Man of Sorrow

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you immediately thought it was figurative...because it defies anything natural.

but so does your god, and thats what makes your thinking hypocritical. your approach is special pleading.

also, just for shits and giggles a reminder to the kosher assholes: mosaic law is barbaric and irrational...completely fucking immoral :113: i knew that in kindergarten

You are wrong. When God created heaven and earth this world was already in existence. That detail alone makes a distinction between my God and every other thing you ever heard other people who do not think deeply claim about God.

It is also a fact that people know nothing about 96% of the observable universe. they don't even know what or where it is.

And Mosaic law as it has been practiced ever since the death of Moses is completely fucking immoral. I also knew that in kindergarten. When Jesus said,"eat my flesh" he encapsulated his teaching on how to correctly understand and conform to Mosaic law.

Swine are unclean because they do not ruminate, their flesh (teaching) defiles and contaminates the mind.

All of the creatures described in scripture are analogous to human beings, angels, demons, the birds of the air, swine, dogs, sheep, wolves, worms, parasites, bottom feeders, maggots, etc., who reflect the heights and depths of human potential, just like every nation language and people have done ever since people could talk.

If you want confirmation for my God you must first conform to the instruction in the law according to the way that Jesus taught to follow the law, the same way that Moses originally taught to follow, the way that people turned aside from after Moses died., a way that Jesus eaters and kosher eaters know nothing about.

Do not eat the flesh, swallow the teaching, of anything that crawls on its belly. Do not eat the flesh of swine, people who do not ruminate. etc.

Do it, its easy.

Purify and refine your mind. If you do My God will make himself known to you.
you believe a magical sky fairy that created magical realms called heaven and hell cares about what instructions you follow to magically be revealed

you're a hypocrite....kindergarteners (well, todays anyways)...can recognize that stupid fairy-tale shit for what it is.

you couldn't.

Any kindergarten child should know that fairy tales convey teaching not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

So what is the hidden teaching in the law Mr Smarty Pants?
The moral to the story is that you believe un-empirical bullshit and you were susceptible to fancy-speak the same way that any cults get members duped into becoming members. You're gullible, and not only that but you are vile in the fact that you mock other folks who believe equally un-empirical bullshit.

christ cracker steewpittt....being that poofed earth and heaven into existence smawwt


You are dumber than most.

The concept of a world above and a world below has nothing whatever to do with the sky or the planet.

You claim that there is no such thing.. You might as well say there is no such thing as rich or poor, good or evil, life and death.

That's a non sequitur. You're special pleading by redefining things to fit your narrative.

When I say sky fairy, I'm referring to your cartoon-version of the being you assert created the Earth.

When it's empirically demonstrated that beings possess the power to create planets, your brain will have finally graduated kindergarten....but it's still back there.
You are wrong. When God created heaven and earth this world was already in existence. That detail alone makes a distinction between my God and every other thing you ever heard other people who do not think deeply claim about God.

It is also a fact that people know nothing about 96% of the observable universe. they don't even know what or where it is.

And Mosaic law as it has been practiced ever since the death of Moses is completely fucking immoral. I also knew that in kindergarten. When Jesus said,"eat my flesh" he encapsulated his teaching on how to correctly understand and conform to Mosaic law.

Swine are unclean because they do not ruminate, their flesh (teaching) defiles and contaminates the mind.

All of the creatures described in scripture are analogous to human beings, angels, demons, the birds of the air, swine, dogs, sheep, wolves, worms, parasites, bottom feeders, maggots, etc., who reflect the heights and depths of human potential, just like every nation language and people have done ever since people could talk.

If you want confirmation for my God you must first conform to the instruction in the law according to the way that Jesus taught to follow the law, the same way that Moses originally taught to follow, the way that people turned aside from after Moses died., a way that Jesus eaters and kosher eaters know nothing about.

Do not eat the flesh, swallow the teaching, of anything that crawls on its belly. Do not eat the flesh of swine, people who do not ruminate. etc.

Do it, its easy.

