Man of Sorrow

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The things I say on US Message Board are not the same things i say in Bible class. I am guessing that you know that.

If you actually posted what you taught that would convince me. Unless of course your posts sounded like JB's, Hobelim's, or BW's.

I will post a copy of the test I gave on the Book of Leviticus but it will have to wait until Monday. I can possibly do it tomorrow but I am not sure what time I will get back from the teacher's convention.
Like I said before the only way you can convince me that you aren’t a troll trying to subordinate Christianity is by showing your genuine understanding of Christianity.

I’ve already seen your disingenuous views.
If you actually posted what you taught that would convince me. Unless of course your posts sounded like JB's, Hobelim's, or BW's.

None of us, especially you, know everything. So let's not quibble. You're not going to believe vasuderatorrent either. Why is it you have a knack for making enemies in a couple of posts?
I never claimed to know everything.
I am always open to possibilities.
I don’t set out to make enemies.
I can’t control what other people do.
how does one find redemption of the human race in the execution of a deity ?


It is a long story. Do you have 1500 years? Jesus was not god but considered it not robbery to make himself equal with God. God hates sin so much that He needs to see something suffer for it. Usually they killed a lamb, a goat, a bull or something. God even liked the way it smelled. It was a sweet savoury unto Him. After while God got annoyed because people weren't taking it seriously.

So Jesus suffered immensely. The physical suffering Christ experienced was just a minuscule taste of the suffering Christ endured. He suffered trillions upon trillions upon trillions upon trillions upon trillions of years in hell for each of us so we wouldn't have to. It was done in 3 days so I imagine it was some sort of time warp or the punishment was intensified in order to be crammed into those three days. Anyways, the debt is paid. None of your sin matters anymore.

So, short version is, we killed God's son, and the entire human race gets a pass

Where ,may i ask, is the 'holy scripture' that clarifies this?

