporters are seing everywhere as racists and *****.
I want the same guy to try and travel the world with trumps hat on, I dont he can make it after he lands overseas. That been said, if the majority hates your ass know you are in the wrong. And I mean the majority of the world and decent people in this country.
You are the problem. I didn't like Obama, but I accepted the will of the people. I never said or did ANYTHING to a person wearing an Obama shirt. Shows who has class and who doesn't.
Apples and oranges...trump and his followers are toxic.
What's toxic about us? Because we don't want open borders?
No one wants open borders...
Toxic because most of you are racists, , bigots, like an asshole bully.
If you don't want the wall you want open borders.
Sensors, guards, camera's won't stop them coming in. Capture and release won't work either. Nobody can afford to build enough prisons to house them all. We have to wall them out.
Use drones to drop pamphlets on these "caravans" informing them that criminal invaders will be shot if they set foot on our sovereign soil and informing them of the proper way of applying for asylum at US consulates. Then shoot them, man, woman, and child as soon as they violate our borders. Guaranteed, after the first few corpses are dumped over the border they will stop invading. Tough love is...tough. It's well past time to put an end to our nationally self destructive stupidity.
You are the problem. I didn't like Obama, but I accepted the will of the people. I never said or did ANYTHING to a person wearing an Obama shirt. Shows who has class and who doesn't.
Apples and oranges...trump and his followers are toxic.
What's toxic about us? Because we don't want open borders?
No one wants open borders...
Toxic because most of you are racists, , bigots, like an asshole bully.
If you don't want the wall you want open borders.
Sensors, guards, camera's won't stop them coming in. Capture and release won't work either. Nobody can afford to build enough prisons to house them all. We have to wall them out.
Use drones to drop pamphlets on these "caravans" informing them that criminal invaders will be shot if they set foot on our sovereign soil and informing them of the proper way of applying for asylum at US consulates. Then shoot them, man, woman, and child as soon as they violate our borders. Guaranteed, after the first few corpses are dumped over the border they will stop invading. Tough love is...tough. It's well past time to put an end to our nationally self destructive stupidity.
We have Three choices.
1. Wall them out.
2. Allow Civilian Militias to shoot on site at the border.
3. Allow them in after we get rid of birth citizenship, Colleges that give them discounts, and the entire Federal Government Welfare system. Oh and fuck our poor, they'll just starve or learn to live the way third worlders do.
Apples and oranges...trump and his followers are toxic.
What's toxic about us? Because we don't want open borders?
No one wants open borders...
Toxic because most of you are racists, , bigots, like an asshole bully.
If you don't want the wall you want open borders.
Sensors, guards, camera's won't stop them coming in. Capture and release won't work either. Nobody can afford to build enough prisons to house them all. We have to wall them out.
Use drones to drop pamphlets on these "caravans" informing them that criminal invaders will be shot if they set foot on our sovereign soil and informing them of the proper way of applying for asylum at US consulates. Then shoot them, man, woman, and child as soon as they violate our borders. Guaranteed, after the first few corpses are dumped over the border they will stop invading. Tough love is...tough. It's well past time to put an end to our nationally self destructive stupidity.
We have Three choices.
1. Wall them out.
2. Allow Civilian Militias to shoot on site at the border.
3. Allow them in after we get rid of birth citizenship, Colleges that give them discounts, and the entire Federal Government Welfare system. Oh and fuck our poor, they'll just starve or learn to live the way third worlders do.
I am reluctant to just f**k our own poor. While I do not support "free" stuff for the "poor", I don't think that foreigners should take precedence over our "home grown" indigents. And what's been happening lately at our borders constitutes nothing less than a foreign invasion, unarmed or not. They need to be stopped and non-violent methods are failing. Time to start shooting unidentified invaders. As I said, after the first bodies are dumped, others will begin to think twice. If they don't, they cannot value their lives any more than we should and we should keep shooting until this invasion stops.
You are the problem. I didn't like Obama, but I accepted the will of the people. I never said or did ANYTHING to a person wearing an Obama shirt. Shows who has class and who doesn't.
Apples and oranges...trump and his followers are toxic.
What's toxic about us? Because we don't want open borders?
No one wants open borders...
Toxic because most of you are racists, , bigots, like an asshole bully.
If you don't want the wall you want open borders.
Sensors, guards, camera's won't stop them coming in. Capture and release won't work either. Nobody can afford to build enough prisons to house them all. We have to wall them out.
Use drones to drop pamphlets on these "caravans" informing them that criminal invaders will be shot if they set foot on our sovereign soil and informing them of the proper way of applying for asylum at US consulates. Then shoot them, man, woman, and child as soon as they violate our borders. Guaranteed, after the first few corpses are dumped over the border they will stop invading. Tough love is...tough. It's well past time to put an end to our nationally self destructive stupidity.

It will happen sooner or later....they'll need a new term for "going viral" on YouTube too! Or some group going to litter inside the Mexican border with mines. Folks gonna die and it's because we have progressives who are not law abiding citizens.

Open borders and a welfare state are not compatible. It's one or the other. Those who cant see it have a mental disorder.
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Someone had to condition this freak to fear someone with a MAGA hat like he was the devil himself.

Bulldozer parents: creating psychologically fragile children

The long-term negative consequences of obsessively protecting children from encountering difficulty ensures they won’t learn to solve problems, won’t learn to bounce back from failure and won’t learn to adapt their approach. In short, they won’t learn the skills they need to navigate their way to a successful future.

No, he's obviously a victim of leftist indoctrination NOT overprotective parents otherwise he'd be too timid to actually SAY anything to the MAGA hat guy.

I dunno. He reminds me of my cousin, Katerina, who always managed to throw herself onto the floor in a kicking, screaming tantrum at least once every time our families went somewhere. She's JUST like this guy now as an adult.

I have a daughter who was a fantastic drama queen, but even she knows better than to freak out at a customer over a hat, even a maga hat.

Yeah, well, I knew better. My sister threw a fit at my mom in public once. Once. Cured all three of us kids of ever thinking about it afterwards.
Who is calling for a civil war?
I've heard lots of people spoiling for a fight, on both sides. But what does that have to do with a totally
traumatized moron in a vape shop?
His behavior is not normal or natural. Someone had to condition this freak to fear someone with a MAGA hat like he was the devil himself.
I agree his behavior was out of bounds.

But reading the posts previous to mine it could be reasonably inferred that the Right Wingers were afraid that a violent revolt is heading their way.

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