Purify and refine your mind. If you do My God will make himself known to you.
you believe a magical sky fairy that created magical realms called heaven and hell cares about what instructions you follow to magically be revealed

you're a hypocrite....kindergarteners (well, todays anyways)...can recognize that stupid fairy-tale shit for what it is.

you couldn't.

Any kindergarten child should know that fairy tales convey teaching not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

So what is the hidden teaching in the law Mr Smarty Pants?
The moral to the story is that you believe un-empirical bullshit and you were susceptible to fancy-speak the same way that any cults get members duped into becoming members. You're gullible, and not only that but you are vile in the fact that you mock other folks who believe equally un-empirical bullshit.

christ cracker steewpittt....being that poofed earth and heaven into existence smawwt


You are dumber than most.

The concept of a world above and a world below has nothing whatever to do with the sky or the planet.

You claim that there is no such thing.. You might as well say there is no such thing as rich or poor, good or evil, life and death.

That's a non sequitur. You're special pleading by redefining things to fit your narrative.

When I say sky fairy, I'm referring to your cartoon-version of the being you assert created the Earth.

When it's demonstrated that beings possess the power to create planets, your brain will have finally graduated kindergarten....but it's still back there.

You must have confused me with someone else. I do not believe that the story of creation has anything to do with the beginning of the solar system or the earth.

Let there be light is about the law coming into this world as a light to the nations.
you believe a magical sky fairy that created magical realms called heaven and hell cares about what instructions you follow to magically be revealed

you're a hypocrite....kindergarteners (well, todays anyways)...can recognize that stupid fairy-tale shit for what it is.

you couldn't.

Any kindergarten child should know that fairy tales convey teaching not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

So what is the hidden teaching in the law Mr Smarty Pants?
The moral to the story is that you believe un-empirical bullshit and you were susceptible to fancy-speak the same way that any cults get members duped into becoming members. You're gullible, and not only that but you are vile in the fact that you mock other folks who believe equally un-empirical bullshit.

christ cracker steewpittt....being that poofed earth and heaven into existence smawwt


You are dumber than most.

The concept of a world above and a world below has nothing whatever to do with the sky or the planet.

You claim that there is no such thing.. You might as well say there is no such thing as rich or poor, good or evil, life and death.

That's a non sequitur. You're special pleading by redefining things to fit your narrative.

When I say sky fairy, I'm referring to your cartoon-version of the being you assert created the Earth.

When it's demonstrated that beings possess the power to create planets, your brain will have finally graduated kindergarten....but it's still back there.

You must have confused me with someone else. I do not believe that the story of creation has anything to do with the beginning of the earth.
Earth is a planet, see how you're redefining things to fit your narrative?

Hoe-billy said this: "God created heaven and earth"

That you're now going to re-define "earth" to fit whatever gullible narrative your care-takers spoon fed you is irrelevant. The fact is you're not a very good witness at all - you're un-careful and really spastically ridiculous...ala your obsession with christ crackers while also seeing allegory under every pillow of literature that's ever existed because it makes you feel less irrational in believing in sky fairy.
Any kindergarten child should know that fairy tales convey teaching not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

So what is the hidden teaching in the law Mr Smarty Pants?
The moral to the story is that you believe un-empirical bullshit and you were susceptible to fancy-speak the same way that any cults get members duped into becoming members. You're gullible, and not only that but you are vile in the fact that you mock other folks who believe equally un-empirical bullshit.

christ cracker steewpittt....being that poofed earth and heaven into existence smawwt


You are dumber than most.

The concept of a world above and a world below has nothing whatever to do with the sky or the planet.

You claim that there is no such thing.. You might as well say there is no such thing as rich or poor, good or evil, life and death.

That's a non sequitur. You're special pleading by redefining things to fit your narrative.

When I say sky fairy, I'm referring to your cartoon-version of the being you assert created the Earth.

When it's demonstrated that beings possess the power to create planets, your brain will have finally graduated kindergarten....but it's still back there.

You must have confused me with someone else. I do not believe that the story of creation has anything to do with the beginning of the earth.
Earth is a planet, see how you're redefining things to fit your narrative?