Catechism of the Catholic Church - Jesus Died Crucified

378 Jn 12:42; cf. 7:50; 9:16-17; 10:19-21; 19:38-39.
379 Acts 6:7; 15:5; 21:20.
380 Cf. Jn 9:16; Jn 10:19.
381 Cf Jn 9:22.
382 Jn 11:48-50.
383 Cf. Mt 26:66; Jn 18:31; Lk 23:2, 19.
384 Cf. Jn 19:12, 15, 21.
385 Cf. Mk 15:11; Acts 2:23, 36; 3:13-14; 4:10; 5:30; 7:52; 10:39; 13:27-28; 1 Thess 2:14-15.
386 Cf. Lk 23:34; Acts 3:17.
387 Mt 27:25; cf. Acts 5:28; 18:6.
388 NA 4.
389 Roman Catechism I, 5, 11; cf. Heb 12:3.
390 Cf. Mt 25:45; Acts 9:4-5.
391 Roman Catechism I, 5, 11; cf. Heb 6:6; 1 Cor 2:8.
392 St. Francis of Assisi, Admonitio 5, 3.
393 Acts 2:23.
394 Cf. Acts 3:13.
395 Acts 4:27-28; cf. Ps 2:1-2.
396 Cf. Mt 26:54; Jn 18:36; 19:11; Acts 3:17-18.
397 Isa 53:11; cf. 53:12; Jn 8:34-36; Acts 3:14.
398 1 Cor 15:3; cf. also Acts 3:18; 7:52; 13:29; 26:22-23.
399 Cf. Isa 53:7-8 and Acts 8:32-35.
400 Cf. Mt 20:28.
401 Cf. Lk 24:25-27, 44-45.
402 1 Pt 1:18-20.
403 Cf. Rom 5:12; 1 Cor 15:56.
404 2 Cor 5:21; cf. Phil 2:7; Rom 8:3.
405 Cf. Jn 8:46.
406 Mk 15:34; Ps 22:2; cf. Jn 8:29.
407 Rom 8:32; 5:10.
408 1 Jn 4:10; 4:19.
409 Rom 5:8.
410 Mt 18:14.
411 Mt 20:28; cf. Rom 5:18-19.
412 Council of Quiercy (853): DS 624; cf. 2 Cor 5:15; 1 Jn 2:2.
413 Jn 6:38.
414 Heb 10:5-10.
415 Jn 4:34.
416 1 Jn 2:2.
417 Jn 10:17; 14:31.
418 Cf Lk 12:50; 22:15; Mt 16:21-23.
419 Jn 12:27.
420 Jn 18:11.
421 Jn 19:30; 19:28.
422 Jn 1:29; cf. Lk 3:21; Mt 3:14-15; Jn 1:36.
423 Isa 53:7,12; cf. Jer 11:19; Ex 12:3-14; Jn 19:36; 1 Cor 5:7.
424 Mk 10:45.
425 Jn 13:1; 15:13.
426 Cf. Heb 2:10,17-18; 4:15; 5:7-9.
427 Jn 10:18.
428 Cf. Jn 18:4-6; Mt 26:53.
429 Roman Missal, EP 111; cf. Mt 26:20; 1 Cor 11:23.
430 Lk 22:19; Mt 26:28; cf. 1 Cor 5:7.
431 1 Cor 11:25.
432 Cf. Lk 22:19.
433 Jn 17:19; cf. Council of Trent: DS 1752; 1764.
434 Cf. Mt 26:42; Lk 22:20.
435 Phil 2:8; Mt 26:39; cf. Heb 5:7-8.
436 Cf. Rom 5:12; Heb 4:15.
437 Cf. Acts 3:15; Rev 1:17; Jn 1:4; 5:26.
438 1 Pet 224; cf. Mt 26:42.
439 Jn 1:29; cf. 8:34-36; 1 Cor 5:7; 1 Pet 1:19.
440 Mt 26:28; cf. Ex 24:8; Lev 16:15-16; 1 Cor 11:25.
441 Cf. Heb 10:10.
442 Cf. Jn 10:17-18; 15:13; Heb 9:14; 1 Jn 4:10.
443 Rom 5:19.
444 Isa 53:10-12.
445 Cf. Council of Trent (1547): DS 1529.
446 Jn 13:1.
447 Cf. Gal 2:20; Eph 5:2, 25.
448 2 Cor 5:14.
449 Heb 5:9.
450 Council of Trent: DS 1529.
451 LH, Lent, Holy Week, Evening Prayer, Hymn Vexilla regis.
452 1 Tim 2:5.
453 GS 22 § 5; cf. § 2.
454 Mt 16:24.
455 1 Pet 2:21.
456 Cf Mk 10:39; Jn 21:18-19; Col 1:24.
457 Cf. Lk 2:35.
458 St. Rose of Lima, cf. P. Hansen, Vita mirabilis (Louvain, 1668).
I will post a copy of the test I gave on the Book of Leviticus but it will have to wait until Monday. I can possibly do it tomorrow but I am not sure what time I will get back from the teacher's convention.

Why is ding the one you want to convince? He's one of the least worthy imho :laugh:. He's Catholic w/o the Catholicism? I wonder what statue he prays to?

He's finally made some kind of point with the Tower of Babel story, but continues to claim it and Genesis as allegory.

Migration to China
He doesn’t have to convince me.

I never claimed I am worthy of anything. In fact I believe I am not worthy but all Christ has to do is say the word and my soul shall be healed. This is a belief that all Christians are supposed to hold.
how does one find redemption of the human race in the execution of a deity ?


It is a long story. Do you have 1500 years? Jesus was not god but considered it not robbery to make himself equal with God. God hates sin so much that He needs to see something suffer for it. Usually they killed a lamb, a goat, a bull or something. God even liked the way it smelled. It was a sweet savoury unto Him. After while God got annoyed because people weren't taking it seriously.

So Jesus suffered immensely. The physical suffering Christ experienced was just a minuscule taste of the suffering Christ endured. He suffered trillions upon trillions upon trillions upon trillions upon trillions of years in hell for each of us so we wouldn't have to. It was done in 3 days so I imagine it was some sort of time warp or the punishment was intensified in order to be crammed into those three days. Anyways, the debt is paid. None of your sin matters anymore.

So, short version is, we killed God's son, and the entire human race gets a pass

Where ,may i ask, is the 'holy scripture' that clarifies this?