Hoe-billy said this: "God created heaven and earth"

That you're now going to re-define "earth" to fit whatever gullible narrative your care-takers spoon fed you is irrelevant. The fact is you're not a very good witness at all - you're un-careful and really spastically ridiculous...ala your obsession with christ crackers while also seeing allegory under every pillow of literature that's ever existed because it makes you feel less irrational in believing in sky fairy.

Hoe-billy? Seriously, are you 12 years old?

poo poo head.
The moral to the story is that you believe un-empirical bullshit and you were susceptible to fancy-speak the same way that any cults get members duped into becoming members. You're gullible, and not only that but you are vile in the fact that you mock other folks who believe equally un-empirical bullshit.

christ cracker steewpittt....being that poofed earth and heaven into existence smawwt


You are dumber than most.

The concept of a world above and a world below has nothing whatever to do with the sky or the planet.

You claim that there is no such thing.. You might as well say there is no such thing as rich or poor, good or evil, life and death.

That's a non sequitur. You're special pleading by redefining things to fit your narrative.

When I say sky fairy, I'm referring to your cartoon-version of the being you assert created the Earth.

When it's demonstrated that beings possess the power to create planets, your brain will have finally graduated kindergarten....but it's still back there.

You must have confused me with someone else. I do not believe that the story of creation has anything to do with the beginning of the earth.
Earth is a planet, see how you're redefining things to fit your narrative?

Hoe-billy said this: "God created heaven and earth"

That you're now going to re-define "earth" to fit whatever gullible narrative your care-takers spoon fed you is irrelevant. The fact is you're not a very good witness at all - you're un-careful and really spastically ridiculous...ala your obsession with christ crackers while also seeing allegory under every pillow of literature that's ever existed because it makes you feel less irrational in believing in sky fairy.

Hoe-billy? Seriously, are you 12 years old?

poo poo head.
If I were 12, I'd be far past the stage where I fall for common literary techniques where we can imagine any string of words means anything we'd like it to in order to rationalize our otherwise ridiculous beliefs that we cannot empirically justify.

That's how Nostradamus cultists fall for it, the same way that you do.
"Eat of this cake, for it is my body...

by cake, I mean my motherhood is fruitful and sweet duhhhh! Who thought the cake was literally made by bettycrocker! come awwwnnn!!!!...

If I were 12, I'd be far past the stage where I fall for common literary techniques where we can imagine any string of words means anything we'd like it to in order to rationalize our otherwise ridiculous beliefs that we cannot empirically justify.

How many of you are there?
backwards engineering the cat's hat in the cat and the surely realizes that it isn't truly a hat!! it's obviously the teaching that TALL folks use their TOPS (brains) to talk in tongue twisters....

you will find this is true if you talk to tall people and you confirm that they speak in tongue twisters!

"heh, never knew that! well, now i know!! NOW, it's just so obvious!!.....haha, i believed in hat."
If I were 12, I'd be far past the stage where I fall for common literary techniques where we can imagine any string of words means anything we'd like it to in order to rationalize our otherwise ridiculous beliefs that we cannot empirically justify.

How many of you are there?
Was that the sort of punchline you found worthy of pressing post reply, with?


You sure a clean mind couldn't have done a few steps better than that?

If I were 12, I'd be far past the stage where I fall for common literary techniques where we can imagine any string of words means anything we'd like it to in order to rationalize our otherwise ridiculous beliefs that we cannot empirically justify.

How many of you are there?
Was that the sort of punchline you found worthy of pressing post reply, with?


You sure a clean mind couldn't have done a few steps better than that?


It is a serious question, not a punchline dipshit.. When a person starts talking in the plural they either think of themselves as royalty or imagine that they are speaking for a crowd. Either way it is an indication of a sick mind.

We we'd us our?

Seriously, how many of you are there?
If I were 12, I'd be far past the stage where I fall for common literary techniques where we can imagine any string of words means anything we'd like it to in order to rationalize our otherwise ridiculous beliefs that we cannot empirically justify.

How many of you are there?
Was that the sort of punchline you found worthy of pressing post reply, with?


You sure a clean mind couldn't have done a few steps better than that?


It is a serious question. When a person starts talking in the plural they either think of themselves as royalty or are speaking for a crowd.

We we'd us our?