Catechism of the Catholic Church - Jesus Died Crucified

378 Jn 12:42; cf. 7:50; 9:16-17; 10:19-21; 19:38-39.
379 Acts 6:7; 15:5; 21:20.
380 Cf. Jn 9:16; Jn 10:19.
381 Cf Jn 9:22.
382 Jn 11:48-50.
383 Cf. Mt 26:66; Jn 18:31; Lk 23:2, 19.
384 Cf. Jn 19:12, 15, 21.
385 Cf. Mk 15:11; Acts 2:23, 36; 3:13-14; 4:10; 5:30; 7:52; 10:39; 13:27-28; 1 Thess 2:14-15.
386 Cf. Lk 23:34; Acts 3:17.
387 Mt 27:25; cf. Acts 5:28; 18:6.
388 NA 4.
389 Roman Catechism I, 5, 11; cf. Heb 12:3.
390 Cf. Mt 25:45; Acts 9:4-5.
391 Roman Catechism I, 5, 11; cf. Heb 6:6; 1 Cor 2:8.
392 St. Francis of Assisi, Admonitio 5, 3.
393 Acts 2:23.
394 Cf. Acts 3:13.
395 Acts 4:27-28; cf. Ps 2:1-2.
396 Cf. Mt 26:54; Jn 18:36; 19:11; Acts 3:17-18.
397 Isa 53:11; cf. 53:12; Jn 8:34-36; Acts 3:14.
398 1 Cor 15:3; cf. also Acts 3:18; 7:52; 13:29; 26:22-23.
399 Cf. Isa 53:7-8 and Acts 8:32-35.
400 Cf. Mt 20:28.
401 Cf. Lk 24:25-27, 44-45.
402 1 Pt 1:18-20.
403 Cf. Rom 5:12; 1 Cor 15:56.
404 2 Cor 5:21; cf. Phil 2:7; Rom 8:3.
405 Cf. Jn 8:46.
406 Mk 15:34; Ps 22:2; cf. Jn 8:29.
407 Rom 8:32; 5:10.
408 1 Jn 4:10; 4:19.
409 Rom 5:8.
410 Mt 18:14.
411 Mt 20:28; cf. Rom 5:18-19.
412 Council of Quiercy (853): DS 624; cf. 2 Cor 5:15; 1 Jn 2:2.
413 Jn 6:38.
414 Heb 10:5-10.
415 Jn 4:34.
416 1 Jn 2:2.
417 Jn 10:17; 14:31.
418 Cf Lk 12:50; 22:15; Mt 16:21-23.
419 Jn 12:27.
420 Jn 18:11.
421 Jn 19:30; 19:28.
422 Jn 1:29; cf. Lk 3:21; Mt 3:14-15; Jn 1:36.
423 Isa 53:7,12; cf. Jer 11:19; Ex 12:3-14; Jn 19:36; 1 Cor 5:7.
424 Mk 10:45.
425 Jn 13:1; 15:13.
426 Cf. Heb 2:10,17-18; 4:15; 5:7-9.
427 Jn 10:18.
428 Cf. Jn 18:4-6; Mt 26:53.
429 Roman Missal, EP 111; cf. Mt 26:20; 1 Cor 11:23.
430 Lk 22:19; Mt 26:28; cf. 1 Cor 5:7.
431 1 Cor 11:25.
432 Cf. Lk 22:19.
433 Jn 17:19; cf. Council of Trent: DS 1752; 1764.
434 Cf. Mt 26:42; Lk 22:20.
435 Phil 2:8; Mt 26:39; cf. Heb 5:7-8.
436 Cf. Rom 5:12; Heb 4:15.
437 Cf. Acts 3:15; Rev 1:17; Jn 1:4; 5:26.
438 1 Pet 224; cf. Mt 26:42.
439 Jn 1:29; cf. 8:34-36; 1 Cor 5:7; 1 Pet 1:19.
440 Mt 26:28; cf. Ex 24:8; Lev 16:15-16; 1 Cor 11:25.
441 Cf. Heb 10:10.
442 Cf. Jn 10:17-18; 15:13; Heb 9:14; 1 Jn 4:10.
443 Rom 5:19.
444 Isa 53:10-12.
445 Cf. Council of Trent (1547): DS 1529.
446 Jn 13:1.
447 Cf. Gal 2:20; Eph 5:2, 25.
448 2 Cor 5:14.
449 Heb 5:9.
450 Council of Trent: DS 1529.
451 LH, Lent, Holy Week, Evening Prayer, Hymn Vexilla regis.
452 1 Tim 2:5.
453 GS 22 § 5; cf. § 2.
454 Mt 16:24.
455 1 Pet 2:21.
456 Cf Mk 10:39; Jn 21:18-19; Col 1:24.
457 Cf. Lk 2:35.
458 St. Rose of Lima, cf. P. Hansen, Vita mirabilis (Louvain, 1668).