Seriously, how many of you are there?
If you couldn't discern the answer to the question you had asked, on your own, I'd suggest that it's just more evidence that your mind is unkempt. Much like arguing about crackers like an obsessive, bickering child on the internet for years at a time...all because your personal rendition of the oral / biblical cult-speak doesn't fit with what others' personal takes also evidence that your mind is unkempt.....and all because you fell for a very simple literary technique "literally" designed to dupe folks into joining cults.


You don't even have the bravery to face the ridiculousness of what you believe - which is why earth isn't earth, and other backwards engineered cult-speak has to say. You're a trained monkey. Same as any other cultist.
If I were 12, I'd be far past the stage where I fall for common literary techniques where we can imagine any string of words means anything we'd like it to in order to rationalize our otherwise ridiculous beliefs that we cannot empirically justify.

How many of you are there?
Was that the sort of punchline you found worthy of pressing post reply, with?


You sure a clean mind couldn't have done a few steps better than that?


It is a serious question. When a person starts talking in the plural they either think of themselves as royalty or are speaking for a crowd.

We we'd us our?

Seriously, how many of you are there?
If you couldn't discern the answer to the question you had asked, on your own, I'd suggest that it's just more evidence that your mind is unkempt. Much like arguing about crackers like a bickering child on the internet for years at a time...all because your personal rendition of the oral / biblical cult-speak doesn't fit with what others' personal takes also evidence that your mind is unkempt.....and all because you fell for a very simple literary technique "literally" designed to dupe folks into joining cults.


You don't even have the bravery to face the ridiculousness of what you believe - which is why earth isn't earth, and other backwards engineered cult-speak has to say. You're a trained monkey. Same as any other cultist.

You don't know what I believe.

Every time you say that I believe in a sky fairy that poofed the earth into existence I correct you and tell you thats not my belief and then as if you didn't hear me, go on to deride the belief that I do not have.

Talk about an unkempt mind. Hello? Is the we we'd us our noise in your head deafening?

Try to pay attention.
If I were 12, I'd be far past the stage where I fall for common literary techniques where we can imagine any string of words means anything we'd like it to in order to rationalize our otherwise ridiculous beliefs that we cannot empirically justify.

How many of you are there?
Was that the sort of punchline you found worthy of pressing post reply, with?


You sure a clean mind couldn't have done a few steps better than that?


It is a serious question. When a person starts talking in the plural they either think of themselves as royalty or are speaking for a crowd.

We we'd us our?

Seriously, how many of you are there?
If you couldn't discern the answer to the question you had asked, on your own, I'd suggest that it's just more evidence that your mind is unkempt. Much like arguing about crackers like a bickering child on the internet for years at a time...all because your personal rendition of the oral / biblical cult-speak doesn't fit with what others' personal takes also evidence that your mind is unkempt.....and all because you fell for a very simple literary technique "literally" designed to dupe folks into joining cults.


You don't even have the bravery to face the ridiculousness of what you believe - which is why earth isn't earth, and other backwards engineered cult-speak has to say. You're a trained monkey. Same as any other cultist.

You don't know what I believe.

Every time you say that I believe in a sky fairy that poofed the earth into existence I correct you and tell you thats not my belief and then as if you didn't hear me, go on to deride the belief that I do not have.

Talk about an unkempt mind.

Try to pay attention.
You are insecure that I think you believe in a sky fairy - is what you just professed to me. Good, you deserve it!

Let's guess that "God" doesn't mean for hobelim what "God" colloquially means, amiright?

Of course I'm right, special pleading, redefining words...all the works of a drug-addled cultist mind.

"Earth isnt earth, duhhh!!"
How many of you are there?
Was that the sort of punchline you found worthy of pressing post reply, with?


You sure a clean mind couldn't have done a few steps better than that?


It is a serious question. When a person starts talking in the plural they either think of themselves as royalty or are speaking for a crowd.

We we'd us our?

Seriously, how many of you are there?
If you couldn't discern the answer to the question you had asked, on your own, I'd suggest that it's just more evidence that your mind is unkempt. Much like arguing about crackers like a bickering child on the internet for years at a time...all because your personal rendition of the oral / biblical cult-speak doesn't fit with what others' personal takes also evidence that your mind is unkempt.....and all because you fell for a very simple literary technique "literally" designed to dupe folks into joining cults.


You don't even have the bravery to face the ridiculousness of what you believe - which is why earth isn't earth, and other backwards engineered cult-speak has to say. You're a trained monkey. Same as any other cultist.

You don't know what I believe.

Every time you say that I believe in a sky fairy that poofed the earth into existence I correct you and tell you thats not my belief and then as if you didn't hear me, go on to deride the belief that I do not have.

Talk about an unkempt mind.

Try to pay attention.
You are insecure that I think you believe in a sky fairy - is what you just professed to me. Good, you deserve it!

Let's guess that "God" doesn't mean for hobelim what "God" colloquially means, amiright?

Of course I'm right, special pleading, redefining words...all the works of a drug-addled cultist mind.

"Earth isnt earth, duhhh!!"

Scripture was written either during or after harsh times of conquest and oppression when there was no such thing as freedom of expression and people were maimed, imprisoned or killed on a daily basis for trivial reasons.

So yeah, earth is not the earth just like a bag of smoke isn't a bag of smoke. Word from the bird.

lol... you really know how to razz my berries...I have it made in the shade.

I'm turning a cup of blood into the finest wine ever created..turning a curse into a blessing.

and you can't have any. Apparently you are an unclean creature that does not ruminate.


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Was that the sort of punchline you found worthy of pressing post reply, with?


You sure a clean mind couldn't have done a few steps better than that?


It is a serious question. When a person starts talking in the plural they either think of themselves as royalty or are speaking for a crowd.

We we'd us our?

Seriously, how many of you are there?
If you couldn't discern the answer to the question you had asked, on your own, I'd suggest that it's just more evidence that your mind is unkempt. Much like arguing about crackers like a bickering child on the internet for years at a time...all because your personal rendition of the oral / biblical cult-speak doesn't fit with what others' personal takes also evidence that your mind is unkempt.....and all because you fell for a very simple literary technique "literally" designed to dupe folks into joining cults.


You don't even have the bravery to face the ridiculousness of what you believe - which is why earth isn't earth, and other backwards engineered cult-speak has to say. You're a trained monkey. Same as any other cultist.

You don't know what I believe.

Every time you say that I believe in a sky fairy that poofed the earth into existence I correct you and tell you thats not my belief and then as if you didn't hear me, go on to deride the belief that I do not have.

Talk about an unkempt mind.

Try to pay attention.
You are insecure that I think you believe in a sky fairy - is what you just professed to me. Good, you deserve it!

Let's guess that "God" doesn't mean for hobelim what "God" colloquially means, amiright?

Of course I'm right, special pleading, redefining words...all the works of a drug-addled cultist mind.

"Earth isnt earth, duhhh!!"

Scripture was written either during or after harsh times of conquest and oppression when there was no such thing as freedom of expression and people were maimed, imprisoned or killed on a daily basis for trivial reasons.

So yeah, earth is not the earth just like a bag of smoke isn't a bag of smoke. It's a word from the bird.

lol... you really know how to razz my berries... I'm turning blood into wine. I have it made in the shade.

Scripture being allegorical, scripture being literal - neither interpretation actually matters. There's nothing in scriptural allegory or archetype description that one cannot glean from merely living life and empirically experiencing things. It's also wrong and backwards about a lot of things, as well! There's nothing special, it's mere literary technique to induce as many followers as possible. It even has parts to warn of people like YOU! (that's besides the point)~

Things like "scriptures," in general, are for gullible cultists like yourself and made by authors with nefarious ends to be followed. Political purposes, mainly.

And whether you're a coward that manipulates language like a serpent would because he cannot philosophically defend his or her beliefs (you're that forked-tongued serpent of which I speak), or - - - the folks who actually have the gonads and the honesty in their convictions to engage straight forwardly - it will always be the latter with the high ground and the former turning yellow with the fear of the mirror. And that's you, in a nutshell. A gullible twit on the internet that's engaged in being himself deceived by simplistic literary technique, and also engaging in deception all on his own.