Nice shootin' ding, let's parse some of this out>

Jesus' violent death was not the result of chance in an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances, but is part of the mystery of God's plan, as St. Peter explains to the Jews of Jerusalem in his first sermon on Pentecost: "This Jesus [was] delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God."

Iirc, they crucified 'ol Pete upside down, perhaps his roman executioners heard him yammering it's all 'God's plan' better?

Seriously, wouldn't any cult be quick to cloak failure in the guise of some celestial mystery ?

how does one find redemption of the human race in the execution of a deity ?


It is a long story. Do you have 1500 years? Jesus was not god but considered it not robbery to make himself equal with God. God hates sin so much that He needs to see something suffer for it. Usually they killed a lamb, a goat, a bull or something. God even liked the way it smelled. It was a sweet savoury unto Him. After while God got annoyed because people weren't taking it seriously.

So Jesus suffered immensely. The physical suffering Christ experienced was just a minuscule taste of the suffering Christ endured. He suffered trillions upon trillions upon trillions upon trillions upon trillions of years in hell for each of us so we wouldn't have to. It was done in 3 days so I imagine it was some sort of time warp or the punishment was intensified in order to be crammed into those three days. Anyways, the debt is paid. None of your sin matters anymore.

So, short version is, we killed God's son, and the entire human race gets a pass

Where ,may i ask, is the 'holy scripture' that clarifies this?