You do believe in a sky fairy, you merely manipulate language any way that you see fit to feel less insecure about it. If by God, you're one of those "but I just mean nature!!!"... ummmmm, the non-serpents merely just call that Nature. So, cool story bro.
You do believe in a sky fairy, you merely manipulate language any way that you see fit to feel less insecure about it. If by God, you're one of those "but I just mean nature!!!"... ummmmm, the non-serpents merely just call that Nature. So, cool story bro.

Wrong again! If you want to know what I believe about God, all you have to do is ask.
You do believe in a sky fairy, you merely manipulate language any way that you see fit to feel less insecure about it. If by God, you're one of those "but I just mean nature!!!"... ummmmm, the non-serpents merely just call that Nature. So, cool story bro.

Wrong again! If you want to know what I believe about God, all you have to do is ask.
You don't deserve to be asked, you're the serpent the scriptures warned of.

They weren't talking about talking snakes, dumdum!

Regardless of what you consider "god" to be, if it's un-empirical or special pleading/redefining things to fit a narrative, it's uninteresting and you've been duped by a cult.

People so easily influenced such as yourself have nothing of value to teach anybody like me. I could literally convince you of anything if I gave five fucks to engage in the methods of which to do so. You're a mark.
You do believe in a sky fairy, you merely manipulate language any way that you see fit to feel less insecure about it. If by God, you're one of those "but I just mean nature!!!"... ummmmm, the non-serpents merely just call that Nature. So, cool story bro.

Wrong again! If you want to know what I believe about God, all you have to do is ask.
You don't deserve to be asked, you're the serpent the scriptures warned of.

They weren't talking about talking snakes, dumdum!

Regardless of what you consider "god" to be, if it's un-empirical or special pleading/redefining things to fit a narrative, it's uninteresting and you've been duped by a cult.

People so easily influenced such as yourself have nothing of value to teach anybody like me. I could literally convince you of anything if I gave five fucks to engage in the methods of which to do so. You're a mark.

LOL. you think that I am trying to convince you about something?? Thats so sweet, but no.

I am using you to show those standing around, watching, the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of swine, and the deeply disturbing death consequent for failing to comply.


In full view of believers and unbelievers alike, I am creating a new heaven and a new earth.
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You do believe in a sky fairy, you merely manipulate language any way that you see fit to feel less insecure about it. If by God, you're one of those "but I just mean nature!!!"... ummmmm, the non-serpents merely just call that Nature. So, cool story bro.

Wrong again! If you want to know what I believe about God, all you have to do is ask.
You don't deserve to be asked, you're the serpent the scriptures warned of.

They weren't talking about talking snakes, dumdum!

Regardless of what you consider "god" to be, if it's un-empirical or special pleading/redefining things to fit a narrative, it's uninteresting and you've been duped by a cult.

People so easily influenced such as yourself have nothing of value to teach anybody like me. I could literally convince you of anything if I gave five fucks to engage in the methods of which to do so. You're a mark.

LOL. you think that I am trying to convince you about something?? Thats so sweet, but no.

I am using you to show the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of swine, and the deeply disturbing consequences for failing to comply.


In full view of believers and unbelievers alike, I am creating a new heaven and a new earth.
God gave no commands - that's your sky daddy worship showing. "I" has an implication, and no, eyes isn't the implication. "Creating" has implications, no it isn't play-doh. "Wisdom of God" has implications, and no - - - it has nothing to do with intelligence. The implications all point to you - speaking with a forked tongue. "i beweeave in god that creates and commands and gives wisdom but NOT a sky daddy!!! just askk!!"

Forked tongue baby-babble bullshit, is what you believe, Serpent :itsok: You were foretold of. You're one of the guys that'd be kissing the boots of the joseph smiths and the david korreshs.

And I didn't say you wanted to convince me of anything - I said that *I*, if i so cared, could convince YOU of anything. It's empirical, you demonstrate that you fall for the literary techniques of cults. That's an easy technique to practice and manipulate folks like you with. Comedy, even.

I could easily engage in such if I cared to...but alas, you're just another dipshit cultist with nothing to offer of substance.

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