Catechism of the Catholic Church - Jesus Died Crucified

378 Jn 12:42; cf. 7:50; 9:16-17; 10:19-21; 19:38-39.
379 Acts 6:7; 15:5; 21:20.
380 Cf. Jn 9:16; Jn 10:19.
381 Cf Jn 9:22.
382 Jn 11:48-50.
383 Cf. Mt 26:66; Jn 18:31; Lk 23:2, 19.
384 Cf. Jn 19:12, 15, 21.
385 Cf. Mk 15:11; Acts 2:23, 36; 3:13-14; 4:10; 5:30; 7:52; 10:39; 13:27-28; 1 Thess 2:14-15.
386 Cf. Lk 23:34; Acts 3:17.
387 Mt 27:25; cf. Acts 5:28; 18:6.
388 NA 4.
389 Roman Catechism I, 5, 11; cf. Heb 12:3.
390 Cf. Mt 25:45; Acts 9:4-5.
391 Roman Catechism I, 5, 11; cf. Heb 6:6; 1 Cor 2:8.
392 St. Francis of Assisi, Admonitio 5, 3.
393 Acts 2:23.
394 Cf. Acts 3:13.
395 Acts 4:27-28; cf. Ps 2:1-2.
396 Cf. Mt 26:54; Jn 18:36; 19:11; Acts 3:17-18.
397 Isa 53:11; cf. 53:12; Jn 8:34-36; Acts 3:14.
398 1 Cor 15:3; cf. also Acts 3:18; 7:52; 13:29; 26:22-23.
399 Cf. Isa 53:7-8 and Acts 8:32-35.
400 Cf. Mt 20:28.
401 Cf. Lk 24:25-27, 44-45.
402 1 Pt 1:18-20.
403 Cf. Rom 5:12; 1 Cor 15:56.
404 2 Cor 5:21; cf. Phil 2:7; Rom 8:3.
405 Cf. Jn 8:46.
406 Mk 15:34; Ps 22:2; cf. Jn 8:29.
407 Rom 8:32; 5:10.
408 1 Jn 4:10; 4:19.
409 Rom 5:8.
410 Mt 18:14.
411 Mt 20:28; cf. Rom 5:18-19.
412 Council of Quiercy (853): DS 624; cf. 2 Cor 5:15; 1 Jn 2:2.
413 Jn 6:38.
414 Heb 10:5-10.
415 Jn 4:34.
416 1 Jn 2:2.
417 Jn 10:17; 14:31.
418 Cf Lk 12:50; 22:15; Mt 16:21-23.
419 Jn 12:27.
420 Jn 18:11.
421 Jn 19:30; 19:28.
422 Jn 1:29; cf. Lk 3:21; Mt 3:14-15; Jn 1:36.
423 Isa 53:7,12; cf. Jer 11:19; Ex 12:3-14; Jn 19:36; 1 Cor 5:7.
424 Mk 10:45.
425 Jn 13:1; 15:13.
426 Cf. Heb 2:10,17-18; 4:15; 5:7-9.
427 Jn 10:18.
428 Cf. Jn 18:4-6; Mt 26:53.
429 Roman Missal, EP 111; cf. Mt 26:20; 1 Cor 11:23.
430 Lk 22:19; Mt 26:28; cf. 1 Cor 5:7.
431 1 Cor 11:25.
432 Cf. Lk 22:19.
433 Jn 17:19; cf. Council of Trent: DS 1752; 1764.
434 Cf. Mt 26:42; Lk 22:20.
435 Phil 2:8; Mt 26:39; cf. Heb 5:7-8.
436 Cf. Rom 5:12; Heb 4:15.
437 Cf. Acts 3:15; Rev 1:17; Jn 1:4; 5:26.
438 1 Pet 224; cf. Mt 26:42.
439 Jn 1:29; cf. 8:34-36; 1 Cor 5:7; 1 Pet 1:19.
440 Mt 26:28; cf. Ex 24:8; Lev 16:15-16; 1 Cor 11:25.
441 Cf. Heb 10:10.
442 Cf. Jn 10:17-18; 15:13; Heb 9:14; 1 Jn 4:10.
443 Rom 5:19.
444 Isa 53:10-12.
445 Cf. Council of Trent (1547): DS 1529.
446 Jn 13:1.
447 Cf. Gal 2:20; Eph 5:2, 25.
448 2 Cor 5:14.
449 Heb 5:9.
450 Council of Trent: DS 1529.
451 LH, Lent, Holy Week, Evening Prayer, Hymn Vexilla regis.
452 1 Tim 2:5.
453 GS 22 § 5; cf. § 2.
454 Mt 16:24.
455 1 Pet 2:21.
456 Cf Mk 10:39; Jn 21:18-19; Col 1:24.
457 Cf. Lk 2:35.
458 St. Rose of Lima, cf. P. Hansen, Vita mirabilis (Louvain, 1668).

Nice shootin' ding, let's parse some of this out>

Jesus' violent death was not the result of chance in an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances, but is part of the mystery of God's plan, as St. Peter explains to the Jews of Jerusalem in his first sermon on Pentecost: "This Jesus [was] delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God."

Iirc, they crucified 'ol Pete upside down, perhaps his roman executioners heard him yammering it's all 'God's plan' better?

Seriously, wouldn't any cult be quick to cloak failure in the guise of some celestial mystery ?

Maybe. But do you believe error can stand? Or do you believe that eventually error fails. I believe the latter because I know I live in a logical universe.

It’s not like this hasn’t been studied to death for the last 1600 years, right?

But in the final analysis the proof is in the pudding.

So the only real way is to test it for ourselves. Personally I don’t see how any thinking man cannot conclude that existence was created by spirit (for lack of a better word for consciousness without form) and that this spirit does care about the choices we make.

So I had good reason to make a sincere effort to test it for myself. Which I did.

Each person must make choices over their life but they don’t have to do it alone. You’d be surprised at the peace I have from my imperfect walk with God.
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It’s rally hard to prove the existence of something which can only be felt. But if that something does exist then we ought to be able to see indirect evidence of its existence through how it affects the choices we make and how we navigate the consequences of those choices.
So it really shouldn’t be a surprise that people who have that relationship can become greater than they would have been without it.
So it really shouldn’t be that hard to find the evidence as every single one of us possesses the means to discover it.
Maybe. But do you believe error can stand? Or do you believe that eventually error fails. I believe the latter because I know I live in a logical universe.

I believe the human race inherently lives in 'error' ding.

In fact the notion can also be viewed biblically in revelations ....

It’s not like this hasn’t been studied to death for the last 1600 years, right?

More , It's been politicized ad nauseam for two millennia.

Thus the grand divide betwixt 'religion' and 'faith' over time, assumes inversely proportional stances

That is not said to deter,degrade or demean anyone's 'faith'.....fact is one has to have a LOT more faith to face the religmo reditor machinations

You aren't that good of a troll. You suck at it.

I have in my possession a program from the 2019 Christian School Convention. Why do I have it? How did I get it?

Theory 1: The school where I teach booked a spot for me to attend.

Theory 2: I have a hobby of making people angry on US Message Board. For months I have been searching for nearby teacher conventions and I finally found one. I drove to it. I waited patiently for a teacher to leave their program laying around. I then grabbed it and posted a picture of it online as soon as possible just to piss off ding. Yes. He really is that important.

Theory 3: to be written by ding.
Theory 4: to be written by ding.
Theory 5: to be written by ding.
Theory 6-100: to be written by ding. (optional)
I already answered this. Because you are a troll and you want to subordinate religion.

That doesn't explain how I got a program from a teachers convention that is currently in session.
Maybe. But do you believe error can stand? Or do you believe that eventually error fails. I believe the latter because I know I live in a logical universe.

I believe the human race inherently lives in 'error' ding.

In fact the notion can also be viewed biblically in revelations ....

It’s not like this hasn’t been studied to death for the last 1600 years, right?

More , It's been politicized ad nauseam for two millennia.

Thus the grand divide betwixt 'religion' and 'faith' over time, assumes inversely proportional stances

That is not said to deter,degrade or demean anyone's 'faith'.....fact is one has to have a LOT more faith to face the religmo reditor machinations

It is a conflict and confusion process. There’s no doubt about that. But when we deviate from what is true we experience consequences which will bring us back to it. It’s very Darwinian in that regard. Slight differences work against themselves during the equilibrium phase until a leap is made. It can go backwards but eventually truth wins out and we move forward. So I don’t disagree that we live in a state of error because that’s the conflict and confusion process. I only disagree that it doesn’t work for good because I know it does.
Maybe. But do you believe error can stand? Or do you believe that eventually error fails. I believe the latter because I know I live in a logical universe.

I believe the human race inherently lives in 'error' ding.

In fact the notion can also be viewed biblically in revelations ....

It’s not like this hasn’t been studied to death for the last 1600 years, right?

More , It's been politicized ad nauseam for two millennia.

Thus the grand divide betwixt 'religion' and 'faith' over time, assumes inversely proportional stances

That is not said to deter,degrade or demean anyone's 'faith'.....fact is one has to have a LOT more faith to face the religmo reditor machinations

I limit revelations to what is revealed to me during my imperfect walk. We all experience them. We just don’t all listen for them. So I don’t worry too much or give too much thought to biblical revelations. It doesn’t seem to me to be productive in my walk.

With that said, it can be fun to discuss them but I don’t put much stock in our imperfect interpretation of their imperfect interpretation.
Maybe. But do you believe error can stand? Or do you believe that eventually error fails. I believe the latter because I know I live in a logical universe.

I believe the human race inherently lives in 'error' ding.

In fact the notion can also be viewed biblically in revelations ....

It’s not like this hasn’t been studied to death for the last 1600 years, right?

More , It's been politicized ad nauseam for two millennia.

Thus the grand divide betwixt 'religion' and 'faith' over time, assumes inversely proportional stances

That is not said to deter,degrade or demean anyone's 'faith'.....fact is one has to have a LOT more faith to face the religmo reditor machinations

Yes, it has been politicized. That’s a shame too. But we should never forget that we are imperfect men.

It would seem to me to be illogical to throw out a relationship with God which offers endless benefits for the failings of imperfect men.
Maybe. But do you believe error can stand? Or do you believe that eventually error fails. I believe the latter because I know I live in a logical universe.

I believe the human race inherently lives in 'error' ding.

In fact the notion can also be viewed biblically in revelations ....

It’s not like this hasn’t been studied to death for the last 1600 years, right?

More , It's been politicized ad nauseam for two millennia.

Thus the grand divide betwixt 'religion' and 'faith' over time, assumes inversely proportional stances

That is not said to deter,degrade or demean anyone's 'faith'.....fact is one has to have a LOT more faith to face the religmo reditor machinations

Thank you.

I wasn’t always sure if your intention was to demean the faith of others or not. But I did lean towards believing not. I am happy to see your intentions were pure and my instincts were proven correct.

I will try take your future comments in the best light. I hope you will do the same.

It is because of your observations about politicalization that I don’t engage in the petty bickering between different faiths.
The things I say on US Message Board are not the same things i say in Bible class. I am guessing that you know that.

If you actually posted what you taught that would convince me. Unless of course your posts sounded like JB's, Hobelim's, or BW's.

I will post a copy of the test I gave on the Book of Leviticus but it will have to wait until Monday. I can possibly do it tomorrow but I am not sure what time I will get back from the teacher's convention.
Like I said before the only way you can convince me that you aren’t a troll trying to subordinate Christianity is by showing your genuine understanding of Christianity.

I’ve already seen your disingenuous views.

Would a pay stub accompanied with my password for my usmessageboard account and a password to my bank account with the matching name on my paystub?

I am not offering these things as evidence but I assume you would reject this as evidence too. Let's be honest. I have already convinced you. Besides, nobody is paying attention to us. I doubt we have an audience. Your nonsense isn't entertaining me anymore.
You aren't that good of a troll. You suck at it.

I have in my possession a program from the 2019 Christian School Convention. Why do I have it? How did I get it?

Theory 1: The school where I teach booked a spot for me to attend.

Theory 2: I have a hobby of making people angry on US Message Board. For months I have been searching for nearby teacher conventions and I finally found one. I drove to it. I waited patiently for a teacher to leave their program laying around. I then grabbed it and posted a picture of it online as soon as possible just to piss off ding. Yes. He really is that important.

Theory 3: to be written by ding.
Theory 4: to be written by ding.
Theory 5: to be written by ding.
Theory 6-100: to be written by ding. (optional)
I already answered this. Because you are a troll and you want to subordinate religion.

That doesn't explain how I got a program from a teachers convention that is currently in session.
It explains why you would make the effort to acquire it.

What would explain whether you are sincere is you telling me your sincere beliefs when you had faith.

Because I’ve already read your insincere beliefs from a supposed position of authority. It would be really nice if you could authenticate your supposed authority.
The things I say on US Message Board are not the same things i say in Bible class. I am guessing that you know that.

If you actually posted what you taught that would convince me. Unless of course your posts sounded like JB's, Hobelim's, or BW's.

I will post a copy of the test I gave on the Book of Leviticus but it will have to wait until Monday. I can possibly do it tomorrow but I am not sure what time I will get back from the teacher's convention.
Like I said before the only way you can convince me that you aren’t a troll trying to subordinate Christianity is by showing your genuine understanding of Christianity.

I’ve already seen your disingenuous views.

Would a pay stub accompanied with my password for my usmessageboard account and a password to my bank account with the matching name on my paystub?

I am not offering these things as evidence but I assume you would reject this as evidence too. Let's be honest. I have already convinced you. Besides, nobody is paying attention to us. I doubt we have an audience. Your nonsense isn't entertaining me anymore.
I just told you what it would take.

Are you incapable of writing what your sincere beliefs used to be?
The things I say on US Message Board are not the same things i say in Bible class. I am guessing that you know that.

If you actually posted what you taught that would convince me. Unless of course your posts sounded like JB's, Hobelim's, or BW's.

I will post a copy of the test I gave on the Book of Leviticus but it will have to wait until Monday. I can possibly do it tomorrow but I am not sure what time I will get back from the teacher's convention.
Like I said before the only way you can convince me that you aren’t a troll trying to subordinate Christianity is by showing your genuine understanding of Christianity.

I’ve already seen your disingenuous views.

Would a pay stub accompanied with my password for my usmessageboard account and a password to my bank account with the matching name on my paystub?

I am not offering these things as evidence but I assume you would reject this as evidence too. Let's be honest. I have already convinced you. Besides, nobody is paying attention to us. I doubt we have an audience. Your nonsense isn't entertaining me anymore.
I just told you what it would take.

Are you incapable of writing what your sincere beliefs used to be?

I am bored. :(

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